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How to Eject Parasites From Your Body & Balance Weight with just Two Ingredients!

by June 8, 2016

Sugary sweets temps a lot of people, but have you ever wondered why you get caught in the trap? Sugar might be an addiction for you, but there is a reason for this!

You sweet tooth may be an addiction, and there are primarily two reasons for this. The first reason is simple – stress, but the second could be due to parasites in your body.

When you eat a lot of sugary stuff to stave off that craving, you are creating conditions that accumulate excess mucus in your body. When that happens, the excess mucus is a perfect base for bacteria and fungus to reproduce.

That facts are that when you have parasites living in your intestines thriving off the excess mucus, it zaps your energy. When that happens, you start to crave everything that is loaded full of sugars. You essentially are living on a merry-go-round. Worst of all is that these horrible parasites love to live in fat deposits, so the more parasites you have, the more fat you tend to have as well.

Once you rid yourself of these yucky parasites, you will be amazed at how much more energy you will have, and literally feel the weight lifting off of you.

Here is the good news, you only need two ingredients to rid yourself of these nasty little buggers – linseed, and cloves!

This is what you need to do:


100 grams of linseed

10 grams of dried cloves


Take a coffee mill or some other type of grinder and grind these ingredients into an almost powder form.

How To Cleanse

Consume 2 tablespoons every morning for three days. You may add it to your breakfast or drink it with warm filtered water.

After three days take a three day break and begin again. You should do this for approximately a month.

Remember, do this a few times a year to keep those little nasties away!


Doctors Admit They Fake Diagnose People with Cancer for Money

by June 8, 2016

It happens more often than you can imagine, but more Doctors are finally getting caught in the act of misrepresenting their oath and fraudulently diagnosing healthy patients with cancer to turn a quick buck from kickbacks on chemotherapy poisons.

Is it any wonder that cancer societies worldwide put a far greater financial initiative on chemotherapy and radiation research than disease prevention techniques? Preventing disease doesn’t make money, but treating disease certainly does.

Take Dr. Farid Fata, a prominent cancer doctor in Michigan who admitted in court one year ago to intentionally and wrongfully diagnosing healthy people with cancer. Fata also admitted to giving them chemotherapy drugs for the purpose of making a profit.

Who would ever suspect a Doctor of faking a diagnosis to collect money. It’s unconscionable, but yet it happens with cancer and almost every disease that medical doctors can generate income through kickbacks and commissions based on the volume of patients treated with specific pharmaceuticals.

“Many of these unscrupulous Physicians are like businessmen without a conscience. The only difference is they have your health and trust in their hands–a very dangerous combination when money is involved,” said Dr. Sayed Mohammed, a retired Oncologist who admits seeing the trend more than a decade ago.

“It is my choice,” Fata said on Tuesday of his surprise guilty plea, which included rattling off the names of numerous drugs he prescribed for his patients over the years. In each admission, he uttered these words: “I knew that it was medically unnecessary.”

Fata was charged with running a $35-million Medicare fraud scheme that involved billing the government for medically unnecessary oncology and hematology treatments. The government says Fata ran the scheme from 2009 to the present, through his medical businesses, including Michigan Hematology-Oncology Centers, with offices in Clarkston, Bloomfield Hills, Lapeer, Sterling Heights, Troy and Oak Park.

According to the government, Fata had a patient load of 1,200 people and received $62 million from Medicare; he billed for more than $150 million.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said she plans to seek life in prison for Fata, calling his case is “the most egregious” health care fraud case her office has seen. She said Fata not only bilked the government — which is typical in such cases — but he also harmed patients.

As we continue playing this charade of making the public believe that poisons treat cancer, people will continue to die, and Doctors will continue to make money up to the day of their patient’s death. Occasionally, we may catch a few (of the many) like Dr. Fata, who self-destruct due to their own greed.

We will claim they are outlaws, banish them and tarnish their reputations based on a perception that a healthy person should never be unnecessarily subjected to chemotherapy for money. So we can harshly judge and legally prosecute the Doctor, who falsely prescribes poison to a healthy person for money, but we proudly accept the Doctor who prescribes poison to an unhealthy person for money.

“Many of these unscrupulous Physicians are like businessmen without a conscience. The only difference is they have your health and trust in their hands–a very dangerous combination when money is involved,” said Dr. Sayed Mohammed.

Doctors have found a way to lie through the statistics. Prostate cancer is a prime example; A blood test for prostate cancer looks for prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland. High levels supposedly mean cancer, the problem is this association is not always correct when It is it does not always mean that it is deadly. More than 90% of doctors who encourage cancer treatment for the prostate cancer generate a commission off of each patient.

