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7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ovarian Cysts

by June 30, 2017

Ovarian cysts are typically common with women who still get their periods. They are usually benign by nature, but they can sometimes form cancer.

Ovarian cysts are solid or fluid-filled pockets on or in your ovary. They are usually painless and cause no harm, but they can sometimes result in some additional menstrual issues. Some people might get them every month as part of their cycle and never even know it. They usually go away on their own, but sometimes they can become inflamed and become more of an issue. In this case, a doctor will try and prescribe you medications with a list full of side effects.

When a cyst doesn’t go away it can become a problem. It can become painful and it could even turn into cancer. The chances that it becomes cancerous is low, but it increases as you get older. In rare cases, a cyst might need medical attention right away. If you experience any of these symptoms you should see a healthcare professional immediately.

  • Sudden, severe belly pain
  • Pain with fever and throwing up
  • Dizziness, weakness, feeling faint
  • Fast breathing

There are natural ingredients that you can use to cure your ovarian cysts rather than taking pharmaceuticals that give you a boat load of side effects. Most of them are not dangerous and go away on their own, but there are cases where your body needs an extra shove to get rid of them. Medications might supply that extra shove, but they cause harm to other parts of your body. That’s why you should instead use these natural remedies.

Castor oil packs – Castor oil packs have the ability to eliminate toxins from the body and stimulate the lymphatic system just enough to get rid of ovarian cysts. All you have to do is fold a flannel cloth to make it 2 or 3 layers thick. Put castor oil on the cloth, fold it, unfold it, and place it on your abdomen.

Chamomile Tea – Chamomile tea is relaxing and tastes great. It has tons of different abilities, including stress relief. It can also be used to treat cysts naturally. The tea stimulates blood flow in your pelvic area and uterus, regulating irregular periods. Mix two tablespoons of dried chamomile in a cup of hot water. Cover and steep for 5 minutes, and add a teaspoon of honey.

Epsom Salt – Epsom salt can be used for so many different things. It is an ancient home remedy, and it can be used to treat ovarian cysts too. Epsom salt can act as a muscle relaxant, and relieve the pain of the cysts. Add 1 cup of Epsom salt to your bathtub filled with warm water. Add 10 drops of essential oil (jasmine, rose, or lavender.) Stir for a few minutes in order to dissolve the salt.

Beetroot – Beetroot contains betacyanin. This ingredient improves the function of your liver to clear the toxins out of your system. It also balances the acidity of your body. Mix ½ cup of fresh beet juice with 1 tablespoon of aloe gel and black molasses. Drink every day with breakfast.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar can shrink the cysts and dissolve them completely. It is high in potassium and it is recommended by man health physicians. Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water. Mix in one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses. Drink one or two glasses of this solution daily.

Ginger Juice – Ginger juice can effectively get rid of ovarian cysts because it is a powerful anti-inflammatory. it is also known to relieve pain. It can induce menstruation because it increases the body’s overall temperature.

Flaxseed – Flaxseed can be used for lots of different things, including balancing out your estrogen levels. They are rich in fiber and help the body eliminate excess toxins, cholesterol, and waste products created by the liver.


10 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil Daily

by June 30, 2017

No matter how hard business CEOs and corporate leaders try, they can never make anything in a laboratory that is better than natural substances. Natural ingredients are so much more effective than medications; especially coconut oil.

Coconut oil is one of the most powerful superfoods out there. It can be used for so many different things and health issues. It can be used as a cooking ingredient, cleaner, face mask, medication, and to even prevent cancer. Coconut oil is so fantastic for your body because it contains medium chain triglycerides.  Medium chain triglycerides not stored as fat in the human body, which is already better than their cousin long chain triglycerides. Instead, medium chain triglycerides are transported to the liver where they are quickly converted into energy! It additionally contains ingredients that can effectively fight off pathogens and free radicals. That’s not all either. Coconut oil can be used in so many different ways around the house. Try it for yourself!

