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This Man Grew His Own Cure For Skin Cancer In His Backyard

by July 13, 2017

Cancer is one of the most common major diseases in society today. One of the most common types of cancer is skin cancer, and treatment can be costly and destructive.

Cancer is an extremely serious disease. There is a rising amount of cases all across the United States, and it’s hard to tell which is worse for us; cancer or the way we treat it. The most common treatment for cancer is chemotherapy, and it can be utterly detrimental to your health. Cancer treatment is a huge business today, and the same people causing it are the same people treating it. Big Pharmaceutical companies and CEO’s poison our food, water, and daily household items and then claim to cure us of the diseases it causes.

Cancer is a $200 billion dollar a year industry in America. The pharmaceutical companies and the rulers of the world are disallowing the natural alternatives to cancer and disease because money is more important to them. The problem is that you can’t patent a natural ingredient, thus we aren’t given that option for treatment. They aren’t in the business of getting rid of and preventing cancer, they’re in the business for treating it. More cancer equals more money for them, but one man found an interesting way around the schematics of the big pharma.

After twenty-five years of hospital visit after hospital visit, treatment after treatment, and bill after bill, Michael McShane decided to take things into his own hands. He suffered from skin cancer on his face, and it slowly deteriorated it too. After 25 years Michael realized that he was going to have to do something on his own to actually cure his cancer. So, he grew his own cure right in his backyard.

In the 1980’s Michael McShane was diagnosed with HIV, and back then HIV was basically a death sentence. If you don’t know, HIV corrupts the immune system and makes you susceptible to basically all infections. Some of the most common infections acquired after HIV diagnosis is pneumonia, tuberculosis, and cancer. Michael had an aggressive case of skin cancer on his neck. He had a risky surgery performed that took a part of his jugular vein with it, and for a temporary amount of time, he was mute.

Aside from the surgery, Michael had radiation treatment that burned him and left him in immense pain. Afterward, it seemed like Michael acquired one disease after another. His health was steadily declining piece by piece. He eventually acquired neck cancer, skin cancer, and squamous cell carcinoma.

He received more chemotherapy and more surgery until he finally decided to take things into his own hands. He had medical bills that were adding up to over a million dollars, and he had to do something. He happened to be familiar with cannabis before his diagnosis. He was actually an authorized cannabis patient in his home of Detroit, Michigan. It helped him manage the tremendous amounts of side effects from his diseases, but something was said at a dispensary event that caught his attention.

There was a fellow, in particular, that was always talking about the oil being kind of “do anything”. […] One day I approached him squarely and said, “Look, I want to ask you this one question and try to keep it between the lines here, does [cannabis oil] work on cancer?” And he said, “Yes, that’s what I’ve been talking about this whole time!”

He had just been diagnosed once again with his cancer after all the conventional methods had failed. He began making and eating Rick Simpson Oil, a concentrated full plant extract, an essential oil from the cannabis plant.

“It’s surprising that cannabis had gone from a recreational thing, a pretty negative thing to something that really helped me. This is the polar opposite of everything that I had heard for 50 years of my life.”

“I got so interested in the oil I absolutely lost interest in my career. It had no bearing whatsoever. Once I saw this oil miracle occurred, it was all in for me. That was it. It changed my life and that’s what I’ve been doing ever since ” Michael McShane said.

McShane grew over 6 pounds of cannabis and transformed it into 280 grams of oil over 5 months. He consumed it all, and eventually, he pulled himself off of his HIV medications. He fired his doctors. He even started making it for other people! His demand for cannabis oil was extremely big. ”I was getting money sent to me in paper bags from all over the country. People were pleading with me, would I please make oil for them.

Patients of all different kinds of ailments were seeking his products, brain cancer included. In fact, his cannabis oil saved the life of a little girl who suffered from brain cancer. Cancer is a life or death situation and when it comes down to it, if marijuana works, it works. It doesn’t matter about the social stigma it has or whether it is illegal. It’s life or death.

15 Powerful Herbs That Will Kill Infections and Clear Mucus From Your Lungs

by July 13, 2017

There are so many different ingredients in our food that cause disease and illness. The same people who put them in there offer to treat the health issues they cause.

There are tons of different health issues that Americans suffer from today. Alzheimer’s, dementia, cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, and more. The majority of our food is processed and it causes tons of different health issues. The majority of medications on the market today are man made and cause health ailment after health ailment. Thankfully, we don’t need them, to begin with. There are natural ingredients that treat health issues way better than medications.

Cannabis – Cannabis is one of the most amazing natural ingredients out there. It can be used to treat epilepsy, cancer, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, anxiety, and more. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils of the unprocessed plant affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity that comes from smoking. It can open airways, sinus, and act as a bronchodilator.

