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She Rubbed a Banana Peel on Her Face and Her Acne Cleared Up!

by June 16, 2016

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the world, plaguing teenagers and adults alike. You don’t have to suffer, you can get rid of the problem just as easily as it started with one common household ingredient.

Acne can be frustrating, embarrassing and difficult to treat, but without treatment, dark spots and permanent scars can appear on the skin, leaving you frustrated and feeling lost. Sure, there are tons of acne treatments on the market, but many of them end up breaking the bank and even making the problem worse.

If only there were an inexpensive, natural treatment for acne …oh wait, there is! Instead of throwing away you used banana peel the next time you are snacking, you might want to keep it and use it as a natural acne destroyer.

How Does it Work?

  • Banana peels contain large amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E, all of which contribute to healthy skin.
  • Banana peels help to calm inflamed skin as they are high in iron, manganese, and zinc.
  • Banana peels are a natural antiseptic, this means they will help prevent bacterial infections that trigger acne.
  • Banana peels are rich in antioxidants that fight the germs that cause acne.
  • Banana peels are high in enzymes which hydrate the skin, heal scars and prevent the formation of new acne.
  • The high starch content in bananas help dry out the excess oil that clogs pores.

5 of the Best Banana Peel Methods

  1. Banana Peel


  • Wash your skin with cool water, then pat dry with a clean towel.
  • Eat a banana and cut the peel into small pieces.
  • Massage skin with the inside of the banana peels for 10 minutes.
  • If a piece begins to brown, discard and start with a fresh piece.
  • Wait 20 minutes for the skin to absorb nutrients.
  • Repeat 2 times daily.
  1. Banana Peel and Turmeric


  • Mash a banana peel into a thick paste.
  • Mix equal parts mashed banana peel and turmeric powder.
  • Add water and stir until you create a fine paste.
  • Massage onto skin as a spot treatment and leave on for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with Lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Apply your favorite oil-free moisturizer.
  • Repeat daily.
  1. Banana Peel and Lemon


  • Mash banana peel into a paste
  • Mix equal parts banana peel paste and fresh lemon juice.
  • Use a cotton ball and apply the paste onto the affected skin.
  • Massage gently and leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat daily.
  1. Banana Peel and Baking Soda


  • Mash banana peel until it forms a paste.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of banana peel paste with ½ tablespoon of baking powder.
  • Add water until the mix turns into a fine paste.
  • Use a cotton ball to massage the paste onto the skin using circular motions.
  • Leave on for 2 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Apply your favorite moisturizer.
  • Repeat Daily.
  1. Banana Peel and Honey


  • Mash a banana peel into a paste.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of banana peel with ½ tablespoon of raw honey.
  • Use a cotton ball to massage the paste onto the affected area in circular motions.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  • Repeat Daily.

5 Snacks Made with Petroleum That No One Should Eat

by June 16, 2016

Company’s market food directly to children through T.V. and radio commercials, and when we get to the grocery store it is all too common to give in to the desire to resist a scene in the store. The snacks can contain anything from artificial colors to petroleum; I am here to tell you that the best gift you can give your children is a healthy diet.

The spending on marketing for children’s food is more than $10 billion a year, in order to ensure that kids get the extra sugary cereal or fruit snacks full of artificial preservatives that are potentially dangerous to their health and should be classified in the “junk food” category.

Rather than images of food, petroleum conjures images of oil and gas in most people’s minds, and rightly so. Although petroleum can help fuel your car, it most defiantly will not help your health. To ensure the vitality of your family, be sure to avoid these petroleum-laced foods marketed towards young impressionable minds.

  1. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese


Kids will readily eat a bowl of Kraft’s Macaroni and Cheese at any time of the day. Nevertheless, this beloved snack is by no means safe, and the mustard-tinted “cheese” it boasts of is nothing natural. Kraft’s Macaroni and Cheese uses artificial dyes like Yellow 5 and Yellow 6, both of which contain petroleum. These dyes are also carcinogenic, meaning they pose an increased risk of cancer.

  1. Pop-Tarts


Another iconic brand that kindles beloved memories of childhood is the Pop-Tart. This frosted, fruit filled rectangle is the go-to snack for many children. It should come as no surprise, however, that this “snack” shaped like a cardboard box is about as nutritious as well, a cardboard box.  Cherry-flavored Pop-Tarts contain Red 40, an artificial dye shown to cause cancer experiments using rats. Furthermore, Pop-Tarts contain Synthetic B6, composed of hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde, and petroleum ester.