Breast cancer is another prime example the screenings result in an increase in breast cancer mortality and fail to address prevention. There is no actual evidence to support any recommendations made for regular periodic screening and mammography at any age. The rate of advanced breast cancer almost doubled from 1976 to 2009. Not to mention the fact that there is a number of studies that show the fact that mammography has actually caused more harm than it has good!

How do people not realize that it is all about the money, it is high time to recognize the trend!

How To Eliminate Uric Acid Crystallization From Your Body to Prevent Gout and Joint Pain

by June 8, 2016

Gout, which is a complex form of arthritis, is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness and tenderness in joints, often the joint at the base of the big toe. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood, and can lead to permanent joint damage as the uric acid forms crystals in joints and cause permanent damage. Gout attacks are more common in men; especially those that are overweight, drink too much alcohol, or eat too much meat and fish that are high in purines.

Gout is treatable through medication, but to avoid dangerous side effects – gout can be treated and even prevented naturally with these simple techniques:

1. Drink Lots of Water
When uric acid levels get too high, the best way to get it out of your system is to flush it out by drinking lots of water. Water helps the kidneys process and flush out uric acid naturally. 2-3 liters of water of is recommended.

2. Baking Soda Solution
Drinking a baking soda solution helps to dissolve the crystals that form from high uric acid levels. Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to 8 oz of water, mix thoroughly, and drink throughout the day (before bed, after waking, and every 2-4 hours through the day) until the symptom subside.
Baking soda is very high in sodium, so a salt-free diet is recommended while using this treatment. If you suffer from high blood pressure, this technique is NOT recommended, unless you can monitor your blood pressure and don not see an increase. Either way, this technique is still not recommended if your blood pressure is high.

3. Low Purine Diet
Purines are natural substances found in all of the body’s cells and in virtually all foods, because purines provide part of the chemical structure of the genes of plants and animals. Uric acid is created from the breakdown of purines, so reducing them in your diet keep new uric acid from adding to already high levels. Foods that are commonly high in purines are red meat, organ meats, poultry, and some seafoods. Foods that are low in purines are essential fatty acids (tuna, salmon), complex carbohydrates (bread, cereal, pasta), and fruits (cherries, strawberries, grapes).

4. Limit or Eliminate Alcohol Intake
Drinking alcohol interferes with your body’s ability to get rid of uric acid by not only dehydrating you, but by affecting overall kidney function. Beer is especially bad for people who suffer from gout.

Mayo Clinic

28 Signs You Could Have a Magnesium Deficiency

by June 8, 2016

DEFICIENCY IN THIS CRITICAL nutrient makes you twice as likely to die as other people, according to a study published in The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine.(i) It also accounts for a long list of symptoms and diseases — which are easily helped and often cured by adding this nutrient. In fact, in my practice, this nutrient is one of my secret weapons against illness. Yet up to half of Americans are deficient in this nutrient and don’t know it.

I’m talking about magnesium.

It is an antidote to stress, the most powerful relaxation mineral available, and it can help improve your sleep.

I find it very funny that more doctors aren’t clued in to the benefits of magnesium, because we use it all the time in conventional medicine. But we never stop to think about why or how important it is to our general health or why it helps our bodies function better.

I remember using magnesium when I worked in the emergency room. It was a critical “medication” on the crash cart. If someone was dying of a life-threatening arrhythmia (or irregular heart beat), we used intravenous magnesium. If someone was constipated or needed to prepare for colonoscopy, we gave them milk of magnesia or a green bottle of liquid magnesium citrate, which emptied their bowels. If pregnant women came in with pre-term labor, or high blood pressure of pregnancy (pre-eclampsia) or seizures, we gave them continuous high doses of intravenous magnesium.

But you don’t have to be in the hospital to benefit from getting more magnesium. You can start taking regular magnesium supplementation today and see results.

The Relaxation Mineral

Think of magnesium as the relaxation mineral. Anything that is tight, irritable, crampy, and stiff — whether it is a body part or an even a mood — is a sign of magnesium deficiency.

This critical mineral is actually responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions and is found in all of your tissues — but mainly in your bones, muscles, and brain. You must have it for your cells to make energy, for many different chemical pumps to work, to stabilize membranes, and to help muscles relax.

When was the last time you had a good dose of seaweed, nuts, greens, and beans? If you are like most Americans, your nut consumption mostly comes from peanut butter.

That is why the list of conditions that are found related to magnesium deficiency is so long. In fact, there are over 3,500 medical references on magnesium deficiency!

Even so, this mineral is mostly ignored because it is not a drug, even though it is MORE powerful than drugs in many cases. That’s why we use it in the hospital for life-threatening and emergency situations like seizures and heart failure.

You might be magnesium deficient if you have any of the following symptoms:

Muscle cramps or twitches
Sensitivity to loud noises
Anal spasms
Chronic fatigue
Kidney stones
High blood pressure
Menstrual cramps
Irritable bladder
Irritable bowel syndrome
Trouble swallowing
Magnesium deficiency has even has been linked to inflammation in the body and higher CRP levels.

