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Apple Seeds and Cancer: What the Government Has Been Hiding From You for Years

by June 27, 2017

When people ever hear a mentioning of eating an apple seed or apricot pit they immediately begin to freak out. This is because it is rumored that Apple seeds contain cyanide.

Apples are amazing for your health. It is not only the fruit that is beneficial, it’s the seed too. Little knowledge is very dangerous, and in this case, it is in regards to apple seeds. Apple seeds contain a compound known as amygdalin. The compound contains cyanide, yes, but very little of it. There have been thousands of people that use the apricot seed to cure cancer, and they did not die from cyanide poisoning.

It isn’t just recently that apple seeds and apricot pits were studied for the use of curing cancer. Ancient civilization The Hunzas utilized the apricot pit in many different ways. Major Sir Robert McCarrison wrote about the Hunzas back in the 1930s when he had a post with the Indian Medical Service. According to McCarrison, the Hunzas enjoyed near-perfect physical and mental health and some of them lived to be over 135 years old. There seemed to be no evidence of diabetes, obesity, or heart attacks among them as well. There was also no evidence of cancer. Could it be because of the apricot pit? They knew it had to be something in their diet, and it really consisted of a lot of apricots.

The amygdalin compound has four molecules. Two of which are glucose molecules, and the other two are cyanide and benzaldehyde. The last two molecules might sound scary, but they actually have a very positive effect in the metabolic process. They are released in cancer cells only, otherwise, they are passed through. Cancer cells depend on fermenting sugar instead of oxygen. The compound blocks it.

Cancer cells contain an enzyme that is not found in healthy cells, beta-glucosidaseThe beta-glucosidase enzyme “unlocks” the amygdalin compound, releasing the deadly toxins within the cancer cell. Only cancer cells metabolize amygdalin. Healthy normal cells don’t. Most non-cancerous cells contain another enzyme, rhodanese. Free cyanide molecules are bound to sulfur molecules by rhodanese, creating harmless cyanates that are eliminated in the urine.

We need to have more researchers investigate the power of apple seeds and apricot pits. From what we already know, we know they definitely have potential to be used in the fight against cancer. The apple seed contains many different ingredients that are great for our bodies! Try blending them up in a morning smoothie!

There’s One Surprisingly Huge Health Benefit to Ejaculation

by June 27, 2017

When you wank your Johnson you might feel a little bit guilty, but it’s perfectly normal. And it is actually really good for your health to ejaculate on a regular basis. 

As a man, we have to be concerned with the health of our prostate. We definitely don’t want to acquire prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is becoming more and more popular, and there are some easy – and enjoyable – ways to prevent it. Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common kind of cancer in American men. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be about 161,360 new cases of prostate cancer this year. They also estimate about 26,730 men will die from it. That’s some serious statistics and a lot of people. There is no reason that might not be you. However, there is one science-backed way to preventing prostate cancer. It’s rather enjoyable too.

You might not think there are many benefits to be obtained from masturbating, but there actually is. About 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States. It is most common in men over the age of 65, and it is rare before the age of 40. Masturbating is science backed and proven to be able to prevent cancer by several different studies. No matter what kind of context you are ejaculating in (sex, alone, or wet dreams) you are easily preventing the formation of cancer in your prostate gland.

According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of European Urology, you need to be ejaculating quite frequently. They surveyed 32,000 men from 1992 to 2010. They found that participants who reported ejaculating at least 21 per month have a lower chance of getting prostate cancer than those who reported ejaculating only 7 times per month. 

It has also been shown that frequent ejaculation in your forties reduces your risk of getting prostate cancer by 22%! “While our findings should be confirmed in studies that evaluate the potential biological mechanisms underlying the observed associations, the results of our study suggest that ejaculation and safe sexual activity throughout adulthood could be a beneficial strategy for reducing the risk of prostate cancer,” Jennifer Rider, lead author of the study, said in a press release.

These Are the Warning Signs of a Stroke

by June 27, 2017

Strokes are a serious health complication and are extremely life threatening. When it comes to a stroke, nothing matters more than how fast you can react.

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced. This deprives the brain of oxygen-rich blood, resulting in the rapid death of brain cells. It could be caused by several different things. It is usually caused by a blocked artery or the leaking and bursting of a blood vessel. Some people might only experience a temporary disruption in blood flow to their brain. This is called a transient ischemic attack.

Around 85% of all strokes are ischemic strokes. They occur when the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow to the brain. The most common of the ischemic strokes are thrombotic strokes and embolic strokes. Thrombotic strokes are when a blood clot forms in the artery that supplies blood to your brain. It might be caused by fatty deposits and an increase in blood cholesterol. Embolic strokes are when a blood clot or other type of debris forms away from your brain. It is commonly in your heart, and 767it is swept through the bloodstream to lodge narrower brain arteries.

Fixing a stroke is a complicated cardiovascular surgery, but that is the doctor’s job. However, getting the patient to the doctor will be completely up to you in the case of an emergency and time is crucial. You’ll need to immediately call 911 if you see any of the following symptoms in a patient. In the event of a stroke crisis you’re going to want to act FAST. (Face, Arms, Speech, and Time.) these are the most crucial components of recognizing a stroke and getting the patient to a hospital as quickly as possible.

Face – Ask the person to smile. In the event of a stroke, the person will experience a loss of feeling and numbness typically on one side of the face. When you ask them to smile, check for any droopiness.

Arms – Ask the person to raise both arms. If one arm drifts downward it is likely they are having a stroke. You will see this on one side of the body too.

Speech – When someone is experiencing a stroke they will most likely have problems trying to speak. Ask them to repeat a simple phrase, such as the ABCs. Does their speech sound slurred or strange?

