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What is Dry Drowning and How Can You Prevent It?

by June 14, 2017

Summertime is here, and you know what that means. It’s time for some fun in the sun, but you also have to be careful, especially when it comes to pool time.

We all now the associated risk of swimming is drowning, of course. But that’s not the only risk swimming poses. Of course, you have swimmer’s ear and cramps to worry about, but that’s not what i’m talking about. I’m talking about dry drowning. Yes, it’s a real issue and it took the life of a precious 4 year old little boy in Texas this week!

Francisco Delgado Jr., the father, says that his son fell to his death after taking a family trip to the Texas City Dike. Frankie got knocked down by a wave while playing in the water, and he suddenly stopped breathing. According to the father, Frankie had been vomiting and having diarrhea a few days prior to the incident, but they only thought it was the stomach bug. When the family brought Frankie to the emergency room it was too late. But what exactly happened to little Frankie?

Doctors confirmed that he had water in his lungs, and continued to explain that he had dry drowned. You might think the risk of drowning is over once your kids leave the water, but you’d be wrong. Dry drowning is when water is water is inhaled into the lungs. It happens hours after the victim is already dried off and moved onto other things, and that is why you have to be so careful. With dry drowning, water doesn’t actually make contact with the lungs. Instead, breathing in water causes your child’s vocal cords to spasm which shuts off the airways.

There is also something known as secondary drowning, which is a bit different. Secondary drowning allows your child’s airways to open up, letting the water into his lungs, builds up, and causes a condition known as pulmonary edema. The results are the same, difficulty breathing. Dry drowning symptoms usually happen right after an incident in the water. Secondary drowning symptoms typically start within an hour, but can even come up 24 hours after the incident.

The best way to keep your child safe in the sun this summer is to keep a very close eye on them in the water. Do not, I repeat, do not let children play dunking games. This` is often the primary incident that causes dry and secondary drowning. If your child does accidentally inhale a little water, take him or her to the hospital immediately. Even if they feel fine, dry drowning is still a possibility and you need to make sure there is no water in their lungs.

Signs You May Have Clogged Arteries

by June 14, 2017

We have to keep our bodies performing at their peak, or at least try. The most essential part of the body is probably the cardiovascular system. If you want anything to be performing well, you’ll have to start there.

In the United States alone, over 700,000 people suffer from a heart attack every year! Almost 400,000 people die from it annually. It is crucial to your health to keep your arteries clear and free of clogs. If your coronary arteries narrow, it can become difficult for them to supply oxygen rich blood to the rest of your body. Once plaque starts to build up in your arteries it only gets worse if you don’t make a lifestyle change. It is important to keep note of your cardiovascular health because early detection is always the key. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, you need to see a health professional immediately.

Clogged arteries in your arms and legs can lead to a serious condition known as Peripheral Arterial Disease. Symptoms of this condition are muscle cramping in the hips, calves, or thighs. Other symptoms often associated with the disease is hair loss on the legs and changes in toenails! The color of your legs might also change.

Clogged arteries can be caused by lots of different things. Smoking is a known cause of clogged arteries because the chemicals in cigarettes damage blood vessels, raises blood pressure, and raises cholesterol levels. Other known causes of clogged arteries are consuming extensive amounts of processed and greasy foods, lack of physical activity, obesity, elevated protein levels, family history, and high blood glucose levels.

Symptoms of Clogged Arteries Include:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Weakness or dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Leg pain
  • Delayed healing of injuries to the feet
  • Cold feet
  • Gangrene

If you find yourself with clogged arteries, do not panic. All it takes is a lifestyle change to beat this serious health issue. Avoid cigarette smoke from both firsthand and secondhand, stop eating fast food, and eat lots of natural foods packed full of nutrients and vitamins. You should also engage in physical activity every day. It doesn’t have to be an hour long workout session either. Just be more active, go for a walk or ride a bike!

