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Lose Weight While You Sleep with This Quick, Easy Bedtime Drink

by July 14, 2017

The weight loss industry in the United States is massive, in fact in 2014 it was recorded at $64 billion! Statistics show that 73% of the men in the United States meet the qualifications of being overweight, where as 63% of American women will also be considered overweight. With such a large portion of the population searching for an answer, it is no wonder that we see a surge in companies like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers!

While there are surgical procedures, weight loss supplements, and diet programs, many overlook the natural alternatives that are widely available for boosting your metabolism and encouraging fat loss. Working in a variety of ways from detoxifying your body to balancing the body’s PH levels and much more.

Apple Cider Vinegar has been taking the internet by storm, being praised for its effectiveness in many different areas of our lives including as a natural health alternative. While there have been many unsupported claims circulating in regards to its ability to assist in weight loss, fitness trainer Franci Cohen says that there is some truth here! Cohen explains,

“Apple cider vinegar does not increase metabolic function, but it has been proven to aid in fat loss for various reasons. Vinegar is effective at reducing the speed at which glucose enters the blood, thereby lowering blood sugar levels. This is an asset to both diabetics and those looking to lose weight.”


Other foods that have been found to aid in weight loss efforts include:

  • Black beans
  • Oats
  • Avocados
  • Salmon
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Brown rice
  • Pears
  • Wine
  • Grapefruit
  • Kidney beans
  • Almonds
  • Green tea
  • Lentils
  • Bananas
  • Eggs
  • Dark chocolate
  • Oranges
  • Potatoes
  • Pine nuts
  • White beans
  • Goat cheese and feta
  • Low-fat milk
  • Ginger
  • Chickpeas
  • Pearl barley
  • Quinoa
  • Plantains
  • Hot Peppers
  • Collard greens
  • Coffee
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Lettuce
  • Radishes
  • Spinach
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Green peppers


With such an extensive list of food items, there are so many different combinations that can be formed to keep you from becoming bored with your efforts. The biggest downfall of many diet plans is that those trying to follow them lose interest in the foods that they are required to stick to. From soups to smoothies, salads to full entrees, you can work these foods into your daily routine without a lot of additional effort. Besides, how hard is it to convince yourself to enjoy a glass of wine or a piece of dark chocolate from time to time – for weight loss reasons of course!

Drinks and juices are a great way to enjoy a variety of your weight loss favorites. Try this all natural weight loss drink before bed to encourage your body to continue burning fat after you sleep.


Bedtime Weight Loss Drink

You Will Need:

  • 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp Grated Ginger
  • 2 Grapefruits



Peel the grapefruits and then place all the items into a juicer. While you can drink this drink whenever you so desire throughout the day, for best results ensure that you include a glass before you go to bed each night for 7 days in a row. Then take a break from it for 7 days. Repeat this pattern as long as you need to while working towards your desired end result.

If you are not interested in the grapefruit, it can be replaced with other citrus fruit options including oranges, tangerines, lemons, and limes.

Learn How to Make Delicious Homemade Bread in a Frying Pan

by July 14, 2017

The discussion surrounding bread and grain products has been a hot button conversation, with those who are focused on healthy eating either fighting to argue the value of carbohydrates in our diets while others point out the health problems associated with grains.

While there are definitely concerns regarding which bread products you are consuming, there have been studies showing the benefits of whole grains for the body. A Harvard study looked at the impact of an increased intake of whole grains and found that those studied showed a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Their study participants were also found to have more stable blood sugar and blood pressure and saw improvements in their blood cholesterol. The key to this study, however, was that it wasn’t just any bread product – they focus solely on the intake of whole grains.

There is, however, a considerable amount of concern regarding the bread products commercially available both at our local grocery stores as well as being served in many restaurants. It isn’t the grains themselves that cause the concern, however, these products contain a number of questionable ingredients including chemical dough conditioners, artificial flavorings and/or coloring, added sugars, GMOs, and other chemicals. For example, many commercial bread products contain the chemical azodicarbonamide which is also used in shoe rubber and yoga mats! Even the flour used in these products is often in contact with chemical bleaching processes to give it the signature white color!

