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Why You Need To Stop Putting Toilet Paper Down On Public Toilet Seats Immediately

by July 12, 2016

Most people have an issue with pubic restrooms, let’s face it, they are not the cleanest places on earth. While we may try to avoid them, sometimes we just have to use them, but what do we do when we use them?

We cover the seat with a toilet seat cover or if the restroom doesn’t have those we use toilet paper. Sounds like a good idea right? wrong. You may think the toilet seat would be the grossest part of the bathroom right? well, it’s not. Toilet seats are designed to prevent bacteria from sticking around. The real germs are actually already on the toilet paper!

When you flush these lidless toilets the bacteria gets strewn across the room and on everything including the toilet paper. This bacteria seeps into the paper and waits for its next use. Electric dryers are also known for giving off large amounts of bacteria.

It would actually benefit you if you were to bring your own toilet paper or wipes from home. This would dramatically cut back on the germs. Please share this post with everyone you care about so that they don’t fall victim to this bacteria!

This Is What Happens To Your Body 10 Hours After Putting On Nail Polish

by July 12, 2016

Most people don’t take the time to think about just what nail polish does to their bodies. Sure it looks pretty, but the side effects can be awful!

Recently studies have shown that most nail polishes contain over 24 toxic chemicals. Things like triphenyl phosphate which shows up less than 10 hours after application. Some of these products don’t even disclose the use of these chemicals as ingredients on their packages! This means at least twenty percent of our nail polish likely contain these chemicals.


Triphenyl phosphate (TPHP)

This is a known chemical that disrupts our endocrine system, this is awful because that is what controls all of our hormones. This chemical may affect one’s metabolism, reproduction abilities, and hormone regulation. This should be especially alarming considering young girls tend to keep their nails painted. Not to mention the 25% of people who bite their nails, can you imagine how much chemicals you are ingesting?

There are also many other terrible chemicals in nail polish such as:

  • formaldehyde
  • toluene
  • dibutyl phthalate

Learn how to make a safer alternative below

8 Most Dangerous Medicines On Earth…Are You Taking Any Of These?

by July 12, 2016

Nowadays, our medicine is designed to keep us sick. Sick people are how the medical industry makes profit.

Most of them medicines we use haven’t really been tested at all, we are the lab rats. We are kept sick while big pharma sits all high and mighty with all the money being spent to keep us alive. Making money on vaccines, chemotherapy, food additives, etc.

Chemotherapy is one of the biggest scams ever. There is no doubt in my mind the cure for cancer has long been buried by big pharma. They only benefit from the use of chemo, nothing else.

Here are the 9 most dangerous medicines:

  • Chemotherapy, which annialates the immune system and often leads to the body developing more cancers.
  • SSRI’s, highly experimental, never proven safe or effective, and can completely block serotonin, leading to thoughts of suicide and even homicidal and suicidal acts of horror.
  • MMR vaccine,  associated with causing autism and other central nervous system disorders and a myriad of health issues.
  • Influenza vaccine, contains up to 50,000 parts per billion of mercury, in addition to formaldehyde, MSG, and aluminum.
  • Antibiotics, get rid of good bacteria and lower the immune system. If taken too much you can develop a resistance.
  • Hpv Vaccine, known to send teens into anaphylactic shock and comas.
  • Rota teq, extremely toxic (oral) vaccine contains LIVE rotavirus strains (G1, G2, G3, G4, and P1), plus highly toxic polysorbate 80 and FETAL BOVINE SERUM.
  • Polio Vaccine, It’s a cold, hard, scary fact that millions of Americans were injected with CANCER when they got the polio vaccine. Plus, the oral and nasal versions of the vaccine have been spreading polio in India and leaving many children paralyzed for life.

All of these things have resulted in terrible side effects and even death. There is no good coming from any of them. The oral version of the polio vaccine is even helping to spread the disease!

