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This Is How Chinese Clothes Are Poisoning You. If You Notice a Weird Odor, Get Out of That Store!

by June 23, 2017

Over the past decade, there has been massive urbanization and industrialization especially. Corporations have essentially taken over the world, and they are poisoning us in every way they can to save an extra dollar.

Corporations have essentially taken over the entire world. There is so many people on Earth and there is so much demand for basically everything, and it causes a select few people to get massively rich. But that’s not all; the rich are stealing from the poor, and not just their money – their health too. They replace simple natural ingredients with man-made chemicals that are cheaper to sell and produce. Therefore, they make more money and they assume that we can’t tell a difference – but we can, and it’s a bad one. Our food is killing us, our water is making us sick, and our clothes are poisoning us.

The clothing industries have taken off massively. This is probably because everyone has the ability to directly, yet indirectly, show off all of their fancy things on the internet. Nonetheless, the fashion industry is enormously profitable, which brings about the danger. The majority of our clothing is produced in China, and research has exposed a dirty little secret that clothing producers have been keeping from us.

Have you ever experienced a rash, redness, headache, or insomnia after buying some new clothing and wearing it for the first few times? If you have, you’re a victim and you’re not the only one. The cause of this might be coming right from that new t-shirt you purchased from the hottest fashion company. This is because Chinese originated clothing uses synthetic chemicals as dyes and other components in clothing production and it is poison to your body!

Clothing that is produced in China has been found to have a dangerous synthetic chemical in dyes that they use. The color dyes are toxic, cancerous, and even flammable. Clothing from China contain chemicals for resistance to stains, chemicals for static electricity, chemicals against bacteria, and etc. These chemicals are toxic to your body and they sit on your skin all day long.

For your own well being, you should avoid purchasing clothes from Chinese descent. If the tag says made in China, put it back on the rack. Of course, this will cause you to be very picky, I mean a lot of things come from China, however, you might feel better than ever after you cut them out.

The Scary Reason You Need To Skip The Baby Carrots

by June 23, 2017

Carrots are awesome, and not only because they taste good either. Carrots are fantastic for our health, but you have to make sure that you’re eating the correct ones.

We have probably all been told by our parents that carrots will make or eyes stronger and healthier. While we probably hated hearing this, we scarfed them down anyways. However, our parents weren’t lying when they said carrots are good for our eyes. They really are, and that’s not all either. They are among the most widely and enjoyed vegetables today and they are packed full of nutritional value. They are a great source of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, iron, magnesium, and potassium. They taste great in a stew too, but we often use baby carrots instead of the regular sized ones.

Where Do Baby Carrots Come From?

While baby carrots are oddly satisfying and tasty, they are nowhere near as healthy for you as real carrots. Baby carrots were invented by a California farmer, Mike Yurosek in the early 1980’s. Nowadays, Bolthouse Farms is a company that grows and distributes most of our baby carrots. President of the company, Scott Laporta said he noticed the broken pieces of carrots that were cast aside. So, they began peeling and reshaping the broken pieces of carrots that were thrown aside, thus making baby carrots. Baby carrots are sculpted rounded sticks of carrot waste, washed and packaged for us to eat. Prepackaged baby carrots makeup for about 70% of all carrot sales according to the Washington Post.

To help prevent the spread of food borne illnesses, baby carrots are washed in an FDA and EPA regulated chlorinated solution that kills certain bacteria, but can be harmful for people. Another reason you should always wash your fruits and veggies before consuming, not that you could get it all off anyways.

They are also heavily processed. In this process, baby carrots go from an easy and fun nutritional snack to a multi-million dollar business venture. They have turned their waste into profits, I mean it’s smart from a business standpoint – but not so much from a health standpoint. At the end of the day, these precut chlorine rinsed carrot waste pieces are a food to avoid.

What’s The Solution?

Let’s all agree to get back to the basics! Stop buying that over-priced garbage and go back to the real thing. Vote with your dollar, and just say no to processed food… “vegetables” or not. When you stop buying it, you are sending the message that you are not going to take it anymore. Just buy real carrots instead, they’re tastier, healthier, and more nutritional. Also, buy local when possible, that is always the best way to go!

Turmeric Works Better for Knee Pain Than Any NSAID!

by June 23, 2017

Knee pain is something that nobody wants to experience. Our knees are essential to good health, and when they decline, our entire body does.

Knee pain can be excruciating and can ruin every day for you. If we aren’t able to get up and be active at least a little bit, our entire body will start to decline in health. The decline and weakening of your legs are actually the number one cause of premature death in the elderly. Without our knees, it is impossible to have a healthy body. Knee pain just stinks in general, and we often resort to taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) to cure our leg pain. While it might be a temporary fix, they actually cause more problems than they fix.

NSAIDS are dangerous for several different reasons. For starters, they increase your risk for heart failure. Doctors have been concerned for quite some time now that NSAID use might be contributing to heart disease. Well, according to research published in the British Medical Journal, NSAIDS increase your risk by an astounding 19%! That’s not all either; They can also cause internal bleeding, Gastrointestinal damage, and stomach ulcers.