  1. Cheetos


This of these chips as just yummy, orange deliciousness? Think again. The artificial color that creates the “cheese” color is made from Yellow 6, which we know is derived from petroleum. The “cheese” flavor includes ingredients like methyl benzoate and ethyl methylphenidate.

  1. Fruit Snack


I am afraid that the only fruit found in these snacks is in the name. However, what you will find in Red 3 or erythrosine, a petroleum product which has been banned for use in cosmetics due to its connection with thyroid tumors. So, let me get this straight; it is unsafe on the skin, but eating it is no problem?

  1. Pringles


Once you pop, you cannot stop. Unfortunately, these potato chips are full of dangerous food dyes like Red 40, which is added to its “extreme Ragin’ Cajun variety. As with most petroleum derivatives, Red 40 is linked to allergic reactions and hypersensitivity in children. The U.S. Department of Health has also been previously declared that Red 40 is “reasonably anticipate” to be a human carcinogen.

  1. Keebler Crackers


Children love to munch on crackers. Unfortunately, many crackers are laced with TBHQ, also known as tertiary butylhyfroquinone, a controversial ingredient for preventing certain oils from spoilage. Long-term consumption of TBHQ can lead to delirium, nausea and even a ringing sensation in the ears.

  1. M&M’s


The chocolate inside our beloved M&M’s is encased in a shell of toxic food dyes. The company uses a wide range of food dyes to give M&M’s their various colors. They contain Yellow 5, Yellow 6 and Red 40, all of which are derived from petroleum. Studies have further shown that there a relationship between artificial dyes and hyperactivity in children.

So why not get rid of the store bought, packaged junk food and make your own alternative at home or pick up a piece of fruit.

How to Make the Best Natural Turmeric Face Mask

by June 16, 2016

Let’s be honest, I know looks are not everything, but who does not want flawless skin? This turmeric face mask will give you just that!

In India, turmeric is called the yellow gold and is one of the most valuable and most healing spices in the world, but not only in the kitchen. Ayurveda recommends turmeric to be used in cosmetics as well.

Exfoliation with turmeric will deeply clean the skin, remove all dead cells and other dirt from your skin, it will help with blood circulation and relieves acne.

It would be nice to keep that summer glow year round, right? You can have that, and there is no need to purchase expensive exfoliates to achieve it.  You can make a much better one, with no harmful ingredients right at home!

Remember, skin care should not only be practiced for beauty but also for keeping our organism healthy. Because whatever we put on the skin, in 20 minutes time will already be absorbed into the bloodstream. By using homemade cosmetics we can not only boost self-confidence but fix certain imbalances in the body.


  • 2 tbsp. flour of choice
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 3 tbsp. Non-dairy milk
  • A few drops of honey or bee-free honey
  • 1/2 Lemon
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil


  • Mix all the ingredients together to form a paste.
  • Apply a thin layer to your face and let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off in the shower, scrubbing gently to remove.
  • Apply your favorite moisturizer; I like to use coconut oil, but use whatever you prefer.

How the Dairy Industry Tricked Humans Into Believing They Need Milk

by June 16, 2016

World milk day was June 1st and given the dairy industry’s efforts, it would seem that very few people are bothered about milk-themed festivities. What is there to celebrate? It is bad for our health, for cows, and for the environment.

Got Milk? I sure hope not; sure it makes a good addition to coffee, tea, and baked goods, but when pasteurized, it is highly toxic to the human body. Physicians such as Dr. Willet have conducted studies and reviewed the research on the topic, milk is more of a detriment to the human body than an aid.


Credit: Vox

Historically cow’s milk has enjoyed outstanding public relations, cleverly associating itself with athletes, strong bones and white-mustachioed celebrities. But if we were not socialized into thinking that drinking dairy milk was desirable and acceptable, chances are we would find it a pretty absurd notion.

Cow’s milk was created to turn baby cows into full-sized cows, but it has been sold to humans as a health food. How does this even make any sense at all? At school, all children learn that milk=calcium-healthy bones. But the food pyramid that we all learned from is highly politicized, backed by large groups with a vested interest. This, of course, includes the dairy industry.

