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Not Responding To Your Baby’s Cries Can Harm Brain Development

by June 26, 2017

The shriek of a crying baby is the worst. Many parents believe that leaving their crying baby alone is necessary to avoid coddling. However, doing this might actually cause brain damage.

According to parenting guru, Penelope Leach, leaving your baby to cry on a regular basis could be damaging to the developing brain. Penelope Leach’s new book on parenting will be released later this year, and it outlines to importance of responding to your baby’s call. Some people, like Gina Ford, believe it to be necessary to establish a tough love relationship by leaving your baby to cry in distress on a regular basis. While you can’t give kids everything they want, babies have no worldly knowledge and only cry for what they need. Even if it is love, they need nurturing.

“We are dealing with the expectations that a baby’s brain is building up. The reason babies raised on strict routine regimens go to sleep, usually with less and less crying, is because they are quicker and quicker to give up. Their brain has adapted to a world where they are not responded to,” she says. “That kind of early-induced anxiety may relate to anxiety right through adult life.”  Babies cannot form words to ask for their needs. The only way of asking for something they have is crying.

Leach uses only science in her argument though. She claims that by using saliva swab tests, scientists have been able to measure high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in distraught babies whose cries receive no attention from parents.

“We are dealing with the expectations that a baby’s brain is building up. The reason babies raised on strict routine regimens go to sleep, usually with less and less crying, is because they are quicker and quicker to give up. Their brain has adapted to a world where they are not responded to,” she says. “That kind of early-induced anxiety may relate to anxiety right through adult life.”

She says that babies cry for a reason. However, babies do not need to cry to strengthen their lungs. Babies are not capable of blackmail in their first year, even though they might feel that way sometimes. Leaving them to cry is very hard on the parent too. “If there is a point to writing this book at all, it is that it can be so much more comfortable for babies as well as parents,” she says.

“This is what I don’t like about the opposite school, which goes for ease for the parents. It is so hard on everybody. We don’t have a lot of research showing that a lot of seven-year-olds are desperately more anxious. But I have seen mothers really struggling with the system.”

8 Harmful Side Effects Of Baby Pacifiers

by June 26, 2017

Our children are our babies no matter how old they get. We try to slow down time as they are growing, but it only seems to make it go faster.

We love our children so much it can be hard to explain. There is just nothing like that of the bond between mother and child, even father and child. Because of this, it can be hard to lead them in the right direction and make the best decisions for them because a lot of the time they don’t see it that way. Especially as babies. They cannot take care of themselves at all and it is completely up to a mother to tend to the baby’s every need. One particularly difficult thing to experience as our babies turn into toddlers is the pacifier.

Pacifiers are hard to wean a baby off, but what if they never needed them in the first place? You can skip the taking the pacifier away stage easily, but avoiding it completely. There are lots of reasons a baby really shouldn’t be sucking on a pacifier all the time.

For starters, pacifiers raise the risk of oral infections. They stay in the child’s mouth but they fall out all the time. While we do our best to keep them clean and sterile, the pacifier acquiring germs and pathogens is inevitable. They fall on trays, the floor, counters, you name it. Wherever baby goes, the pacifier goes. The main pathogens on pacifiers are Staphylococcus bacteria and Candida fungus.

They can also cause breastfeeding issues. If you are looking to breastfeed, which you should be, you need to avoid giving your baby a pacifier for the first six months. Pacifiers can cause disturbances in breastfeeding and it has even been proven to reduce breastfeeding duration.

Breastfeeding increases the bond between a baby and the mother, however, pacifiers distance it. When you use a pacifier the child gets less bonding, affection, increasing the distance in your relationship.

It also raises the risk of choking. Baby pacifiers raise risk for strangulation. You should especially never tie the pacifier around the child’s neck or hand.

They have also been linked to speech problems. Pacifiers are to be put away by 3 to 4 years of age. If not, it can cause problems with the development of their mouth and teeth, leading to speech problems.

Because pacifiers can affect the growth and development of the child’s mouth it can additionally raise the risk for tooth decay. There is so much contamination on a pacifier that it can cause infection in teeth. It is actually a greater germ risk than sucking on their fingers.

Some pacifiers are made with plastic that contains dangerous chemicals. Plastic is treated heavily and is known to contain different carcinogenic materials. Needless to say, you don’t want your baby sucking on something that could cause cancer.

