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Yuck! McDonalds Finally Admits What’s In Their Food!

by June 14, 2016

The Fast food giant has responded to the mounting public skepticism about the quality of their food by launching a PR campaign titled “Our Food. Your Questions.” McDonald’s gave ABC News access to one of their food processing plants.

“We’re starting on a journey called ‘Our Food. Your Questions,’ and we want to open up the doors and let our customers ask us any questions they have, and give them answers,” said company director of quality systems Rickette Collins in an interview with Good Morning America.

And while they still deny using the infamous pink slime in their food, they have openly admitted to using a chemical additive called azodicarbonamide in their buns. Do you know what azodicarbonamide is used for? It is most commonly used in the manufacturing of yoga mats. Mmmmm that sounds delicious…

They actually claim that using this chemical in their food is completely safe for consumption:

“There are varied uses for azodicarbonamide, including in some non-food products, such as yoga mats. As a result, some people have suggested our food contains rubber or plastic, or that the ingredient is unsafe. It’s simply not the case. Think of salt: the salt you use in your food at home is a variation of the salt you may use to de-ice your sidewalk. The same is true of ADA — it can be used in different ways.”

They also admit to using dimethylpolysiloxane as an anti-foaming agent in their McNugget frying oil.

McDonald’s hopes that this hoax of a campaign will win back many customers who have ditched them in recent years for restaurants like Chipotle and Panera. Maybe if they start using actual ingredients in their food they will win back the customers that they desire.

You Will Never Throw Away Another Avocado Seed After Reading This

by June 13, 2016

I love avocados and consume as many as possible, the whole fruit, seed and all is one of the most beneficial fruits on the market. However, most people make the same mistake over and over and throw the seed away.

After cutting open a perfectly ripe avocado and scooping out the delicious flesh, what do you typically do with the seed? Most people do not realize that the avocado seed is edible and the most nutritious part of the whole fruit.

Pennsylvania State University recently launched a study on the benefits of avocado seeds and found that the phenolic antioxidant compounds in the seeds could lower cholesterol, high blood pressure, reduce inflammatory conditions, diabetes, and boost your immunity. The seeds even have insecticidal, fungicidal, and anti-microbial properties.

4 of the Most Beneficial Properties of Avocado Seeds:

  • The seeds contain flavonol, a powerful antioxidant that helps to prevent and reduce tumor growth.
  • Avocados contain more soluble fibers than most other foods on the entire planet, because of this it has been used for centuries as a homeopathic remedy for the GI tract. It helps with things like Gastric ulcers, constipation, and diarrhea.
  • Thanks to their amino acid and dietary fiber content, the seeds can help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular issues such as the formation of plaque, which leads to strokes and heart attack.
  • The powerful antioxidants in avocado seeds have been shown to slow down the aging process by rebuilding collagen, repairing cell damage and improving the look and feel of your skin.

The video below will show you how you can prepare the pit for consumption!

These 6 Foods DETOX Your Liver Fast!

by June 12, 2016

We live in a world where disease is everywhere, and becoming more prevalent by the day. This should not come as a surprise, the environment we choose to surround ourselves with is extremely toxic; the food we eat, the air we breathe, the chemicals we use to clean out houses all have become potentially hazardous to our health.

One of the main ways to rid your body of toxins is through the liver. The liver helps regulate most of the chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile to help break down fats, preparing them for digestion and absorption. All the blood that leaves the stomach and the intestines passes through the liver, where the blood is processed, broken down, balanced and made into nutrients for the body to use. The liver works constantly to detoxify the blood and produce bile to store the essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. When the liver stops functioning properly, the digestive process, especially the digestions of fats is greatly affected.

To begin the detoxification process of your liver I suggest doing a liver cleanse! It is extremely simple and once it is done you will feel so much better. A liver cleanse should be done for no more than 3 days, I like to do it on Saturday and Sunday limiting myself to the weekend.

The liver cleanse that I like to do it the Dr. Oz liver cleanse;  you can visit his website here, and find everything that you need to get started!

After your liver cleanse is done, you should strive to include the below foods into your everyday diet.

These are the best foods to help the liver:

  1. Garlic

Whether you love it or hate it, garlic is filled with a variety of powerful benefits for your liver and your body as a whole. Selenium is a mineral in garlic that increases the action of antioxidants to assist the liver in the detoxification process. Arginine is an amino acid in garlic that plays an important role in relaxing the blood vessels, which helps to ease the blood pressure in your liver. Garlic also contains B6, which acts as an anti-inflammatory in the liver, and Vitamin C, which is the body’s primary antioxidant defender against cellular oxidation that leads to cell damage.

  1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is high in Vitamin C as well as glutathione, which is produced naturally by the liver. Glutathione is involved in several processes in the body, including tissue building and repair, production of chemicals and proteins that are needed in the body, and strengthening the immune system.

  1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes (along with carrots and winter squash such as butternut and pumpkin) are all rich in beta-carotene, which is a natural anti-inflammatory nutrient that your body loves. Beta-carotene converts to Vitamin A in the body, directly in the liver.

  1. Lemon

Lemons love your liver and your liver loves them right back! Lemons are a natural cleansing food and essentially one of the best to “get things going” in all areas of the body. Lemons provide a plethora of antioxidants, primarily Vitamin C, and they help your liver produce more enzymes which give you more energy and help with digestion.

  1. Avocado

Avocado is rich in glutathione-producing compounds, avocados actively promote liver health by protecting it against toxic overload and boosting its cleansing power. Research has shown that eating one or two avocados a week for as little as 30 days can repair a damaged liver.

