Don’t EVER Use Apple Cider Vinegar if You Are On Any of the Following Medications!
Apple cider vinegar is very healthy and is recommended for treating a wide variety of things, but if you’re on certain medications you need to steer clear.
Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help With:
- Lowering bad cholesterol
- Prevent cardiovascular disease
- Reduce risk of oesophageal cancer
- Control blood pressure
- Control fat accumulation
People who shouldn’t use apple cider vinegar and why:
- Apple Cider Vinegar has many healing properties, but it is not meant for everyone. Consuming 8 ounces of apple cider vinegar per day, long term can lead to problems such as low potassium.
- People with bladder cancer
- Pregnant mother or breastfeeding mothers, there is not enough known about apple cider vinegar to say if it is safe for pregnant women or women who breastfeed. It is better to play it safe than sorry in instances such as these.
- Diabetics (ACV can lower your blood sugar levels) People with potassium level issues (ACV will lower those even more)
If you take any of the following medications:
- Digoxin(Lanoxin)
- Hlorothiazide (Diuril)
- Chlorthalidone (Thalitone)
- Furosemide (Lasix)
- Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)
- HydroDiuril
- Microzide
These drugs lower potassium levels and so does ACV so in order to not lower your levels too severely stay away from ACV.