NSAIDS do not only damage your gastrointestinal tract, but they pose potential threats to your esophagus and small intestine too. According to Byron Cryer, MD, more than half of all bleeding ulcers are caused by NSAIDs. If that’s still not enough, they can also cause renal failure. There are literally tons of reasons why you should never take a NSAID, but there are even more reasons as to why you should be treating your knee pain with a natural remedy. They not only soothes the pain, but it increases the overall health of your knees.

One of the best natural ingredients to use for knee pain is Turmeric. Turmeric has tons of science backed uses, and knee pain is one of them. It can be used to treat arthritis, osteoporosis, and rheumatism. It has been traditionally used in China for thousands of years, as well as other Indian cultures. It blocks anti-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes including cyclooxygenase – 2 (COX-2), which is the target of a leading arthritis medication, Celebrex.

There have been several studies proving the pain reversing effects of turmeric. One 2010 clinical trial found that a turmeric supplement called Meriva provided long-term improvement in pain and function in 100 patients with knee OA. Also, a small 2012 pilot study, a curcumin product called BCM-95 reduced joint pain and swelling in patients with active RA better than diclofenac, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). So what are you waiting for? Your knee pain is aching and turmeric is the best ingredient for it. But, what’s the best way to take turmeric?

You can use turmeric as a topical applicator as well as take it in supplements. All you have to do is mix with warm water to create a paste. Apply the paste to the affected areas once a day, or as needed. If you can do this in combination with taking it orally, your pain should be alleviated totally!

How the Bacteria in Our Gut Influences Our Minds

by June 22, 2017

For most of the time we always thought that mood, emotional, and mental issues were an internal issue. However, these problems might be derived from the bacteria in your gut.

Psychologists and therapists have become recently interested in the role bacteria plays in our mood. Yes, we know that bacteria can cause sickness or disease, and that we have good bacteria as well as bad bacteria – but there has been a sudden increase in emotional issues in the last decade. Researchers and biologists believe that this might be caused by the bacteria in our gut. Anxiety is the most common mental illness today, and an estimated 40 million American adults endorse symptoms of anxiety. That’s 18% of the US population.

When our gut bacteria is out of order, we experience a multitude of symptoms. When the gut bacteria is out of balance our guts become disturbed, and we experience digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms include bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea.

These symptoms can be indicators of leaky gut syndrome, when your gut wall becomes permeable and particles of food escape from the digestive tract. This causes a domino affect on your digestive system which has resulted in the tens of millions of Americans who suffer with GI disorders.

Treatment for anxiety accounts for one third of the $148 billion dollars spent annually on mental illnesses. Scientists physicians, and mental health practitioners are increasingly aware of the important relationship between the balance of gut bacteria and the current mood we are experiencing in our brain. There is a lot of different things you can do to realign the balance of your gut and improve your overall mood.

If you want to naturally balance out the bacteria in your gut there are several different things you can do. For one thing eliminate the issue from the root. Unbalanced gut bacteria might be caused by excessive and unmanaged stress, excessive use of antibiotics, prolonged use of steroids, intestinal infections, high sugar and low fiber diets, and the regular consumption of alcohol. You can improve the bacteria in your gut by cutting out sugar and processed foods. Findings from a new study at Oregon State University found that a diet high in sugar caused changes in the gut bacteria of mice, impairing the mice’s ability to adjust to changing situations, called “cognitive flexibility.” The change in gut bacteria also negatively affected the mice’s long-term and short-term memory.

You should also eat more plants and dietary fiber. Most gut experts will agree when saying that changing our diet is the most direct method for changing the gut bacteria. By eating plants you achieve and maintain microbiota diversity, when leads to a clear and happy mind alone. Another thing you have to do in order to revolutionize your gut is to limit antibiotics. Regular antibiotic use kills the diverse community of microbiota, and causes destruction to the immune system.

Mosquitoes Won’t Leave You Alone? This Is the 1 Thing Doctors Say Works Better Than Toxic Repellents

by June 22, 2017

Summer brings with it warm nights, days by the pool, beach trips, camping and so much more – however, it also ushers in the time for one of nature’s biggest pests, the mosquito.

Mosquitoes are not only annoying, but they are considered to be highly dangerous due to their ability to carry deadly diseases. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimate that over 1 million people die each year worldwide from mosquito-borne diseases!

mosquito, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repllent

Omar Akbari, Ph.D. is the assistant professor of entomology at the Center for Disease Vector Research at the University of California Riverside. When asked about the dangers of mosquitoes, he stated “Mosquitoes are perhaps the most dangerous animals in the world. They are the primary vectors for major human diseases such as yellow fever, malaria and dengue fever, which together infect hundreds of millions of humans worldwide and kill millions each year. The World Health Organization reports that more than 50% of the world’s population is presently at risk from mosquito-borne diseases.”

While most people use sprays and mosquito repellents, many are not aware of the chemicals and toxins that are included in these products. The good news is that there are effective natural alternatives. The combination of both lemon and eucalyptus essential oils has been found to produce just as good, if not better results than the use of DEET, but without the toxins.