  1. Turmeric

The main active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Curcumin is believed to help protect the bile duct to improve the flow of bile, acting as a liver cleanser. It helps rejuvenate liver cells by preventing toxins and alcohol from being converted into harmful compounds that can damage the liver. Sprinkle a little turmeric over your food, a little can go a long way!

  1. Cruciferous Vegetables

Eating foods like cauliflower and broccoli will increase the amount of glucosinolate in your system, adding to the enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes help flush out carcinogens and other toxins out of the body, which may significantly lower cancer associated risks.

We Are Eating Poison! Here’s How To Identify GMO Tomatoes In 2 Easy Steps!

by June 12, 2016

I am positive that everyone reading this has bought a piece of produce, and if you have you might have noticed a small sticker with numbers written on it. You might not pay attention to things like that, but maybe you should!

You might just think that they are some mark that manufacturers use for their own purpose, but the truth is that these numbers are meaningful and they can tell a lot about the product.


For example, any number found on the sticker that begins with a 9 is there to show that the produce is organic. On the other hand, products that have numbers that start with the numbers 4 or 3 are products that are grown in a conventional way. Conventional farming relies on pesticides and chemicals which help the manufacturer get larger, faster and more lasting crops. Here are some okay products that are conventionally grown:


Sweet Potatoes



Now, for the number we have all been waiting for, 8. Any sticker starting with the number 8 means that the produce is GMO. GMOs mean that the food is created by a person or machine to maximize productivity. This type of food should always be avoided!

At the end of the day, local farmers are your best friends and you should try and buy from farmers markets or small local food stores whenever possible. This way you can ask as many questions as you would like about the food that you are bringing home.

How to Eat Right According to Your Blood Type

by June 12, 2016

With so many different weight loss diets, chances are you have tried one or more in your day. The question is, could eating a diet based on your blood type help you trim down and get healthier?

According to Dr. Peter D’Adamo it could! Dr. D’Adamo is a naturopathic doctor who feels that a person’s blood type may determine which diseases and illnesses you may develop. It is an intriguing idea; however, no research has been conducted, and there are no studies that show blood type can be a predictor for the development of certain diseases.

That being said, if you are intrigued by the idea of eating according to your blood type, here is the basic premise of the diet. D’Adamo believes that not everyone should follow the same diet, and your blood type and race determine tolerances to what you should and should not eat. He says that the foods you eat react chemically with your blood type. If you follow a diet designed for your blood type, your body will digest food more efficiently. You will lose weight, as well as have more energy, and help prevent certain diseases.

What You Can Eat

Type O blood: A high-protein diet heavy on lean meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables. Light on grains, beans, and dairy. D’Adamo also recommends various supplements to help with tummy problems and other issues people with type O blood have.

Type A Blood: Those with type A should switch to a plant-based diet. He believes that A’s flourish on a vegetarian diet. For current meat eaters, a plant-based diet would aid in weight loss. Dr. D’Adamo suggests that Type A’s eat their food in as natural a state as possible, foods that are pure, fresh and organic. “I can’t emphasize enough how critical this dietary adjustment can be to the sensitive immune system of Type A,” he urges, “With this diet, you can supercharge your immune system and potentially short circuit the development of life-threatening diseases.”

Type B Blood: “carry the genetic potential for great malleability and the ability to thrive in changeable conditions.” People with Type B blood should avoid foods like corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Chicken is also problematic. He encourages for this type to eat plenty of green vegetables, eggs, certain meats, and low-fat dairy.

Type AB Blood: The best foods to focus on for people with type AB are tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. He says that people with this blood type tend to have low stomach acid. So it is best to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked or cured meats.

For more information check out the video below, and to visit the Blood Type Diet Website you can click here!

This “Healthy” Drink Destroys Your Thyroid & Is Linked To Breast Cancer!

by June 12, 2016

I hate to rain on anyone’s parade when it comes to dietary changes that they are proud of, but I feel compelled to debunk the myth that soy is a healthy choice. If you are consuming soy products including soy milk and you think you are doing good things for your body, please keep reading.

  1. Soybeans contain large quantities of natural toxins or “antinutrients”. Among them are potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion.
  2. Soybeans contain haemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together.
  3. Around 99% of soy is genetically modified, so it contains one of the highest pesticide contamination levels.
  4. Soybeans and soy products contain high levels of phytic acid, which inhibit the assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.
  5. Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum, which is toxic to the body. It negatively affects the nervous system and the kidneys, and it has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Soy foods have a very high concentration of goitrogens that block the production of thyroid hormones. Soy consumption is associated with many different types of thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism, goiter, and autoimmune thyroid disease.
  7. Soy contains plant estrogen called phytoestrogen, which disrupts endocrine function and can lead to infertility and breast cancer in women.
  8. Soy contains toxic isoflavones, genistein, and daidzein. They can stimulate the growth of existing breast cancer.
  9. Soy is horrible for babies! Mothers who are told to put their babies on a soy formula or choose to are putting their children at risk. According to Mary G. Enig, Ph.D., “the amount of phytoestrogens that are in a day’s worth of soy infant formula equals five birth control pills.” This puts your babies at risk for hormonal problems later in life.

Fermented soy, on the other hand, is a whole different story! Think Miso, tempeh, and soy sauce. Fermented soy has health promoting properties, and many of the harmful antinutrients are pushed out in the fermentation process. Like with everything consume in moderation!

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