Chaparral – Chaparral is a southwest native plant that has long been proclaimed by the Native Americans for lung detoxification and respiratory support. It inhibits aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis. It’s an herb that fights harmful organisms. The benefits are more present in q tincture extraction.

Coltsfoot – Coltsfoot has been used by Native Americans for thousands of years. It strengthens the lungs, clears out mucus from the lungs and bronchial tubes. It also soothes mucous membranes in the lungs and can be a great help for asthma, cough, bronchitis, and other lung issues. It is available in dried form, tea, or as an alcohol extract.

Elecampane – Elecampane is known to clear out excess mucus that impairs lung function. It is a natural antibacterial ingredient for the lungs that lessens infections like bronchitis. Herbal practitioners often recommend one teaspoon of the herb per cup of boiling water, drunk three times daily for two to three weeks.

Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus has gained some recent fame for its ability to rejuvenate the skin. It can also be used to clear out mucus from the lungs. It gives off a refreshing aroma and makes your nose and sinuses feel calm. It is also a popular ingredient in many cough lozenges because of its benefits for the respiratory tract. It contains a compound known as Cineole. It is an expectorant that fights congestion and soothes irritated sinus passages.

Licorice – a popular candy flavor, licorice is actually an extremely potent herb. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine and occurs in many different formulas for lung congestion. Licorice is very soothing and softens the mucous membranes of the throat and especially the lungs and stomach.

Lobelia – This is sometimes thought of to be one of the most powerful natural ingredients that there is. Equestrian use it for their race horses because they say it can make them inhale more deeply. It has similar effects on our respiratory system. It contains an alkaloid known as lobeline that thins and breaks down mucus. It also stimulates the adrenal glands and releases asthmador.

Lungwort – While it definitely doesn’t sound like something that would be very good for your lungs, it has actually been used since the 1600’s. It clears congestion and promotes lung health and respiratory health. It contains compounds that are powerfully effective against harmful organisms.

Oregano – Oregano contains compounds that are natural decongestants and histamine reducers that have direct benefits on the respiratory tract and nasal passage flows. It can even fight off the dangerous bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, better than the most common antibiotic treatments.

Mullein – You can obtain benefits from both the plant and the flower of the mullein plant. It is used by practitioners all over the world because of how significantly it strengthens the lungs. It clears excess mucus from the bronchial tubes and reduces inflammation present in the respiratory tract.

Osha – Native to the Rocky Mountains, Osha has been traditionally used as lung medicine for a long time now. The root contains camphor and other compounds for lung support. It also increases blood circulation to the lungs!

Plantain – Plantain leaves can be used to soothe irritated mucous membranes. It has active constituents that show antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It is an anti-inflammatory and antitoxin. It can be used favorably against a cough, cold, and lung irritation.

Sage – Sage is an extremely popular herb. It has been used in natural medicine for thousands of years, literally. It has textured leaves that give aroma that arises from the essential oil. Sage tea can be used for lung problems and common respiratory elements.

Peppermint – Peppermint is a tasty herb that contains menthol, a soothing agent for coughs and throat irritation. It also contains small amounts of additional compounds like limonene, pulegone, and pinene. Many people use it as a balm on the chest to break up decongestion.

22 Signs Parasites are Living In Your Body – Use These Herbs to Help Kill Them

by July 13, 2017

Parasites are probably considered to be one of the scarier things in life. Nobody wants to acquire any of them that’s for sure. However, if you have these symptoms you might already have them.

There are multiple different parasites that we have to be wary of today. Parasites might be on your list of top fears, and it’s understandable. They’re crazy scary. They also cause lots of different health issues because they literally feed off of us. Parasites are technically microorganisms that live off other organisms. Some parasites cause disease directly, but others cause disease by the toxins they produce. Some of the most common parasites are pinworms, lamblia, hookworms, tapeworms, Trichinella, and Dientamoeba fragilis. It is often that pets carry parasites like ticks.

Parasites can cause chronic digestive issues. Intestinal parasite infestation can cause inflammation and destroy the lining of your stomach. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Biology, Agriculture, and Healthcare emphasizes routine intestinal parasite screening to increase the diagnostic rate of parasitic diarrhea and improve the treatment and prevention strategies of diarrhea in children with severe acute malnutrition.

