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How to Remove Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags, and Age Spots…

by June 18, 2016

Let’s face it we all have them and we have all tried to get rid of them, but did you know there were easy natural ways to rid yourself of these unsightly blemishes? Who knew it could be so simple!?

There is no need to see an expensive dermatologist when you could just go to the grocery store and do it yourself for a fraction of the cost. Let’s get started!

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera should help lighten the undesirable and diminish it over time. In order to use Aloe Vera for this sort of thing simply apply fresh gel to the area and put a band-aid over it. Leave the band-aid on the area for at least four hours or even overnight while you sleep. Do this every single night for a few months and you should see a big difference.

2. Onion Juice

Yes, Onion juice, it has an overly acidic property that will effectively enhance your skin. Apply this to the affected area every day three times a day for a month.

3. Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit extracts are overflowing with flavonoids and have a large amount of vitamin E. This helps to remove moles and skin tags. Apply a drop or two of the extract to a gauze or rag and leave it on the affected area for about two hours several times a day for a month. You will see a big improvement in no time!

4. Pineapple Juice

Yes, Pineapple juice. Being good for so many things who knew it could remove unsightly things from our appearance as well? Putting this on your mole overnight repeatedly will reduce the darkness of the mole leaving your skin looking better than ever!

5. Castor Oil

This one will help to dissolve the unsightly growths once and for all! This method can take quite some time but is very worth it. Adding a pinch of baking soda to a few drops of castor oil will make for a life changing mixture. Rub this mixture on the affected area twice a day for a few months. You will not regret it!

6. Garlic

Garlic helps to reduce the color of these unsightly blemishes. Cutting up a fresh garlic clove and securing it to your mole or skin tag throughout your day will reduce the color easily. (Garlic may cause redness for a little while at first.)

7. Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil has been and can be used to soften and loosen the edges of these blemishes helping to make them become easy to remove.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to its acid content, this is one of the most common ways to remove moles. Applying this frequently will cause the mole to scab over and eventually fall off.

9. Frankincense Essential Oil

Applying this oil to the area will cause the blemish to dry up and gradually become removable one layer at a time.

10. Iodine

Dipping a q-tip into iodine and putting it directly on the abnormality about three times a day for about five minutes each time will help to reduce the appearance of the abnormality.

The Gulf of Mexico Is About to Experience a “Dead Zone” the Size of Connecticut

by June 17, 2016

An ensemble of four computer models evaluated river runoff, wind patterns, and other factors affecting the extent of oxygen-poor waters near the Mississippi River’s mouth. This year’s dead zone will take over an area of the ocean the size of Connecticut, and there has been no progress in finding a solution.

The problem is tied to industrial-scale meat production. To churn out huge amounts of chicken, beef, and pork, the meat industry relies on corn as cheap feed. The U.S. grows about a third of the globe’s corn, the great bulk of it in the Midwest, on land that drains into the Mississippi River. Every year, fertilizer runoff from the Midwestern farms leaches into the Mississippi and makes its way to the Gulf of Mexico.

Intended to feed the nation’s vast corn crop, this renegade nitrogen instead feeds vast aquatic algae blooms in the early summer. When the algae blooms die and decay, they tie up oxygen from the water underneath. As a result, “habitats that would normally be teeming with life become, essentially, biological deserts.”

If this year’s dead zone turns out to be as large as expected, about 6,800 miles, it will be more than three times larger than EPA task force’s maximum target of around 2,000 square miles. And no progress has been made for a solution.

The fertilizer runoff does more than blot out sea life in this crucial beleaguered ecosystem. It also fouls people’s drinking water in cities throughout the Midwest, including Des Moines, Columbus, and Toledo.

Eat 1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil a Day and THIS Will Happen to Your Thyroid!

by June 17, 2016

If you don’t know about the amazing benefits of coconut oil then you have been living under a rock, but here is one benefit that will be new to you.

As it turns out, coconut oil can help fix problems associated with an under-active thyroid. An under-active thyroid results in what is known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland can’t make enough thyroid hormones to keep the body running properly, causing the body’s functions to slow down, including the metabolism.

Symptoms Include:

  • Cold hands and feet
  • Low body temperature
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Insomnia
  • Dry skin
  • Puffy eyes
  • Hair loss
  • Brittle nails
  • Joint aches
  • Constipation
  • Mental dullness
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent infections
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of libido
  • Weight gain

Approximately 65% of the U.S. population is overweight; 27% are clinically obese. Research is pointing towards an underactive thyroid, especially among women.

Coconut Oil and Hypothyroidism

So, the question is, where does the coconut oil come in? The benefits of coconut oil for thyroid problems come from its unique medium-chain fatty acids. Lauric acid, a type of medium-chain triglyceride found in coconut oil, has excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Capric acid has potent antimicrobial and antiviral properties, and caprylic acid boasts a number of health benefits.

How to Use Coconut oil for Hypothyroidism

For hypothyroid related problems, use extra virgin coconut oil. About 1 tbsp can be consumed each day. Try adding extra virgin coconut oil to hot tea or coffee, in cooking, or as an addition to smoothies or salads.

Coconut oil can help treat these problems associated with an under-active thyroid:

  1. Weight Loss

The medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil have been proven to support weight loss and help your body burn fat for energy. By regulating appetite and improving digestion, coconut oil can make it much easier to reduce your daily caloric intake and lose weight at a healthy rate of around one to two pounds per week.

  1. Hormones

The healthy fats in coconut oil support the thyroid and adrenal glands which can lower cortisol to naturally balance hormones.

