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A Team Cured Diabetes in Mice Without Side Effects

by July 12, 2017

Diabetes is a serious health disorder that can dramatically affect your overall quality of life. There are over 30 million Americans who suffer from this dreadful disease, but this team might have finally found the cure.

The research was performed at the University of Texas Health Science Center, now called UT Health San Antonio. The team found a potential cure for type one diabetes and they might have also found a way to stop insulin shots for type 2 diabetes sufferers. UT Health San Antonio researchers have a goal to reach human clinical trials in three years, but until then, the researchers must test their theories on large animal studies. However, this will cost an estimated $5 million dollars.

The animal study trials will precede application to the US Food and Drug Administration for Investigational New Drug (IND) approval. A co-author, Bruno Doiron Ph.D. says:

“It worked perfectly,” Dr. Doiron, assistant professor of medicine at UT Health, said. “We cured mice for one year without any side effects. That’s never been seen. But it’s a mouse model, so caution is needed. We want to bring this to large animals that are closer to humans in the physiology of the endocrine system.”

Ralph DeFronzo, M.D., professor of medicine and chief of the Division of Diabetes at UT Health, is co-inventor on the patent. He described the therapy:

“The pancreas has many other cell types besides beta cells, and our approach is to alter these cells so that they start to secrete insulin, but only in response to glucose [sugar],” he said. “This is basically just like beta cells.”

Insulin naturally lowers blood sugar but is only made of beta cells. Type one beta cells are destroyed by the immune system and the person has no insulin. But, in type 2 diabetes beta cells fail and insulin decreases. The therapy uses a technique called gene transfer. The Virus is used as a carrier to introduce selected genes to the pancreas. This causes digestive enzymes and other cells to make insulin.

Unlike beta cells, the body rejects in type one diabetes, the other cell populations of the pancreas coexist within the body.

“If a Type 1 diabetic has been living with these cells for 30, 40 or 50 years, and all we’re getting them to do is secrete insulin, we expect there to be no adverse immune response,” Dr. DeFronzo said.

Understanding Inflammation … and How To Eliminate It Naturally

by July 12, 2017

Inflammation is a painful and annoying thing to experience. Sadly, it is about as hard to get rid of as it is painful – and that’s a lot.

Inflammation is the body’s attempt at self-protection. It tries to remove harmful stimuli like damaged cells, irritants, and pathogens. Afterward, the body will begin the healing process. However, when something harmful or irritating affects a part of your body, it automatically tries to remove it. It’s not necessarily an infection because an infection is typically caused by a bacterium, virus, or fungus.

Inflammation is an immune response, and one of the primary molecules involved in the process is cytokines. Cytokines are responsible for cellular apoptosis, a process in which a cell kills itself. One of the main indicators of inflammation is hyperinsulinism. It is also a key factor in cardiovascular issues. High levels of insulin determine high levels of pro-antiinflammatory mediators and it is also associated with a high level of C in reactive protein – an indicator of inflammation.

Many people believe that processed foods might a major cause of inflammation. Disease is frequently caused by processed foods because the omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acid ratio are way out of balance. Anti-inflammatory drugs have also been shown to be increasingly damaging to your body. Ibuprofen and aspirin have even been linked to heart disease and cancer. Research shows that 80% of deaths caused by ulcers occur in patients who take anti-inflammatories. Inflammation doesn’t just occur in your limbs and cause pain either. There is something else called neurological inflammation that is much more dangerous.

Neurological Inflammation occurs when an inflammatory cascade releases inflammatory mediators. Neurological inflammation can be a result of the overexcitation of neurons, nerve pathways in the nervous system and brain, leading to misfiring, exhaustion, and ultimately the death of these nerves.

When neurons die, chronic inflammation results, leading to poor nerve signaling and health imbalances. For example, the red swelling that surrounds a bug bite is actually the body’s inflammatory process at work. A very similar process can occur in the areas surrounding our nerves, even if we can’t see that internal process as clearly as we can the red bite on our skin’s surface. (Dr. Amy Yasko, Ph.D. – Neurological Research Institute)

There are many different natural remedies that can be used to treat inflammation. People who suffer from chronic pain are three times more likely to develop psychiatric symptoms like depression and anxiety. Pharmaceutical medications just make everything worse. Bromelain is a powerful enzyme that can be found in tropical fruit and pineapple. Bromelain gets absorbed into our bloodstream. Studies have shown that it can reduce inflammation and reduce pain.

Eating pineapple can provide you with enough bromelain to reduce inflammation. You can be sure to obtain optimal benefits you can juice the hard stem and drink it on an empty stomach. Pineapple juice in combination with aloe vera, ginger, and turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory pain relief!

No More Varicose Veins, No Joint pain, No Memory Loss, Or Headaches Thanks to This Plant, Know It!

by July 12, 2017

Many people might be familiar with Laurel as a spice, but it is actually a potent oil too. It can be used to treat many different health issues.

