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5 Rarely Discussed Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

by June 12, 2017

Cancer is a malicious disease and it claims the lives of thousands every year – maybe even millions. It is so common that anyone can become a victim, and these are the early warning signs.

There are many different types of cancer that Americans should be wary of. Breast cancer is the most common newly diagnosed cancer. It is also the second leading cancer cause of death in US women. Most women are aware of the typical indicators of breast cancer, but there are also some rarely discussed early warning signs. It is important for you to get regular mammograms just to make sure everything is okay. The key to success is early detection. However, mammograms do have negative side effects. In fact, they can cause cancer. They omit dangerous x-rays and radiation that can produce the growth of tumors.

One of the most common ways to detect breast cancer is by lumps in the breasts. The lumps are actually masses, and they can be any size. Sometimes your breast entirely becomes swollen and sore.

Some researchers and doctors also believe that breast cancer can be caused by hormonal issues. They say that it can be passed down by genetics, and can’t be avoided. But, most breast cancer is a result of environment, diet, and lifestyle.

Back pain can also be an indicator of breast cancer. Upper back pain that feels like it is coming deep within the bones can be an early warning sign of this dangerous disease. The back pain is also different than most because it can not be alleviated by stretching or chiropractic.

One of the more popular symptoms of breast cancer is skin irritation or redness. The skin around the breast area will become tender, red, and dimpled. This is a result of angiogenesis or blood vessel growth in the breast area. A woman body might start to increase blood vessel size in the breast area to keep a steady supply of blood to try to ward off cancer cells.

Nutrient Deficiency can also lead to breast cancer. Some specific vitamins that are important for breast health are vitamin D and iodine. If you aren’t getting enough of these your risk is automatically increased. Nearly 75% of the adult “healthy” population is deficient in iodine, which has been shown to help ward off cancer cells in the breast and elsewhere throughout the body.

9 Months Of Pregnancy In 4 Minutes!

by June 11, 2017

The genesis of life is truly amazing. The human pregnancy is astonishing, and these days we have the technology to see it firsthand.

Man or woman, pregnancy is a topic that can intrigue everyone. Where we all came from is a complex and interesting process, and always has been. Up until now, we never had the tools and technology to understand and see what is happening inside the female uterus when a baby is being formed. It’s so fortunate that we live in a time where we are able to witness such an amazing process in such detail.

This video will show you the entire 9-month process of fetal growth – starting from fertilization and ending at birth, it shows you the whole shebang in just 4 minutes! The video below offers three-dimensional visualization of fetal development! Let us know what you think!

Prebiotics and Probiotics: Why You Need Both For a Healthy Gut

by June 11, 2017

The gut is basically the mitochondria of the body; it’s the powerhouse. It is where we receive all of our vitamins and nutrients, and if it isn’t functioning properly, a lot of things can go wrong with our bodies.

The phrase you are what you eat goes a long way. We essentially are what we put into our bodies. If you haven’t felt good for the past few weeks, months, or even years, it might take nothing but a simple diet change to fix all of your issues. There are essential vitamins and nutrients that we need in order to have and maintain a healthy gut. But what are they? Well, two of the most important nutrients your gut needs is probiotics and prebiotics.


Probiotics are living bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health. Probiotics are essentially the good bacteria that your body needs. They are naturally found in the body, but they are also in fruits and supplements. Not much research was ever put into probiotics until about the 1990’s. Doctors will suggest probiotics to soothe stomach disorders and digestive issues, and you can find them in everyday foods such as yogurt and chocolate. They are so helpful with digestive disorders and stomach issues because they help food move through your gut. Some common digestive disorders they are proven to ease is Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Infectious Diarrhea, and antibiotic related diarrhea.

Probiotic foods and supplements are thought to be safe for most people, though some people with immune system problems or other serious health conditions shouldn’t take them.


The cousin to probiotics, and lesser known, prebiotics are just as beneficial to your digestive health. They are a type of non-digestible fiber compounds. They can be found in all sorts of foods including artichokes, garlic, jicama, and dandelion greens and onions. They pass through the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract and remain undigested. Most doctors refer to them as fiber these days, because they pass down to the liver where they are broken down by and fermented by the gut microflora.