Infant Twins Die Simultaneously After 1st Vaccinations

by June 14, 2017

Vaccines have been a growing controversy lately. There have been more and more incidents where vaccines have caused some serious adverse side effects.

There were two studied recently released that were led by Anthony Mawson, an interdisciplinary epidemiologist. The first one was published in the peer reviewed open access journal of Transnational Science. It was a cross sectional study of 6-12 year olds exploring the association between preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders, using data from both vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects.

Data show anywhere from 8 to 27 percent of extremely preterm infants develop autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Premature birth is a known risk factor for neurodevelopmental problems of varying severity, yet prior to this study, the impact of the vaccination schedule on this risk had never been assessed. The researchers state;

“The possible role of vaccination in neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) among premature infants is unknown, in part because pre-licensure clinical trials of pediatric vaccines have excluded ex-preterm infants.

This paper explores the association between preterm birth, vaccination and NDD, based on a secondary analysis of data from an anonymous survey of mothers, comparing the birth history and health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated homeschool children 6 to 12 years of age.

A convenience sample of 666 children was obtained, of which 261 (39 percent) were unvaccinated, 7.5 percent had an NDD … and 7.7 percent were born preterm. No association was found between preterm birth and NDD in the absence of vaccination …

However, vaccination coupled with preterm birth was associated with increasing odds of NDD, ranging from 5.4 [percent] compared to vaccinated but non-preterm children, to 14.5 [percent] compared to children who were neither preterm nor vaccinated.

The results of this pilot study suggest clues to the epidemiology and causation of NDD but question the safety of current vaccination practices for preterm infants. Further research is needed to validate and investigate these associations in order to optimize the impact of vaccines on children’s health.”

That isn’t even the most recent vaccine scandal either. Recently, two infant twins simultaneously after given vaccines. Both twin girls were approximately 3.5 months old, and delivered via c section. The twins were found dead in the crib by the mother, right after their first dose of hepatitis B vaccines.

Naturally Reduce Cortisol and Beat Stress and Anxiety in 5 Minutes!

by June 13, 2017

Do you deal with high stress levels? Do you often find yourself feeling tired, or notice that you are gaining weight despite having made no changes to your diet or workout habits? The answer may come back to high cortisol levels!

What is Cortisol?

Cortisol is often referred to as the ‘stress hormone’ as it is one of the main hormones that our body releases when the ‘fight or flight’ response kicks in during times of stress or pressure.

While this hormone has related to acne, high blood pressure and weight gain, it is also necessary in our lives, keeping us motivated, awake and responsive to the environment around us. Cortisol aids in pregnancy, metabolism and regulating blood sugar levels in the body.

When properly balanced, cortisol is not only safe, but necessary for survival, however when its levels are allowed to increase it can cause physical damage to the body. Read on for some great tips on how you can quickly, and effectively, reduce your cortisol levels at home.

Use Breathing Techniques to Control Stress and Anxiety

If you regularly struggle with anxiety or high stress levels you have probably heard this a million times, however you also will probably agree that when done right breathing techniques can be highly effective! It has been found that long, slow breaths allow you to activate the Vagus nerve, a nerve which is part of the parasympathetic system.

This is the system that has the ability to slow the fight or flight response. When activated the system will redirect the blood flow in the body, sending it back to your internal organs and signalling to your body that it is safe.

Breathing techniques are simple in theory, although they may take a lot of practice to be able to apply them when in times of high anxiety. Take a deep breath in, slowly counting to 5, and then hold this breath for 2 counts. Breath out slowly, counting this time to 6. Repeat this cycle as many times as required until you can feel your anxiety levels beginning to drop.

Pay Attention to Your Diet!

One of the larger triggers of high cortisol levels outside of stress and anxiety is poorly managed blood sugar levels, especially hypoglycemia, and the presence of high levels of inflammation. Switching your diet to an ‘anti-inflammatory diet’ will allow you to set your body up for success. This type of diet is low in processed foods, and high in fiber, essential nutrients and antioxidants. This will not only help you to maintain balanced cortisol levels, but will also work to promote better sleep at night, boost your energy levels during the day and help to maintain a healthy weight.

