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How to Stop Attacking Yourself: 10 Steps to Heal Autoimmune Disease

by July 8, 2017

Our society is currently facing an epidemic of autoimmune diseases and most people aren’t even aware that it is happening!

An autoimmune disease is one in which the immune system begins to attack our own body, including our organs, tissues, and cells. The reason for the body reacting in this way is unknown, although there are several theories including genetics and environmental exposures. This reaction in the body is responsible for more than 80 diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, type 1 diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease.

The treatment of these inflammatory diseases often involves a heavy reliance on anti-inflammatory medication such as Motrin or Advil, steroids and powerful immune suppressing medication. The use of medication comes with a list of serious side effects. These medications address the symptoms, however, do little or nothing to actually treat the cause of the disease.

Dr. Frederick Miller of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences discussed the importance of doing further research into the disease, gaining knowledge of its risks and causes, rather than remaining content in treating the symptoms. He said, “The best way to combat the rise in autoimmune diseases is to do research to understand the genetic and environmental risk factors for them so that those who are at highest risk for developing disease after certain environmental exposures might be able to minimize those exposures and prevent the development of autoimmune disease.”


There are many ways that those of us suffering can work to assist our body in healing and reversing the effects of autoimmune disease including these 10 steps:

  1. Have your doctor complete the necessary testing for celiac disease. This disease would cause you to be highly susceptible to foods with gluten in them.


  1. Practice detoxification on a regular basis. This will help your body to remove potential toxins that may be triggering your immune conditions.


  1. Review and assess your current diet, searching for the presence of any hidden food allergens. Eliminating these allergens will allow you to relieve some of the stress on your immune system. Don’t overlook anything that you are eating, even gluten-free items such as rice and corn have been found to flare up the immune system in some people.


  1. Add both green tea and turmeric into your diet. Both of these substances have been found to help in controlling and lowering the autoimmune response within the body, in particular within the brain.


  1. Exercise is a natural anti-inflammatory, and it is extremely cost effective! Make sure that you are carving time out of your schedule to hit the gym.


  1. Eliminate table salt from your table. Salt has been found both to aggravate and increase some autoimmune conditions.


  1. Look into the possibility of heavy metal toxicity. This includes analyzing the various products that you currently use in your daily life such as your cosmetics, cleaning products and more. Several metals including mercury have been found to cause autoimmunity.


  1. Add supplements to your daily routine under the consultation of your natural health practitioner or family doctor. Some beneficial supplements for fighting immune diseases such as fish oil, vitamins C and D, and probiotics.


  1. Help yourself, and your body, to enter a state of relaxation by practicing deep breathing, yoga or massage. Stress is a contributor to immune disease, therefore relaxation will help to combat its symptoms.


  1. Consult with your family doctor to discover any potential infections that your body may currently be fighting. These infections (such as a yeast infection or Lyme Disease) will trigger your immune system to act, trying to fight them off, which may in turn also encourage the overactivity of the immune system attacking your own body.

Panic Attacks And Anxiety Linked To Low Vitamin B6 And Iron levels

by July 7, 2017

Those who suffer from panic attacks or anxiety know just how real and debilitating these conditions can be. Characterized by an accelerated heart rate, trembling, shaking, sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, nausea and more – an attack can leave you feeling helpless and out of control.

Researchers have been exploring the root causes, attempting to gain a better knowledge of what is responsible for these episodes and a recent study conducted in Japan may have provided us with some new information.

The study focused on the potential association between vitamin B and iron deficiencies and the presence of panic attacks and hyperventilation. The study examined the serum levels of vitamins B2, B6 and B12 as well as iron level in 41 participants – 21 of which were undergoing a panic attack (PA) or hyperventilation attack (HVA) as well as 20 volunteers that were not experiencing these episodes. The results found that while there was no significant difference in the levels of vitamins B2 or B12, those in the PA/HVA has lower levels of both vitamin B6 and iron.

This may be an important step in not only understanding panic attacks and anxiety but also in working towards developing a cure.

The reason that experts believe these deficiencies impact anxiety levels surrounds the creation and function of serotonin in the brain. Also known as the ‘happiness chemical,’ studies have found that it plays an important role in the management of both depression and anxiety disorders. Both vitamin B6 and iron play an important role in its synthesis within the body, meaning that a deficiency will ultimately result in a lowered serotonin level.

While both vitamin B6 and iron can be obtained through taking supplements it is highly recommended that you review your dietary choices and explore the possibility of increasing your intake through food sources. If you are considering supplements it should be done under the supervision of a natural health specialist or dietician.