If the information given to us has been less biased, it would be common knowledge that foods like leafy greens, legumes, and fruits have just as much, if not more calcium than dairy. The calcium in greens is absorbed much more easily by our bodies. Thus, people would benefit more from eating broccoli or kale than drinking a big glass of milk.

And considering the fact that approximately ¾ of the world’s population is unable to digest milk or any other dairy product, it seems clear that the food is not an ideal substance for consumption. However, the average consumer does not know this, we have celebrity endorsements being thrown in our faces and absurd advertisements. We have been taught to believe that dairy is ideal for optimal health, but the truth is; Not your mother, not your milk.

This article is based on an article written by 

9 Vegetables That You Can Regrow Again and Again

by June 15, 2016

Why buy a veggie and just eat it when you can regrow it and keep on eating it for years to come, literally!

Here Are Nine Vegetables That You Can Regrow For As Long As You’d Like:

bok choy

  • Bok Choy

Bok Choy is quite easy to regrow just place the end of the root into some water and leave it in a well-lit area. Wait a few weeks and it will be ready to put into a pot with some soil.


  • Basil

Place some basil clippings (with stem 4 inches) into a glass of water. Be sure to leave it somewhere that it will get direct sunlight. Give the stem a little time and it will grow eventually becoming ready for a pot with soil.


  • Romaine Lettuce

Put your stumps in about a half inch of water be sure to keep the water level a steady half inch. After a few days, roots and leaves should begin to appear. Then simply plant it in some soil.


  • Scallions

Leave an inch of scallion attached to the root and place it into a small glass don’t give it much water just a small amount. Don’t over do it with sunlight a small amount will be more than enough.

garlic sprouts

  • Garlic

Put your garlic sprout into a glass with a small amount of water this will produce many more garlic sprouts.


  • Carrots

Leave your carrot tops in a dish with a tad bit of water, sit this dish in your windowsill and wait.


  • Celery

place the base of your celery in a saucer or small cup, fill it with a small amount of lukewarm water and leave it in the sun. Leaves will begin to grow in the middle of the base and you can put this in a pot with soil. Leaving you with a celery plant that will last a lifetime.


  • Cilantro

Cilantro stems will grow quickly if you put them in a small glass of water as soon as you think the roots are long enough you can transfer this into some potted soil. Give the stem a little while and it will become a full plant.


  • Avocado

All you really need to regrow an avocado is the seed in the middle.Put a small container in a well-lit area using toothpicks suspend the seed over it covering half the seed with water. This process usually takes about two months but it is worth it! stems will begin to grow when the stems are about six inches tall cut half of them away when leaves begin to appear plant the seed in some potted soil or the ground and wait.

This Ginger-Turmeric-Carrot Juice Can Replace Your Pain And Inflammation Medication Forever

by June 15, 2016

Medication is never the answer, most of the time it does much more harm than it does good. Replace your medication with this simple juice and get rid of the pain for good!

Pesticides and Your Health

As most of us already know pesticides are used more times than not in growing just about everything we eat. These harmful pesticides can cause severe poisoning, just in California alone there have been over seven thousand cases of pesticide poisoning in just eight short years. These pesticides have been linked to things like Alzheimer’s, Neurodegenerative disease, Cancer, and Birth defects.

What Can I Do About This?

Consuming organic food is a good start. Anything with a natural fertilizer rather than pesticides will dramatically enhance your health.

How Can This Smoothie Help My Inflammation?

Ginger-Carrot-Turmeric Juice can help with your inflammation because each thing has a special characteristic. Turmeric itself helps to reduce pain and fight off infection. The ginger in this drink suppresses the inflammatory molecules. Lastly, the carrot in this has been known to work better than aspirin!


Ginger-Carrot-Turmeric Juice


  • 6 organic carrots
  • 2 red organic apples
  • 1 piece of ginger root
  • 1 piece of organic turmeric root
  • 1/2 organic lemon, Leave the peel on!

All you will need to make this delicious drink is a juicer or a blender! Using whatever liquid base you choose. (I recommend using coconut milk as a base since it is delicious and healthy!)

How to:

  • Put everything in the blender or juicer
  • blend them
  • drink up!

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