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This popular Starbucks Frappuchino’s Color Is Made Of Ground-Up Bugs!

by July 20, 2016

This popular Starbucks drink gets its color from ground-up bugs! It is called the strawberries and creme frappuccino and it gets its pretty pink color from something called cochineal extract also known as mushed up bugs.

“All in all, it takes about 70,000 bugs to produce just one pound of cochineal dye.”

This is something that is commonly overlooked due to its name as an attempt to disguise it. One barista took a photo of the cream and uploaded it to a vegetarian website called This Dish is Vegetarian and they revealed that this frapp was not vegetarian at all because of its use of bugs.

As it turns out Starbucks is not the only company that uses these bugs in their dyes. Please watch the video below for more information.

“All food companies would be well advised to color their foods with real food and not either artificial dyes or an ostensibly natural dye like carmine. I bet real strawberries could be used. Why simulate the color of strawberries when you could probably get a pretty good result with strawberries or beet juice or something that won’t concern your customers?”

Exquisite Tattoos Inspired by Changing Seasons

by July 20, 2016

Crimean tattoo artist Pis Saro creates beautiful tattoos inspired by nature. Her style is somewhat peaceful and edgy at the same time, while the tattoos, which are created for both men and women, have so much detail and color that they could even be mistaken for real plants!

“The mood of my art changes with the seasons,” Saro explains to Illusion Magazine. “I grow flowers and watch them attentively, looking at each fractal detail in petals and leaves. They’re not as simple as they seem! I like to study plants, animals, and birds of different countries, too, always searching for new ideas.”

More info: Facebook | Instagram

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Ethereal Nature Tattoos Inspired By Changing Seasons

Source: Bored Panda

Man Uses Baking Soda to Beat Stage 4 Cancer

by July 20, 2016

This amazing story is about a man who was told he only has just a few months left to live but, he took matters into his own hands and cured his cancer! How did he cure it you ask? With baking soda!

Yes, I said baking soda. This man’s name is Vernon Johnston and he used baking soda to cure his stage four prostate cancer. You see shortly later Vernon was diagnosed with prostate cancer his son told him that he should do his best to raise his pH levels, because cancer is unable to survive in a highly alkaline environment.

This led Vernon to meet a man named Larry who suggested that Vernon use cesium chloride to help raise his pH levels in order to make them highly alkaline. Vernon then decided that he was not going to try conventional methods to treat his cancer. He found that trying alternative therapy would suit him better and decided to give it a go. Vernon ordered some cesium chloride, but sadly it got lost in the mail.

After some time Vernon decided to try to find something else to use rather than ordering more. Vernon discovered quickly that you could use baking soda to bring up your alkalinity. Vernon was excited to hopefully kill off this cancer before it got the best of him.

Vernon began recording his treatment methods in a diary. Vernon called this his “Last dance with cancer”. In his diary, he wrote that you must maintain a good diet in order to promote alkalinity along with taking vitamin and mineral supplements. He also noted that you should get lots of sunshine.

Vernon spent lots of time doing breathing exercises as well in order to assist with initiating the sudden pH rise from sodium bicarbonate.

So, how do we make this baking soda cure?

You will need to add 4 teaspoons of baking soda in a cup and add in two teaspoons of molasses or maple syrup. then pour a glass of cater consume this mixture several times a day. You can also heat the baking soda in order to help it to dissolve quicker. Vernon cured his cancer this way and so can you!

Permanently Remove Body Hair In A Natural Way (No Waxing or Shaving)

by July 20, 2016

Sure unwanted body hair doesn’t really pose any health risks, but we usually just don’t like it. Some people even find unwanted hair to be super embarrassing.

Body hair is meant to protect sensitive areas of our bodies from harm so it is perfectly fine if you don’t choose to get rid of yours, but if you think shaving and waxing is a hassle this may be worth trying for you.

This method is all-natural and that makes it a whole lot less toxic than the other alternatives. Plus it is so easy to do, and you have to do it a lot less often then you have to shave. Please watch the video below and enjoy being free of body hair!

Stephen Hawking’s Beautiful Message For Anyone With Depression (Video)

by July 20, 2016

Stephen Hawking has one of the greatest minds of our time; he is well known for his work in theoretical physics. However, recently, the iconic physicist applied his brilliant mind to a more emotional matter; depression.

Hawking had a poignant message to people suffering from depression, making poetic comparison between depression and a black hole. The message was, no matter how dark they seem, they are not impossible to escape.

Hawking said: “The message of this lecture is that black holes ain’t as black as they are painted. They are not the eternal prisons they were once thought. Things can get out of a black hole both on the outside and possibly to another universe. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up – there’s a way out.”

Hawking was undoubtedly speaking from his own personal experiences of dealing with motor neuron disease, he was diagnosed in 1963 at the age of 21, when given two years to live. Having just turned 74, Hawking defied all expectations and 53 years later, he is considered to be one of the most intelligent people in the world.

“Although it was unfortunate to get motor neurone disease, I have been very fortunate in almost everything else,” he said. “I have been lucky to work in theoretical physics at a fascinating time and it’ s one of the few areas in which my disability was not a serious handicap.”

“It’s also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life may seem because you can lose all hope if you can’t laugh at yourself and life in general.”

He also had an inspiring message for people with disabilities:

“If you are disabled, it is probably not your fault, but it is no good blaming the world or expecting it to take pity on you. One has to have a positive attitude and must make the best of the situation that one finds oneself in; if one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be psychologically disabled as well. In my opinion, one should concentrate on activities in which one’s physical disability will not present a serious handicap. I am afraid that Olympic Games for the disabled do not appeal to me, but it is easy for me to say that because I never liked athletics anyway. On the other hand, science is a very good area for disabled people because it goes on mainly in the mind. Of course, most kinds of experimental work are probably ruled out for most such people, but theoretical work is almost ideal.