Here are some of the biggest dietary contributors to inflammation and high cortisol levels that you should be aware of. Limiting or removing these items from your diet will go a long way towards promoting better health:

  • Drinking too much caffeine and/or alcohol
  • High sugar, high-glycemic diet (a diet that includes a significant amount of sugary drinks and snacks, refined grain products and packaged foods)
  • Experiencing an insufficient intake of antioxidants and micronutrients
  • Consuming high amounts of refined and trans fats
  • Not consuming enough fiber, making it more difficult for the body to balance blood sugar levels
  • Not consuming enough protein or healthy fats, which can lead to weight gain, high blood sugar and hunger/cravings

Some of the most beneficial foods for lowering and balancing your cortisol levels, and stabilizing blood sugar, are: fruits, vegetables, coconut or olive oil, lean proteins like eggs, fish and grass-fed beef, nuts, seeds and probiotic foods such as yogurt, cultured vegetables and kefir.

Use Calming Sounds and Smells

Both ambient music and natural sound machines have been found to slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure. This will work to decrease stress levels, and ultimately lower your cortisol levels.

Soothing smells can also be used to achieve this calming effect. The use of essential oils can trigger a calming sensation in the body. It is important when using essential oils, however, that you are aware of all allergies as they may cause a negative reaction with your sinuses when inhaling the oil, or skin exposure.

Try these three essential oils:

  1. Jasmine

Jasmine has found to be one of the best scents for reducing anxiety symptoms, sometimes even being compared to the drug valium. The Journal of Biological Chemistry has published the results from multiple studies now examining the connection between jasmine and the brain’s response.

  1. Laender

Lavender oil contains 150 natural compounds that have been found to have an impact on calming the nerves, slowing down brain activity and replacing it with slow alpha waves. It is important that you ensure that you purchase higher quality lavender oil in order to see the desired results. Check the label for high esters, which are beneficial, and low cineol, a compound you would be best served by limiting.

  1. Roman Chamomile

For over 2000 years chamomile has been used as a natural alternative in the treatment of ailments such as vomiting, insomnia and restlessness. When inhaled it calms anxiety.

When All Else Fails, Take a Nap

If you have attempted to use other tips and tricks, and are still struggling to control your stress and/or anxiety levels, then take a nap will allow you to temporarily shut down your mind and provide you body with a chance to recover. You can help to increase the relaxation level by turning on soft music or adding essential oils to a vaporizer/humidifier.

Essential Oils and Brain Injuries: The Truth We Are Not Being Told

by June 13, 2017

Your sense of smell is incredibly powerful. A single smell can bring back a flood of memories of your childhood, reminding you of a weekend at the cottage, or a summer vacation in Florida.

As the only one of the senses that is directly linked to the limbic system of the brain, which is known as the emotional control center, smell can impact your brain health in ways that your other senses are unable to do.

Taste, touch, hearing and sight are all routed through the thalamus before they reach the brain, meaning they are less effective in this regard, however, your sense of smell is more powerful than you have been led to believe! The limbic center of the brain is the part that controls emotional, physical and psychological responses, and is directly connected with the parts of the brain that control your heart rate, blood pressure, memory, hormone balance, stress levels and breathing. For this reason, the use of therapeutic-grade essential oils can have very powerful effects.

essential oils, benefits of essential oils, frankencense

Vienna and Berlin Universities released a report in 1994 discussing studies that they had completed into the power of sesquiterpenes, a natural compound found in several essential oils, on the human body. They found that exposing the body to this compound could increase the levels of oxygen in the brain by up to 28%! This increase in oxygen would in turn have a significant impact on emotions, attitude, learning abilities, immune function, energy levels and hormone balance among other benefits.