10 Different Things Your Eyes Reveal About Your Health

by July 7, 2017

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but your eyes may be telling you more than you realize! When something is off with your body your eyes have a unique way of sending you warning signs, alerting you to a variety of conditions.

Andrew Iwach, ophthalmologist and spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology explains, “The eye is a unique window into health. It’s the only place in the body where, without surgery, we can look in and see veins, arteries and a nerve (the optic nerve).”

Despite how valuable these warning signs can be in your overall health they often go unnoticed due to a lack of proper attention to our eye health and our vision. “Unfortunately, people get busy and delay not only eye exams but regular physicals. That’s why eye doctors sometimes discover other issues, like diabetes or high blood pressure,” Iwach states.

 Don’t miss these 10 important warning signs:

  1. Appearance of a Blind Spot with Shimmering Lights or a Wavy Line

If you find that your vision begins to distort with the appearance of a blind spot accompanied by either the appearance of a number of bright dots creating the appearance of shimmering lights or a line that moves across your vision disrupting your ability to see, then you may be experiencing an ocular migraine. You may or may not find that these experiences are accompanied by a headache. While experts are continuing to study this condition to learn more they do believe that a chance in blood flow to the brain may be the cause. The condition should pass, however, if it persists, or if it is accompanied by other signs associated with a stroke or seizure, then you should contact your healthcare provider.


  1. Blurred Vision

There are several potential causes of blurred vision, which may be something as simple as strained eyes or it could indicate something far more serious. If you spend a significant amount of time in front of a computer screen during your daily routine, then there is a chance that you are experiencing computer vision syndrome. This condition occurs when your eyes become strained from the additional work of focusing on the pixels on your screen. If you are a diabetic this is an even bigger concern as it may indicate diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy is a condition that impacts the part of the circulatory that impacts the eye and leads to blindness in a large number of American adults.


  1. Appearance of a Bump or Brown Spot on the Eyelid

Similar to the appearance of a brown spot on the skin in any other area of the body, a bump or brown spot on your eyelid may indicate the appearance of skin cancer. The majority of malignant eyelid tumors are basal cell carcinoma, whereas a brown spot is more likely to be malignant melanoma. Anytime that you discover suspicious spots or sores, regardless of where they present themselves on your body, it is important to have them checked out by a medical professional.


  1. A Bulging Sensation in the Eyes

If you feel as though your eyes are protruding or bulging in their sockets this may indicate that you are experiencing hyperthyroidism (overactivity of the thyroid gland). To determine if your eyes are bulging, look in a mirror at the space between the top of the iris and the upper eyelid to see if there is any visible white in this space as there should not be. This condition develops slowly so you may not notice it at first. It is important to note that some family lines are prone to this condition, so if you find that it runs in the family then it is likely not hyperthyroidism.


  1. Dry Eyes That Are Sensitive to Light

Particularly common among women over the age of 40 with autoimmune disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, this is a sign of an immune system disorder called Sjogren’s Syndrome. This condition causes the glands in the eyes and mouth that are responsible for keeping the eyes moist to fail to function properly. This is often coupled with feeling a dry mouth, which may make it difficult to chew and swallow.


  1. A Persistent or Recurring Sty

A sty is a small, raised bump along the inner or outer eyelid area. While annoying and unsightly they aren’t usually a huge concern; however, if you have a sty appear on or around your eye that refuses to go away, particularly if you find that it hasn’t cleared up after a period of 3 months, or if you find you are repeatedly experiencing a sty in the same location on the eye, it is important that you make an appointment to see your healthcare provider! This could be a sign of a rare cancer known as sebaceous gland carcinoma.


  1. Sudden experience of Double Vision, Dimming vision or Loss of Vision

If you find that you are suddenly experiencing these signs it is important that you seek immediate medical help as they are all warning signs of a stroke! Other signs to watch for include feelings of numbness or weakness in your arms, leg or face, particularly along one side of the body, difficulty walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination, a bad headache or slurred speech.


  1. Loss of Eyebrow Hair

While shaved eyebrows have become a growing trend, if you find that your eyebrow hair is beginning to disappear on its own this could signal health concerns. Your eyebrows will thin naturally with age, however, if you find that you are losing more hair on the outer third of your eyebrow this may signal thyroid disease. This could either mean that you are currently experiencing hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland) or hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland).


  1. Yellowed Eyes

If the white portion of the eyes turns a yellowish color this is a condition known as jaundice. Common in newborns whose liver function has not fully developed, when this occurs in adults it is a sign of problems with the liver, bile ducts or gallbladder. Some conditions that may be responsible include hepatitis and cirrhosis. Other tissues in the body will also turn yellowish in these cases, however, it is not as easy to spot as the eyes. These causes can be extremely serious and those experiencing a yellowing of their eyes should seek medical attention immediately.