Some pacifiers also contain allergens that can trigger a deadly reaction in your child. The journal Pediatrics suggests that parents can “clean” a pacifier by sucking on it. Your saliva, after all, has microbes that may stimulate the baby’s immune system. This is thought to minimize the risk of allergy development.

9 Tips to Improve Your Eyesight Fast!

by June 26, 2017

Eyesight is a pretty crucial thing when it comes to daily living. There are a lot of factors that play into the damaging of your eyes, but over time they can start to lose function.

There are a lot of things that cause the decline of your optical health. However, daily living for 50 or more years can leave you with some pretty damaged eyes. That’s why you have to take great care of your peepers because you only get one set. Some of the things we do every day that seems harmless might be hurting us in ways we are not aware of. Like the morning eye rub. Every morning when you wake up, rub your eyes and get the eye crusties out of the corners. Sound familiar? Almost everyone does it, but this is actually really bad for your eyes.

The Pencil Trick

There are lots of things you can do to improve the health of your eyes and prevent regular wear and tear on them. One excellent, and simple, way to increase the health of your eyes is the pencil trick. All you have to do is take your glasses off, if you wear them, then grab a pencil and hold it at an arm’s length away. Slowly begin to move the pencil closer to your eyes and when it disappears stop. Repeat this ten times daily. According to research from the Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology, this is a 100% effective method.

Wall Writings

You can also focus on wall writings to increase the health of your eyes. Just like you can’t skip leg day in the gym, you can’t skip eye day. This is an excellent way to strengthen your eyes. Sit in a chair a few feet away from a wall with writing and study the letters over and over again.


Sunning is oddly a good way to improve your eye health. All you have to do is lay out in the sun and close your eyes. Only sit like this for 5 minutes though, and after your eyesight should be much clearer.

Feed Your Eyes

You should also feed your eyes. There are many natural supplements and foods that are amazing for your eyes. They contain minerals and nutrients that are essential in sustaining your eyesight. Antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin help protect your eyes from getting sun damage. You can find these antioxidants in dark leafy vegetables, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and carrots.

Rest Them!

Rest and relax your eyes too. Your eyes can go through more strain than you realize, and resting them can be essential in keeping your vision. Also, lack of sleep will also decrease your eye health. Shut down for about three to five minutes. Close your eyes and lean your head back while trying to clear your mind of thoughts.

Lay Off the Screens

Refrain from screens as much as possible. Society has us surrounded with screens all day long every day. It is important to your eye health to lay off the phone, tv, and computer for a while. Reading a book for fifteen minutes a day is an excellent way to do so, and reading is great for your eyes too! It’s a win, win!

Gingko Biloba

Taking Ginkgo biloba supplements is another great way to increase your eye health naturally. This natural supplement is powerful and can be used for lots of different things. Today, researchers know that Ginkgo biloba improves eye health by boosting blood circulation and repairing oxidative damage to the body.

Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry is another natural supplement that can improve your eyesight. It is packed full of vitamin C and powerful antioxidants. Buy some organic Indian gooseberry powder and mix it with water and honey. Drink daily for two months.

Exercise Your Eyes

Exercise your eyes! There are eye exercises that are amazing at strengthening and rejuvenating the health of your eyes. Warm your eyes. Rub your palms together to create heat, and then place them against your eyes for five seconds. Repeat this three times. Roll your eyes. Start by looking up and then slowly circle 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise.



Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

by June 23, 2017

Vitamin D deficiency is something we do not often think about, sadly though, it is a huge issue. Drinking milk is not enough when it comes to getting enough vitamin D.

Vitamin D is something best obtained naturally through exposure to the sun. It is vital if you want strong, healthy bones. If you aren’t eating enough vitamin-D enriched foods or getting enough exposure to the sun you are putting yourself at risk for several different illnesses and health issues.

According to the CDC, thirty-two percent of children and adults through the US are vitamin D deficient and this being an underestimated number. It has been speculated that likely fifty percent of the population is actually vitamin D deficient. When we are vitamin D deficient we are at higher risk for things like rickets, cancer, cardiovascular disease, infections, autoimmune disease, and so forth. We need vitamin D for lots of important body functions.

The only way to know for sure if you are vitamin D deficient is to undergo blood testing, however, there are some signs and symptoms that will help you to be more aware. If any of the following apply to you then you should definitely make an effort to get some blood work done as soon as possible.

