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6 Dangerous Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

by June 7, 2016

Getting little sleep and bad sleep quality can lead to these 6 dangerous health problems you don’t want to face.

The average person needs seven to nine hours of sleep each night, according to the natural sleep foundation, but most adults do not even get that much. Getting too little sleep, generally understood to mean six or fewer hours a night, can be serious, serious enough to change your genes.

After only seven nights of too little sleep, researchers observed more than 700 genetic changes that could play a role in consequences including heart problems and obesity.

There are many other risks involved in sleep deprivation, here are six so that you will be warned and try to get your problem under control.

  1. Memory Loss

On the days that you’re most tired, you may also find that you’re most forgetful and unfocused. Sleep helps us refine how we store memory, but a lack of sleep can lead to permanent cognitive issues, such as memory loss.

  1. Heart Disease

Excessive sleepiness due to an attempt to maintain a work/life balance has become too common in our society and is dangerous for our heart health. Getting six hours or less of sleep each night causes the body to produce more chemical and hormones that can lead to heart disease, according to a study published in the European Heart Journal. These hormones and chemicals can increase the risk of stroke and other conditions, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity.

  1. Diabetes

The main reason for this is the fact that when sleeping less you can not reach deep sleep – a condition in which the body rests and regenerates, so your body is experiencing a reduced ability to regulate the blood sugar level.

  1. Depression

Insufficient amounts of sleep will not only affect your physical state, but your mental state as well. Depression is one of the most common side effects of insufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause the perfect conditions for the development of various mental disorders.

  1. Lowered sex drive

Sleep specialists say that sleep-deprived men and women report lower libidos and less interest in sex. Depleted energy, sleepiness, and increased tension may be largely to blame.

  1. Bone Damage

“If true in humans, and I expect that it may be, this work will have great impact on our understanding of the impact of sleep deprivation on osteoporosis and inability to repair bone damage as we age,” Steven R. Goodman, Ph.D


7 Lifesaving Signals Your Body Is Sending You: Learn How To Recognize Them!

by June 7, 2016

Our bodies are sending us messages every day pertaining to our overall health. Learning to interpret those messages can help us pay attention to what our body is telling us that it needs.

Some signals that our body sends us, like pain, are more obvious than others. Pain is a definite sign that something is wrong. Unfortunately most of the signals our body sends us are much more subtle. Here are some signals that your body send you every day that you need to be paying attention to.

1. Urine
The first bladder void of the day can tell you more about you overall health than you would think. Paying attention to the color of your urine is the most important thing to note. A lighter, straw-colored urine indicates that you are well hydrated and healthy. Darker urine can indicate that you need more water of possibly have an infection. Also, the amount of urine you produce is important. When you are dehydrated your body doesn’t produce urine because it is holding as much water as possible. Changes in the smell, color or density of urine is often the first sign of health problems because urine is the by-product of your body removing toxins.

2. Teeth
Our mouths are the major gateway into our bodies, and therefore the first indication of health problems. For instance, if you notice that your gum bleed when you brush your teeth, there is a good chance that you have some form of gum disease. Gum disease can lead to other infections throughout the body, and are linked to several different medical conditions. Your teeth themselves can give signs of infection or disease as well. Teeth that crack or break can be a sign of acidosis, because a build up of acid – even the the saliva, can weaken teeth.

3. Weight
We all gain and lose weight throughout the year, but sudden weight loss or gain can be a sign of bigger problems. Sudden weight gain can be a sign of fluid retention, which indicated a problem with your heart or kidneys. If your heart is not functioning correctly, it leads to a build up up fluid, usually in the feet and lower legs that adds up to extra pounds. Losing weight dramatically is a sign that something could be wrong with your digestive system. When your body cannot break down the nutrients we put in our bodies, we begin to loose weight quickly.

4. Nails
The color and texture of our nails is a very obvious indicator of our health because our nails or dead cells being processed and expelled by the body. If your nails begin to turn yellow and thicken, that is a good sign of a fungal infection. Thin, brittle nails are a sign of calcium deficiencies that can effect several different aspects of health. Calcium in an essential nutrient in our body, so it is important to know when we don’t have enough.