Don’t believe us? Try this natural alternative:

Lemon-Eucalyptus Mosquito Repellent

What You Need:

  • 30 drops of lemon-eucalyptus essential oil blend
  • 4 oz vodka, rubbing alcohol, or witch hazel
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract


Mix all the ingredients together in a spray bottle. Use when needed, although be sure to re-apply regularly as the formula lasts up to 4 hours before becoming ineffective.

Interested in learning about other natural alternatives? Check out these 6 options:

  1. Lavender

You can crush the lavender flowers and apply the oil directly to the skin for an effective repellent. You can also use drops of the essential oil in a similar manner, putting a few drops on a clean clothing and rubbing it onto the skin.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil has found to be effective in repelling mosquitoes, bush flies and biting midges.

  1. Soybean Oil

Combining lemongrass oil with soybean oil has been found to be effective in repelling different types of mosquitoes.

  1. Thyme Oil

You can use thyme oil as a mosquito repellent by simply mixing 5 drops of the oil with 2oz of water. If you would prefer a homemade brew, mix 4 drops of the oil to a teaspoon of olive, jojoba or similar base oil.

  1. Cinnamon Oil

Mix 24 drops of oil for each 4 oz. of water. Use this mixture in the same way that you would a commercial bug spray, spraying it onto your skin, clothing, plants, or around your home.

  1. Greek Catnip Oil

Scientists at Iowa State University found that Greek catnip oil is up to 10 times more effective than DEET. It can effectively repel mosquitoes within 2-3 hours.

7 Daily Routines to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections

by June 22, 2017

Experts state that the lifetime risk of a woman getting a urinary tract infection, or UTI, is as high as 1 in 2, with many experiencing repeat infections! One of the most common infections, a UTI can be treated with antibiotics, however, if it spreads to the kidneys it becomes much more serious!

urinary tract infections, UTI, UTI prevention

A UTI is an infection in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, although the most common locations for infections are the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra). These infections are caused by microbes such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses that enter the urinary tract. The most common bacterium responsible for UTIs is E. coli, which can live in the vaginal cavities and the bowel, as well as around the urethral opening.

Symptoms to watch for include:

  • A burning feeling when you urinate
  • Experience a frequent or intense urge to urinate, although only a little comes out when you do
  • Feeling shaky
  • Pain or pressure in your back or lower abdomen
  • Feeling tired
  • Fever or chills (this may indicate that the infection has spread to the kidneys)

Once a UTI has been diagnosed, doctors are able to treat the infection with the use of antibiotics. They may also prescribe a medication to help manage the pain, although a heating pad may also provide some comfort. There are, however, steps that can be taken to reduce your risk of developing a UTI!

Follow these 7 tips every day to lower your risk:

  1. Increase Your Water Intake

Drinking more water will cause you to urinate more frequently, which will act to flush out bacteria from your urethra. While it may be a hassle having to urinate more often, avoid holding it for long periods of time as this will increase your risk! Drinking both coconut juice and cranberry juice have also been found to help. Two glasses of cranberry juice daily (without soda or sugar) is a well-known preventative. You can also take 500mg cranberry supplements daily as a preventative measure.


  1. Take Vitamin C

Increasing your vitamin C intake will cause your urine to be more acidic, which can prevent the growth of E. coli. Vitamin C is also well known for its ability to boost your immune system. In order to see the full benefits, try taking 500 – 2000 milligrams every two hours for two days. Following this period, decrease your intake to 500 – 2000 milligrams three times each day as long as you are still experiencing symptoms of the infection. Once the infection is gone, 500 – 2000 milligrams daily will help to prevent it from returning.


  1. Avoid Wiping, Dab from Front to Back

One of the biggest culprits, that many women aren’t even aware of, is the way in which you wipe after going to the bathroom. Especially following a bowel movement, the action of wiping from back to front will transfer bacteria from the anus forward closer to the vagina. Dabbing, instead of wiping, moving from the front to the back will help to reduce the risk.


  1. Clean Your Genital Area Both Before and Following Sex

Sex has been found to increase the chances of UTIs as it can transfer bacteria into the body. Taking the time to both urinate prior to sex, and clean the genital area thoroughly will help to flush away any bacteria prior to this transfer, lowering the chances of infection.


  1. Avoid Using Scented Feminine Products

Many feminine products are scented, which may seem attractive while you are shopping, however, they generally cause irritation. Where possible, avoid feminine hygiene sprays, scented douches, scented bath products and scented pads/panty liners.


  1. Keep Your Genital Area Clean and Dry

Bacteria prefer warm and moist environments!  Wear loose fitting clothing, avoiding tight jeans and other closely fitted clothing which can trap moisture. Loose fitting clothing and cotton underwear will allow your skin to breathe, controlling the chances of bacteria populating in the area. If you do wear panty liners, be sure to change them frequently.


  1. Avoid Consuming Bladder Irritants

While the foods you consume can be your fuel, and your greatest defense against illness, the wrong foods can also work against you. Consuming caffeinated beverages, alcohol, carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners, nicotine and spicy foods can irritate your bladder, which makes it difficult for your body to heal. Instead, choose healthier options such as high-fiber carbohydrates.

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