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8 Natural Ways to Kill Nicotine Cravings For Anyone Who is Trying to Quit Smoking

by June 20, 2017

Quitting smoking is never easy! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that there are more Americans addicted to nicotine than any other drug, and that research suggests it is as addictive as alcohol, heroin, and cocaine!

cigarette, cigarettes, smoking, nicotine, quitting smoking

With more than 1.1 billion people in the world smoking tobacco, ending in the death of up to 50% of those who regularly partake, the stakes couldn’t be higher! When smoking tobacco, you inhale more than 7,000 chemicals. Of these chemicals, hundreds are harmful and approximately 70 have been found to cause cancer.

Smoking has also been connected with insomnia, infertility, hormone imbalance, gastrointestinal issues, blood sugar issues, osteoporosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart attacks, congestive heart failure, and, one of the most widely known, lung cancer.



The CDC reports that stopping smoking is associated with the following health benefits:

  • Lowering the risk of cancer, especially the risk of lung cancer
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease within the first 1-2 years after quitting
  • Reducing the risk of stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and heart disease
  • Significantly reducing respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath
  • Reducing the risk of developing a number of lung diseases, such as COPD
  • Reducing the risk of infertility in women of childbearing age


Beat Nicotine Cravings Effectively by Following These 8 Tips:

  1. Exercise

It has been shown that as little as a 5-minute moderate-intensity workout is enough to cause a short-term reduction in the desire to smoke! If you find yourself having a particularly hard time fighting the cravings, its time to break out your favorite workout DVD and get sweating!


  1. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the act of bringing one’s attention to the present moment, often developed through the practice of meditation. A connection has been drawn between the ability to practice mindfulness, controlling your thoughts and ‘sitting through’ various scenarios like withdrawal symptoms or cravings, and an increase in the success rate of smokers quitting and staying smoke-free.


  1. Nicotine Patches, Lozenges, and Gums

A well-known way of quitting, nicotine patches and gums allow you to receive a slow release of nicotine in your system, reducing cravings and irritability, without giving into lighting a cigarette. The correct dose for each individual is determined by the number of cigarettes that one smokes daily, and how frequently one smokes.


  1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been found to have a positive impact on those who are making the effort to quit smoking, the insertion of needles in specific places on the body can be linked to the lungs, airways, and mouth, and as such are capable of reducing the cravings for the taste of tobacco as well as the sensation of the cigarette upon the nerves located in the lower lip.


  1. Hypnotherapy

The practice of hypnotherapy is the ability to use an altered state of consciousness in order to bypass specific aspects of reality, such as cravings for nicotine and cigarettes. It can be used to create a mental connection between smoking and unpleasant stimuli, which can, in turn, accelerate the quitting process.


  1. Lime

The high concentration of vitamin C and antioxidants found in the skin of limes can be used to help reduce cravings. Simply chew on the skin of a lime slice in place of lighting a cigarette.


  1. Magnesium

The use of magnesium to beat cravings relies on your ability to impact the NMDA receptors (the receptors in the body which stimulate the release of dopamine). Nicotine has a negative impact on these receptors, however, magnesium is able to lower this effect. The mineral is also able to improve the synthesis of GABA (a relaxing neurotransmitter), reducing the satisfaction that you feel from smoking.


  1. Olfactory Training

For one week researchers exposed a group of smokers to the smell of cigarettes, rotting eggs or fish during their Stage 2, non-REM sleep. This created a mental connection, resulting in the participants smoking less during this period.



This Japanese Breathing Technique Will Help You Lose Stomach Fat Fast

by June 19, 2017

Losing weight is not an uncommon thing to want to do. These days everyone is looking for a way to lose a few pounds without sacrificing time and effort.

While you have to exert a little effort to lose some weight, it can be difficult to find the time today. We are all so busy with 40 and 50 hour work weeks that we barely have time to enjoy ourselves. With the little bit of free time we do have, nobody really wants to add an exercise routine in there. If you want to have your body in peak performance and shape you’re going to have to work for it basically all the time. However, there is an easier way to lose weight. Miki Ryosuke, a Japanese actor, discovered an extremely effective way to lose weight naturally – and it doesn’t require crunches or push ups. In fact, all you gotta do is breath!

Miki Ryosuke experienced severe back pain and his doctor recommended that he do this exercise to decrease his back pain. He [performed the exercise for a few weeks, and is back pain was decreased – but that’s not all. Miki lost 28.7 pounds and 4.7 inches off of his waist! All you have to do is stand in this position, take a three second breath, then exhale strongly for seven seconds. It really works too!

Research performed at the Hampton University found that the combination of yoga and deep breathing exercises to help overweight teens lose weight. Sixty high school students were divided into two groups. Group one performed 40 minutes of yoga and deep breathing exercises four times a week for 12 weeks. The second group stayed within their normal routine, and the researchers found that group one lost an average of 6 pounds with no daily caloric intake reduction!

