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Do You Suffer From Migraines or Headaches? This Piercing Could Be the Cure!

by July 10, 2017

If you have ever had a migraine then you know the insufferable amount of pain that comes with one. From light sensitivity to piercing, sharp pains, migraines are the worst.

Which leaves many wondering: what can be done? Well, according to a number of experts, there is actually a pretty effective cure: the daith piercing. The daith piercing is an ear piercing that according to the Huffington Post is done on the innermost cartilage fold of the ear. Those in favor of it have touted its effectiveness as being associated with acupuncture. But does it truly work?

Well, let’s weigh the statistics. Doctors are still unsure of what causes a migraine to begin with. Because of that, they are even less sure as to how to effectively remedy one. With that being said, it’s not too far-fetched to believe in the science behind the daith.

Think about it, there are a number of studies which prove the effectiveness of both reflexology and acupuncture for a number of ailments. It is said that the daith corresponds to the digestive system. Dr. Will Foster explained to a local news source that if migraines were associated with digestive issues that the problem should be remedied with the piercing.

“There are zones on the ear that correspond directly to zones on the body,” Dr. Foster told WVLT. “Some people get good results. Some people don’t.”

Basically, if you are unsure of how you feel regarding the piercing, first see an acupuncture doctor. Have them utilize the same region, and if it works, go for it! If not, maybe you should try another natural remedy, which we have listed here. 

Regular Consumption Of Cocoa Really Is Good For The Brain

by July 10, 2017

Most of us have a sweet tooth from time to time, and we indulge in some pretty guilty pleasures too. However, new studies show that cocoa is actually amazing for your brain.

Chocolate is a favorite dessert among millions, if not billions, of people. It’s a guilty pleasure shared by many people nonetheless. We don’t really perceive chocolate to be a good thing for us. I mean, today all forms of chocolate you’re gonna get are packed full of sugar and other additives that make it terrible for your body. However, if you can manage to get your hands on some organic cocoa you’ll actually be surprised by how many benefits it has for you. Cocoa beans are fermented seeds of the cacao tree and it has some interesting history.

The cacao tree is derived from a Latin term Theobroma Cacao, which means food of the Gods. It can be found native in the Amazon region and is considered an important crop in Central and South America. Cocoa trees stand about 12-25 feet tall and they grow naturally in tropical environments. We get most of our chocolate from cocoa, and studies show that it is really good for your brain. According to the research, regular consumption of cocoa is really good for your brain.

Cocoa contains flavanols and antioxidants that boost the brain’s memory and cognitive performance. Regular consumption has been shown to help protect against mental decline as we get older. The flavonoids occur naturally in the plant and showed positive effects on the circulatory system and maintaining the flexibility of Arteries. A new study published in Neurology studied the true effects of this powerful bean. Farzaneh A. Sorond, MD, Ph.D., of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and colleagues tested the effects of cocoa consumption on 60 volunteers, average age 73. None of the participants had dementia, but 17 suffered from a condition called impaired neurovascular coupling.

Researchers initially tested two levels of flavanols in cocoa, consumed twice daily for thirty days. They were encouraged to alter their diets to compensate for the extra calories in the cocoa. The small group of volunteers with impaired NVC saw dramatic changes after just a month of cocoa intake. Neurovascular coupling improved by more than double, and scores on standard cognitive tests increased 30%.

The flavanols increase your overall blood vessel function in the brain. This was supported by several other studies presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Researchers from The University of Nottingham Medical School in the Uk reported findings that cocoa increased brain blood blow.

Lead scientist Ian A. Macdonald, PhD, commented, “This raises the possibility that certain food components like cocoa flavanols may be beneficial in increasing brain blood flow and enhancing brain function among older adults or for others in situations where they may be cognitively impaired, such as fatigue or sleep deprivation.”

Of course eating Reeses and Kit Kats all day long will be terrible for your health, but a supplementation of organic cocoa might keep your brain in tip-top shape. So, next time don’t feel so guilty about eating that chocolate.

Sugar’s “Tipping Point” Link to Alzheimer’s Has Finally Been Revealed

by July 10, 2017

Alzheimer’s and dementia are serious mental diseases that affect millions of people. It’s a serious problem, and for the first time ever we have found a tipping point on the disease.

Alzheimer’s and dementia aren’t new diseases. They have been around for quite some time now, but the number of people affected has steadily increased over time. More people are affected by this detrimental disease than ever, and many people have different ideas about what might be causing it. Today we are fed processed foods more than anything and many people believe it might be what is causing the increase in disease.

Scientists, researchers, and doctors have been researching the cause of Alzheimer’s for quite some time now. The big pharma industry has stood in the way for a while because it is one of their biggest money making businesses. They’re in the business of treating health issues not curing them. However, research has indicated that Alzheimer’s is linked to blood glucose levels. Excess glucose levels have been linked to damaging a vital enzyme that is involved with inflammation response to the early stages of Alzheimer’s.

