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The Benefits of Making Aerobic Exercise Part of Your Regular Routine

by August 27, 2017

Personal trainers and fitness experts have long been pushing the addition of aerobic exercise into most exercise training plans, pointing to its ability to help blast fat and improve the overall effectiveness of your workouts.

However, most of us are unaware of just how many benefits this exercise can bring into our lives! Considered the ‘closest thing to a miracle drug’ in some healthy living circles, the addition of aerobic exercise to an individual’s daily routine has been connected with benefits both physically and mentally in the body.

Fitness guidelines spelled out by both the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association recommend that individuals aim to include 30 minutes of moderately intense aerobic exercise into their fitness routines five days a week, totaling 150 minutes per week. During these exercises, it is recommended that you aim to reach and sustain 60 to 80% of your maximum heart rate in order to experience the benefits that the exercises have to offer.

Dan G. Tripps, Ph.D., director of the Swedish Medical Center Cardiology Performance Services and Seattle University Center for the Study of Sports and Exercise explains, “Cardiovascular disease remains the number one cause of death in America. Associated with physical inactivity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking, cardiovascular disease accounts for approximately 36% of all U.S. deaths. There is, however, a remarkably easy remedy. Physical activity continues to be the most effective way to combat coronary heart disease. Aerobic exercise improves the fitness of the heart and lungs. Yet surveys show that nearly one-third of Americans are not active at all despite these benefits.”

In addition to the many cardiovascular benefits of adding aerobic exercise into your routine, experts are now pointing to additional research, revealing even more incredible benefits associated with this type of exercise.

In a 2001 study investigating the connection between aerobic exercise and mental health, researchers concluded that the inclusion of even lower intensity aerobic activities can have a positive impact on our overall mental health. Participants of the study were patients who had experienced a major depressive episode previously. These participants were asked to walk on a treadmill, followed by an interval training program, totaling 30 minutes a day for a 10-day period, while researchers gathered data assessing the state of their mental health. The study found that at the end of the 10-day period participants were experiencing improved moods and a decrease in symptoms of their depression.

Another study introduced the potential use of aerobic exercise to counteract the symptoms of cognitive impairment often reported by cancer patients. Participants in the study were asked to wear an accelerometer for a period of 7 days while completing a number of questionnaires and neuropsychological tests measuring both their cognitive function as well as the level of fatigue that they were experiencing. Researchers concluded that patients who took part in aerobic exercise throughout the week were less tired, possessed higher energy levels and were more successful in completing the quizzes they were tasked to complete.

Next time you are working to lay out your fitness routine or considering how to go about losing weight, it is recommended that you try adding some aerobic exercise to your day! It could be as simple as walking your dog or swimming laps in the pool, however, the benefits are tremendous!




Diet Drinks TRIPLE Your Risk Of Stroke And Dementia, Study Finds

by August 27, 2017

Diet drinks are mostly thought of to be healthier than regular soda. However, despite the widely known misconception, diet drinks are actually much more dangerous.

Many people don’t question the ingredients that are really in their foods, especially today. People automatically assume that diet drinks are healthy for you just because they have less sugar and calories. Most people are not aware that companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsico. replace sugar and calories with ingredients that not the same, but taste similar. Although their products might be rather tasty, they’re horrible for your body.

One of the main ingredients that is in diet soda is aspartame. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener to replace the sugar from a regular soda. While it tastes very similar, it is nothing like sugar. Aspartame is a laboratory engineered chemical that is terrible for your body. It’s not just ‘bad’ for you either; it’s literally poison. It can triple your risk of stroke and Dementia a new study finds.

The study was performed by scientists from Boston University. They studied over 4,400 different adults to really find out the effects of chemicals in diet drinks. They conclude that adult who has one diet drink per day are three times more at risk of suffering from stroke and dementia. The researchers conducted this study for almost ten years. The daily mail reports that the team concluded adults who had more or more diet drinks a day were 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia and 3 times more at risk for strokes or other cardiovascular issues.