How to Do It:

  1. Stand with one leg forward and the other back
  2. Strain your glut muscles while transferring your weight to your back foot
  3. Slowly inhale for 3 seconds while lifting your arms above your head
  4. Exhale forcefully but carefully for 7 seconds, while straining all of your body’s muscles

Oregano Oil: How to Use it to Treat Almost All Pains, Sores, and Infections Without the Use of Drugs

by June 19, 2017

There are many natural supplements that can be used in replacement for medications these days. Essential oils have amazing medicinal benefits, you just have to use them correctly.

Essential oils are essentially amazing for the body. They have the power to clear sinuses, kill infections and colds, relieve depression and anxiety, increase sleep and relaxation, and eliminate aches and pains. One of the most beneficial oils in oregano oil! Oregano oil is hands down one of the best natural supplements there is out there. It is produced from potent perennial herb oregano and loaded with antioxidants. It offers a ton of positive natural health treatments and it has significant effects of harmful organisms and free radicals.

Oregano has immense abilities in promoting immune system health. There is loads of evidence that shows that oregano oil can effectively defeat outside invaders. One study performed by the US department of Agriculture reported that oregano oil has such strong action against germs that it could easily be used in defense against salmonella. Other studied were performed by researchers at the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Georgetown University Medical Center. They said, “New, safe agents are needed to…overcome harmful organisms… Based on our previous experience and that of others, we postulated that herbal essential oils, such as those of origanum (oregano oil) offer such possibilities.”

It protects against free radicals and outside invaders so well that it can reverse the effects of eating ill prepared foods and raw meat. One study looked deeper into the relationship between oregano oil and harmful organisms. They found that taking 600 mg of oregano oil daily promoted a complete disappearance of free radicals in the body. That’s not all either. Oregano oil can even promote a better mood. Studies have found that it can possibly influence the nervous system and mind. Aromatherapy with oregano oil showed an increase in healthy mood, reduced stress, and inhibited emotional abnormalities.

Other Uses of Oregano Oil Include:

  • Treating foot or nail fungus. Put a few teaspoons of oregano oil in a basin of water and soak your feet in it. You can also dilute the oil (mix a drop with a teaspoon of olive or coconut oil), and then apply it on your nails or skin.
  • Help in killing parasites and easing infections. Dilute the oil (mix a drop with a drop of a carrier oil such as coconut oil), and place it under your tongue. Hold it there for a few minutes, and then rinse it out. Repeat this at least four times a day.
  • Alleviating sinus infections and colds. Put a few drops of oregano oil in a pot of steaming water, and then inhale the steam.You can make your own oregano oil by extracting it with a special distillation process. It actually isn’t as difficult as it seems and you can do it from your own home. Here is an easy recipe.


  • Oregano leaves, chopped or crushed
  • Olive oil, almond oil or grape seed oil
  • Sanitized jar with lid


  • Boil some water in a sauce pan. Once it has reached a rolling boil, turn off the heat.
  • Place your oil of choice and chopped oregano leaves in the jar.
  • Put the jar in the hot water and let it sit for about five to 10 minutes. This heats up the oil and helps the oregano release its natural oils.
  • Remove the jar from the water bath and place beside a sunny window for one to two weeks. Shake the jar every few days.
  • Once the two weeks is up, strain the oil from the leaves and place into a sanitized jar.
  • Store the oil in a dark, cool place.

Aluminum Toxicity: 4 Ways to Detox Your Brain & Body

by June 19, 2017

Today we are surrounded by more toxic chemicals than ever. They are in our water, our food, and our medicine. The only thing we have left to do is avoid it as much as possible and know how to get the chemicals out of our systems.

One of the most common chemicals we find poisoning us through our food and water is aluminum. Aluminum poisoning is extremely deadly and demands to be taken seriously. It is the third most prevalent element and the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust. Aluminum makes up about 8% of the total mineral compounds.

Dietary aluminum is everywhere, but in very little quantities. Urban water supplies contain a great deal of aluminum because it is highly treated before supplied. Aluminum poisoning can be hard to recognize and death rates can be close to 100% because it can so easily go unrecognized. Typical symptoms include proximal muscle weakness, bone pain, multiple sclerosis.Patients also are known to have adrenal failure and alterations in mental status.

One of the most important ways to avoid aluminum poisoning is to avoid products that contain aluminum. Some of the most common products that include aluminum are commercial deodorants, baking powder, aluminum foil and cookware, vaccines, and chemtrails. Chemtrails are chemical treatment of the sky. They use geoengineered aerosols that eventually end up in the air we breath.

Another excellent way to decrease your chances of acquiring aluminum poisoning is by eating foods that contain silica. Silica is needed to reinforce collagen elasticity in your body tissues. It is also known for its ability to prevent arterial plaque. Most relevantly though, silica can reduce aluminum levels in your body. It binds with the molecules and extracts them out of brain cells and out of the body through the urine and bowel movements. Dr. Exley performed a study with Alzheimer’s patients. He found that after thirteen weeks of drinking high silica water, aluminum levels were decreased by 50 to 70%. The same results were found in a different study performed on children who suffered from autism spectrum disorder. `

You can also increase your daily intake of foods that absorb heavy metals from the body. These foods are extremely detoxifying and can extract aluminum from your entire body. They are also neuroprotectants and immune system boosters.

