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What Happens to Your Body When You Don’t Eat for 16 Hours (Infographic)

by July 22, 2016

Intermittent fasting is a fairly common form of fasting in which you only eat in 7-8 hour windows. The following infographic was created by Niki Naik, and it outlines several of the many benefits that fasting can have on the body.

We have all been at that point in life when you agonize over eating the right food, the right amount of food and the right schedule. And, then you agonized over finding the perfect workout schedule to go with your eating habits to get the perfect mix. The time that you spend worrying took up a lot of energy and time, and then who even wants to work out after that?

I tried everything, and I do mean everything and believe me trying to work those mainstream diet plans around a vegan/vegetarian diet is not easy! I did it all, and nothing seemed to be working. Then there comes that point in time when you realize you are tired of planning every single bite of food, and not seeing the results that I expected to see!

Then I found Intermittent fasting, and my life, as well as my body, changed! People are in a constant food mode, people rarely seem to miss a meal nowadays. Our bodies begin to get used to burning sugar as the primary fuel method. Fasting helps to reboot your metabolism, training your body to burn fat as the primary fuel source, which in return helps to shed those unneeded fat cells! Once everything begins to improve, and you come to a normal and healthy body weight, you can eat more frequently, by then your body will be burning fat as fuel, the key to weight management!

Fasting has been shown to have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity, allowing you to cope with carbohydrates better than when you choose not to fast. Studies have shown that after periods of fasting, insulin becomes more effective in telling the cells to take glucose from the blood.

Fasting also decreases the accumulation of free radicals in the cell, preventing damage to cellular proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids associated with aging and disease. Fasting helps to up-regulate the expression of genes that increase the capacity to cope with stress and resist disease and aging.


Research: Semen Is “Good For Women’s Health and Helps Fight Depression”

by July 22, 2016

When you think of semen you probably do not associate it with health, but a study performed in 2013 might change your mind.  That’s right guys, today we will be talking about the sticky stuff.

In 2013, a study was performed on the nutritional value of semen. In humans, semen is rich in nutrients, depending on the age and health of the individual male.

In semen only 1% of the actual semen is sperm, the other 99% is full of over 200 proteins as well as several vitamins and minerals; including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12 and zinc.

Some studies suggest that it is a natural anti-depressant and can actually help you sleep better. The nutrients also help to strengthen the eggs of the female who ingests it.

“These data are consistent with the possibility that semen may antagonize depressive symptoms, and evidence which shows that the vagina absorbs a number of components of semen that can be detected in the bloodstream within a few hours of administration.”

While amounts of each vitamin vary with age and the relative health of the obliging male, there is usually a significant amount of zinc present (around 3% of RDA). Zinc is an antioxidant that helps to slow down the aging process. This is why so many people have been doing semen facials, introducing massive nutrients to the dermis and keeping it healthy.

How To Make Ginger Water to Treat Migraines, Heart Burn, Joint And Muscle Pain

by July 21, 2016

Ginger is known across the world for its health benefits. Why not put it to use?

Ginger is high in potassium and manganese two very important things for our heart function. Not to mention, ginger is loaded down with silicon and this contributes to having healthy skin, hair, teeth, and nails! It is overflowing with many different vitamins and important things like sodium, iron, zinc, beta-carotene, etc.

A study published in the Journal of Natural Products found that crude ginger extracts and gingerol derivatives could prevent joint inflammation. A later study, published in Phytotherapy Research, discovered that ginger could alleviate neuropathic pain in rats.

Gingerol, a potent anti-inflammatory compound found in ginger helps to treat joins, muscle, and nerve pain. Ginger has also been scientifically proven to help prevent migraine headaches when taken regularly.

Ginger is good for migraines, joint pain, heartburn, muscle aches, and many different things. Drinking ginger water a few times a day could have you feeling better than ever!