Time – Like I said before, during a stroke time is everything. You don’t want any more brain cells to die than what already has. If you observe any of these signs, call 911 immediately.

How to Get Rid of a Stiff Neck Naturally in Just 90 Seconds!

by June 26, 2017

A stiff neck is not something you want to have. Whether you got it from a small fender bender or sleeping the wrong way, there is only one effective way to get rid of it.

There are lots of reasons that you might have a stiff neck. You might have slept on it wrong, causing discomfort and stiffness in your neck muscles, or you might have gotten a little whiplash in a fender bender. A stiff neck has become rather popular these days because we are glued to a screen. We typically hold our phone near our lap causing us to bend your neck almost 70-90 degrees. This puts additional stress on your neck and spinal cord and causes tons of pain.

There are lots of different ways to naturally solve neck, back, or any aches and pains in general. Acupuncture and acupressure are two extremely effective methods that have been practiced for thousands of years. You can see that ancient Chinese cultures used these in dealing with a variety of health issues, and it really worked too! In the video below, it will show you how to stretch your neck and target pressure points to relieve tension and pain. One of the most common causes of neck pain is the shortening of muscles. This happens when we have our neck bent in an odd way but aren’t really paying attention to it; much like we do when we look at a screen all day.

When the muscles in the neck are shortened it aggravates the nerves in the area, making turning or even moving your head slightly very painful. The demonstration shows you how to target the exact area where the muscles have contracted. Turning your neck using an opposite hand will release the tension in your neck muscles, relieving you of pain.

Doing this exercise stimulates different nerves that send signals to your brain to release the shortened muscle. It only takes about 90 seconds and anyone can do it. If you suffer from intense neck pain this video could be a life changer!

Why You Shouldn’t Eat Enriched or Fortified Foods

by June 26, 2017

There is a misconception going around that fortified and enriched foods are healthy, but I am sorry to tell you that, that just is not the case! The glut of food products, mainly breakfast cereals and bars, are being pumped with vitamins and minerals. Have you ever heard of something called too much of a good thing?

Enriched Foods

Enriched is the word of the hour and we can find that word in thousands of products that grace the grocery store shelves. Since 1998 folic acid has been added to most bread flours, cornmeal, pasta, and rice as well as other grain products in the United States and Canada.

However, it is an unfortunate fact that these foods get “enriched” with synthetic vitamins and/or minerals that our bodies usually cannot use properly. These synthetic nutrients can cause major health problems!

According to the Organic Consumers Association,

Toxicity Side Effects of Excess Fat Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin A: abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, lethargy, eczema, patchy hair loss, edema, anemia, respiratory tract infection, chronic liver disease

Vitamin E: allergic reaction, breathing impairments, swelling of the tongue, fatigue, headache, nausea, blurred vision, excessive bleeding (anticoagulation due to inhibition of vitamin K), increased oxidative stress, increased hypertension, decreased life span

Vitamin K: supplementation with a synthetic form of vitamin K Menadione has been associated with liver damage. Some reports indicate a significant association between high intramuscular levels of vitamin K and cancer.

Vitamin D: even though vitamin D poisoning is rare, toxicity can occur under certain medical conditions such as primary hyperparathyroidism, tuberculosis, and lymphoma. Note that vitamin D is completely safe when produced by the body itself through UV sunlight exposure.

Fortified Foods

Foods like dairy products, orange juice, cereals, and juices have added vitamins and minerals added to increase their nutritional value. Many food manufacturers will throw a label on food that says, “fortified with essential vitamins and minerals.”

In the Natural health world, this is just code for the fact that they are covering up the high amount of high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar in that box or carton. This happens a lot with things like cereals. As of recent, many manufacturers have switched to “whole grains”, but don’t be fooled! Just because they are using whole grains, does not make it a healthy option. The sugar content alone should be enough to make you run for the hills. Do yourself a favor and skip the fortified foods! 

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing! It is wise to concentrate on getting as much of your calcium, folic acid and iron from whole food sources rather than fortified products. Make sure to check the nutrition label on packaged foods, always go for the organic option, or just go to natural stuff like fruits, grains, legumes, and vegetables.

This Tea Cures Strep Throat, Sinus Infections & The Flu

by June 26, 2017

In a world full of medications, antibiotics, and vaccines, we are actually as unhealthy as we ever have been. Disease is on the rise, cancer is prevalent, and heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States.

Although there are so many different medications on the market, you can get confused. Medications and pharmaceuticals claim to be the answer to every single disease and health issue there is, but this is not the case at all. Medications bring about tons of different side effects and issues and can damage your overall health past the point of no return. This is why it is extremely important to heal yourself naturally.

There are many different natural ingredients out there that can cure a variety of diseases. Some of the most useful natural ingredients are turmeric, ginger, and garlic. However, oregano tea can be used to cure one of the most common health issues such as strep throat, sinus infections, and even the flu. Oregano has antioxidants and antibacterial properties. It also contains fiber, iron, manganese, vitamin E, iron, calcium, omega fatty acids. It is additionally a strong anti-inflammatory that treats osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis.

The common cold, flu, and strep throat are extremely common because the bacteria is so airborne. You can use oregano tea to cure basically all the symptoms and get rid of the virus completely.

Oregano increases sweat production to help the body get rid of pathogens and detox. It is also an expectorant to boost phlegm expulsion. You can also add oregano oil to a diffuser for better results.

You’ll need:

  • 4 to 6 tablespoons fresh oregano leaves
  • 2 ½ cups water
  • 1 tablespoon organic raw honey

You’ll have to:

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a small saucepan.
  2. Chop the leaves and quickly add to the pan.
  3. Simmer on medium heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Strain, add honey, and enjoy hot.

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