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This Piercing Is Changing Lives The Reason? Genius!

by June 20, 2016

Many people get tattoos and piercings as a fashion statement, or to accentuate their personal style. But if you have migraines then you might want to look into getting this piercing for medical reasons.

Oftentimes piercings are just for pure cosmetic pleasure, but recently the ‘Daith’ has become quite a trend, not because it looks cool but because it can cure migraine problems! The daith piercing helps with one’s migraines by stimulating nerves below the skin inside the ears inner cartilage fold. This causes the body to release endorphin’s that relieve pain therefore relieving the migraines as well.

You can see more about ‘BreAnn Barbie’ and her Daith experience below, I may just have to get one for myself!

This is How Much Water You Should Be Drinking According to Your Health

by June 20, 2016

Our body’s are made up of mostly water so, it only makes sense that we must drink water in order to stay healthy. Right? Right, here is how much water you should really be drinking per day.

One of our children’s biggest health problems right now is actually them not getting enough water. It is very important to stay hydrated. Dehydration symptoms include:

  • constipation
  • dry irritated skin
  • dizziness
  • fatigue
  • fever rapid heart rates
  • delirium
  • and low blood pressure


How much water should one person drink?

It is said that one person should strive to drink at least between 25 and 50 percent of their body weight each day in ounces of water. So this being said, if you weigh around 160 pounds you should drink at least 40 oz of water a day preferably 80.

Why is water so important?

Our bodies use water for just about everything. We use water to cushion our joints, maintain the proper body temperature, keep away dry skin, etc. We are constantly losing water in many ways as well, meaning we need to replenish the supply as often as possible.

These ways include:

  • digestion
  • diarrhea
  • urination
  • sweating
  • vomiting
  • defecation
  • flushing out waste through our kidneys
  • sweating

The video below should offer a little extra help on figuring out just how much water is right for your body.

7 MYTHS You Still Believe About SLEEP!

by June 20, 2016

We’re supposed to spend one-third of our lives catching zzz’s, so you could say we have had enough experience at this point to call ourselves experts. If you have come to that assumption then you are wrong, and there are some things that you need to know.

But some of the most basic assumptions, REM sleep is the most important; if you’re waking up in the middles of the night, you are not sleeping well; you shouldn’t sleep with your television on, are not exactly true. YouTube’s Matthew Santoro got to the bottom of this, researching the tough questions to make you and me just a little bit smarter about our sleep schedules.

To find his YouTube Video, and the sources for the video click here!

This Simple Tip For Spotting Cancer Could Save Your Life!

by June 20, 2016

Being someone who has grown up with an unsightly mole I have noticed more and more people with them. This isn’t a bad thing but it is definitely something we should keep an eye on as our moles can be cancerous.


Our moles or ‘growths’ as some people call them can grow on literally any part of our skin. This happens when our cells grow in a cluster rather than being spread out through our skin. These cells are supposed to give our skin their color. Moles are oftentimes perfectly harmless however sometimes they can be cancerous. Skin cancer is known as melanoma. If you look closely sometimes ou can even see the difference in a normal mole and a cancerous one.


Here are some signs to be on the look out for:

  • Color (A mole that has multiple colors is more likely to be cancerous.)
  • Asymmetry (If a mole is not cancerous usually it will be the same on both sides if you were to draw a line through it.)
  • Border (A mole that is not cancerous usually has smooth even borders all the way around its outside.)
  • Evolving (If your mole is changing in shape size or even color you need to get it checked out.)
  • Dimensions (If your mole is more than six millimeters that could be a red flag.)
  • Sores (If you have a sore on your mole that just won’t heal that could be cancerous.)
  • Look for redness or swelling
  • Pain is also another red flag this being one of the biggest red flags.

20 Mind Blowing Uses for Aloe Vera

by June 20, 2016

Your mom was onto something when she snipped off the tip of an aloe leaf and squeezed it onto your sunburn. But the truth is, aloe vera is one of the most versatile plants in the universe, there are so many things that you can do with it!

Aloe Vera is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years. Yes, that’s right; the spiky, green gem has a rich history of various cultures and personalities who used the plants moist middle in a plethora of practical uses. It is best known for treating skin injuries but also has several other beneficial effects on health. Take Cleopatra for example, she used Aloe as part of her beauty routine or the ancient Greeks who used it to cure everything from baldness to insomnia. Even the Native Americans called Aloe Vera the “Wand of Heaven.”

Topical Uses for Aloe Vera

  • Heal Wounds
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Moisturize and soften skin
  • Soothes burns and sunburns
  • Anti-itching remedy for bug bites
  • Prevents hair loss
  • Shaving gel
  • Alleviates mysterious rashes
  • Help heal herpes outbreak
  • Fight athletes foot
  • Swab over blisters for quick relief

Internal Uses for Aloe Vera

  • Helps to improve the functioning of the urinary tract
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Relieves stomach problems
  • Helps to balance blood sugar levels
  • Boosts the production of white blood cells and healthy cells in cancer patients
  • Reduces heartburn symptoms
  • Helps with indigestion
  • Reduces the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome including bloating and discomfort
  • Boil leaves in a pan of water and breathe in the vapor to alleviate asthma

This is Why Your Grandparents Didn’t Have Food Allergies (But You Do!)

by June 19, 2016

Have you ever wondered why you grandparents did not suffer from food allergies? 15 million Americans have food allergies that were not even thought of 50+ years ago, have you ever wondered why?

More and more people are acquiring food allergies, and this modern epidemic significantly complicates life. They are not only frustrating because they make people have to think twice about the food that they choose to consume, but they also affect health overall and cost a lot of money.

So, why didn’t your grandparents have food allergies? The answer is really quite simple…

  1. They Ate only Seasonal Real Food

Food only came from food and small markets in the early 1900’s, and because food preservatives were not widely used yet, food was fresh. Diets were nutrient dense, due to the lack of processed foods, allowing them to get the nutrition they needed from their food.

  1. They Did Not Diet and Play Restrictive Games with Their Body and Metabolisms

Our grandparents did not fall victim to fad diets, food marketing, calorie counting, and other detrimental dieting habits that are popular today. They did not even exist! Because of this, most people had healthy metabolisms and ate according to their body’s needs and cravings.

  1. They Cooked Real Meals at Home from Scratch

Buying processed foods was not an option, and eating out was a rare luxury. Lucky for our grandparents these habits actually increased their health.

  1. They did not eat GMO’s, Food Additives, Stabilizers and Thickeners

Food was not treated as if it were a science experiment; there were no additives, antibiotics, and hormones to help preserve shelf life.

  1. They did not Run to the Doctor at Every Cough

They did not go to the doctor when they felt sick or take prescription medications. Doctors’ visits were saved for accidental injuries and life-threatening illnesses.

  1. More Time Was Spent Outside

There was no choice, they did not have cell phones, computers, gaming systems, or television sets to sit inside and stare at all day. They went outside in the fresh air; children rode bicycles, played on swing sets, and acted like children.

Nutrition affects every cell in our body. The health of our cells is dependent on diet and lifestyle. Cells create tissues, tissues create organs, and we are made up of that system of organs. With the inadequacy of our nutrition today, the integrity of each cell, tissue, and organ in your body suffers, making you more sensitive to certain foods.

It is high time we go back to that way of living, eating real food, cooked at home without the use of chemical filled packaged convenience foods. It is time to stop running to the doctor every time you get a cold, and it is time to put down the phone long enough to realize that you are a living, breathing human being who is better than the store bought chemical filled junk that stocks the grocery store shelves.

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