Increases Energy – Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides, which are different than long chain triglycerides because they are not stored as fat in the body. Most saturated fats are just stored in the body, rather than being utilized. However, medium chain triglycerides are directly transported to the liver to produce energy! It is a natural ingredient that boosts the mood and gives you that extra charge of energy you need to get throughout the day.

Fights Infections – Medium chain triglycerides make up 50% of the fatty acid content of coconut oil, but the main ingredient that is so powerful in it is lauric acid. Lauric acid is a powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial that kills viruses and pathogens before they ever get the chance to make you sick.

It Normalizes Brain Function – Another reason coconut oil is so amazing for your body is that it normalizes brain function. Over time, our brain health starts to slowly decrease, especially if we don’t live a healthy lifestyle. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are some serious mental diseases that affect us today, and coconut oil is believed to be able to prevent it. The medium chain triglycerides are synthesized into ketone bodies in the liver. The ketone bodies have been shown to have an extremely positive effect on several different brain diseases. These even include Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Epilepsy.

It Decreases Hunger – Coconut oil is great for those who are trying to shed a few pounds and decrease your waist size. This is because it not only stimulates the burning of fat cells, but it will also decrease your hunger. One of the essential parts of losing weight is decreasing your portion sizes – coconut oil can do it for you too.

Weight Loss – Like I said before, coconut oil is an amazing weight loss supplement. The daily consumption of coconut oil has been linked to decreasing weight loss, especially in the midsection. It regulates your appetite which automatically decreases your portion sizes, but it also improves digestion.

Reduced Risk for Heart Disease – Some people believe that saturated fats are the primary cause of heart disease, but this is untrue. Coconut oil has been proven to improve your overall cholesterol by increasing HDL (good cholesterol) and decreasing LDL (Bad cholesterol). It can additionally reduce plaque build up in your arteries!

Anti-Aging – Coconut oil is also an amazing beauty product. Anyone can include it in their daily regimen, and it does wonders for your skin. It is loaded with vitamin E which is a natural moisturizer. It additionally strengthens the epidermis against cellulite, stretch marks, and keratosis pilaris.

Hair Health – Coconut oil can breathe new life into your locks too. If your hair hasn’t been in the best health recently, coconut oil can restore it fast. It protects hair from sun damage and dehydration. All you have to do is massage organic coconut oil into your scalp to shield your hair from dangerous UV rays! It can also eliminate dandruff and scalp irritations.

Nutrient Absorption – Even if you are eating healthy and nutritious foods, your body might not be absorbing them properly. Coconut oil helps the digestive tract absorb fat soluble vitamin A, D, E, and K. If you take any supplements you can even take them with a spoonful of coconut oil to ensure you get all the nutrients from them.

It Sustains Blood Sugar – Coconut oil can even be a huge aid to diabetes sufferers. Medium chain triglycerides assist in the conversion of cholesterol into pregnenolone, an essential piece to the synthesis of human hormones. It is responsible for a healthy thyroid, and a daily coconut oil serving can help the body use insulin way more efficiently than without!

8 Tricks to Improve Your Memory

by June 29, 2017

Memory is a very important part of life. If we can’t remember anything, we wouldn’t have any loved ones, passions, hobbies, or even know our own personalities.

It is needless to say that we have to have our memory. However, as we age our memory might actually start to decline. It is extremely important to take some precautionary measures in order to preserve your memory and overall brain health. We once thought that memory peaked when we were young, and then as we got older it slowly declined regardless of any outside exposure. However, researchers have discovered that we can take preventive measures to protect our memory.

Researchers have discovered that we can improve our memory, overall brain health, and prevent mental disorders by just doing a few things. The lifestyle you live has a lot to do with the overall health of your brain and your memory. You can be performing at your mental peak and your physical peak just by eating healthy and staying active! You don’t need any of the expensive and toxic medications that are on the market today either; they are terrible for your health, and a lot of them might even play into the progression and formation of Alzheimer’s Disease. If you want to preserve your memory, all you have to do is follow these easy steps.