Laurel has been praised for its medicinal uses for centuries. It has fragrance and therapeutic properties. It is commonly known by the names as Laurel, Sweet Laurel, and bay laurel. It is a genus of unisexual hardy, evergreen shrubs, and trees that originated from Asia Minor. The Roman’s believed that Laurel had great powers, Pliny’s Natural History records an amusing anecdote about a white hen bearing a twig of laurel in its beak and landed in the lap of Augustus, Caesar’s wife. The twig was planted and became a very beautiful tree, later, Caesar wore a garland of leaves from the same tree.

There are many natural remedies that can be used in replacement of medications and ointments. Common medications and topical treatments that come from the big Pharma are actually really dangerous for your health. Many different medications have been linked to major health complications like heart disease and cancer.

Laurel oil can be used for lots of different things. It has calming and soothing agents that make it a great stress reliever. Some known benefits of this powerful oil are:

* Rub lightly warmed oil on achy joints

* For excessive headaches, rub this oil into the temples for immediate relief

* Instead of aspirin, consider using laurel oil

* Eases belly ache and stomach pain

* Normalizes renal and hepatic function

* Can be used as a lotion to resolve pores and skin issues on the face

* Calms the worried system.

* Cleans the colon.

* Increases and stimulates the method of sweating.

* Relieves joint pains and treats varicose veins.

If you want to make your own laurel essential oil at home, all you have to do is follow this easy recipe.


  • 30 grams bay leaves
  • 250 ml olive oil


  • Mash bay leaves and pour olive oil over it
  • Put the mixture into a pitcher bottle, close tightly, and let stand still in a dark place for 14 days
  • Shake bottle from time to time
  • After 2 weeks, pressure the oil via cheesecloth and switch the liquid into another box
  • Keep the laurel oil in a cool place

He Holds The Patent That Could Destroy Monsanto And Change The World!

by July 11, 2017

Monsanto is one of the evilest companies that exist today. They have essentially destroyed our environment, bodies, and health. However, this man holds the patent that could end them for good.

Monsanto will really hate for this article to even get out. They have genetically modified and exploited basically every resource on our planet and they don’t intend to stop. They think they have placed themselves at the top and that they’re untouchable; but not for long. In 2006 a patent was granted to Paul Stamets. Paul believes he holds the key to really put Monsanto out of business.

Paul Stamets is a world leading mycologist, although his patent got very little fame. probably because corporate executives control most of the media too. As stated by those executives, Paul’s patent is “the most disruptive technology we have ever witnessed.” Paul figured out how to use mother nature’s own creations to keep pests from destroying crops. This is the one motive that keeps Monsanto and other companies safe. Everyone thinks we have to have pesticides, well, Paul has discovered a natural one. They are calling it SMART pesticides, and they can control over 200,000 species of insects naturally and safely.

Smart pesticides are brought to us by Paul, but most importantly the pesticides are derived from magic mushrooms or psilocybin. He did this by taking entomopathogenic fungi and morphed it so it does not produce spores and it attracts insects. The insects eat it and turn into fungi from the inside out! Paul’s creation has the potential to change the world and the way we grow our crops. It could revolutionize the health of the public because it would replace Monsanto’s dangerous glyphosate that is in literally everything.

Monsanto’s chemical concoctions are being sprayed all over farmers fields and have been attributed to the dying off of bees. There is a growing number of countries that are banning Monsanto, hopefully, Paul’s discovery can help us join the list!

The Sitting Test You Can Do at Home to Help Predict Your Risk of Death

by July 11, 2017

We all know that we need to be more active, but you probably didn’t know how bad sitting actually is for you. Maybe we should spend a lot more time standing and less sitting.

It might be a little hard to believe that sitting can actually be bad for you. I mean, yeah it might not be good, but it’s actually extremely dangerous to be sitting so much. Today there are so many robots and machines that do the manual labor for us that we barely have to get up. Right now, I’m sitting in a chair writing this article for my career. Other people might sit at a desk for their job too, I mean think about it. School requires our youth to sit in a desk and chair for 7 to 8 hours per day!

Everyone is advised to stay active at least for a little bit every day. Studies have shown that a ten-minute nature walk every day can literally transform our brain. To reduce the risk of ill health from inactivity, people are recommended to exercise at least 150 minutes per week. There have been multiple different studies that link excessive sitting to obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and early death. The main cause of premature death in elderly people is the loss of leg function. You have to keep your legs healthy to be active, and you have to be active to keep the rest of your body healthy.

Many adults in the United Kingdom have reported sitting for more than seven hours per day or lying. It increases with age to 10 hours or more too! Kelly Starrett, who has a Ph.D. in physical therapy, is the author of “Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World.” His book has been proclaimed by many different doctors and people all around the world.

In “Deskbound,” Kelly quotes research from Dr. James Levine showing that for every hour you sit down, your life expectancy decreases by two hours. For comparison, every cigarette smoked reduces life expectancy by 11 minutes.

That means sitting down is far more hazardous to your health than smoking — a shocking revelation for most, I’m sure. However, Kelly notes that you cannot simply replace sitting with standing.

