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Watch How Canola Oil Is Made (Terrifying!)

by July 26, 2016

Despite the marketing propaganda you have all been fed that claims that canola oil is healthy, canola oil is not a healthy oil. Once you watch this short video showing you the truth of how it is made, you will never purchase it again!

Here is how Canola Oil is made:

Companies spend tons of money in order to deceive the consumer. Canola oil for example, is marketed as one of the healthiest oils you can buy, but it is not! Canola oil is terrible! You see while olive oil comes from olives and avocado oil comes from avocados canola itself does not come from canola seeds.

Canola oil actually comes from the rapeseed plant. This rapeseed oil was used as a lubricant in its early days and was not considered edible, but back in 1995 Monsanto figured out a way to genetically modify rapeseed oil into something that would be considered edible. The results were called canola oil.

Canola oil is a genetically modified product and this can result in many different health issues. Things like:

  • kidney disruption
  • liver disruption
  • heart damage
  • retardation of growth (this is why it’s ILLEGAL to use canola oil in infant formulas!)

Yes, canola oil can increase your risks of developing cancer greatly! This is because when canola oil is heated (say when cooking) free radicals are released this causes cancer cell mutation. Canola oil also plays a big role in keeping cancer cell strong since the cancer cells tend to feed off of the oleic acid in the canola oil! When you look at it this way there is no reason as to why anyone should be using canola oil.

What should I use instead?

  • coconut oil
  • avocado oil
  • olive oil
  • palm oil

Watch the video below for more knowledge on the issues!

Statin Scam Exposed: Cholesterol Drugs Cause Rapid Aging, Brain Damage, and Diabetes

by July 26, 2016

Statins are a commonly prescribed medication used to decrease bad cholesterol and increase heart health. Due to recent studies and new research, these medications are now under fire because of the serious health risks they associated with their consumption.

Typically referred to by brand names such as Lipitor, Crestor, and Zocor, these drugs are now prescribed to a vast majority of prescription drug consumers. In 2014 the amount of money spent on prescription drugs increased to a massive $374 billion which is the highest amount of drug spending since 2001. Statins make up a vast majority of this increase in spending which means that drug consumers are now risking quite a bit more than just their savings.

One study that was published by the American Journal of Physiology stated that the statins’ “impact on other biologic properties of stem cells provides a novel explanation for their adverse clinical effects.” To be more specific the study further states that adverse reactions such as advancement in the process of aging, diabetes, neurological damage as well as myopathy have been found. Myopathy referring to skeletal muscle weakness. In some cases, statins have also been associated with rhabdomyolysis, a life-threatening form of muscle damage that causes severe muscular pain, kidney failure, and death. Statin consumers also seem to be experiencing a higher percentile of degeneration and pain in relation to nerves, memory loss, confusion, and depression. They are also at a higher risk for developing ALS and Parkinson’s according to Dr. David Williams in his 2014 Alternatives newsletter.

The FDA has acknowledged that these drugs increase the risk for high blood sugar (directly relating to higher risk for type 2 diabetes) as well as impaired cognitive function, liver damage, and muscular degeneration. Strangely enough, the FDA goes on to contradict themselves by maintaining that statins are not only safe but also effective. According to the FDA’s website:

“This new information should not scare people off statins, says Amy G. Egan, M.D., M.P.H., deputy director for safety in FDA’s Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products (DMEP). “The value of statins in preventing heart disease has been clearly established,” she says. “Their benefit is indisputable, but they need to be taken with care and knowledge of their side effects.”

Seems somewhat odd that the FDA would issue a report on the risks in relation the use of statins and in the same breath state that these medications are not only safe but beneficial.

What can we understand based on this information? Usually, the side effects and health risks associated with these medications are far worse than any benefit. We must continue to question the benefits of prescription drugs in comparison to natural and proven remedies. Staying informed and educated on pharmaceuticals is a must for anyone who is concerned with maintaining good health.

The Benefits of Massaging Your Feet Before Bed

by July 25, 2016

A massage has been one of the best relaxation methods for ages, but what you didn’t know is that it has positive effects on your overall health.

Foot reflexology or foot massage is among the most popular alternative therapies and is practiced in many parts of the world. Reflexology is based on the concept that stimulating specific points on the feet, hands or ears can improve the functioning of corresponding organs, glands and other areas of the body.

Reflexology is similar to acupuncture and acupressure in that it works with the body’s vital energy through the stimulation of points on the body. However, acupuncture/acupressure points do not always coincide with the reflex points used in reflexology.

Foot Massage Can:

  • Improve Blood Flow
  • Stimulate the secretion of sweat
  • Reduce fat
  • Accelerate the blood flow through the tissue
  • Eliminates acids that can cause cramps
  • Affects relaxation and muscle stretch

A new large scale study in the Michigan State University shows that foot reflexology is beneficial in reducing symptoms in cancer patients. In this study, the researchers examined the effects of reflexology in women with breast cancer who undergo chemotherapy and indicated that those in the reflexology group experienced significantly less shortness of breath, a common symptom in breast cancer patients.

Maps of reflex points have been passed between practitioners across the globe. Understandably, there is not agreement among all reflexologists on all points; however, general agreement does exist on major reflex points. Some scientific documentation of linkages between the skin and internal organs also exists.