My disabilities have not been a significant handicap in my field, which is theoretical physics. Indeed, they have helped me in a way by shielding me from lecturing and administrative work that I would otherwise have been involved in. I have managed, however, only because of the large amount of help I have received from my wife, children, colleagues, and students. I find that people, in general, are very ready to help, but you should encourage them to feel that their efforts to aid you are worthwhile by doing as well as you possibly can.”

Here is the full lecture for anyone who is having a bad day; maybe it can bring some light!

15 Great Ways To Painlessly Cleanse Your Whole Body

by July 20, 2016

What is the first thing you think of when you think of the words “detox” or “cleanse”? If you are anything like me the first thing you probably think of is starvation and painful symptoms.

There are many things that you can do that will painlessly cleanse and nourish your body! These habits will be more effective in the long-run as opposed to the crash diets that only provide short-term benefits!

  1. Water

This one should be a given, every living cell in your body runs off of water. It is especially important for your lymphatic system which flushed your body of toxins and unneeded substances.

Start off your morning right with a glass of warm or lukewarm water with fresh squeezed lemon juice, and if you are adventurous a little aluminum free baking soda. Both help to normalize the Ph of the body, are anti-carcinogenic, anti-fungal, antibacterial and will pull toxins from your bloodstream.

  1. Meditation

Cleansing the mind is equally as important as cleansing the body. Meditation gives you space to breathe and let go of repetitive thoughts and raging emotions. Take five minutes out of your routine and meditate!


  1. Dry Brushing

The Lymphatic System is an intricate network of nodes, ducts, and vessels that help to move lymph from the body tissue to the bloodstream. Since it’s circulating through your body and is key to cleansing out toxins and waste, it is important to detoxification. A popular way to smooth out the flow is dry brushing.

Dry Brushing is the process of running a brush in specific, continuous, circular motions across your skin, upwards towards the heart.

  1. Hydrotherapy

After you get done with your dry brushing, jump into the shower and alternative between 2 minutes of hot water and 30 seconds of cold water. Do this for 3-5 repetitions during your shower.

This type of therapy increases circulation and lymphatic flow, as well as boosts your immune system and metabolism.

  1. Stretching

Stretching is a great way to rejuvenate the body and cleanse it through slow, steady motions and movements. These movements help increase the circulation throughout your body and stimulate the release of toxins.



  1. Sound Therapy

Because we are constantly surrounded by noise and disturbances, our ears start to become desensitized towards the higher pitched sound frequencies. This sort of therapy is designed to help restore that sensitivity again.

  1. Pet Therapy

Pet therapy is a phenomenal way to reduce stress and cleanse your body at an emotional level. Pets are energy sensitive and have a keen way of knowing when people are uptight or depressed. Their constant temperaments and love for affection have been known to lower heart rates, calm reeling thought processes and ease fatigue.

  1. Herbs

Herbs are by far some of the most powerful plants when it comes to restoring health. For almost every single human disease there is a healing counterpart that can be found in the plant kingdom.


  1. Morning Fasting

In the morning our bodies are in elimination mode and are focusing on releasing toxins and cleansing. Waking up and eating a heavy breakfast can be counterproductive in your body’s attempt to cleanse. Instead of pancakes or cereal have a glass of warm lemon water and later opt for a green juice or smoothie that is full of raw, living foods that will continue to cleanse and replenish your body in the best way.


  1. Aromatherapy

Aromatic compounds have influence over a person’s mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Many cultures around the world use aromatherapy for healing and rejuvenating purposes. Doing something as inhaling a little peppermint oil can be extremely beneficial, as it will help you fell more focused and awake.


  1. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has been used for centuries as an Ayurveda medicine, oil pulling is an amazing way to start the detoxification process that has gained some popularity in the U.S. that last several years.


  1. Foot Massage


Massaging your feet gives them a chance to loosen up and release toxins. There are many methods on how to massage the feet and the one we suggest is a massage using a tennis ball or frozen water bottle.

  1. Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt is high in magnesium; the second most abundant element in humans cells. It helps to regulate over 325 enzymes and helps with numerous bodily functions. This is one of those tricky minerals to obtain on the standard American diet, which is why a lot of people are deficient (it’s estimated that upwards of 80% of the population are deficient!). Soaking in Epsom salts is an excellent way to get a boost of magnesium and address any connected symptoms.


  • 1 Cup Epsom Salt
  • 1 Cup Aluminum Free Baking Soda
  • 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 10 Drops Essential oil


  1. Sun Therapy

Do not be afraid of the sun! We are made to live connected to the sunlight and the energy of the earth. Vitamin D deficiency is a rising problem in the States and it contributes to a plethora of medical problems. Daily Vitamin D supplements, spending time outside, or using Vitamin D lamps are all great ways of making sure you get your daily dose of Vitamin D.

  1. Workout

Qi = life force and vital energy. Gong = accomplishment or skill. Qi Gong = Cultivating energy. It is an ancient Chinese health care system that uses physical postures, specific breathing techniques, and mental focus to help cleanse the body and stimulate energy flow. It is one of the best ways to find relief from anxiety and cultivate inner peace. Even taking 10 minutes out of your day to do qi gong or a similar exercise will boost your productivity and mental performance.

As you can see there are a lot of different ways to detox our body that do not have awful side effects. They are all easy to do, so why not pick up a few extra habits? Your health is nothing to mess around with!

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