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Heal Cavities, Gum Disease, And Whiten Teeth With This Natural Homemade Toothpaste

by July 23, 2016

After one use with this amazing natural homemade toothpaste, you will never want to use store bought toothpaste again! I have been truly blown away.

While there are already some Ayurvedic toothpastes on the market today this one is truly the most effective one and it contains the needed neem (Azadirachta indica) to help properly treat cavities and gum issues. This toothpaste also is fluoride free which cuts back majorly on damage all in itself.

The ingredients needed for this toothpaste are generally readily available so you should have no trouble making this life changing toothpaste. Follow the recipe below and your teeth will be looking and feeling fantastic in no time. Why not give it a go?


  • 6 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of neem powder
  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of xylitol for taste. (can be left out if you see fit)
  • 30 drops of mint essential oils


  • Mix all of these ingredients together
  • be sure to mix well as it will be a paste
  • keep this in an air tight container preferably a glass jar
  • The coconut oil itself may harden depending on the temperature you keep it in so be careful

Use this toothpaste as you would your regular store bought toothpaste three times a day. this will whiten your teeth, remove cavities, and treat gum disease with ease. Your mouth will be feeling and looking better than ever just by making this simple change!

Soak Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar: You Will Be Amazed When You See What Happens To Your Feet

by July 23, 2016

As I’m sure you already know apple cider vinegar  is full of many different nutrients and can be beneficial to one’s heath dramatically. ACV is highly acidic which can help on a number of levels.

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apples. As it turns out most of us probably already have some ACV somewhere in our kitchen. You can use ACV for a large number of things ranging from weight loss all the way to treating sinus infections and helping treat minor cosmetic issues. Things like dandruff or discolored skin even. The acidity of ACV can help get rid of unwanted dead skin on our feet and help kill off any type of foot fungus we may have, even the ones that make our feet overly stinky!

Consuming the right amount of apple cider vinegar can help give one more energy and when you use it topically it can be a great way to disinfect cuts or minor burns. Watch the video below for many different ways that apple cider vinegar can be used in your home. It is time to put that ACV to use!

If You See This Label On the Fruit Do Not Buy It at Any Cost!

by July 23, 2016

I am positive that everyone reading this has bought a piece of produce, and if you have you might have noticed a small sticker with numbers written on it. You might not pay attention to things like that, but maybe you should!

You might just think that they are some mark that manufacturers use for their own purpose, but the truth is that these numbers are meaningful and they can tell a lot about the product.


For example, any number found on the sticker that begins with a 9 is there to show that the produce is organic. On the other hand, products that have numbers that start with the numbers 4 or 3 are products that are grown in a conventional way. Conventional farming relies on pesticides and chemicals which help the manufacturer get larger, faster and more lasting crops.

The Dirty Dozen Plus

These foods have very high pesticide loads and should always be purchased organic or grown yourself!

  • Apples
  • Celery
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Grapes
  • Hot Peppers
  • Nectarines (imported)
  • Peaches
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet Bell Peppers
  • Kale/Collard Greens
  • Summer Squash

Clean 15

The following foods were found by EWG to be relatively low in pesticide residue. They may be good conventional options for those on a budget.

  1. Asparagus
  2. Avocados
  3. Cabbage
  4. Cantaloupe
  5. Sweet Corn [Editors Note: beware of genetically modified varieties. If you want to avoid GMOs, eat only organic corn/]
  6. Eggplant
  7. Grapefruit
  8. Kiwi
  9. Mangoes
  10. Mushrooms
  11. Onions
  12. Papayas [Editors Note: beware of genetically modified varieties. If you want to avoid GMOs eat only organic papaya.]
  13. Pineapples
  14. Sweet Peas
  15. Sweet Potatoes

Now, for the number we have all been waiting for, 8. Any sticker starting with the number 8 means that the produce is GMO. GMOs mean that the food is created by a person or machine to maximize productivity. This type of food should always be avoided!

At the end of the day, local farmers are your best friends and you should try and buy from farmers markets or small local food stores whenever possible. This way you can ask as many questions as you would like about the food that you are bringing home.

I’ve Been Washing My Hair Wrong My Entire Life, And This Is How You Should Actually Do It

by July 23, 2016

Hair is a tricky thing, sometimes it will cooperate and sometimes it is just one frizzy mess. Everyone wants beautiful luscious locks, but that is not always the case.

Everyone wants beautiful shiny hair that they can run their fingers through, but when you have dry hair or dandruff this task can seem impossible.

Sometimes all it takes is one wash to get the job done, but the results are only temporary. To keep these effects for longer, you should do it the right way. Yes, there is a right way! Most people make the same common mistakes when washing their hair:

  1. You Shampoo Every Wash

If you shower every day, don’t shampoo every time. This can cause opposite results, causing the scalp to dry out.

  1. You Scrub Your Scalp

Don’t scrub the scalp, simply run your fingers through the hair gently instead. This can prevent damage and breakage.

  1. Hot Showers

Although hot showers are good for the body, they are awful for your hair! The hot water dries out the scalp and rids the hair of its natural oils. Always rinse the hair in cold or lukewarm water.

  1. You Use too Much Product

Try sticking to one shampoo and conditioner, too much experimentation can damage the hair.

  1. Overuse of Shampoo

Remember, when you are washing your hair you only need a dollop the size of a walnut.

  1. Towel Drying

Never rub the wet hair, wet hair is very fragile. What I like to do is pat the hair dry, and allow it to air dry until it is time to style or blow-dry.

  1. Brushing Wet Hair

Wet hair is extremely fragile, wait until the hair is completely dry to brush it out.

  1. Shampooing Entire Head

Shampoo only the roots and condition the ends instead of doing the whole head with both products.

Quaker Oats Is Being Sued For Putting a Cancer-Causing Pesticide In Their Oatmeal

by July 22, 2016

Mislabeling can cause a whole lot of issues and it turns out Quaker Oats has been doing just that! They have done everything within their power to make their labels misleading.

In states like California and New York customers have even gone as far as to file lawsuits against this company based on the fact that it turns out this oatmeal contains traces of the pesticide glyphosate.

An independent lab in California researched this brand and did tests on its one-minute oatmeal product. Researchers used liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, which is a procedure used in chemical labs on drug research and etc. They were able to determine that traces of glyphosate were actually in the product while it was found in lower amounts than considered legal the company is still being sued for false advertising since they claim their products are one hundred percent natural which is one hundred percent not true.

LEAKED Footage: Here’s What Monstrous Things They Do For The Sake Of The Meat Industry

by July 22, 2016

The meat industry is a horrendous thing, they do such awful things to animals that most people do not know about. Recently an investigation was done that showed what happens in industrial chicken hatcheries.

Animal equality investigators have infiltrated hatcheries to show you a reality that the meat industry does not want you to see. I am sure that you can tell by the name that hatcheries are the place where the chicken that most people eat are born by the thousands.

“They are in the hands of the cruel meat industry. These fragile creatures spend their first day of life in an industrial incubator. They are treated as mirror machines, processed as if they were parts in an assembly. There is not the slightest sign of compassion for them, only disregards towards their life. Instead of spending their first day in the warmth of their mother, these little chicks spend the first day in a nightmare…”

This footage was secretly filmed by the Association for the Protection of Animals, Animal Equality, and so far has been viewed over 30 million times. I hope that as more people see the switch to vegetarianism or veganism will become more frequent.


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