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This Japanese Facial Massage Will Rejuvenate You and Make You Look 10 Years Younger (Video)

by July 14, 2016

We all want to look younger, but unfortunately, the Fountain of Youth is a myth. Or is it?

Have you ever wondered why Japanese women age so well? This Japanese Tanaka massage could be the reason.

Tanaka is a process which removes wrinkles quickly; the skin is tightened and the correct facial features are formed. It was invested by a 65-year-old Japanese woman named Yukuko Tanaka.

The message itself requires nothing more than your hands, and an oil of your choice. I would recommend using coconut, olive, or almond oil.

So instead of picking up that chemical filled anti-aging cream, try this instead. I think you might be pleasantly surprised at what you see!

How it Works:

One of the ways the Tanaka Massage works is by facilitating proper lymph drainage. The motions of the massage work to contour the skin and eliminate droopiness, sagging, and wrinkles.

The best part is, it takes no more than 5 minutes!

Nutella is Poisoning You and Your Kids, Here is the SHOCKING Reason Why!

by July 14, 2016

According to Ferrero, the makers of the chocolate hazelnut spread, Nutella, “breakfast loves Nutella”. Well, there are plenty of reasons why we should not love Nutella for breakfast or any other meal during your day!

A Canadian physician who looked at the ingredients in Nutella doesn’t think we should be consuming it at all. Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, an obesity specialist at the University of Ottawa, Canada, found much more sugar and far fewer hazelnuts in Nutella than the company’s advertising would lead you to believe. He shared his results in this video that every parent should watch before serving Nutella for breakfast.

This is quite a shame because Nutella does such great work helping fund school lunch programs and bringing awareness to the number of kids going to school without breakfast. But this can’t make up for the fact that they are giving kids Nutella for breakfast.

According to Freedhoff, an average serving of two tablespoons contains five hazelnuts, a dash of skim milk powder, whey powder and cocoa powder, half a teaspoon of palm oil and 5.5 teaspoons of sugar. That’s the same amount of sugar contained in five Oreo cookies!

Ferrero, the makers of the famous spread, have previously gotten in trouble with parents who belatedly realized the company’s wholesome image is not telling the whole story.

In fact, Ferrero lost a $3-million class-action lawsuit led by a California mother who said the company used misleading advertising to sell Nutella.

“It is not healthy, breakfast does not love it,” said Freedhoff in his video. “You might love it, but this does not help to make a nutritious breakfast fun. It helps to make a nutritious breakfast non-nutritious.”

Here is the nutritional breakdown of Nutella:

Nutella Ingredients: sugar, modified palm oil, hazelnuts, cocoa, skimmed milk powder, whey powder, lecithin, and vanillin

Nutritional: Nutella contains 70% saturated fat and processed sugar by weight. A two-tablespoon (37 gram) serving of Nutella contains 200 calories, including 99 calories from 11 grams of fat (3.5g of which are saturated) and 80 calories from 21 grams of sugar. In addition, the spread contains 15mg of sodium and 2g of protein per serving.

In Freedhoff’s conclusion, he states, “Make no mistake: Nutella is spreadable candy.”

Healthy Alternative:


  • 2 cups hazelnuts, soaked
  • ½ cup Agave
  • 2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
  • ½ Tsp Salt
  • ½ Cup Raw cacao powder
  • 6 Tbsp Raw Almond Milk


Drain and rinse the nuts and place in a food processor or high powered blender. Blend until smooth, scraping down the sides as needed. Once the hazelnuts turn into a smooth consistency, add the sweetener, vanilla, salt, and cocoa powder and blend until smooth. Add the milk in last and very slowly only as much as needed to reach your desired consistency.

High Fructose Corn Syrup Has Been Renamed And Is Now Being Marketed As A Natural Sweetener

by July 13, 2016

Now that consumers are beginning to pay attention to the ingredient lists and the things they put into their bodies many companies have been thinking of ways to trick them. These companies are labeling everything as 100% natural as I’m sure you’ve noticed, but this is not proof that they’re natural!

The only way to avoid this mess is to buy from only a few select companies that you know are organic or ‘natural’. Many large food companies are hiding the ingredients they know we don’t want in our food by renaming them. Things like high fructose corn syrup that can cause all sorts of health issues.

Some cereals state that they do not contain high fructose corn syrup, but then have the worse alternative of it right on the back in their ingredient list. We must always read the list of ingredients! If you see something on the ingredients list that you’re unsure about, google it. You will know whether it could cause potential issues very quickly.

These companies should not be able to do this, but it seems the health and well-being of the general population doesn’t matter to anyone anymore. The classification for high fructose corn syrup has been changed, now anything that contains 50% or less fructose is not considered high fructose corn syrup. This is still not good for our health. They have only changed it just slightly as to be able to rename it. Please always check your labels and ingredient lists.

Twin Babies Caught Fighting On MRI Scan In Their Mother’s Womb! This Is Amazing!

by July 13, 2016

Having one baby is considered to be one of the most joyous things a person can ask for, but when you end up with twins you’re in for double the fun! Did you know that twins socialize with one another while still inside their mother?

How awesome is that? In the video below you will see the two feisty babies wrestling around with one another within their loving mommy’s belly. These two seem content with one another already! Be sure to watch the whole video, you will love it!

4 Deep Breathing Exercises To Reduce Anxiety

by July 13, 2016

Deep breathing has always helped people deal with their anxiety. Have you ever been close to a panic attack and needed to calm down? These breathing exercises might be able to help.

Breathing Exercises:

  1. Breath Moving – While taking in deep breaths imagine that the air is slowly being taken in from the top of your head and down your spine as you exhale. You should do these in cycles of at least ten to get the full effect.
  2. Resistance Breathing – Press your lips and tighten your throat muscles as you exhale each time. This can be done easily by breathing through a plastic straw.
  3. Coherent Breathing – This is pretty much the same thing as deep breathing and should be done in groups of five. This should help with your heart rate.
  4. Abdominal Breathing – Leaving one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach take in a deep breath through your nose. Be sure that your breath is deep enough that your chest inflates. Do this six to ten times per minute for at least ten minutes.

Doing these exercises when flustered will hopefully help you relax and become more comfortable in most situations. I have found that these can help before exams, or even when being given bad news. Just breathe.

Spray This Simple Mixture And You Will Never See Ants In Your Home Again!

by July 13, 2016

It’s summertime and while usually, that makes one think of many different fun things to do something else may also come to mind. Ants, they seem to be one of the hardest pests to get rid of in the summer.

During the summer ants come into our homes because of the severity of the weather and as most of you may already be aware those “pest control products” can be very harmful to us as humans as well as out furry friends. Raid’s ant and roach sprays have been known to cause asthma attacks!

Most of these sprays and repellents contain active ingredients that cause shortness of breath. These toxic chemicals can have the same effect they don on insects if we were to happen to have enough of the product enter our bodies. Why would you put your family at risk for something like that?

Here’s how to make a all natural ant repellent that will keep your home safe!

Things needed:

  • 60 drops clove essential oil
  • 60 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 1 Cup water


  • Mix the oils together in a spray bottle, water first of course.
  • Shake this well.
  • Spray anywhere you see or have seen ants and repeat when necessary, you’ll be ant free in no time.

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