If you are a fan of bread products with your meals but want to avoid the chemical filled commercial options, here is a great recipe to make your bread at home with just a few easy to find ingredients!

Delicious Homemade Bread

As Found in Natural Healing Magazine

You Will Need:

  • 1 package of yeast
  • 1 glass of warm water
  • ½ Tablespoon of baking powder
  • ½ Tablespoon of sunflower oil
  • ½ Tablespoon of salt
  • 5 cups of flour
  • A few drops of olive oil


  1. In a bowl mix the yeast, water and 3 cups of flour thoroughly, creating an even mixture. Leave this mixture to stand for 15 minutes, allowing it the time necessary to rise. At the end of this 15-minute period of time, you should notice bubbles appearing on the surface of your mixture.
  2. Add the sunflower oil, salt and the remaining 2 cups of flour into the mixture, and knead your bread dough for approximately 10 minutes, working these ingredients into the dough. Set the dough aside once more, this time for 2 hours, allowing the dough to double in size.
  3. Cut your dough into 8 pieces, kneading each piece individually into shape. Cover the 8 loaves with parchment paper and allow them to stand for 30 minutes.
  4. Using a rolling pin, roll out your dough so that it forms round ‘discs’ that are approximately 5mm wide.
  5. Heat a small amount of olive oil in a pan, and one at a time add the discs to the pan frying them for approximately 2 minutes on each side. If you would rather bake your bread in the oven grease a baking pan with oil and bake them at 240F for 10 minutes.


“Milk Does The Body Good” Is The Biggest Lie Ever And How Big Government Helps Big Dairy Sell Milk

by July 14, 2017

We’ve all seen the campaign – “Milk… It Does the Body Good” but does it? After over half a century of trusting the dairy industry, believing that there is no better source of calcium to encourage strong bones and healthy bodies, new information is beginning to question the validity of this statement.

The effective campaign strategy employed by the dairy industry has brainwashed the American public to accept that there is no better source of calcium for their families. Parents require that their children include their daily glass of milk in an effort to keep growing bodies healthy. The truth is that there are better alternatives with just as much calcium content, however significantly better for your overall health, including cabbage, kale, and broccoli!

Why is this information not public knowledge? Why don’t we see television, radio and magazine advertisements sharing this information the way that we see milk being advertised everywhere? It comes down to profits. The dairy industry is significant, running huge ad campaigns in order to ensure that they are able to maintain their high profits. Vegetables, however, have a much lower price point and markup, meaning that there is a much lower profit to be made.

Even more concerning are the health concerns regarding the regular consumption of milk that is not being made publicly known! PETA released an article on June 30th, 2015 listing 11 specific reasons to stop drinking cow’s milk from the prevalence of lactose intolerance in studies that indicate an increased risk of various cancers including both prostate and ovarian cancer.

The Swedish University Uppsala conducted a study not only looking at whether milk could improve bone health but discovering evidence that its consumption may be damaging to your bone health! The study concluded that those who drank higher levels of milk were found to have increased mortality rates and more likely to suffer from bone breakages.

It is our responsibility to speak up and share this information, bringing the truth behind the well-crafted dairy industry marketing campaign to light. For more information about their clever marketing plan, watch this video:

4 Natural Ways To Regrow Hair In 10 Days

by July 14, 2017

While many conversations regarding hair loss, and the necessity to mitigate for it, revolve around men, this is a problem that is also associated with women, however, female hair loss is far less acceptable in today’s society. The American Hair Loss Association advised that women make up 40% of Americans that are suffering from hair loss!

With such a large problem spanning a vast portion of the population, it is no wonder that many people are searching for a solution.

While many sufferers will reach out to medical professionals, even turning to hair replacement surgery in hopes of regaining a head full of hair, the possibility of a natural alternative is often overlooked.

The search for a solution begins by first understanding the underlying cause of your hair loss. There are many possibilities, and narrowing the list down to find the true cause for your specific case may take some exploration into your daily habits.