Matthew Pase, a senior fellow in the department of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, states:

“Our study shows a need to put more research into this area given how often people drink artificially sweetened beverages. Although we did not find an association between stroke or dementia and the consumption of sugary drinks, this certainly does not mean they are a healthy option.”

“We recommend that people drink water on a regular basis instead of sugary or artificially sweetened beverages,” Pase added.

The team urges healthcare professionals to stop promoting diet drinks as a suitable replacement for regular soda. This isn’t the only study that has been performed on diet drinks and their effects either. Other findings were revealed by research performed by the Imperial College in London. It was published in the American Heart Association’s Journal Stroke, and it followed 4.372 adults over the age of 45. Each participant filled out a questionnaire about the daily food and drink intake.

In regards to the latest research, Dr. Rosa Sancho, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:

“As people are becoming more aware of the consequences of a high-sugar diet, many are turning to artificially-sweetened diet fizzy drinks as an alternative to those with lots of sugar. Future studies will need to confirm these findings in other groups of people, and explore what might be underlying any link between artificially-sweetened soft drinks and dementia.”

Gavin Partington, director-general of the British Soft Drinks Association, disagrees with the empirical data. He commented on the finding,

“Despite their claims, the authors of this observational study admit they found no cause and effect and provide no science-based evidence whatsoever to support their theories. In fact, based on the evidence, Public Health England is actively encouraging food and drink companies to use low-calorie sweeteners as an alternative to sugar and help people manage their weight.”


Outside of the Box Toothache Remedies that Actually Work

by August 27, 2017

Toothaches are some of the most painful things a person can experience. They bring about a sharp, throbbing, or constant pain and they refuse to go away. They have been known to cause fever, infection, and headaches!

Tooth decay is often the primary cause of toothaches, so it is important to have your teeth checked out if you are having persistent toothaches. Toothaches can be caused by a number of things, though. This includes infection, gum disease, grinding teeth, biting, or tooth eruption. Toothaches can trigger a multitude of symptoms like fever, and even difficulty breathing. At the very least, we can infer that toothaches are extremely painful!

There are common medications out there produced by the big pharma companies. They are usually OTC drugs, and are fairly expensive! Orajel is a common toothache anesthetic. It temporarily numbs the tooth, but new studies suggest that it might be doing more harm than good. The drug is known as Benzocaine and it has some serious side effects. The FDA first warned against these medications in 2006, saying that they can cause Methemoglobinemia.  19 of those cases occurred in children, so it isn’t a drug to play around with. These medications are extremely dangerous, and they should be avoided at all costs.

Thankfully, these natural remedies for toothaches are effective and inexpensive. It is easy on your teeth and will even make them whiter! The recipes are easy to do, just follow the instructions and you’ll never have another toothache again – not for long anyway!

Clove Oil – clove oil is one of the best natural ingredients to cure a toothache. It is packed full of eugenol, a powerful chemical with antiseptic properties. It can tame a toothache in seconds.

Ginger Cayenne paste – this remedy is effective in relieving pain and swelling. It has been used for centuries for all sorts of different types of pains. Just mix ginger, cayenne, and water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area.

Salt Water Gargle – salt water has tons of medicinal benefits. It is one of the best remedies to use for cleaning of all kinds. It kills germs and bacteria on the spot. Gargling salt water can solve your toothaches for good, alone.

Myrrh – Myrrh has some mild astringent properties that can reduce the swelling and inflammation of a toothache. It also relieves the pain quite significantly. Simply simmer a teaspoon of myrrh in two cups of water.

Peppermint tea – Peppermint tea can offer complete relief of a toothache, according to one 2013 study. it has antiseptic properties that knock out oral pathogens from the root.

Garlic – Garlic is amazing for almost everything, toothaches included. Simply rubbing cloves of raw garlic on the toothache will cure it. You can also cure a toothache by chewing on the garlic for a while.

Vanilla – Vanilla extract helps in several different ways. It has numbing properties, but it also provides a soothing relief for a toothache.

Ice – Simply applying a cold compress to the achy tooth may provide relief. Although it will feel painful for a few seconds, it can actually fix it overall.