In our society, magnesium deficiency is a huge problem. By conservative standards of measurement (blood, or serum, magnesium levels), 65 percent of people admitted to the intensive care unit — and about 15 percent of the general population — have magnesium deficiency.

But this seriously underestimates the problem, because a serum magnesium level is the LEAST sensitive way to detect a drop in your total body magnesium level. So rates of magnesium deficiency could be even higher!

The reason we are so deficient is simple: Many of us eat a diet that contains practically no magnesium — a highly-processed, refined diet that is based mostly on white flour, meat, and dairy (all of which have no magnesium).
When was the last time you had a good dose of sea vegetables (seaweed), nuts, greens, and beans? If you are like most Americans, your nut consumption mostly comes from peanut butter, and mostly in chocolate peanut butter cups.

Much of modern life conspires to help us lose what little magnesium we do get in our diet. Magnesium levels are decreased by excess alcohol, salt, coffee, phosphoric acid in colas, profuse sweating, prolonged or intense stress, chronic diarrhea, excessive menstruation, diuretics (water pills), antibiotics and other drugs, and some intestinal parasites. In fact, in one study in Kosovo, people under chronic war stress lost large amounts of magnesium in their urine.

This is all further complicated by the fact that magnesium is often poorly absorbed and easily lost from our bodies. To properly absorb magnesium we need a lot of it in our diet, plus enough vitamin B6, vitamin D, and selenium to get the job done.

A recent scientific review of magnesium concluded, “It is highly regrettable that the deficiency of such an inexpensive, low-toxicity nutrient results in diseases that cause incalculable suffering and expense throughout the world.” (ii) I couldn’t’ have said it better myself.

It is difficult to measure and hard to study, but magnesium deficiency accounts for untold suffering — and is simple to correct. So if you suffer from any of the symptoms I mentioned or have any of the diseases I noted, don’t worry — it is an easy fix!! Here’s how.

Stop Draining Your Body of Magnesium

Limit coffee, colas, salt, sugar, and alcohol
Learn how to practice active relaxation
Check with your doctor if your medication is causing magnesium loss (many high blood pressure drugs or diuretics cause loss of magnesium)
Eat Foods High in Magnesium

Include the following in your diet as often as you can:

Kelp, wheat bran, wheat germ, almonds, cashews, buckwheat, brazil nuts, dulse, filberts, millet, pecans, walnuts, rye, tofu, soy beans, brown rice, figs, dates, collard greens, shrimp, avocado, parsley, beans, barley, dandelion greens, and garlic

Take Magnesium Supplements

The RDA (the minimum amount needed) for magnesium is about 300 mg a day. Most of us get far less than 200 mg.
Some may need much more depending on their condition.
Most people benefit from 400 to 1,000 mg a day.
The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good.
Avoid magnesium carbonate, sulfate, gluconate, and oxide. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements).
Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to magnesium glycinate.
Most minerals are best taken as a team with other minerals in a multi-mineral formula.
Taking a hot bath with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is a good way to absorb and get much needed magnesium.
People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor’s supervision.

So if you’re coping with the symptoms here, relax! Magnesium is truly a miracle mineral. It is essential for lifelong vibrant health.

Now I’d like to hear from you…

Do you suffer from any of the symptoms I’ve mentioned?

Do you currently take a magnesium supplement? What results have you noticed?

Which of the tips mentioned above do you plan to try?

Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

To your good health,
Mark Hyman, MD

Source:, real farmacy

(i) Tong, GM and RK Rude. 2005. Magnesium deficiency in critical illness. J Intensive Care Med 20 (1):3-17. Review.
(ii) S. Johnson. 2001. The multifaceted and widespread pathology of magnesium deficiency. Med Hypotheses 56(2): 163-70

He Pours Eggs Into Cauliflower – What Happens Next, Changes EVERYTHING!

by June 7, 2016

Reducing carbohydrates is a good way to cut down on calories, and replacing them with a nutritious vegetable is even better for your health.

Cauliflower may not be one of the most exciting vegetables, but after watching this video I never dreamed it could be such a versatile substitute for carbohydrates!

These recipes show a variety of ways you can use cauliflower instead of pasta, bread or rice. From making a grilled cheese sandwich to tater tots, these cauliflower dishes look simple to make and delicious too!

An Ordinary Dinner Fork Could Protect You While You’re At Home Or Traveling

by June 7, 2016

Safety and security are always a concern for people, especially when we are away. Not just for ourselves, but for our homes and possessions as well; there will be no need for worrying anymore, not with this trick!

If you are anything like me you probably cannot afford an expensive home security system, so what other alternative is there? The truth is all you really need is a fork and a knife. Watch and learn people!

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