Signs You May Be Vitamin D Deficient:

1. You are having gastrointestinal issues.

2. You feel clammy. 

3. You are overweight or have a higher muscle mass.

4. You are 50 or older. (As we age our skin does not make as much vitamin D in response to sun exposure.)

5. You have achy bones.

6. You have dark skin.

You should never ignore the signs your body is giving you. When it comes to our health we can never be safe enough. Small things like this add up to be extreme issues the longer we leave them untreated.




What Chemicals are Really in Coca-Cola’s Coke Soda?

by June 23, 2017

Sure, you may already know about Coca-Cola Co and the terrible things they do but do you know just how toxic their products really are? When we drink their soda we are ingesting a host of dangerous chemicals.

Sure, Coca-Cola is one of the most recognized brands in the world and is considered an icon here in the US these soft drinks are making us terribly unhealthy. Drinking just one extra can of soda a day can add as much as fifteen pounds to your weight over the course of a single year and increase your diabetes risks by about eighty-five percent! Their crimes against humanity also do not go unnoticed as they have also polluted groundwater in other countries and created water shortages altogether. I rarely see anything good about the soda itself or the company.

Once you really understand what you are ingesting it is much easier to see why you should stop. Below you will find a list of dangerous chemicals found in Coca-Cola’s Coke soda and just what they can do to you. Please pay close attention.

  • Carbonated tap water- Carbonation increases gastric secretions and this makes us flatulate.
  • E952- Sugar substitute that can cause your glycemic levels to sky-rocket. Can lead to diabetes as well as several other issues.
  • E150D- This food coloring is made from processing sugar at specific temperatures and then has ammonium sulfate added to it. This is a chemical known to increase asthma attacks.
  • E951- Aspartame, a GMO product that causes severe negative effects on our bodies including things like headaches, blurry vision, nausea, depression, hearing loss, joint pain, and more. It can provoke the following diseases: Brain tumors, Multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and more.
  • E950- Acesulfame Potassium, aggravates the heart and nervous system, is very bad for children and women who are with child.
  • E330– Citric Acid, a preservative used in the medical field for preserving blood. In large doses, it can eat away at your stomach lining.
  • E338- Orthophosphoric Acid, this causes skin and eye irritation and can prevent your body from being able to absorb calcium.
  • E211- Sodium Benzoate, based off of a study done at the Sheffield University in Britain this can harm DNA.
  • Aromas- Unknown aromatic additives.

While this is not a complete list of chemicals it is a list of the most dangerous, if you want to double check the Coca-Cola website for their ingredients you will see all of the above chemicals listed. To hear what Dr. Mercola has to say on Aspartame and Coca-Cola please watch the video below.

Broccoli Could Be a Secret Weapon Against Diabetes, Science Says

by June 23, 2017

A chemical found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli known as sulforaphane might actually be able to lower glucose levels. That meaning broccoli in itself could help people suffering from type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels.

It seems sulforaphane may have been responsible for lowering glucose levels in lab experiments that were done on diabetic rats. This was found when researchers used computer models to identify gene expression changes that were linked to type 2 diabetes, they then sifted through thousands of chemicals that were thought to possibly reverse these changes. They saw a reduction of about ten percent.

That ten percent average reduction was seen across a sample of ninety-seven Human volunteers who took part in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. It was noted that the participants who were obese and had higher baseline glucose levels to begin with actually benefitted the most. The dose being used in this was the equivalent of eating about eleven pounds of broccoli a day. This being something researchers say could be adapted into powder form and sprinkled on just about anything you eat throughout your day.

Researchers have also speculated that after awhile sulforaphane could become a replacement for metformin, a drug used to improve blood sugar regulation in people with diabetes. This is amazing because up to about fifteen percent of people who suffer from diabetes cannot take metformin because of the associated kidney damage. Sulforaphane is quite different than metformin when it comes to how it works because Sulforaphane suppresses the enzymes in the liver that stimulate glucose production while metformin makes cells more sensitive to insulin taking more glucose out of the bloodstream in that manner.

Sulforaphane showed to be promising long before human trials when it was tested on liver cells being grown in a lab. Of course, larger more detailed studies will be needed before the drug can be approved for treatments but this is a definite sign you should make sure to get your veggies every day. If upping your broccoli intake could really help you out why not give it a go?

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