Diabetes patients have even been found to have an increased risk for acquiring this disease compared to healthy people. People with diabetes are more likely to experience abnormal proteins aggregate to form plaque and get stuck in the brain which causes damage. It additionally causes severe cognitive decline. They know that glucose breaks down products that damage proteins via glycation. But they just figured out the link between Alzheimer’s and Glucose.

Scientists from the University of Bath Departments of Biology and Biochemistry, Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Pharmacology worked with researchers at the Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases, King’s College in London have studied this link.

They found a sensitive technique that detects glycation and they found an enzyme that glycation specifically damages. It is called MIF (Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor). This enzyme plays a major role in the immune system and insulin regulation.

Professor Jean van den Elsen, from the University of Bath Department of Biology and Biochemistry, said: “We’ve shown that this enzyme is already modified by glucose in the brains of individuals at the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. We are now investigating if we can detect similar changes in the blood.

“Normally MIF would be part of the immune response to the build-up of abnormal proteins in the brain, and we think that because sugar damage reduces some MIF functions and completely inhibits others that this could be a tipping point that allows Alzheimer’s to develop.

Dr. Rob Williams, also from the Department of Biology and Biochemistry, added: “Knowing this will be vital to developing a chronology of how Alzheimer’s progresses and we hope will help us identify those at risk of Alzheimer’s and lead to new treatments or ways to prevent the disease.

Dr. Omar Kassaar, from the University of Bath, added: “Excess sugar is well known to be bad for us when it comes to diabetes and obesity, but this potential link with Alzheimer’s disease is yet another reason that we should be controlling our sugar intake in our diets.”

8 Exercises to Train Your Brain to Be More Positive

by July 10, 2017

Today it can become difficult to remain positive. There are so many different aspects of our lives that cause us to become extremely stressed and overwhelmed. Thankfully, there are ways you can train your brain to be positive.

Positivity is a crucial part of a good life. In the modern day world we often think that materialistic items and wealth are what defines someone’s happiness, but that would be wrong. It doesn’t matter what kind of car you have or if you’re wearing designer clothes; it’s all about how you perceive things. Perception is your ultimate reality and if you can alter it, you can change your whole life!

Happiness does not come from objects, it comes from within, from your subconscious. Yes, you might be having some financial issues, but you still have a family to come home to! This is just an example of how important perception really is. If you find yourself being negative more often than not it can seriously damage your overall happiness; it could even make you depressed. Negativity is poison for our bodies, but thankfully there are ways that you can reverse the negativity.

Here are 8 tips that can help train your brain to be more positive. You just have to practice these simple tricks everyday to increase your overall positivity. If you can manage to become more positive you will feel much happier overall!

Be Grateful

Being grateful has more benefits than just showing your gratitude. When you are grateful about things you will soon realize that you have a better appreciation for the things you have, rather than yearning for things you don’t have. Also when we are grateful for the things people do for us, it makes them want to do more for us. Instead of thinking about the things you want, think about the things you do have and how useful and important they are to you.

Stay Focused

It can become easy today to get distracted and forget what our true purpose is. If you can stay focused on your daily tasks and get them out of the way it can make you have a much better day. You have more time to be who you are and do what you love after you’ve finished your responsibilities.

Stay Active

Staying active has more benefits than just keeping your body in shape. It can increase your overall physical health, but it actually makes you happier too! Ten minutes of hiking a day can literally change your brain completely. Being active can stimulate the production of serotonin which makes you feel happy.

Eat and Drink Well

You really are what you eat. You might have heard this phrase before but not taken it seriously. Lifestyle and diet has everything to do with your overall health – and not just your physical health. Processed foods have been linked to anxiety and even depression. If we eat trash we feel like trash. It’s simple.

Help Others

There is a certain kind of reward you get from helping other people. It makes you feel amazing and people really pay attention to it too. Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody’s watching, but it’s also doing for others without expecting anything in return. It’s an excellent way to increase your own positivity. Doing for others just for the satisfaction of helping goes a longer way than you think.

Move On From the Hurt

If you have ever been hurt in your life you know what i’m talking about. Most of us have been, and we can’t be happy until we finally move on from what hurt us so badly. Letting it go is for your happiness, not who hurt you. They’re gonna be happy either way, so just let yourself be. It’s okay. Nothing you did ever made you deserve to be abandoned. You’re worth more than your struggles.

Follow Your Passion

If you aren’t doing what you really want to be doing in life you will never be fulfilled. If your passion is changing the world start with one thing at a time. It makes you feel awesome when you are truly making a difference in an area you care for.

Sleep Well

Sleeping is so important to your health. Without sleep our bodies and organs would be exhausted and poorly functioning. Everyone needs their rest, even your organs. They can’t work all the time. Sleep is crucial to your overall positivity too because you can’t be positive if you’re drowsy all the time.

Beware: the Real Truth About Colonoscopy Nobody Really Talks About

by July 9, 2017

The medical industry is notorious for scamming people into giving them their money. In all reality, the entire medical industry itself is just a scheme to get money.