  1. The Appearance of Bumpy Yellowish Patches on the Eyelid

If you find that you are experiencing small yellow bumps across the eyelid this is a warning sign that you are experiencing high cholesterol. Referred to as ‘cholesterol bumps,’ the medical name for this condition is Xanthelasma Palpebra. Often mistaken for a sty, these fatty deposits present as multiple small bumps rather than the single bump that a sty will create. While problem usually isn’t serious it should be examined by a medical professional.

The Deodorant That Makes Men Grow Breasts, Linked to Cancers of the Prostate and Liver

by July 7, 2017

Greedy business CEO’s have taken over the world and they control every aspect of our lives using the resources we need. Many of the everyday things we use are actually extremely toxic to our health.

Deodorant is one the worst and most toxic products in our home today. It has been found to contain many different chemicals that are literally toxic for your health and can cause tons of different diseases. Recently a common men’s deodorant has been found to produce male breast growth and increased risk of prostate cancer! The researchers also found that it could cause liver cancer. Some of the most common products contaminated are Axe and Old Spice deodorant.

The Environmental Working Group is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to educating consumers and the public of the things that are posing high risks of disease. They put together a database of sixty-two thousand different products. Woman are typically more exposed to these products, but men have a higher risk of danger because it poses new scares about prostate cancer and male breast development. Unilever is the company that sells these deadly men’s deodorants.

The majority of the chemicals are detrimental to your health. Over half of the ingredients have been linked to such things as Alzheimer’s Disease, estrogen dominance, endocrine system disruption. According to the EWG database, the Axe men’s products are composed of a variety of toxic chemicals.

Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Gly is the primary ingredient in Axe mens deodorants. It is an active antiperspirant ingredient and it absorbs aluminum ions. There is a buildup of these ions over time and they have been linked to nerve damage, kidney damage, Alzheimer’s, and breast cancer.  

Top 5 Home Remedies To Remove Skin Tags

by July 7, 2017

Skin tags are one of the most annoying things to get. They are aggravating, and it seems like no matter what you do it won’t go away.

Skin tags are very common and they are very harmless. They are a minor cosmetic issue but many people get them removed because they don’t like the way they look. They aren’t too pretty of a sight, but most doctors will recommend only getting them removed if they are irritated. Removal isn’t as easy as picking it off like a scab either. If you go to a dermatologist wanting to get a skin tag removed they will either freeze it off using liquid nitrogen or do a laser procedure to cut it out. It can be really painful and the surgery raises the risk of infection.

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent home remedy to get rid of skin tags. Skin tags and warts are caused by viruses like the HPV virus. The human papilloma virus causes an infection in the top layer of the skin, causing it to grow too fast. When this happens it forms a little growth above the top layer of the skin – this is a skin tag! Apple cider vinegar can effectively kill the HPV virus because of its antibacterial and antiviral properties.

All you have to do to get rid of a skin tag using apple cider vinegar is clean the area around using water and a mild soap. Dip a piece of cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place it over the affected area. Then place a bandage over it and leave it for 15 minutes. Do this three times a day for several days and it will fall off!

Migraines? Powdered Ginger May Help

by July 7, 2017

Migraines are a horrible thing to experience. They get so bad that it can become difficult to perform normal day to day activities.

People who suffer from migraines will agree that when a migraine strikes, you will be willing to do anything to get rid of it. Sometimes all you can do is lay in a quiet and dark room, but even the slightest noise or light can be extremely painful. Most people treat their migraines will over the counter NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) like ibuprofen and Tylenol, but you should never take these! NSAIDs are extremely bad for you and can even increase your risk for heart disease by 19%.

Like all other health issues, it’s a much better decision to treat your migraines naturally. Natural healing is always the best decision because it is effective in one area and increases health in another. So, curing your migraine might also stabilize your blood sugar! This is obviously a much better choice than taking drugs like Ibuprofen that have been linked to so many different health issues, like ulcers and internal bleeding.

One of the best natural ingredients to treat your migraines with is Ginger. Ginger has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years for a reason; It’s one of the best natural ingredients out there. One of the most proclaimed and effective uses for ginger is for headaches and nausea because it blocks prostaglandins which stimulate muscle contractions, control inflammation and impact certain hormones. There have been a number of studies performed on ginger’s effectiveness on migraine headaches. One study found that it was even more effective than the leading migraine drug Sumatriptan.

The best form of ginger to take for a migraine headache is powdered ginger. You can also consume ginger in an oil form and make it at your very own home. All you have to do is crush fresh ginger, boil with water, filter, and enjoy the warm beverage. You’ll immediately notice a reduction in the intensity of your headache.

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