Eat Right – Eating right can have a huge impact on your health. It is essential to consume fresh vegetables and fruits in order to receive all of the nutrients your body needs. Celery and Broccoli have tremendous benefits for the brain because they contain antioxidants and other compounds that play into preserving your cognitive health. You should also increase the amount of omega 3 fats you’re taking in too. They can be essential in neurogenesis, the formation of new brain cells.

Exercise – Exercising has many more benefits than just making your body leaner and look better. Exercising and staying active is essential in improving your memory because it stimulates new nerve cells to multiply. It additionally strengthens the interconnections of nerve cells and protects them from damage. A 2010 study published in Neuroscience also reveals that regular exercise improves blood flow to the brain and also helped monkeys learn new tasks twice as quickly as nonexercising monkeys.

Do One thing at a Time – Multitasking has been shown to be really bad for our brain, especially our hippocampus, the memory center of the brain. Multitasking slows you down and decreases productivity. Research shows that you need a total of eight seconds to commit a piece of information to your memory, so it is important to do one thing at a time and focus on only that task.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep – Research from Harvard University indicates that people are  3 percent more likely to infer connections among distantly related ideas after sleeping. A good night’s rest is extremely important, and without it, you can experience a world of issues.

Play Brain Games – brain games have been proven to have a positive effect on your brain. They stimulate the production of new brain cells and increase neuroplasticity. You can challenge your brain on, a program designed by Dr. Michael Merzenich, that contains tons of different brain games that are fun and awesome for your brain.

Master a New Skill – mastering a skill can require time and dedication, but in the end, it really pays off. You not only have acquired a new skill, but you have made tremendous improvements to your brain. One study showed that craft activities such as quilting and knitting were associated with decreased odds of having mild cognitive impairment.

Mnemonic Devices – Mnemonic devices are grammatical tools designed to make you remember a word or a phrase. They help you organize information into an easy to remember format. These devices include acronyms, visualizations, rhymes, and chunking. You can see examples of this in things all over the place, such as the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association). Remembering these devices can really improve your memory. In a way, it’s a little brain game.

Vitamin D – vitamin D is an excellent nutrient that can improve your memory. There are activated vitamin D receptors that increase nerve growth in your brain. Researchers have been able to locate metabolic pathways for vitamin D in the hippocampus and cerebellum of the brain. Research has shown that low vitamin D levels are associated with poor brain function, and increasing it might even help keep adults mentally fit.

Do You Know the Danger of Turning On the A/C After Starting the Engine?

by June 29, 2017

You might turn the car on and immediately turn on the air conditioner while your other friend or loved one goes into the supermarket for a bit. While this might seem like a harmless thing to do, it’s actually extremely dangerous.

When we close our windows and park our cars outside, they accumulate a chemical known as benzene. If you leave your car in the shade it might accumulate somewhere between 400-800 mg of benzene, while if it is left out in the sun it can accumulate near 2000-4000 mg! That is almost 40 times the permitted level. Exposure to benzene can have several different effects on your health. It all depends on how much of it that you are exposed to. Short-term exposure can lead to irritation of the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. You might even experience a little bit of dizziness, drowsiness, and unconscious at higher levels. The long-term exposure to benzene has been linked to life-threatening health issues such as leukemia, anemia, and cancer.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, has also set up regulations regarding the levels of benzene allowed in the workplace. They set the limits of benzene exposure to one part per million parts of air, on an average of eight hours per day, according to the National; cancer institute.

Inhaling benzene affects the liver, kidneys, and bone tissues. Your car’s manual even says that you should open the car windows before turning on the air conditioning, but they never explain why.

Before it starts to cool the air, the air conditioner blows out all the hot air – including benzene. When you sit in your car and you notice the smell of burnt plastic, open the windows for a couple minutes before you turn on the AC. Then, slowly ease the pressure of the air up as you release the fumes through the window. Circulation is everything. 

