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Study: Fasting for Three Days can Regenerate the Entire Immune System of Humans!

by July 9, 2016

It is no secret that our immune system is an incredibly important, not to mention incredibly complex part of the body that helps protect against illness and disease. What if I told you in just three days you could regenerate your entire immune system, by doing nothing at all?

I know you have probably heard of fasting as a body cleanse or a way to shed a few pounds, but has anyone ever told you too fast for your immune system? New research from The University of Southern California shows that fasting as little as eight days a year could benefit your body and make it healthier.

The theory is fasting two to four days at a time every six months causes stem cells to awake from their normal sleeping state and to start regenerating themselves. The research also showed that the fasting destroyed damaged cells and caused new cells to be born, this means a renewed immune system. “When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged.”

After the fast, the body begins to generate new blood cells when the nutrients start to flow back into the system. The immune system is made up of the lymphatic system, the thymus and spleen and the bone marrow as well as the white blood cells in the circulatory system, they work together to kill off pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi. So keeping the immune system fit is optimum for good health!

“[I]f you start with a system heavily damaged by chemotherapy or aging, fasting cycles can generate, literally, a new immune system,” Longo said in a university press release.

Cancer patients can benefit from this kind of fasting as well. It can strengthen the immune system, but also rid the body of large amounts of toxins as well, such as the ones that build up during a course of chemotherapy. Longer term fasting may also be beneficial for those who are battling cancer.

Another thing to remember is that there are many different types of fasting, some more restrictive than others, so if you are considering it do your research and find out what best suits your health needs.

Scientists Discover This Common Food Doesn’t Just Feed Cancer Cells it CREATES Them!

by July 9, 2016

As some of you know whether you have been diagnosed or not with cancer it is very likely that you at least have a few cancerous cells somewhere in your inner terrain. Often times our immune systems are able to fight these cells off easily.

But, if you are someone who doesn’t have the proper insides, your body won’t be able to fight these things off. If you like to partakes in the typical American SAD diet, you have less chance of doing so. Someone who partakes in  the typical American diet is someone who eats a lot of factory farmed meats and junk food, things that are high in refined sugars and corn syrup. These things are a breeding ground for cancer, literally.

While this has been ignored for a very long time now, Otto Warburg back in the 1930s found something he calls the ‘Warburg Effect’. This is when normal cells begin to lack the oxygen they need in order to utilize glucose and nutrients needed for cellular energy. You see without the oxygen these cells begin depending on fermenting sugar in the body to live, causing them to become cancerous.

This makes the cancer treatment world even more ridiculous, because while they force chemotherapy on most cancer victims they are constantly offering them treats things like ice cream and cookies. These cancer cells consume sugar at a rate of over 19 times faster than healthy normal cells, why are these patients still being given junk food?

Of course, the reason is that the government is making too much profit off of cancer treatment to care about anyone’s well-being. It is very important to try our very best to stay away from sodas, candies, pastries, and processed anything. Refined sugar is addictive and is something that we need to watch ourselves with. Please watch the video below.

SHOCKING Commercial Will Change How You And Your Children Eat. EVERYONE Should See This!

by July 9, 2016

Every single day choices are thrown at us around every corner regarding what to put into our bodies. There are fast food choices around every corner, vending machines in every office, and hours of Netflix and snacks waiting for us when we get home.

It seems most parents intend to have their children on healthy diets, but the fact is, it is far too easy to fall victim to an unhealthy habit. This video was released not too long ago by a group known as ‘Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life‘. Something to serve as a friendly reminder.

This video is supposed to help parents to remember that it is imperative to get your family on the right track and stay on track by eating healthily. Please watch the video below and share it with the people you care about.

Please watch the video below and share it with the people you care about. I can guarantee it will have you thinking about your diet and the things you put into your body. Enjoy!

How Girls Have A Biological Advantage From Birth

by July 8, 2016

A new study has found that the reason as to why women pregnant with female babies have an easier pregnancy and it lies in the placenta!

Sounds pretty complicated, right? Well, it all boils down to the genes produced by the placenta which are different for males than for females. Female placental development has a higher gene expression than that of males.

This is because male babies grow faster and therefore they are put at higher risk for bad outcomes since they might not get as much nutrition as needed. This study shows why female babies are less likely to be premature, stillborn, or have neonatal deaths.

The study, which was published in Molecular Human Reproduction found that genes produced by the placenta are different in males and females.

“We found that with female babies, there is much higher expression of genes involved in placental development, the maintenance of pregnancy, and maternal immune tolerance,” said study co-author Sam Buckberry

It is known that pregnancies are more likely to have bad outcomes if the baby is a boy. This is partly due to the fact that boys grow faster from the moment of conception, and this puts them at a higher risk of lacking nutrition.

“We’ve known for some time that girls are clearly winning in the battle for survival,” said Claire Roberts, lead author of the study, according to HealthDay. This study’s results can explain why female babies are less likely to have a preterm birth, still birth, neonatal death, or macrosomia — a baby that weighs more than 8 lbs., 13 ounces at birth. This production of different genes in the placenta can also explain other gender differences that exist throughout life. “Male babies generally grow faster and bigger than females. This occurs in both the animal and human worlds, but until now we haven’t really understood how or why,” Roberts added.

Pretty interesting, right? Seems like women are winning in this game of life.

This Common Activity Is Now OFFICIALLY Linked To Blindness!

by July 8, 2016

Two individuals recently have been reported with becoming blind for about fifteen minutes! One was the age 22 and the other 44 how could this be?

Many MRI’s and heart scans were done but these tests brought back no certain cause and this phenomenon was unexplainable. The doctors were however later on, able to link these momentary blind spells to mobile phone use before bed!  It seems both of these women used their cell phones before bed and they both lied on their side. This caused one eye to concentrate on the phone while the other eye was blocked by the pillow.

This causes one eye to adapt to the light and the other to get used to the dark. A recipe for blindness indeed. This can even end up damaging one’s eyes permanently. So, we should be especially careful when using our phones before bed.  You see the light our phones give off is more harmful than we would think. These screens are becoming more and more popular so I’m sure there is an awful lot of damage being done.

The blue light emitted from cellular phones is a lot more destructive that many individuals understand.

One eye doctor stated that a few of his 35-year-old patients have eye lenses so cloudy due to nighttime blue light direct exposure that they look like those of a 75-year-old.

And to make matters worse the damage goes far beyond the eyes. Health experts at Harvard confirm the link between blue light and numerous types of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

That is a very high price to pay to scroll through Facebook, don’t you agree?

Best Exercises To Lose Arm Fat At Home

by July 7, 2016

Tell me, what is the part of the body that you show the most? Your arms! Who does not want nice toned, sexy arms?

Arm fat is, of course, caused by the accumulation of excess fat in the area of the arms, and it represents an unpleasant issue, especially for women.

Flabby arms are often the result of aging, after the second decade of life the body begins to easily store fat on certain areas of the body. The lean muscle mass is gradually reduced. Fatty tissues outweigh lean muscle, and arm fat is a common aesthetic issue.

If you are one of the millions with flabby arms and simply wish for a change in appearance, you will be happy to learn that you can easily get rid of it through strength training and healthy eating. Try the exercises demonstrated in the video below and you will be surprised how fast you begin to see results.

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