Colonoscopies are a procedure that is prophylactic for colon cancer. It is a multimillion dollar industry in itself. There are over 14 million healthy people that are above the age of 50 that undergo this invasive procedure. It is a painful and dangerous procedure that causes harm where there was none in the first place.

Many people will claim that it is not a painful procedure, but it is. It’s actually extremely painful and dangerous. The Annals of Internal Medicine report that an estimated 70,000 people will be injured or killed by a colonoscopy complication. That is 22% higher than the amount of people that die from colorectal cancer itself. According to the Telemark Polyp Study l colonoscopies increase mortality by 57%. You can live decades with colorectal cancer; you can’t live long if your intestines are punctured by a camera.

Some diseases that you can acquire from having a colonoscopy are HPV virus, HIV, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Helicobacter Pylori, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C

Most people think that colonoscopies are to prevent cancer but this is a blatant lie. According to the American Cancer Association, “…there are no prospective randomized controlled trials of screening colonoscopy for the reduction in incidence of or mortality from colorectal cancer.” “The patients in all the studies had at least one adenoma detected on colonoscopy but did not have cancer. They developed cancer in the next few years, however, at the same rate as would be expected in the general population without screening.”

Other research was published in 2006 concluded that the screened patients in all of the studies developed colorectal cancer. According to The National Cancer Institute: “Whether virtual colonoscopy can reduce the number of deaths from colorectal cancer is not yet known.”

Everyone should avoid getting this dangerous procedure. It is a simple scam for the medical industry to make money. It increases your risk of getting cancer which makes them even more money.

13 Problems That Bananas Solve Better Than Pills

by July 9, 2017

There are many different natural ingredients that are known to replace common medications. You just have to use the right ones, like bananas for example.

There are many different reasons as to why you should be treating yourself naturally and not taking medications. Modern day medicine is a money scheme that causes more problems than they fix. It might temporarily cure something in one part of your boy, but it will also cause another problem somewhere else. Drugs like Tylenol and Ibuprofen have been linked to major medical issues like heart disease, cancer, and even diabetes. They not only cause more pain in the long run, they cause disease too.

Natural ingredients are the only way to heal yourself and actually promote health in another part of your body. When you treat your sore throat using honey and lemon, you might also experience a boost of energy. It’s always a win-win, and bananas are one of the best natural ingredients out there.

Bananas can be used to treat so many different health issues. They have been proven to treat many different diseases, disorders, and infections. Bananas can also treat minor problems such as sore muscles! 

If you get really sore after a workout you might not have a sufficient amount of magnesium in your diet. Bananas are packed full of magnesium and they can replenish it. They promote overall relaxation as well as protein synthesis; they also boost lipolysis, a process in which your body releases fat from its stores.

One amazing method used to consume bananas is banana tea! Banana tea is the perfect way to boost your magnesium levels. All you have to do is cut both ends of the banana off, leave peel on, and boil for 7-10 minutes. Afterwards just drain it and enjoy! It is best to drink before bed because it is so soothing, tastes amazing and can make you lose up to 10 pounds.

Bananas are also packed full of potassium; potassium is essential for good health! If you don’t consume enough potassium you will experience a world of side effects like dehydration, aches, pains, and cardiac issues. Other studies have shown that bananas can even help relieve stress!

Bananas boost vitamin b9 and they contain tryptophan a stress relieving chemical. “a precursor for serotonin,” says Cassie Bjork, RD, LD of Healthy Simple Life, “and serotonin may be the most important brain chemical because is a natural antidepressant and can treat, anxiety and insomnia, as well as other mood issues such as fatigue, irritability, agitation, anger, and aggression. Bananas also have norepinephrine, which regulates our ‘fight or flight response,’ which helps to regulate stress. They’re an optimal, natural, real-food way to promote positive moods and help to prevent depression,” she continues. “Good thing we don’t need a prescription!”

Bananas are just flat out great. If you aren’t a fan of the texture, try blending them into a smoothie. You could even include strawberries and blueberries for added benefits! Here are

10 other things bananas treat better than pills!

1.Banana is a very good source of energy as it gives energy instantly after eating it due to this lot of athletes use this more.

2.Banana very helpful in reducing stress,it contains tryptophan amino acid which us to keeps our mood cool and happy.It also contain potassium and magnesium due to this it keeps people depression away.

3.Banana also have health benefits for heart patient,it also helpful for those patient who have high blood pressure because it contains high potassium and less salt.

4.By eating banana daily with milk it increase our memory power.

5.It also helpful for anemia patient as banana contains lot of iron which increase hemoglobin level of our blood.

6.Banana also help our body to keep imbalance hormone balanced.

7.Banana keep pregnant women sugar level balanced which remove their morning sickness.

8.Due to its high nutrition value its control our acidity, Dr. said that banana made lubricant layer in stomach which reduce the cause of ulcer in body.

9.It contains vitamins-6 which keep our blood glucose level in control manner

10.As It is also a main source of fiber,due to this eating banana at morning reduce the constipation.

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