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Study Finds Salmon Caught Near Seattle Full of Cocaine and Antidepressants

by July 19, 2016

To me there are few things better than beautiful fresh, fish! That is unless it is loaded down with antidepressants and cocaine…

Disturbing research has indicated that young salmon found in Puget, sound tested positive for more than 80 different drugs, including cocaine, antidepressants and dozens of medications like Valium, Darvon, OxyContin, etc.

Jim Meador, an environmental toxicologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and a lead author of the study of the contaminants found in the Puget, told the Seattle Times, “We analyzed samples for 150 compounds and we had 61% of them detected in the effluent. So we know these are going into the estuaries.”

The presence of these drugs in the water appears to be related to the inability of the wastewater plants to fully remove these chemicals during treatment. But high fecal coliform counts in some areas of the Sound suggest that leaky septic tanks may also be contributing to the problem.

“Treatment plants in King County are effective in removing some drugs in wastewater, but many drugs are recalcitrant and remain. Seizure drugs, for instance, are very hard to remove, and ibuprofen levels are knocked down — but not out — during treatment, said Betsy Cooper, permit administrator for the county’s Wastewater Treatment Division.”

Unfortunately, the contamination levels will not likely let up; according to one study, 97,000 pounds of drugs and chemicals could be entering the Puget Sound each year.

How To Grow Your Own Avocado Tree In Small Garden Pot

by July 19, 2016

Avocados are delightfully tasty little fruit that are perfect in salads. If you’re a avocado fan why not try growing your own?

Here’s how to grow your own avocado in a garden pot! 

  • You’ll need to remove the seeds from your avocado. In order to remove the seed, you will need to cut into the fruit and avoid cutting the seed. Be very careful and try not to cut off the brown outer layer of the seed when doing so.
  • Now you will need to pierce the seed, The seed is often times long and oval shaped, the very top of this is where the sprout will begin growing. You will be able to tell the two sides from one another one side will come to a point while the other will not the side that does not is the side we will be submerging in water thus making it the bottom where the root will grow. Pierce toothpicks just above the bottom in order for them to hold the avocado over the water on the pot. Submerging only the very bottom.
  • You should be sure that the bottom end of your seed is in the water so that it will have plenty of hydration in order for the roots to grow.
  • You will then need to wait for the seed to begin sprouting. You will eventually see the top end of the seed split open and the stem sprout will begin making itself known.
  • when the sprout tail reaches about seven inches you will need to cut in about half it’s length so lose about three inches.
  • When you finish cutting the sprout it is time to plant your avocado. Place the seed in a large pot and add in some soil. Make sure you keep the soil moist and you will have avocados growing in no time!

After Watching This Video You Will Never eat Instant Noodles Again

by July 19, 2016

It is a known fact that instant meals are a go to here in the United States. This is because most people do not feel that they have enough time to fix actual meals.

One of the most popular meals you can get is definitely instant noodles. These meals are inexpensive and taste quite good. They only take just a few minutes to prepare which only leaves one question, why not to eat them?

These meals while easy and tasty are not good for us at all. Instant noodles serve no nutritional value what so ever.  The video below will blow you away. The video contains footage taken with a tiny camera inside a person’s body while they process ramen noodles.

How To Make Pores Disappear With Only One Ingredient!

by July 19, 2016

Being someone who has dealt with oily skin all my life I know it is no walk in the park. It is a constant battle to try and reduce the look of my unsightly pores or at least it was until I tried this method!

There are tons of things you can buy over the counter that are supposed to work in reducing pores and drying up oily skin, but they rarely work and dry the skin up too much. This natural remedy works ten times better than anything you will find in a store. Why not give it a go?

Water And Baking Soda

Yes, water and baking soda. By mixing 4 tablespoons of water with 4 tablespoons of baking soda together you will get a miracle combination! apply this mixture to your face and leave it on for about twenty minutes in this amount of time it should definitely be more than dry. Once it begins to feel as if it is tightening, rinse it off. This will reduce the look of your pores and reduce the oiliness of your skin in no time!  There are other natural remedies that work as well but overall this one is my all time favorite. I will however leave a video below that way you can try the others out to see what works best for you. Please enjoy!

5 Things A Narcissist Will Never Do

by July 18, 2016

Narcissists. You know the type of person they are, and the toxic behavior that accompanies their scaly personality.

They are overtly egotistical, with a grandiose sense of self-importance. They have fantasies of endless success, expect special treatment, enjoy exploiting others, lack empathy, are jealous, and think of themselves as having unlimited brilliance. To say the least, they are arrogant.

While many of these characteristics might seem like they would be be easy to spot in someone, you need to remember that narcissists are tricky individuals. They are capable of manipulating you into thinking they “aren’t like that.”

No one wants to fall victim to the manipulation of a narcissist. Since it would be useful to know who to avoid, I’ve put together a list of 5 things narcissists will never do to you.

1. They will never make you feel safe.
One of the narcissists main tactics is to make you think you need them. They do this by instilling a sense of insecurity within you, making you question yourself, your friends, your family, and your relationship. They feel powerful, and therefore more secure, by being the force behind your doubt.

2. They will never be direct.
Have you heard of “double-speak,” or “word salad?” It’s how a narcissist speaks when they are confronted. Instead of being direct and saying what they mean, a narcissist will use manipulation and deflection. Asking them anything regarding responsibility or fairness results in misdirection.

3. They will never listen.
No matter what you say, or how many times you say it, a narcissist will never listen. Oh sure, they hearyour words. They can probably repeat them too. But they never listen to what you are saying. You know why? Because pretty much every conversation gets spun into something involving them. Start talking about how your car broke down this morning and suddenly, “Your car broke down? That’s nothing compared to my morning…”

4. They will never do something for free.
The idea of ‘pay it forward’ doesn’t sit well with a narcissist. That’s probably because they never do something without getting something even bigger in return. Unless you can directly benefit them, they aren’t going to be doing you any favours. Honestly, it’s safer that way. Making a deal with the devil only benefits the devil.

5. They will never apologize.
Mostly because they are never wrong. A narcissist could tell you that chickens can fly better than eagles, and despite how absolutely wrong they are, they will never admit it or apologize. They never make mistakes, and if they do say sorry, it will simply be to silence you so they can move the subject on to something more beneficial- like themselves.

By Raven Fon  (h/t Lifehack)   Featured Image

Forget The Silicones: 5 Plants That Cause Breasts Growth

by July 18, 2016

New trends bring new wants. Therefore, a lot of women have been opting for plastic surgery to get their desired look.

Plastic surgery is pricey, and often times it means going into debt for a few extra cup sizes. There is no need to go under the knife when you can increase your bust size naturally through diet.

Wild Yam

Wild yam packed is packed with phytoestrogens, which mimic our body’s own estrogen.


Fenugreek is the most beneficial one of the whole group. It is a seed that originates from Greece. All you need is to put it in water overnight and the next day you should massage your breasts with this water. You can find it in any herbal pharmacy.


Fennel contains a high level of phytoprogestins that help stimulate your body’s own progesterone. Fennel also helps the body produce more prolactin, which stimulates milk production and breast tissue growth.


Licorice is similar to fennel and provide the same effects.


Flaxseeds are part of the linum family, which is a family of flowering plants. The phytoestrogens in flaxseeds are known as lignans. In fact, flaxseeds contain the highest source of lignan out of the foods you can eat.

Lignans that come from this herb act as your body’s own estrogen to help stimulate breast development and also may help protect the body against cancer cells. Flaxseeds also help increase sex hormone-binding globulin or SHBG levels.

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