When probiotics and prebiotics are put in combination, they can lay out a powerful fight for bad bacteria and other digestive disorders. Prebiotics make it through the stomach without being digested, making positive changes in the digestive tract. Prebiotics work with probiotics to allow specific changes to take place. They both play a fundamental role in preserving health by maintaining intestinal bacteria.

12 Hidden Things That Significantly Increase Your Cancer Risk

by June 11, 2017

When you think of scary diseases and health issues what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it cancer? It certainly should be, because it’s one of the most deadly and common diseases out there.

Cancer is no joke, and it demands to be taken seriously. It seems like we all know someone who is affected by this disease, whether it is first hand or second hand. Cancer devastates the lives of millions and it’s time that we did something about it. While there are tons of cancer research programs, facilities, and hospitals, it seems to only be a business. There are a select few amount of people who are only getting rich from the cancer epidemic, and they run and own the pharmaceutical companies. Cancer treatment is often just as scary as the disease itself.

We all want to avoid cancer, but how do we do it? Well, lots of ways! Today our food, water, clothes, soaps, candles, and basically every household item you can think of, is infested with carcinogenic chemicals. While they save some CEO’s some money, we’re paying the ultimate price in our health. So what are the top things to get rid of in order to avoid cancer? Well, I’m gonna tell you.

Your Location

As odd as it sounds, your location can actually increase your chances of acquiring cancer. A 2017 study published in the journal Cancer found that in the United States, counties with the poorest quality air, water, land, built environment, and sociodemographic factors face increased the incidence of cancer.

Scented Candles and Air Fresheners

As harmless as they seem, candles and air fresheners can actually increase your risk of getting cancer. This is because they contain so many fake fragrance chemicals. Researchers measured levels of ‘volatile organic chemicals’ in six different houses in York, England. They studied the release of chemicals over a period of five days. Homeowners reported how much they used scented candles and alike cleaning products. Once they tested the air in each home, they found a massive amount of Limonene, a synthetic chemical used to recreate citrus smells.

More research needs to be performed to prove this, but scientists have reason to believe that limonene is linked to prostate cancer and breast cancer.


Alcohol is bad for the body in a number of ways, including raising your risk for cancer. Alcohol triggers oxidation in the body which damages DNA, proteins, and fats. Additionally, a 2016 Danish study showed a proven link between breast cancer and alcohol consumption.


 One you might not have heard of yet is sawdust. Most of us don’t particularly encounter sawdust on a daily basis, but if any carpenters and handymen are reading this, beware. You should always wear a mask when doing your woodcutting because The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified wood dust as human carcinogens. One study observed furniture workers and other workers exposed to wood dust were more likely to develop a form of nasal cancer called adenocarcinoma. Hardwood dust, including beech and oak, pose the highest risk.

Food Packaging

Not only does the food we consume cause cancer, but the packaging does too. Fast food, to go orders, and plastic wrapped food from grocery stores and extremely susceptible to absorbing the chemicals from the containers. Paper plates and fast food packaging contains chemicals known as PFC’s and PFAS’s which are meant to deflect the absorption of grease. These chemicals are linked to everything from cancer and developmental issues to reproductive problems, and impaired immune function!

Some Sunscreens

Benzophenone-3 is a common ingredient in sunscreens, and it produces free radicals, which can trigger DNA damage and cancer growth. The FDA is limiting benzophenone-3 to 6 percent — and hasn’t outright banned the chemical — because of what the agency calls its effectiveness in protecting against UV rays.

Lack of Sunlight

 Not getting out enough can additionally raise your risk of cancer. According to researchers at Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego, approximately 250,000 cases of colorectal cancer and 350,000 cases of breast cancer could be prevented worldwide by increasing levels of vitamin D3.

Bacteria and Viruses

 We are aware that bacteria and viruses are no good and might make us sick, but they can cause cancer too. There are certain viruses and bacteria that have been directly linked to causing cancer, such as the Epstein-Barr virus and HIV.

Working the Night Shift

There have been a number of studies performed on workers who get their jobs done in the night time. According to research, late night work might be increasing risk for cancer. MIT researchers found that two genes tasked with controlling cells’ circadian rhythm — the 24-hour cycle that regulates when we go to sleep and when we wake up — also function as tumor suppressors. In the study, researchers divided mice into two groups; one group of mice went through a normal light schedule (12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness). Researchers exposed the other group to an extra 8 hours of light every 2 to 3 days. Compared with the control group, the mice exposed to abnormal lighting experienced faster and more aggressive tumor growth.