Turmeric Paste – turmeric is another ingredient that is great for almost everything. It is derived from curcumin, and it can fight toothaches, bad breath, and gum disease. Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil for flavor, and use it like a normal toothpaste.

Essential Oils – According to a 2014 study, “Essential oil rinses are found to be equally effective in inhibiting plaque. A study carried out by Pizzo et al. on plaque inhibitory effect of amine fluoride/stannous fluoride and essential oils showed no significant difference in efficacy of both. As chlorhexidine causes staining of teeth on long term use, essential oils can be used as an alternative to chlorhexidine rinse. Essential oils have shown to possess antimicrobial activity against subgingival perio pathogens, too.”

Chewing Gum – if you happen to chip a tooth and that is the cause of your pain, chew a piece of gum and place it over the tooth. It will protect the exposed nerve endings until you’re able to have it repaired.

Acupressure – apply pressure to the hand that correlates with the side you are experiencing pain. This is a form of Chinese acupuncture and has been proven to work in many instances. Do this for ten to fifteen minutes, and voila!

Cold Compress – Sometimes all we need is a little cold therapy. Apply a cold wash rag to the affected side of your mouth and hold it there. The pain should ease fairly quickly.

8 Delicious Snacks that Effectively Regulate Blood Sugar

by August 27, 2017

If you have an unstable blood sugar you will suffer from many different symptoms, including lightheaded, coldness, irritability, and weakness.

Your blood glucose level is very important to pay attention to. It’s one of the primary indicators of type 2 diabetes, and with that, you are forced to constantly monitor your blood sugar. People who suffer from type 2 diabetes are in great danger of a fluctuating blood glucose level because their pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin. People who suffer from type two diabetes will be prescribed a handful of drugs that cause side effects by themselves. Instead, try consuming some of these natural ingredients. They are known for stabilizing your blood sugar, and could possibly replace your most annoying medication!

Apples – Apples have been proven to reduce your chance of dying from diabetes and other heart-related issues by 20%! They are a good source of the mineral quercetin, alongside onions, tomatoes, leafy greens and berries.

Cinnamon – It was found that if you use ½ teaspoon of cinnamon daily it can make cells more sensitive to insulin, according to the Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland.

Citrus – Citrus fruits are some of the tastiest fruits out there, and they’re good for stabilizing your blood sugar. They supply you with vitamin C, which people who suffer from diabetes tend to have a deficiency of.

Cold Water Fish – Cold water fish is a very heart healthy food, you just have to make sure it is not packed full of growth hormones and antibiotics. They lower your LDL levels, bad cholesterol, and they raise HDL triglycerides, which is the good cholesterol.

Legumes – Chickpeas, cannellini beans, kidney beans, and lentils. They are low calorie, high fiber, high protein, and they reduce your risk of forming diabetes and heart disease.

Green Tea – Green tea is packed with flavonoids, which are powerful inflammation fighters. Green tea has been proven to greatly reduce inflammation.

Nuts – Studies show that people who eat nuts on a regular basis have lower rates of heart disease than people who don’t.

Spinach, Kale, and Collard Greens – These dark green veggies are all packed with lutein, a carotenoid that is great for the eyes. They also supply you with fiber, B vitamins, iron, calcium, and vitamin C.

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Save Your Liver, Protect Against Cancer and More with This Plant

by August 27, 2017

Milk Thistle has long been used in the alternative medicine circles, dating back as far as the 1st century A.D. Legend has it that the white veins that were running through the leaves of the plant were caused by a single drop of the Virgin Mary’s milk.

With its use dating back as far as the Greek and Roman times and continuing through the Middle East and Europe, milk thistle is a traditional treatment for liver disorders and gall bladder disorders, as well as an effective way to protect the liver against poisons and toxins.

Milk thistle is native to southern Europe, southern Russia, Asia Minor and North America, however, it has also been brought to North and South America in more recent years, where it has since been naturalized. The plant gets its name from the white liquid that comes from the plant’s leaves when they have been crushed.