Sesquiterpenes can be found in:

  • Vetiver
  • Patchouli
  • Cedarwood
  • Sandalwood
  • Frankincense
  • Melissa
  • Myrrh
  • Cedarwood
  • Clove


Essential Oils and Brain Injuries

Injuries to the human brain can fall along a wide spectrum of complexity, from mild concussions to serious head trauma. These injuries are often slow to heal, meaning that even a mild concussion can have a significant impact on your daily life.

When essential oils are used to increase the oxygen levels in the body, this in turn helps to promote a higher and more effective level of oxygen absorption. The higher oxygen absorption allows the brain to process and retain information, function optimally and heal!

While any of the essential oils containing sesquiterpenes will have a positive impact, Frankincense is especially effective due to it molecular makeup, which includes sesquiterpenes that have the ability to cross the blood/brain barrier. It possesses a number of therapeutic properties, including antiseptic, astringent, carminative, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, sedative, tonic, uterine, and vulnerary.

By providing the increased oxygen to the brain, frankincense can provide healing and balance at the cellular level, promoting faster healing times from brain injuries.


What is a Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil?

When using your essential oils for their healing benefits, it is important to ensure that you are getting the best quality available – specifically undiluted, therapeutic grade essential oils. They will contain the term ‘100% therapeutic grade essential oil’ on the label. It is important to note that 100% organic is NOT the same thing, they are not as pure as therapeutic quality products. At this level of purity, the oils are laboratory tested and certified free of impurities.

While the testing into the many uses of therapeutic essential oils are still ongoing, this information opens the door to a much more in depth focus specifically on the connection between essential oils and brain health!



Bacon and Cancer? Know the Facts!

by June 13, 2017

Two major research groups have now released reports linking the consumption of processed meats, including bacon, ham and salami, with an increased risk of cancer.

bacon, cancer risk, processed foods

The first study was released by the World Health Organization (WHO) in October 2015, investigating the link between both processed meat and red meat consumption and 15 different types of cancer. Their researchers wrote:

Cancer and red meat: There is limited evidence in human beings for the carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat.

Cancer and processed meat: There is sufficient evidence in human beings for the carcinogenicity of the consumption of processed meat.”  

Specifically, the study found the connection to exist between the consumption of processed meats and your risk of colorectal cancer, increasing your chances by as much as 18% if you consume 50g of processed meats daily. How much is 50g? It is the equivalent of a single large sized hot-dog, a helping of pastrami or two slices of bacon. Occasional consumption of these meats does not show the same final result.

bacon, cancer risk, processed foods

Kurt Straif, head of the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, spoke in a news release, statingFor an individual, the risk of developing colorectal cancer because of their consumption of processed meat remains small, but this risk increases with the amount of meat consumed. This decision doesn’t mean you need to stop eating any red and processed meat, but if you eat lots of it you may want to think about cutting down.”

Adding to the concern, a second study was released in 2016 by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) showing a connection between eating processed meats and the risk of developing cancer of the lower stomach.

The results of the new study could not have mirrored the original study closer, with their findings concluding the exact same risk factor, down to the gram and percentage. Having used different analyses and different publications, these similar findings further cement the importance for Americans to be aware of their processed meat consumption!

bacon, cancer risk, processed foods

Dr. Susan Higginbotham, AICR’s Vice President of Research spoke on the similarities of the studies, stating,I think that this just adds more support to the advice we’ve already given to avoid processed meat. It doesn’t change our advice because we already saw this for colon cancer, but it strengthens it. It’s just another way to look at things.”

This, combined with additional concerns with the health consequences of bacon raises a red flag. Americans consume an average of more than 18 pounds of bacon each year! Bacon is extremely high in fat, sodium and cholesterol. Regular consumption can increase your risk of both heart disease and diabetes, among other dangers!

As more organizations begin to draw the connections, we are seeing an increased push to limit processed meat in our diets, especially among children. The WCRF advises people to limit their consumption of bacon, ham and salami to “as little as possible”, and restrict their consumption of red meats, like beef, to no more than 500g each week.


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