Burnt Food

You have probably heard that it is our food that is causing our cancer, and it’s not wrong. While there are certain chemicals and preservatives that make our food a little extra dangerous, the way we prepare it does too. Studied show that overcooking your food can increase your risk for cancer too. A chemical present in starchy foods is created when they are cooked at high temperatures. Studies have shown that acrylamide can damage DNA and cause cancer in animals.

Sedentary Lifestyle

 Sitting at home and watching tv seems harmless but think again. A 2014 analysis by the University of Regensburg, Germany, published in the Journal of National Cancer Institute, assessed the correlation between TV viewing time, recreational sitting time, occupational sitting time and total sitting time as it relates to cancer risk. Researchers found that more sedentary individuals had a higher risk of colon, endometrial, and lung cancer.


Unfortunately, some people still smoke these days. It is the most preventable cause of cancer and there have been tons of links between cancer and cigarettes. Smoking also increases the risk of at least 13 other cancers including cancers of the mouth,  pharynx (upper throat), nose and sinuses, larynx (voice box), esophagus (gullet or food pipe), liver, pancreas, stomach, kidney, bowel, ovary, bladder, cervix, and some types of leukaemia Smoking could increase the risk of breast cancer.

Boost Your Energy In 5 Minutes With This Hand Exercise

by June 11, 2017

Our bodies are covered from head to toe in energy points, also known as meridian points. These points can be taken advantage of to get another reaction in a separate part of the body.

Referred to by science as the primo vascular system, the energetic points all throughout our body connect and transport massive amounts of energy, just like our cardiovascular system transports blood. The meridian points are the points of energy that are taken advantage of in acupressure and acupuncture. It has been practiced for thousands of years by Chinese medicine, and it really works too.

The meridian points in your hands connect to another part of the body. You can use these points to solve issues and pains in different areas of the body. While there are medications to give you energy and solve a headache, they also have side effects and contain dangerous chemicals. Instead, you should try the following hand exercises.


Headaches and Anxiety

To get rid of anxiety and headaches, all you have to do is resort to your thumb. Headaches can get in the way of everyday activities and make getting through the day impossible. All you have to do is hold onto your thumb and apply gentle pressure. In three to five minutes your symptoms should alleviate.


Aches, Pains, and Frustration

 Aches and pains can come on a daily basis with no warning at all – a lot like frustration. These are both negative things to feel and can poorly affect your entire day. When you are faced with any of these issues, resort to your pointer finger. Massage it for a few minutes and your aches and pains should go away!


Fatigue and Anger 

If you find yourself constantly battling fatigue and anger, you only need to resort to your middle finger. The longest finger on the hand holds meridian points that connect to the central nervous system and stimulating them can give you a supply of extra energy and alleviate angry feelings.


Digestive Issues and Negative Emotions  

Digestive issues are the worst. Not much hurts more than when your stomach feels as if it is being wrung out like a rag. If you are having digestive pains and aches, all you have to do is massage your ring finger for a bit.

Stress and Insecurity

 Massaging the pinky finger can alleviate stress and other negative emotions. Although the tiny pinky finger seems useless, it actually can alleviate stress. If you are having high stress and feelings of worthlessness, massage your pinky!


The Reason You Wake Up in The Middle of The Night Isn’t Insomnia (and How To Fix It)

by June 11, 2017

Getting enough sleep is important. However, when we are unable to sleep, we almost always jump straight into assuming they have insomnia. Thankfully, this isn’t the case.

As it turns out, if we wake up during the night (segmented sleep), it is not a big issue and is most of the time not seen as a disorder. You see, according to Roger Ekirch our ancestors actually practiced segmented sleep. In between sleeping people would do chores, pray, and so forth.

This is said to be quite relaxing because between first and second sleep around midnight our brain is supposed to produce a hormone that supports the feeling of relaxation. We may be forcing sleep issues on ourselves by not going by this sleep pattern when you really think about it.

If our bodies prefer segmented sleep and we deny them that then they will develop issues. for more on this please take the time to watch the video below. Could we be sleeping the wrong way? Do you think you would be able to give segmented sleep a try?

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