Your body was designed for full range of motion, and simply standing does not optimize your physiology either. Also, sitting CAN be beneficial, when done right. In other words, there’s a skill to sitting in a way that’s beneficial to health.

“Let’s just clean up our sitting hygiene,” he says. “Look at your sitting time, and divide your life into optional sitting and non-optional sitting …  

You may have to sit in a meeting or sit in your car — those things are non-optional. But the rest of it, you can really get a big upregulation and function just by ditching that optional sitting.”

In the video Kelly looks like he is sitting down, but it is actually an optical illusion. He is sitting on the floor performing a technique in which he expresses in his book. The challenge is to replace sitting with movement, and not just standing.

“If anyone has ever had a job or they’ve had to stand for long periods of time, statically, it is brutal … Go to your local yoga class and ask for a good dose of tadasana; standing pose, standing meditation, and you’ll last two or three minutes before you start to burn and fatigue…  

It takes skill in standing, but how do we create an environment that reflects the physiology instead of making the physiology of the body conform to the environment?

When we address or teach about strength and conditioning, or about behaviors or patterns, we try to make what we call blocked behaviors, blocked patterns, where you don’t have to make a decision; the decision is made for you.

For example, when I come back after lunch and there’s no chair. Instead I go up to my standing moving station at my desk. I’m automatically going to do the right thing. I don’t have to make a decision about raising my desk or getting out of the chair … 

One of the nice pieces about creating a movement-rich environment is that you automatically get these contextual signals and cues that say ‘I need to sit’ or ‘I need to work.’

So I’m sitting at a table cross-legged. What that does is it starts to give me more movement options. Now I’m taking my hips to a more full-range of motion, and it’s a break from the standing that I was doing earlier.”

8 Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil

by July 11, 2017

Cannabis has been such a controversial topic in the last decade. However, while it isn’t medicinally legal in all states, it has been long proven to have some amazing health benefits.

Cannabis essential oil has been a lifesaver for millions of people – literally. Many people have even died waiting for it to become legal where they live. It is a natural oil that can save lives and change them too. There are so many different ways that cannabis oil could change your life. It improves the quality of your sleep, boosts appetite, optimizes digestion, reduces pain, prevents certain cancers, strengthens the heart, and protects your skin!

Cannabis essential oil has been studied on multiple different occasions. It is an essential oil that is considered to be highly volatile. Its components are powerful. They contain monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and other highly active compounds. It is primarily made and distributed through France and other European companies. It has been found to be the magic treatment for epilepsy, curing the majority of all symptoms completely, and other major health conditions including cancer. Dr. Christina Sanchez found that when you inject cannabis oil into a cancer cell it induces a state of apoptosis, a process in which the cancer cell kills itself while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

There are many other benefits to cannabis oil. Tons of different people’s lives are completely transformed by the amazing benefits of this potent oil. Here are 8 benefits of the famous cannabis oil.

Treats Anxiety and Stress – Cannabis oil has been shown to significantly treat anxiety and stress. It’s an effective and natural remedy that alleviates it as a whole most of the time. The famed THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) gives cannabis oil the powerful relaxing and calming benefits. THC is also what causes marijuana to be labeled as a drug, in most countries.

Sleep Issues – If you are a sufferer of insomnia you know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. If you are not getting a sufficient amount of sleep your overall health slowly declines. Sleep is necessary for all bodily functions to occur properly. Cannabis oil is one of the most effective ways to get a restful and undisturbed night of sleep.

Appetite Booster – Most people are familiar with munchies. Marijuana is famous for making people eat excessively. However, this is actually an amazing health impact on people who suffer from thyroid and appetite issues. Cannabis oil can effectively regulate and induce hunger. It also stimulates your digestive system to operate at a more regular level.

Pain Reliever – Most people take nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen and Tylenol when they are experiencing pain. They might work for a little while, but they are actually detrimental to your heart and liver health. Cannabis oil has been proclaimed for its pain relief benefits. People who suffer from cancer often resort to cannabis oil for the amazing effects it has on pain.

Cancer Prevention – Cancer research foundations and industries don’t want people to know about the amazing anti-cancer effects of cannabis oil because it gets in the way of their money. There have been multiple studies performed on whether or not cannabis oil can prevent cancer, and the answer is yes. It can reduce the size of tumors, stimulate antioxidant processes, and prevent healthy cell damage.

Heart Health – the impressive oils in cannabis can help improve your heart health and prevent heart disease. It does this by balancing out negative oils in your system. It stimulates antioxidant processes, removes plaque from arteries, and maximizes your overall cardiovascular health.

Glaucoma – Cannabis oil has also been shown to effectively treat glaucoma. It is fantastic for eye health and has been linked to decreasing glaucoma progression and preventing macular degeneration. It is one of the most popular treatments in old age for cannabis.

Headaches and Migraines – Millions of people are affected by headaches and migraines. They are awful to experience and the big pharma makes a killing off of them. You can apply cannabis oil to each temple and the spot of intensity during a headache to get relief. Thousands of people have resorted to cannabis oil over prescription drugs to treat their headaches.

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