As experts continue to test the medicinal powers associated with milk thistle, we are able to better understand which of its benefits can be scientifically proven, and which ancient beliefs in regards to the plant have since been debunked.


Protecting and Detoxifying the Liver

One of the oldest recognized uses for milk thistle is in the treatment and protection of the liver. Working as a ‘blood purifier,’ the liver provides an essential function to our bodies, removing toxins and harmful substances from our blood, detoxifying the body, releasing bile into the small intestine to aid in the digestion process and releasing glucose into the bloodstream to provide the body with energy.

After careful study, milk thistle has been approved as a treatment for a number of different liver diseases and ailments including jaundice, psoriasis, fatty liver syndrome, and hepatitis. It has also been found effective in reversing the damage caused by extensive alcohol and drug use.

Lower High Cholesterol

Experts have found that milk thistle’s anti-inflammatory properties allow it to lower the level of inflammation in the body, specific in relation to heart health. In doing so it is able to clear the blood and prevent potential oxidative stress damage that may occur within the arteries. This works to promote optimal health within the circulatory system and helps to lower high cholesterol levels in the body.


Protect the Body Against Cancer

Within the seeds of the milk thistle plant, you can find an antioxidant flavonoid called silymarin. A study conducted at the University of Minnesota in 2007 investigated the potential use of the plant, and specifically silymarin, in the prevention of various types of cancer. The study’s authors wrote, “There is strong preclinical evidence for silymarin’s hepatoprotective and anticarcinogenic effects, including inhibition of cancer cell growth in human prostate, skin, breast, and cervical cells.”

May Help with the Management of Diabetes

While this particular benefit requires further study, early research is indicating that silymarin may be an effective tool in the control and prevention of diabetes. One study, conducted by the Department of Pharmacology at the Institute of Medicinal Plants in 2006 investigated just this claim. Studying a group of diabetic patients, researchers found that those patients given silymarin extract reported improved insulin levels and a more ‘regular’ fasting blood glucose level in comparison to those patients who did not receive the extract. This is likely due to the role that the liver plays in the regulation of insulin and glucose in the body.

7 Foods That Relieve Knee Pain

by August 27, 2017

Knee pain is one of the most frustrating aches you can experience. Knee pain radiates throughout your entire leg, and it can seem impossible to get rid of.

Knee pain isn’t just a pain in your knees; it’s a pain in the rear end too. It gets in the way of your everyday life, making it extremely difficult to perform normal day to day activities. Knee pain can be caused by a lot of different things too. It can be direct damage to your knees, a lack of calcium under the kneecap, sciatic nerve pain, or even fibromyalgia. Curing your knee pain really depends on what the root cause of it is, but there are easier and healthier ways to treat it than taking drugs.

One of the most common methods of knee pain relief is by taking NSAID medications. NSAID stands for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug. They are most commonly known by the name of Ibuprofen, and mostly everyone carelessly pops these on a day to day basis to relieve knee pain, but this is extremely dangerous for your liver, and other vital organs. Over the counter medication, prescription medication, it doesn’t make a difference; it’s all a horrible idea. Instead, treat your knee pain by incorporating these pain relieving foods in your diet!


Fish relieves knee pain because of its vitamin D content. It is a great treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, and the omega 3 fatty acids ease joint pain by blocking the chemical that causes pain in osteoporosis.


Oranges are fantastic for every part of your body. Studies show that replenishing your vitamin C levels can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis.

Leafy Vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables are wonderful for knee pain. Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin which are antioxidants that prevent joint pain and arthritis.


Almonds are a tasty snack and they also supply you with lots of vitamin and nutrients. Potassium deficiency can cause your knees to hurt, and almonds are packed full of it.


Ginger is a natural pain reliever because it so easily decreases inflammation. It can ease moderate to extreme pain while standing or walking.

Non-Fat Milk

Non-fat milk contains the essential calcium, which strengthens your bones. A proper source of calcium is required for healthy knees!


Bananas are another great source of calcium, which is essential for knee health.

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