  1. Boosts Metabolism

An underactive thyroid can cause constant fatigue, leaving the body with no energy. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are able to enter the mitochondria to help fats convert to energy and boost the metabolism. Once ingested the lauric acid in coconut oil converts to monolaurin, which improves the metabolism as well as the immune system.

  1. Prevent Hair Loss

A thyroid disorder can affect many parts of the body, including the hair follicles. The lauric acid in coconut oil is able to provide hair with the proteins it needs to stay healthy and strong.

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Add Turmeric to Your Lemon Water in the Morning

by June 17, 2016

As you may already know lemon water is super good for you, but did you know it could be even more beneficial? With just one simple tweak comes a whole lot of benefits.

How Can You Enhance Your Lemon Water? 

Add, Turmeric to it. Yes, that’s all you need to do! Adding turmeric to your lemon water every morning will provide your body with tons of energy and allow you to concentrate more efficiently throughout your day. Turmeric has many different beneficial aspects, it has even been known to help treat almost two hundred different types of health issues!

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a bright yellow powder that comes from a plant in the ginger family. It has been used widely in Indian cuisine for adding color and flavor. It can help you in many different ways such as:

  • preventing high blood sugar spikes
  • promoting weight loss
  • can be used as an anti-inflammatory
  • treating constipation
  • boosting energy levels in most people
  • help to break down dietary fat
  • raise bile flow
  • help the body to properly process sugars ingested

Recipe for Turmeric Lemon Water

Things Needed: 

  • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric
  • lemon juice squeezed from a whole lemon
  • 2 cups of lukewarm water or milk
  • two pinches of cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon of honey

How to Prepare:

Heat the water or milk and add the lemon juice, turmeric, and honey. Stir this mixture well. (It is best if you drink this quickly as the turmeric may settle to the bottom if drank slowly.) You will not regret adding this drink to your morning routine!

5 Reasons Why It’s Good to Pee in the Shower!

by June 17, 2016

People are often ashamed to talk about the things that they do in the restroom, but the thought that it is “dirty” needs to be flushed away, it is a natural part of life. You will be shocked when you find out that some experts think there are benefits to taking a closer look at your own urine.

You should be peeing in your shower, not just for the completely liberating rebellious adrenaline rush that you may or may not get from it, but because each time you do so you are saving the planet a little at a time.

“An average flush for a modern, Western-style toilet uses 6 liters (1.6 gallons) of water, and the average adult pees about seven times every 24 hours. That means that each day of weeing takes 42 liters (11.1 gallons) of toilet water to flush away. Assuming that people urinate the same way every single day, this means in just one year, the average person uses 15,330 liters (4,050 gallons) of toilet water.”

1. It Saves Money

Water Costs money, this should not come as news. Every single flush sends liters of your hard earned money down the drain.

2. Environment

By some estimates, each household could save up to 2,500 liters of water per year per person if we all peed in the shower once a day instead of in the toilet.

3. It gets you Cleaner

Have you ever wondered who decided we should use paper to clean up after doing our business? The dry paper just smears things around; for men and women, wiping from front to back can introduce bacteria into the urethra causing a painful infection. Water is much better at cleaning dirt out of the cracks and crevices. And there is plenty of water in the shower.

4. Strengthen the Pelvic Floor Muscles

“Try peeing in the shower squatting down. When you squat to pee as opposed to sitting up straight on the toilet, you automatically engage your pelvic floor and it naturally stretches and tones.”

5. It Keeps the Bathroom Cleaner

We have all been there we go to use the bathroom and there is pee on the toilet seat. Or perhaps you were going to clean the toilet, and once you lifted up the seat you noticed pee under the toilet seat or running down the toilet. If you do your business in the shower you won’t have to worry about this problem.


The ADHD Scam: The ‘Fictitious Disease’ Called ADHD

by June 16, 2016

ADHD is one of the most over-diagnosed ‘diseases’ in the world, and it seems nowadays no matter what the problem actually is, any child who gets bored and acts out becomes diagnosed with ADHD. The truth is ninety percent of the children diagnosed with ADHD do not actually have any abnormalities in their dopamine metabolism!

The founder of ADHD, Leon Eisenberg made more than enough money off of this fictitious disease to live a life of luxury. Did you know that in the United States literally one in every ten boys around ten years old is on ADHD medication? They have to take these medicines daily with increasing doses. Studies have shown that out of 170-panel members fifty-six percent of them had financial ties with pharmaceutical companies meaning lots of people are making big bucks off of our children being misdiagnosed with this disease.

Let’s go back 50 years. We have a 7-year-old child who is bored in school and disrupts classes. Back then, he was called lazy. Today, he is said to suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). . . . Every child who’s not doing well in school is sent to see a pediatrician, and the pediatrician says: “It’s ADHD; here’s Ritalin.” In fact, 90 percent of these 5.4 million kids don’t have an abnormal dopamine metabolism. The problem is, if a drug is available to doctors, they’ll make the corresponding diagnosis.)

Not only is this misdiagnosis a terrible thing for our pockets, but it is also a terrible thing for our children. Have you ever taken the time to read the list of side effects of the ADHD medications given to your children ?


Side effects include:

  • Hostility
  • Delusions
  • Feeling Intoxicated
  • Homicidal Ideation
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • Manic Reactions
  • Depersonalization

If those side effects don’t signal a red flag then I don’t know what would. Children need our help! These children are becoming dependent on drugs far too early in life. There is no need to drug your children, ADHD is a fraud!

Dr. Edward C. Hamlyn, a founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, in 1998 stated, “ADHD is fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction.”

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