5. Skin
Our skin is actually the largest organ of the human body. It is linked to everything going on inside of us. Noticing things like rashes, dark spots, growths, streaking, or changes in color are all signs that something is going on inside your body. After showering, take a second to inspect your skin and look for any changes.

6. Hair
Like your nails, your hair can show you exactly what is going on inside your body. Changes in hair color can indicate high stress levels. A change in the texture of your hair can be an indication that your body is not getting the nutrients it needs. Dry, thinning hair can be an indication of thyroid problems. Thinning hair in general is an indicator that something is going on in your body.

7. Body Odor
Everyone gives off a traceable amount of body odor, but excessive body odor can be a sign of infection. Changes in body chemistry can produce different changes in body odor as well. The best time to asses body odor is in the mornings, before showering and before applying any body scents like deodorant or perfume.

All of these signals your body is sending you are very important to pay attention to to regulate and maintain a high level of overall health.

The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever: Kills Any Infection in the Body

by June 7, 2016

It is a sad fact that we are evolving to be resistant to antibiotics, it is said that fatal infections will kill one person every three seconds by the year 2050. People never even think of treating infections naturally anymore, it is all just one doctor’s visit after another, but the truth is the best antibiotics are not made in laboratory’s but in nature.

This powerful tonic dates all the way back to medieval Europe. This master tonic is actually an antibiotic that kills bacteria, but not only is that it also is a powerful antiviral and antifungal as well. It increases blood circulation and lymph flow in all parts of the body. This natural plant-based remedy is the best choice for almost any fight.

It has helped countless people fight chronic conditions and diseases; viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal. You would do well not to underestimate its potential.

So why not skip the doctor, and naturally strengthen your immune system and fight diseases from all sides of the spectrum.

Master Tonic Recipe


  • 24oz Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
  • ¼ cup chopped garlic
  • ¼ cup chopped onion
  • 2 hot peppers, wear gloves!
  • ¼ cup grated ginger
  • 2 tbsp horseradish
  • 3 tbsp turmeric powder


First of all, it is important to remember to wear gloves during the preparation. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, except the vinegar. Transfer to a large mason jar. Then, fill it to the top with apple cider vinegar. Close tightly and shake.

Keep the jar in a cool and dry place for 2 weeks. Shake well several times a day. After 14 days, squeeze well and strain the liquid through a sieve. Make sure to get all the juice out.


To ease the burning sensation eat a slice of citrus fruit.

Take 1 Tablespoon of the mixture 5-6 times daily if you are fighting a sickness. Take just 1 Tablespoon daily to strengthen the immune system.  Do not dilute the mixture as it will reduce the effects.

The War On Your Plate: How Sugar is Killing Us

by June 7, 2016

I don’t think that anyone can honestly say that processed sugar is a healthy part of any diet. But have you ever stopped and thought what would happen if you cut it out completely?

Sugar wreaks absolute havoc on a person’s health, leading to such diseases as Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. In this day and age, we are eating more sugar than ever before, it is found in almost everything that lines the grocery store shelves, in everything from sweets and treats to such things as pasta sauce and soups.

It has been a myth for a long time that fat is the reason for our ever-increasing waistlines, but the truth is, it is sugar. The obesity epidemic has only worsened since manufacturers began replacing fats with sugars in all of our favorite premade and processed products.

There is some good news, though! The damage caused by sugar can be easily prevented and reversed. While most diets can take months for results to show, cutting back on sugar can show almost immediate life changing results.

In a study that was targeted primarily at children, researchers were able to see dramatic improvements in overall health in just a matter of 10 days!

In only 10 days, researchers from the University of California managed to drastically reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in children. They were able to decrease triglyceride levels on average by 33 points, and the bad cholesterol by 5 points as well as the diastolic blood pressure.

What Can You Do?

  • At this point, you are probably asking yourself what you can do about the problem. Here are some important things to remember:
  • Not all Calories are created equal, 100 calories of sugary cake are not the same thing as 100 calories of fresh fruit or vegetables.
  • Fat-Free is a marketing tactic used by manufacturers to draw people into the product. Where the fat was, sugar was put in its place. It will have no good effect on your waistline and an even worse effect on your health.
  • Ditch artificial sweeteners! Research has shown that artificial sweeteners can have a worse effect on your health that the real stuff.

