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10 Plants You Can Grow Indoors to Purify the Air

by July 15, 2016

With all the chemicals we use and eat as well as the contaminants coming in, and many other factors it is probably not hard to believe that the air inside our houses is more polluted than the air outside. But, it does not have to be, you can easily purify the air inside your home!



1. Aloe 


This easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent helps clear formaldehyde and benzene, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, paints and more. Aloe is a smart choice for a sunny kitchen window. Beyond its air-clearing abilities, the gel inside an aloe plant can help heal cuts and burns.

Aloe is a mild to moderate toxin to your pets. Please keep it out of their reach.

2. Spider Plant


Even if you tend to neglect houseplants, you’ll have a hard time killing this resilient plant. With lots of rich foliage and tiny white flowers, the spider plant battles benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene, a solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries.

This plant seems to attract cats, but this plant is safe for cats and dogs.

3. Snake Plant


Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant is one of the best for filtering out formaldehyde, which is common in cleaning products, toilet paper, tissues and personal care products. Put one in your bathroom and it’ll thrive with low light and steamy humid conditions while helping filter out air pollutants.

This plant is toxic to both cats and dogs. If your pet ingested this plant, contact your local veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435.

4. Golden Pothos


Another powerful plant for tackling formaldehyde, this fast-growing vine will create a cascade of green from a hanging basket. Consider it for your garage since car exhaust is filled with formaldehyde. Golden pothos, also know as devil’s ivy, stays green even when kept in the dark.

This plant is also toxic to your pets. The symptoms are oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing. Try to keep the plant out of their reach.

5. Red Edged Dracaena


The red edges of this easy dracaena bring a pop of color, and the shrub can grow to reach your ceiling. This plant is best for removing xylene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde, which can be introduced to indoor air through lacquers, varnishes and gasoline.

Cats that eat the long, skinny fronds that are typical in the Dracaena plant family will vomit, sometimes with blood, become depressed and lose their appetites. Kittens can get a little wobbly and appear to be drunk. Luckily, these plants are not usually lethal and symptoms should disappear in 12 to 24 hours.

6. Weeping Fig (Ficus)



A ficus in your living room can help filter out pollutants that typically accompany carpeting and furniture such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. Caring for a ficus can be tricky, but once you get the watering and light conditions right, they will last a long time.

The creeping fig and the weeping fig are tempting for the cat and can be toxic if ingested in high quantities.

7. English Ivy


A study found that the plant reduces airborne fecal-matter particles. It has also been shown to filter out formaldehyde found in some household cleaning products.

This plant can be mildly toxic to pets. The symptoms are vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, diarrhea. Foliage is more toxic than berries

8. Warneckii Dracaena


Combat pollutants associated with varnishes and oils with this dracaena. The Warneckii Dracaena grows inside easily, even without direct sunlight. With striped leaves forming clusters atop a thin stem, this houseplant can be striking, especially if it reaches its potential height of 12 feet.

This plant can be toxic in both dogs and cats. The symptoms are in cats: dilated pupils, abdominal pain, increased heart rate and drooling. In both cats and dogs: vomiting, depression, inappetence, drooling, incoordination, and weakness.

9. Bamboo Palm


Also known as the reed palm, this small palm thrives in shady indoor spaces and often produces flowers and small berries. It tops the list of plants best for filtering out both benzene and trichloroethylene. They’re also a good choice for placing around furniture that could be off-gassing formaldehyde.

The Bamboo Palm is safe for all pets.

10. Peace Lily8

Shade and weekly watering are all the peace lily needs to survive and produce blooms. It topped NASA’s list for removing all three of most common VOCs — formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. It can also combat toluene and xylene.

The Peace Lily is toxic to both cats and dogs. The symptoms are oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing.

13 Different Ways to Make Hummus

by July 15, 2016

I think that we can all agree on the fact that Hummus is delicious. It is smooth and creamy, but so hard to get just right when you make it at home.

Chickpeas are the main ingredient, they are an excellent source of protein and fiber, helping to keep you fuller for a longer period of time. They help aid in weight loss, they are full of B-vitamins, great for revving up your metabolism.

But aside from the health benefits, they have such a wonderful taste! Slightly nutty and sweet in flavor.

Hummus itself has amazing health benefits and it a wonderful cancer fighter, some studies even say that eating hummus could help cut cancer risk by 50% for breast, prostate, and Colon. Large population studies have shown that people eating the most legumes are 32% less likely to get cancer in general, 57% less likely to get colon cancer, and 45% less likely to get prostate cancer.

So whenever you are feeling puckish grab a can of chickpeas and make one of the following recipes, you will not be disappointed!


“My House Used to Smell Horrible… But When They Taught Me This Trick Everything Changed!”

by July 15, 2016

Strong smell is something that is easily achieved, but not so easy to get rid of. Believe me, once you do this, you will never go back!

Most people use chemical filled store bought air fresheners that tend to do nothing but mask odors. The following remedy will do much more than that, it will take the odor out of the house and leave it with a refreshing scent.

Don’t think about it, just do it! It is simple and easy to prepare and only involved three common ingredients that you might already have in your home. Follow these instructions, and you will have a home that smells fresh and wonderful.


  • ¼ cup Detergent Spheres (You can get them in almost any department or home care store)
  • 4 Tbsp. Baking Soda
  • Two boiled water


Add our soap spheres to a large bowl. Next, add four tablespoons of baking soda, and the boiling water. Mix all the ingredients together, and leave to sit for at least half an hour or until everything is dissolved.

How to Use it

You can use this spray on anything in your home; mattresses, floor, sofas, carpet, or drains. The results you get will amaze you!