  • cold pressed unrefined organic coconut oil
  • chia and flaxseed
  • milk thistle
  • vitamin C (and foods rich in this vitamin)
  • spirulina and chlorella
  • foods such as garlic, cilantro, and parsley that can help eliminate heavy metals
  • aluminum and mercury from your body
  • fresh, filtered water (and plenty of it!)You can also use other heavy metal detoxifying agents such as supplements that are known for flushing out the body of metals. Research studies have found high infrared saunas to be an excellent way to trim body fat, detoxify metals, xenobiotics, and other foreign chemicals.

America’s Most Popular Cheese Recalled

by June 19, 2017

Once again. Another mass produced food is being recalled because of potential contamination. This is urgent, and if you have this cheese you need to throw it away as soon as possible. It can kill you.

Cheese is one of the most universal foods because you can use it in basically everything. It’s probably America’s favorite food, not that it’s a good thing though. In fact, one of the most popular cheese brands has recalled massive amounts of cheese due to a potential contamination of Listeria Monocytogenes, a serious infection contracted by bacteria in food. Sargento Cheese says there have been no reported deaths yet. We can probably expect some though, because listeriosis is seriously dangerous.

An estimated 1,600 people are infected by listeria every year, and about 260 die from it. The infection is particularly dangerous to pregnant women, adults ages 65 and older, and people with lowered immune function.  It can cause a variety of symptoms depending on the person affected. Listeria can cause diarrhea and fever, similar to other food borne germs, but listeria is rarely diagnosed. The symptoms are invasive and include:

  • Pregnant women: Pregnant women typically experience only fever and other flu-like symptoms, such as fatigue and muscle aches. However, infections during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery, or life-threatening infection of the newborn.
  • People other than pregnant women: Symptoms can include headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, and convulsions in addition to fever and muscle aches.

Sargento is continuing to monitor and gather information from their supplier that is based in Middlebury, Ind. The supplier reportedly notified Sargento Food Inc. that a specialty longhorn colby jack cheese that it supplied had been potentially contaminated and needed to be immediately recalled.

The company continues to respond to their consumers and provide reimbursements. If you purchased their products you can call 1-800-Cheeses or email them via the company’s contact page on their website.  


  • Sargento Ultra Thin Slice Longhorn Colby
  • Sargento Chef Blends Shredded Nacho & Taco Cheese
  • Sargento Slice Colby-Jack Cheese
  • Sargento Slice Pepper Jack Cheese
  • Sargento Chef Blends Shredded Taco Cheese
  • Sargento Off The Block Shredded Fine Cut Colby-Jack Cheese
  • Sargento Off the Block Shredded Fine Cut Cheddar Jack Cheese

No other Sargento branded products were affected by this recall.

8 of The Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

by June 19, 2017

Some of the most amazing medicines come from plants and trees! The best solution to any health issue is to treat it naturally, not with pharmaceuticals.

People have suffered from health issues since the beginning of time. It’s not a new thing to obtain strep throat or even diabetes; and whether you can believe it or not, people survived without the many medications we have today. We might look at our pharmaceutical and medicinal industries as being a good thing, and that we are fortunate to have them. But that’s not quite true. Pharmaceutical products are basically poison to your body. They are even little effective and they cause many more health issues than you started out with. They weaken your immune system and poison your blood.

Pharmaceutical drugs bring about massive amounts of side effects. Pharmaceutical commercials and advertisements put in fine print all of the side effects their drugs bring about, Some even include death. That’s exactly why you should instead resort to natural solutions. Almost all of the most amazing supplements come right from plants. Most of them come from these 8 plants! These plants are some of the most renowned medicinal plants in the world, and anyone can obtain the amazing benefits from them.


 Cannabis has long been a controversial topic, but the facts are out now and we know that it is an amazing natural treatment for tons of different diseases. It has a psychoactive and therapeutic chemical known as tetrahydrocannabinol. It binds specifically to the body’s endocannabinoid system.

Lady Ferns

 The juices in lady ferns ease the sting of cuts and burns. All you have to do is take some cuttings and roll them around in your hands. They also have antibacterial and antifungal properties.


 Tansy is a plant that can be used for painful conditions such as migraines, nerve pain, joint pain, and sciatica. It can also be used to treat epileptic seizures, colds, fever, hysteria, gout, kidney problems and tuberculosis!


 Mint is not only a tasty seasoning for food and beverages, it can also be used medicinally too. It can stimulate prProper digestion, weight loss, relief from nausea, memory loss, and skin care issues. It can also soothe a stomach ache in cases of indigestion and inflammation.


Sage has been widely used for digestive problems. It can stimulate an appetite, relieve gas, stomach aches, diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn too. It can be directly applied to the sin for cold sores, gum disease, sore mouth, throat, or tongue, and swollen nasal passages.

Red Clover

 Red clover is known for its potent cancer prevention abilities. It can also be used as a tasty flavoring! It has been proven to reduce cholesterol and controlling hot flashes in menopausal women.

Aloe Vera

 Aloe vera is a popular grandma remedy because of how effective it is in treating cuts and burns. It can also be used for treating osteoarthritis, bowel diseases, fever, itching, and inflammation.

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