Although most people do not realize it, sugar is extremely addictive, even more so than some drugs. It triggers the same centers of your brain that drugs like cocaine and heroin do.

Do yourself a favor and start making things at home, it is a lot healthier and a lot easier than you may think!

Boil A Banana, Drink the Liquid Before Bed and See What Happens to Your Sleep!

by June 7, 2016

We all have those restless nights, where we toss and turn staring at the ceiling until we finally give in and get up. The more we worry about sleeping, the more our mind races, and then the next thing you know the sun is peeking through your window.

I have spent way too many nights this way until I decided that it was time to end the pattern. I don’t like taking pills so that possibility was a no-no, so what else does it leave? There are plenty of natural sleep remedies online, and believe me, I tried plenty. But out of all the remedies that I tried, this by far was the best.

The ingredients are easily obtainable, and you can whip this together in no time at all. The best part is the flavor! Sleep has never tasted so good, let’s get started.

Banana Tea 


  • 1 Organic Banana
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • Dash of Organic Cinnamon


Cut off both ends of the banana and place it, peel and all, into the boiling water. Boil for 10-15(Most recipes call for 5 minutes but I find 10-15 works best for me) minutes, and then using a colander, strain the mixture into a cup. Sprinkle with the cinnamon, and drink it one hour before you plan on going to bed.

I like to eat the warm gooey banana, sprinkled with cinnamon alongside my tea. I find that it helps the whole process along, and makes for a delicious dessert!

10 Bad Habits That Lead To Brain Damage

by June 7, 2016

The human brain is considered a very delicate part of a human being. The damage to the brain can lead to a number of health complications.

World Health Organization (WHO) has recently released the Top 10 biggest Brain damaging habits according to their latest research findings.

1. Skipping Breakfast

Students as well as adults have a very bad habit of not taking breakfast in the morning. This leads to low blood sugar levels all day. It has been proven through research that the carbohydrates that a person eats in the morning are the real food of the brain. So by not eating breakfast, our brain gets an insufficient supply of nutrients and this becomes a cause of brain degeneration.

2. Sugar

Too much sugar in your blood will interrupt the efficient absorption of proteins and nutrients in our body. Sugar may also interfere in process of healing of tissue damage and brain development. Too much of sugary products in your diet is not good for the brain.

3. Smoking

Everyone is aware of the negative effects of smoking. Even second hand smokers suffer because of the cigarette smoke around them. Basically smoking damages cognitive abilities, memory, learning skills and thinking powers. It has also been proved to be a cause of diseases like alzheimer and dementia.

4. Over Eating

This causes the brain arteries to become hard so it enforces pressure over the arteries causing them to stiffen. This leads to a decrease of mental power or what we call spontaneous work of the brain.

5. Sleep Deprivation

Sleep allows our brain to rest. The habit of sleeping late at night or not sleeping at all accelerates the death of the brain cells.

6. Air Pollution

Because of air pollution, the supply of oxygen to the brain gets decreased and it also decreases the efficiency of the brain.

7. Head Covered While Asleep

If someone sleeps with his/her head covered with a pillow or something else, then it obviously does not allow the carbon dioxide to move away. The concentration of carbon dioxide hence increases and that of oxygen decreases. This is very harmful for the brain.

8. Working While Ill

Many people show much devotion to work. They ruin their health and end up being sick. More torturous, they work when they are sick and damage the effectiveness of the brain. Even if you’re just studying when you’re sick, your pressurizing your brain to work when it honestly can’t function right.

9. Low Water Consumption

70% of our body is made up of water. So when we lower our intake of water, we basically compromise a crucial need of our brain. Water is linked to many functions and the brain readily needs it. So you need to increase the intake of water as soon as possible for proper body functioning.

10. Low Interaction

For many people it might be normal not to speak much. But then again there are those people who rarely ever talk. You must speak up so that your brain cells are exercised and you don’t damage your brain cells by not using them at all in this aspect.

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