The treatment itself should not take more than 15 minutes. A very large number of nerve endings are concentrated exactly on the soles. Their opposite ends are spread like a spider web all over the body. Feet massage means healing, and know that when you are massaging them you are doing much more than just stimulating your feet.

So what are you waiting for? Get working!

What Happens If You Drink Coconut Water For 7 Days On An Empty Stomach

by July 25, 2016

Did you know that coconut water could be used as a substitute for blood? Isn’t that amazing! This is because coconut water has a compatible structure with the blood plasma in our bloodstream.

You can find coconut water in all sorts of places around the world whether you like it or not. Coconut water is known for being a great detox and has many other health benefits as well. Coconut water can have positive results when used for weight loss and helping bring back up one’s immune system.

One cup of coconut water in the morning helps prevent hypertension. It is a natural diuretic which makes it perfect for helping with kidney stones. You can also consume coconut water in large amounts since it contains no fat. Drinking coconut water or seven days straight on an empty stomach will help to cleanse your body of toxins and promote weight loss. For more information on the amazing things you can benefit from by drinking coconut water watch the video below.

One cup of coconut water in the morning helps prevent hypertension. It is a natural diuretic which makes it perfect for helping with kidney stones. You can also consume coconut water in large amounts since it contains no fat.

Drinking coconut water or seven days straight on an empty stomach will help to cleanse your body of toxins and promote weight loss. For more information on the amazing things you can benefit from by drinking coconut water watch the video below.

This is What 2 Cups of Coffee Per Day Will Do To Your Liver

by July 25, 2016

Coffee is something many people cannot start their day without. The energy provided by coffee along with the increase in brain function and alertness makes it a staple among the working class throughout the world. It is considered a drug in the health community in the same sense that nicotine or alcohol are. There is a lot of talk regarding the risks to one’s health that the beverage carries along with its energy benefits. So what exactly is your morning beverage doing for or against you?

For starters, coffee contains many things…..and caffeine, although the seemingly main component, isn’t exactly the “star” ingredient at least where our health is concerned.  Coffee also contains various antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins that are actually essential to our overall well-being.

Here are Several of the Nutrients You Can Find Per 8oz. Cup

  • Manganese: 3% of the RDA.
  • Magnesium: 2% of the RDA.
  • Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): 2% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 11% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 2% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): 6% of the RDA.
  • Phosphorus: 1% of the RDA.
  • Folate: 1% of the RDA.

The high levels of antioxidants are statistically proven to assist in the prevention of various cancers including throat, mouth, liver, prostate and colon. The benefits don’t stop there either. Coffee contains polyphenols- a substance that studies show prevents inflammation in the brain. The phenols also have been shown to prevent oxidative stress.

According to the Mayo Clinic‘s website: “Studies have shown that coffee may have health benefits, including protecting against Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes and liver disease, including liver cancer. It also appears to improve cognitive function and decrease the risk of depression.”

A study that took place in 2013 among college students showed a 45% drop in suicide risk for students that consumed 2-3 cups of coffee per day. If that isn’t enough to make you want to run to your local cafe further studies show that those who drink coffee on a daily basis live longer! The largest study to date, a joint project last year by the NIH’s National Cancer Institute and AARP that followed 400,000 men and women ages 50 to 71 for more than 10 years, found that those who regularly drank coffee — either decaf or regular — had a lower risk of overall death than did nondrinkers. In particular, the coffee drinkers were less likely to die from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes, and infections.

So what exactly can we take from this? Contrary to popular belief, coffee actually has more health benefits in moderate amounts than it does severe health risks. However some people have certain genetic dispositions or health conditions that cause them to experience more discomfort than your “average joe”. As long as you keep it to a few cups in the morning to kickstart your day, and abide by personal dietary restrictions you can reap all the benefits coffee has to offer. Not only will it supplement your current preventative supplements and dietary maintenance but it can also provide a delightful mood and productivity boost. So enjoy your morning beverage and its health benefits too!

Move Over Cotton, Say Hello To Hemp- The ‘Forbidden’ Crop That Is Taking The World By Storm

by July 24, 2016

If it were allowed the cultivation of hemp could be the big boom small farmers have been needing for awhile now. If you really think about it, it really is an amazing idea.

Canada itself has been reaping the benefits of this plant for quite some time while here in the United States we’re not quite there. Obama has though made some progress on that by removing it from the controlled substance act back in 2014 as long as it was being used for agricultural research. As it turns out hemp is actually better than cotton anyway. Cotton is riddled with pesticides nowadays.

Cotton crops require a large amount of irrigation and has a devastating effect on the places it is grown. It literally takes about two thousand gallons of water to grow enough cotton to make one pair of blue jeans, how ridiculous is that? Consumption of water isn’t the only issue we have found with cotton they also are known for overly high pesticide use as well. Cotton agriculture has also been big in killing countless farm workers each year because of the very dangerous pesticide aldicarb. This pesticide is deemed extremely hazardous yes we are still able to use it on our crops?

One single drop of this pesticide on human skin is enough to kill an adult. This is the most popular pesticide used in producing cotton. Hemp, on the other hand, produces up to three times the amount of usable plant material per acre than cotton. It does not require much fertilizer or pesticides, it can also grow in a large variety of soils and conditions. The water needed for help cultivation is also less than half of what is required to grow cotton.

It should be clear that hemp is the better choice here, right?


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