The Truth About Coconut Oil The AHA Doesn’t Want You To Know About

by June 29, 2017

You might have recently heard about the wonders that coconut oil can do for you. As a growing health awareness is rising, people are realizing the powerful abilities of natural ingredients.

Because people are being pumped full of toxic ingredients and processed foods we are sicker than we ever have been before. People are finally realizing that we are nothing but a dollar sign to corporate companies, and they are starting to wean themselves of the toxic food and medications. Coconut oil is one of the most powerful natural ingredients and it has tons of medicinal abilities. But, this gets in the way of big corporations that make good money from us being unhealthy. So, why would they want you to be healthy? That just makes it harder for them to make more money.

According to the American Heart Association’s June 2017 report on saturated fats, coconut oil isn’t healthy for your heart. But, we think they’re trying to cover some things up. The American Heart Association recommends that the average man limits saturated fat intake to 30 grams per day to reduce the chance of heart disease. This is about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil a day and about 1.3 tablespoons for women. But that’s not very much, is it? They report that coconut oil increases bad cholesterol and has ‘no offsetting favorable effects.’ therefore, they advise against the use of coconut oil. It raises suspicions because they failed to ever mention that coconut oil can also increase your good cholesterol.

There have been multiple different studies on the effects of adding coconut oil into your daily diet. It provides a healthy increase in HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol. It has even been shown to help heart disease patients lose excess body mass and lose weight. It can additionally reduce inflammation significantly, which is key in reducing the amount of heart disease cases. The saturated fats in coconut oil have been proven to increase HDL cholesterol and help convert LDL cholesterol into good cholesterol. It promotes heart health and lowers the risk of heart disease.

Another study found that high levels of antioxidants in virgin coconut oil can effectively reduce inflammation and healed arthritis even more effectively than leading medications. It’s a powerful natural anti-inflammatory and can reduce it all over your body! The truth is, coconut oil is amazing for your heart and you should never be discouraged from using natural ingredients.

4 Herbs That Treat Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia & Depression

by June 29, 2017

Alzheimer’s and dementia are one of the worst diseases to be affected by. They cause detrimental damage to the brain and eventually death. If there were an easy way to keep yourself from acquiring these diseases, would you do it?

Alzheimer’s disease is a very serious issue. There are an estimated 5.5 million Americans suffering from this terrifying disease – and almost ⅔ of the affected are women. Alongside Alzheimer’s, stroke, depression, and anxiety are other things that seriously damage the lives of millions of Americans. What do these things have in common, though? Well, they can all be prevented by simply taking these simple herbs.

Prevention is an essential part of fighting disease. Disease can creep up on you out of nowhere, but a lot of the diseases we suffer from today are 100% preventable. If you can take preventative measures against these ill diseases while you are young, healthy, or even middle aged, you can do yourself a gigantic favor when you’re older. These diseases most commonly affect people over the age of 65, and there are four different supplements that are known to prevent them.

Gingko Biloba

 Gingko Biloba is a tree that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It can be used to treat a multitude of different diseases that affect the brain, heart, and lungs. This includes Alzheimer’s and depression. Multiple meta-analyses and systematic reviews have examined the effects of ginkgo Biloba on cognitive function in healthy adults as well as in dementia patients. They found that it was extremely beneficial in the fight against these diseases.


Turmeric is another natural ingredient that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. The active compound in turmeric, curcumin, has been shown to increase cognition in humans. It can help prevent mental disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. It has extremely powerful antioxidants and minerals that can revolutionize your health.


As weird as it sounds, this ingredient is a powerful stress reliever. It can reduce the effects of anxiety fast and even improve the symptoms of depression. It has a powerful antioxidant inside it that knocks out free radicals immediately. A 12-week study showed that the herb had a much greater effect than typical anxiety medications such as lorazepam.


 Ginseng is another powerful natural substance that can improve cognition. It helps brain cells concentrate and scientists have even tested its effectiveness on Alzheimer’s patients. They found that patients treated with ginseng showed improvements after the treatment. It is also known to improve mood and mental functions!

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