Possible causes include:

  • Genetics
  • Hair products that you are using
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Insomnia
  • Menopause
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Thyroid issues
  • Vitamin deficiencies

While there is no magic solution to causes of hair loss caused by genetics or menopause, you can slow the progress of your hair loss using any of the following alternatives. For all other cases, use these alternatives to slow and even reverse the effects of your hair loss!


While the use of a massage will not, on its own, cure hair loss, it has been found to be highly effective in promoting hair growth, helping to expedite other efforts. This is something that you can easily do in the comfort of your own home and only requires 10 minutes each day!

You can choose to do the massage either with or without oil, however, there are oils that have been found to further promote growth including almond, castor, coconut, olive and sesame oils.

Using just your fingertips, reach through to your scalp and proceed to slowly massage the area, using a circular pattern in order to stimulate circulation. This action will also help your body to drain toxins from the area. When you are ready to finish the massage, do so by running your fingers slowly through your hair.


One of the accepted causes of hair loss is stress. For this reason, it makes sense that lowering your stress level may be an important part of the solution. Taking just 10 minutes a day to add meditation into your daily routine will not only work to help lower the stress level in your life but will also help to improve your overall health.

Find a quiet space where you can be alone during this time. Eliminate all distractions including closing any pets out of the room, and turning off your cell phone. Sit with your back straight and your legs crossed, closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing. Breath to a count, 4 counts breathing in, hold for 4 counts, 4 counts exhaling, and hold for 4 counts. Repeat this process throughout the 10-minute time frame, allowing yourself to let all thoughts go, just remaining ‘in the moment.’

Focus on Your Diet

Focusing on the vitamins, minerals, iron proteins and omega-3s in your diet will allow you to ensure that you are eating optimally to encourage hair growth and slow hair loss. It is important that you change up your meals from day to day, providing you with a variety of different nutrients while also allowing you to keep your meals interesting and satisfying. Choose organic foods where you have the options, as they are free of chemicals which may act as endocrine disrupters which will, in turn, interfere with your hair growth.

A healthy daily diet consists of:

  • Eggs, fish, nuts, walnuts, avocado, and seeds
  • 4-5 servings of beans and dairy OR 2-3 servings of lean meat
  • 10 servings of vegetables
  • 2-4 servings of fruits

Include These 6 Powerful Compounds

While sticking to a healthy eating plan will definitely help, there are 6 compounds that have been found to be highly effective in balancing your hormones which in turn will keep your hair healthy, halting and reversing any signs of hair loss. These compounds are:

  1. Saw Palmetto
  2. Adaptogenic Herbs
  3. Pumpkin Seed Oil
  4. B-Complex Vitamins
  5. Zinc
  6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

For more information, watch this video:


Try This Homemade Hair Mask

You Will Need:

  • 4 ounces water
  • Licorice root
  • Burdock root
  • Dandelion root
  • Shower cap


  1. Rub the licorice in a glass, then fill the glass to the halfway point with water.
  2. Rub both the dandelion and burdock root with a stone, or place them into a food processor, creating a fine paste.
  3. Blend your newly created paste with the licorice water you created in step 1.
  4. Apply the mixture to your scalp, then cover it with a shower cap. Allow this mixture to remain on your head for a total of 24 hours. As the mixture sits on your scalp it will begin to stick with a consistency similar to a white cement.
  5. After the 24 hour time period, wash the mask from your hair.

The World’s First Fully Automated Toothbrush is Here – and it Only Requires 10 Seconds!

by July 14, 2017

“Taking care of your teeth and gums isn’t just about preventing cavities or bad breath. The mouth is a gateway into your body’s overall health.”  The American Dental Association

 We’ve all heard our parents tell us time and time again about the importance of always remembering to brush our teeth. Our dentists spend time at every appointment discussing the proper ways to brush and floss in order to encourage optimal oral health. Despite all this Business Insider reported that half of Americans don’t floss on a daily basis, and a surprising one in five don’t brush their teeth twice daily!