This Will Make Your Clothes Bright White And Fresh Like Spring. No Toxins, Cheap And Easy!

by July 11, 2016

Conventional laundry products usually contain toxic chemicals that can harm you and the environment. There really is no need to use these products, you have something at home that can solve all of your laundry problems for you!

Most people hate doing laundry; it can be boring, exhausting, and most of the time those stubborn stains just will not go away. And it is pretty hard to find a nice detergent that does not cost a fortune.

Well, good news, things are about to change! One ingredient can solve all your laundry problems, minus the boring and exhausting part. Just add a little vinegar in with your laundry.

Here are some Great Ways to Use White Vinegar for Laundry:

  1. Pour half a cup of white vinegar on your clothes before you put them in the washing machine. White vinegar will increase the power of your laundry detergent, protect the color of your clothes, and reduce any soapy residue after washing.
  2. It can be used in place of fabric softener. Pour it in the designated compartment of your washing machine. White vinegar will provide the same effects. The only difference is you won’t be getting any harmful chemicals. Don’t worry, it does not leave a smell.
  3. White vinegar will help remove deodorant and sweat stains from clothes.
  4. White Vinegar neutralizes unpleasant smells like smoke.
  5. Use vinegar to clean and descale your washing machine.
  6. Soak your dirty clothes in vinegar solution to get out stubborn stains. Combine hot water and half a cup of vinegar. Let your clothes soak overnight, and wash them as usual. You can also spray stubborn stains with undiluted vinegar, and rub carefully to get the stain out.

For alternative detergent recipes click here and here!

Full List Of Illegal Cancer Causing Shampoos! Is Your Shampoo On The List?!

by July 11, 2016

Many people do not worry about something as innocent as Shampoo, but new evidence suggests that you should! Is your shampoo giving you cancer?

A study on shampoos and soaps that has been done by the Center for Environmental Health has discovered that over 98 of the products they tested contained potential carcinogen one known as cocamide diethanolamine (Cocamide DEA). This could potentially give tons of people all over the world cancer!

These products included shampoos by Palmolive, Colgate, Paul Mitchell and so many others! These shampoos are even in violation of California Laws! The study stated that most of the products containing cocamide DEA were intended for children and even had a fake organic label!

This is ridiculous and should be put to an end! Consumers need to know that they could be dousing themselves with cancer-causing chemicals every night before bed! While most think these products are being tested for our safety. often times things like this are completly overlooked or are not tested at all.

This study found this chemical in shampoos in many of the places that you and I might shop. Places like Walmart, Kohl’s, Babies R Us, and Kmart.

Here are just some of the brands mentioned:


With all of these out there poisoning out scalps why not make your own shampoo? It’s easy!

Homemade Shampoo

  • 1 cup of castile soap
  • 4 teaspoons of almond oil
  • 20 drops of whatever essential oils you’d like
  • 1 cup of coconut milk

How to:

Mix all of these ingredients together and pour them into a bottle. There you have it a toxin-free shampoo!

Remember The Two Year Old Who Smoked 40 Cigarettes A Day? THIS Is What He Looks Like 8 Years Later….

by July 11, 2016

Back in 2010, a story came up about a 2-year-old boy named Ardi Rizal who had a disgusting and life threatening addiction. Young Ardi was addicted to smoking and was known to smoke at least 40 cigarettes a day!


This little boy living in Indonesia quickly became famous everywhere. According to past reports Ardi was able to beat his addiction through a rehabilitation program that was set up by the government over in Indonesia. This I’m assuming because they took a major blow in the global disgust in this matter. Luckily though through this situation they were able to start a campaign that will hopefully end childhood smoking there altogether.

While Ardi beat his smoking addiction he soon picked up another addiciton, junk food. This strong willed boy though was able to overcome this addiction as well! He has gone from smoking addict to junk food addict and is now a happy healthy young man!


We should all look at this young man as an inspiration since even from a young age he has been able to beat addiction in several forms!


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