Ginger Water

  • 3 inches of fresh ginger root
  • 5 cups of water
  • 1 lemon
  • raw honey


Grate the ginger root and add the water to it. squeeze the lemon onto this mixture and add in the raw honey. Be sure to use as much or as little honey as you’d like. then strain and drink throughout your day. Watch the video below for some more information on the benefits you can gain from ginger itself.

Throw Away Your Glasses! Thousands Of People Improved Their Vision With This Method!

by July 20, 2016

I think it is safe to say that nobody likes wearing glasses, and most people who wear them want to get rid of them. The eyes are like any other muscle in the body, over time, if they are not used they begin to weaken.

For example, a simple fracture on the arm would require the use of a cast and a splint for an extended amount of time in order for it to heal properly. This would render the muscle inactive and when the cast comes off the muscle would be significantly weakened.

The same concept applies to the eyes, when you wear glasses the same thing happens to the eye muscle surrounding the lens.

If you are wearing glasses and do not do regular eye exercises, your vision will gradually get worse. Implying that your eye muscles need as much care as the other muscles in your body.

The following guidelines will help you learn more about how to improve your vision, naturally.

  • Close your eyes for a few minutes every 3 hours and avoid causing excess strain.
  • Exercise! The following illustration shows 16 images; follow the lines with your eyes.


  • Apply light pressure on your eyeball with the tips of your index and middle finger. Press lightly on the eyeball so you do not feel any pain. Then press these points with your index fingers twice.


  • Always look into the distance when you are walking.
  • Drink carrot juice with a few drops of olive oil on a regular basis.
  • Use lukewarm water to wash your eyes.
  • Avoid sitting in front of your computer or smartphone at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Get rid of your glasses!

It is important to note that when you first start this regime, you should focus on an image or item and stare at it for an extended period of time.


Pay close attention to each thought and feeling that arises, so that the mind is completely focused on the task at hand. This should continue until you feel your eyes begin to water, at that point close your eyes, and relax.

The Easiest and Quickest Way to Eliminate Uric Acid Crystallization From Your Body To Stop Gout And Joint Pain

by July 20, 2016

Gout is a problem many people are dealing with today it most commonly appears in people who have issues with their digestive systems due to uric things. This causes the development of arthritis in the tiny bones you have in your feet.

Gout is a very serious issue and can cause severe pain. Your body collects uric acid in the joints of your feet when your body isn’t eliminating waste properly. A condition known as Hyperuricemia causes people to have a large amount of uric acid levels in their blood are generally the same people who have gout issues. Though this is not to say that all people with Hyperuricemia have gout issues.

This means that if your kidneys are not prepared to take in the uric acid properly the formation of different shapes which ends up being kept in your joint this causes infection. Luckily though there are lots of natural remedies for this sort of thing.

How can you remove the acid crystallization?

In order to attack this issue, you will need to change your lifestyle and maintain the proper diet. You will need to consume only organic products this includes fish, whole grains, veggies, etc.

You should stop consuming foods that contain processed sugars and stay away from alcohol at all costs. You will need to drink as much water as possible and be sure to do this throughout your day. This will help your body eliminate more toxins, thus eliminating more uric acid than you usually would. Plus staying hydrated never hurt anyone! Please watch the videos below for more information on how to help yourself get rid of gout and uric acid.

The Agriculture Industry Is Mutilating Cows By Drilling Holes In Them

by July 20, 2016

Cows are one of the most profitable commodities farmers and the agricultural industry have. Everyone wants to have the best meat, but at what cost to the cow?

One of the processes being used on cows now that is supposed to be due to health reasons for the cow is called fistulation. This is when one removes a large chunk of the abdomen of the cow exposing its stomach. They then put in a plastic ring to hold the flesh open. This is very painful and causes much torment to the animal.

cow 2

The agricultural industry claims that this fistulation helps improve the health of the cows because it allows microbes to transfer from cow to cow. To learn how this process is done watch the video below. These poor animals need help, nothing should have to endure something like this.

It is important to learn that animals are not our playground for experimentation and they are not pieces of machinery that can be drilled into and upgraded.

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