Some Symptoms of Parasitic Infection:

  1. Recurring yeast infections like Candida
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Headaches
  4. Constant hunger
  5. Chronic fatigue
  6. Mood disorders: depression, anxiety, restlessness, suicidal thoughts, irritability
  7. Bleeding gums
  8. Strong cravings for processed foods and sugary foods
  9. Food allergies and sensitivities
  10. Anemia or iron deficiency
  11. Skin ailments like lesions, acne, hives, ulcers, rashes, weeping eczema, itchy dermatitis, sores, etc.
  12. Nervousness
  13. Breathing issues
  14. Teeth grinding and drooling during sleep
  15. Memory problems
  16. Sexual dysfunction in men/menstrual cycle problems in women
  17. Sore/stiff joints
  18. Itching – especially around mouth, nose, and anus
  19. Persistent digestive issues
  20. Abdominal Pain
  21. Fatigue and Weakness
  22. Headaches

Garlic is a natural remedy that has been shown to effectively treat parasitic infections. It is a natural antibiotic and can kill over 60 types of fungus and 20 types of bacteria. It has also been shown to effectively prevent oxidation caused by parasite toxins. Ginger is another one of the most popular natural remedies that can be used in defense against parasites. It causes parasites to die off and treats gas and indigestion!

Big Pharma Is Synthesizing Cannabis To Make A Patent-able Pill And It’s Killing People

by July 13, 2017

Cannabis is an extremely beneficial herb, but recently there has been much controversy over it. Many people still deny its medicinal properties even though there is a ton of research to back it up.

Cannabis has been a controversial topic for some time now. It is an amazing herb that can be used to treat tons of different diseases and health issues. There have been multiple different studies showing that cannabis can treat diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s, cancer, epilepsy, anxiety, and depression. This potent natural herb has been denied to thousands, if not millions, of people because of one terrifying reason – the big pharma can’t patent it. The infamous pharmaceutical companies have found yet another way to manipulate a truly effective natural ingredient. They have synthesized cannabis.

You have a part of your body that binds specifically to the molecules of cannabis. This is called the Endogenous Cannabinoid System (ECS). It can be found throughout the entire body and they are particularly receptive to cannabis. There are particularly active receptors in the brain, tissues, organs, connective tissue, glands, and immune cells. The primary function of the system is to maintain homeostasis throughout the body.

The pharmaceuticals have created something called Marinol. The drug was produced by Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc. The chemical compound mimics nature. Pharmaceutical companies have been in a panic because of the growing awareness of the many benefits of marijuana; thus, Marinol was born. It has a chemical structure that is similar to marijuana but without all the benefits. It increases appetite, but it has already been found to be deadly.

Cannabis is an amazing natural ingredient. The big Pharma manipulates every resource we have and then makes us pay for it. They get rich and we get poor, and we even get sicker. They promise that they will heal us but they actually make all of our problems less.

Fasting: Understanding the Health Benefits and Risks

by July 12, 2017

In a recent study completed by a team from the University of Southern California has found that a fasting diet consisting of fasting for 5 days each month has been found to encourage a healthy metabolic system within the body.

Studying 71 people, including a group that partook in the fasting diet as well as a group that maintained a normal diet for the first 3 months, the team was able to find associations between the diet and a number of health benefits including reduced body weight, lower body fat, improved blood pressure levels and more.

Often associated with religious practices, this new research suggests that the act of fasting carries many practical benefits for our health. Dr. Michael Mosley, the author of ‘The Fast Diet’ books, stated: “Studies of intermittent fasting show that not only do people see improvements in blood pressure and their cholesterol levels, but also in their insulin sensitivity.”

In a study conducted by Dr. Valter Longo at the University of Southern California, it was found that those who participated in a fasting diet, lasting a period of 2-4 days at a time, were able to ‘reboot’ their immune system and protect the body against cell damage caused by aging.


 Health Benefits of Fasting

  • Slow the Effects of Aging: Improving upon blood composition has been found to improve upon the aging process within the body, leading to a longer lifespan.
  • Improve Skin Appearance: High blood sugar has been found to impact the collagen within the skin, weakening its resilience. Fasting will help to improve upon your skin care routine, allowing the skin to age gracefully.
  • Promote Cardiovascular Health: Fasting has been found to improve blood composition, blood pressure and cardiovascular function in the body quickly, improving cardiovascular health.
  • Decrease Blood Sugar: In the first few days of fasting most people experience a drop of over 30% in their blood sugar, experiencing lowered energy levels, however as you continue to fast these levels will stabilize at a lowered level.
  • Boost Your Metabolism: Fasting encourages the body’s sensitivity to the hormone leptin, which in turn will increase the rate of your metabolism by increasing thyroid hormone production.
  • Lower Blood Pressure: Following the first week of a fast the lowered salt intake in the body will work to decrease blood pressure.
  • Decrease Blood Triglycerides: Fatty blood has been found to increase your risk of developing narrowed arteries, along with other risks. Fasting works to decrease the blood triglycerides in the body.
  • Encourage Fat Loss: Taking part in intermittent fasting helps the body to reach the state of ketosis, helping the body to burn fat reserves. This will help to reduce the fat stored in the body.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Through eliminating unhealthy foods from the body and balancing the body’s hormones, fasting is able to lower free radicals within the body that have been found to cause inflammation.
  • Promote the Results of Exercise: Fasting has been found to improve on the results of regular exercising, as well as work to encourage a better body composition through the ways in which it impacts the body’s hormones and fat metabolism.
  • Improve Insulin Sensitivity: When you are no longer giving your body regular doses of sugar, either natural or synthetic, by fasting the body will, in turn, secrete less insulin. These lower levels will in turn increase sensitivity to the hormone in those who are experiencing insulin resistance.
  • Feel Full Faster and Longer: Through its impact on the hormone leptin fasting is able to encourage the body’s hunger levels and satisfaction following a meal.
  • Promote Better Cellular Health: Conditions such as famine and fasting have been found to promote a process within the body in which it works to destroy malfunctioning cells and tissues, selective protecting healthier tissues.