*If the baking soda does not dissolve all the way, you can add a drop of alcohol into the bottle and shake until it dissolves.

*Alternatively, you can also use just the baking soda and water and add in your favorite essential oil.

Doctors Are In Shock: This May Kill Up to 93% Of Colon Cancer In Just 2 Days!

by July 15, 2016

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer mortality in America. Unfortunately, most people with colon cancer do not have any symptoms in the early stages of the disease making them much more susceptible to it.

Although this cancer is responsible for thousands of deaths every year, it is highly treatable if you catch it in the early stages.

There is hope!

There is a reason that cultures around the world have been using it for thousands of years. The benefits of coconut oil have filled entire books. There are very good reasons for this!

According to one study conducted by the Adelaide University of Australia, researchers have found that lauric acid, a saturated fat found in coconut oil, was able to destroy 93% of the colon cancer cells that it was tested on, over a 48-hour period. Making coconut oil a promising alternative treatment to colon cancer.

Both in-vitro and in vivo studies have been conducted on the efficiency of lauric acid on cancer cells, and each one provided equal results.

Coconut oil has also been shown to help decrease the harmful side effects of chemotherapy and improve the quality of life for cancer patients.

The treasured oil has also been found to have benefits that exceed its cancer-killing properties, as multiple clinical studies conducted by the American Nutrition Association have shown.

According to the studies, the fats found in coconut oil “can be useful in the curing and prevention of conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, viral diseases (mononucleosis, hepatitis C, herpes etc.), biliary tract diseases, Chron’s disease, and cancer.”

Coconut oil’s health properties have long been demonized due to its high-fat content, however, the type of fat that it is made up of has led many experts to disregard this sentiment, and its use as an alternative treatment for cancer is still being studied.

This Is What Happens When You Stop Showering. The Results Will Surprise You…

by July 14, 2016


The alternative health movement has promoted the “no poo” method (washing your hair chemical free and shampoo free) for a while. Now mainstream journalists and even scientists are looking into extending this method for the whole body after discovering that cosmetic product like soap or shampoo have being taking away the “good bacteria” that live on the human body.

Video at the bottom
Like many westerners you are probably showering at least once a day… but what if you’re showering too often and are actually hurting your body in the long run by doing so?

Even though daily showers are common due to societal norms, in terms of your health and according to science – but not how you look or smell, bathing once or twice a week should be sufficient. Dr. C. Brandon Mitchell, assistant professor of dermatology at George Washington University, says “Your body is naturally a well-oiled machine […] A daily shower isn’t necessary.”

“I tell patients who shower daily not to lather their whole bodies,” says Mitchell. “Hit your pits, butt and groin, which are the areas that produce strong-smelling secretions. The rest of your body doesn’t need much soaping”, he concludes.

Of course, depending on your daily physical activity these recommendations could vary. Filth-intensive jobs like car maintenance or construction will obviously produce a visible layer of grime that you’ll need to wash off every day. Likewise, if you work out every day but you might repel people around you if you don’t shower.

For the clean freak in you, who feels the need to take daily showers for aesthetic reasons, at least take most of them by taking light showers to avoid hurting your skin in the long run. Indeed, spending too much time under the hot water, scrubbing and lathering your skin, can cause cracks and dry it out. Eventually it can even lead to infections or germs getting into your skin, because harsh cleaning sessions can strips your skin of its natural oils that is meant to keep it healthy.

Watch this episode of “If Our Bodies Could Talk” where James Hamblin investigates the health of the microbes on our skin and some innovative bacterial sprays that could replace in the future traditional showers.


Sources: Footprint Straps  CBS News  Live Science  ABC News


The New Cannabis Capsule is So Powerful it Could Replace Pain Killers

by July 14, 2016

The use of cannabis for medical treatment has been around for centuries. It should come to no surprise that it can be used now for a large amount of illnesses.

Of course, if it’s good for use the government doesn’t want us to have it so back in 1937 they were outlawed for both recreational use and therapeutic use. Now as I’m sure you know Marijuana (cannabis) is a schedule one substance under the controlled substances act of 1970. This classification allows marijuana to be placed in the same field as heroin!

Yes, that’s right, the federal classification put cannabis in the same pool as heroine and states that cannabis possesses “a high potential for abuse…no currently accepted medical use…and a lack of accepted safety for the use of the drug… under medical supervision.”

And pharmaceutical methamphetamine (one of the most harmful and life changing drugs out there) can be prescribed by a doctor, and taken under medical supervision! How insane is that?

Methamphetamine is only considered a schedule two drug! Yet, somehow marijuana is a schedule one. I’m sure you’ve seen tons of information online about how cannabis and cannabinoids can be very positive to one’s health as there has been a boom in it’s medical use here in the past few years. There are over twenty-two thousand studies and reviews about how beneficial cannabis can be to us yet for some reason the government still doesn’t want us to use it.

There are tons of supporters for the use of medical marijuana throughout the field itself. It seems more and more people are realizing how good this can be and becoming more accepting of it each and every day. While there will always be controversy over  this on a state and federal level it seems to be evening itself out.

One of the biggest things being said about the medical use of cannabis is that it can cure cancer. I have read countless testimonies of this and believe it to the fullest extent. Cannabis has been super effective in helping people cope with their pain from chemotherapy and the side effects that come from their chemotherapy.

There is a cannabis capsule infused with coconut oil that seems to work miracles, literally. A man by the name of Stan Rutner who was unable to get off of an oxygen tank until he began this capsule. This capsule allowed him to become strong enough to overcome his illness. After just a few months Stan was cancer-free. Watch the video below for more information on cannabis and how it can help you or a loved one with  cancer. Don’t wait till it’s too late.

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