There are many reasons that American cite for not keeping up with the recommended dental care including finding the time to brush their teeth each day, as well as becoming too busy and simply forgetting to fit it into their daily routine. The creators of the Amabrush are hoping that their new invention will simplify the process and shorten the time span required, encouraging overall better oral care.

How does it work? The Amabrush looks like a mouth guard, however, it is covered by soft silicone bristles and attached to a round handle. When you place the mouthpiece in your mouth and press the button the device provides proceeds to brush your teeth to perfection, hitting every location within the mouth that your dentist would tell you to focus on all at the same time. It takes only 10 seconds total and it even provides the toothpaste!

The makers of the Amabrush explain, “even in this 10 seconds, every tooth surface is cleaned longer compared with common toothbrushes. If you brush your teeth for the recommended 120 seconds with a regular toothbrush, every surface gets brushed for just 1.25 seconds. Amabrush brushes all your surfaces for the whole 10 seconds.”


Introduced to the world via Kickstarter, it is no surprise that the creators have now seen the product more than double their goal, with 10,440 backers and 22 days still left to go!

Dr. Sameer Patel, clinical director at the dental and orthodontic practice Elleven says, “technology is advancing the way we practice dentistry and this innovation could be really revolutionary in the way in which our patients clean their teeth.”

“The success of the brush really depends on how well it cleans the teeth and the gums, however, if sufficient this device could have the potential to reduce tooth decay, and thus further dental problems from occurring. The technology behind the brush may help those who tend to brush too hard – limiting subsequent tooth sensitivity – or not thoroughly enough, which often leaves debris and can cause a build-up of plaque in the mouth.”

With the first devices expected to be shipped in December, it will be interesting to see how they stack up in practical day to day use!

Transferring Fat From Your Stomach to Your Scalp Could Cure Baldness

by July 13, 2017

Nobody wants to experience a receding hairline. It can seriously damage your self-confidence and change the way you look completely!

Fixing it can be difficult and dangerous, but these researchers might have found a safer and more effective fix for baldness. According to the study, doctors can remove fat via liposuction and injecting it into your scalp. Scientists claim that the fat cells stimulate your hair follicles and increase hair growth. This procedure offers a way to regrow your balding hair and shrink your waistline. Although, liposuction does have its downsides.

According to the Sun, the study results were very positive. They report that the researchers found a 93% increase in hair growth and 23% more hair count in just six months. The author of the study, Dr. Edward Ball says the results were very promising in finding an easier and more effective way to regrow their hair. According to Dr. Ball, “The most common form of male pattern hair loss is something called androgenic alopecia and it affects a substantial chunk of the population – 50 percent of men. And hair loss isn’t just a male affliction, with up to 45 per cent of women experiencing it too,” The Sun reports.

Modern day hair loss treatment include pharmaceutical drugs like Finasteride and Minoxidil. Some people have allergic reactions and their bodies can’t handle this medication though. You can also have hair transplantation. Which more of a permanent hair restoration method. “The problem arises, however, in the fact that a hair transplant sometimes isn’t an option, particularly where hair loss is in its infancy, patients have diffuse thinning, or where there’s poor donor availability,” Dr. Ball says.

Dr. Ball and his co-author, Craig Ziering of Ziering Medical in Beverly Hills, tested the fat transplant hair restoration method in six volunteers. the tissue to the scalp and around hair follicles, which are present but not growing, they could stimulate hair growth,” The Sun reports. They continue, “While they were sedated, Dr. Ball’s team injected around 1ml of enriched fat per square centimeter of the scalp, in a “fan-like” pattern. Their hair was then photographed and documented and monitored again at 12, 24 and 32 weeks.”

The research they found after six months of testing was that injecting were incredible. The results at the end of the six-month period were quite impressive. “The research showed that hair count in patients increased from 17.7 per square inch of the scalp to 31.2 – a jump of 23 percent. Meanwhile, the growth phase of the hair almost doubled, boosted by 93 per cent,”

“The other important thing to note is that autologous fat transplant has been shown to be well tolerated, as it’s been used for many years in other cosmetic surgery procedures to add volume to the face and breasts, in what’s called ‘lipomodelling’,” Dr. Ball says.

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