Risks of Fasting:

Over time your body adjusts to a regular meal schedule, adjusting to your regular breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack habits. Fasting breaks these habits, which can be a challenge for the body. Initially, the impact of this change can disrupt sleep patterns and increase stress levels, however, in time, it will begin to adjust to the body’s ‘new normal’ during the fasting period.

Many who are new to the fasting process are unaware of the high risk of dehydration, leading to headaches and, if left unmanaged, more serious health concerns. It is important that those practicing a fasting diet ensure that they are consuming plenty of water to counteract these symptoms.

Experts also warn that relying solely upon periods of fasting has been found ineffective for long-term weight loss goals unless it is backed up by a change in food and nutrition habits. Madelyn Fernstrom, Ph.D., from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Weight Loss Management Center explained, “The appeal is that [fasting] is quick, but it is quick fluid loss, not substantial weight loss. If it’s easy off, it will come back quickly – as soon as you start eating normally again.”

Some even believe that incorporating fasting as part of a weight loss plan may actually impede their efforts to improve upon their eating habits, leading them away from the recommended 5 helpings of fruit and vegetables each day, and in some cases even going as far as triggering eating disorders.

Fitness and nutrition expert JJ Virgin advised, “The ‘anything goes’ mentality some experts permit during the feeding state could lead someone to overeat, creating guilt, shame, and other problems that only become worse over time. For someone with emotional or psychological eating disorders, intermittent fasting could become a convenient crutch to amplify these issues.”

If you are looking to use a fasting diet in your weight loss efforts, it is recommended that you do so after consulting with your family doctor.

5 Natural Ways To Regrow Hair In 10 Days

by July 12, 2017

Losing your hair is something that nobody wants to experience. Hair loss can majorly damage your self-confidence and make you look much older than you really are.

Hair loss is a terrible thing to experience. It can be caused by a lot of different things, genes, medications, disease, and even stress. It never happens all at once either; you will slowly start to shed hair from time to time, shower after shower, brush after brush until you notice that your hair is extremely thin and balding. There are many different ways that a person can experience hair loss.

Many people experience hair loss because of a hormone imbalance, vitamin deficiencies, stress, insomnia, thyroid issues, smoking, genetics, and menopause. Of course, there are over the counter pharmaceuticals that claim to be the answer to all of your problems. Many people use these products only to discover that their problems are only getting worse. They cause hormone imbalances and damage your hair follicles. Thankfully, there are multiple different natural ingredients that can stimulate hair loss.

These 5 Remedies have been proclaimed for their effectiveness. They will transform not only the health of your hair but your scalp too! They are additionally fantastic for the rest of your body, so you pick up some additional benefits while increasing your overall health.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a fantastic natural ingredient because it can be used for so many different things. It is most commonly used on cuts and burns to soothe a sting, but it’s also great for your hair. All you have to do is extract the juice out of a couple aloe vera leaves and massage it thoroughly into your scalp. It nourishes your hair roots and can stimulate hair growth.

Coconut Oil Massage

Coconut oil is like aloe vera. It can be used in almost a thousand different ways. Coconut oil is known to be great for your hair because of its high content of lauric acid. It breaks down the sebum buildup from your hair follicles and makes your look and smells great too!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an essential natural ingredient to lead a healthy life. It can balance pH levels in your scalp and prevent dandruff. It has also been reported to treat a dry and itchy scalp! Once a week just replaces your shampoo with apple cider vinegar. You’ll be baffled.

Protein Hair Masks

A common cause of hair loss is a lack of protein in your diet. You can give your scalp and hair roots an extra protein boost by making a protein hair mask. Separate the whites of eggs and whip them really good. Apply the paste to your hair roots. It’ll breathe new life into your locks.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are one of the best natural healing methods because they treat so many different health ailments. Many people include essential oils in their beauty regimen because they can make you look 10 years younger, skin and hair! Some of the most popular essential oils to restore hair health is Lavender, rosemary, jojoba, and almond.


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