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Chinese Companies Are Mass Producing Plastic Rice! (And It Could Cause SERIOUS Health Problems)

by July 27, 2016

China has been producing fake rice for a long time now and it is still on the market! This rice is being made with potatoes and even plastic!

Wuchang rice being the largest company in question. This rice is very popular due to its smell and it costs much more than other rice. This being said many people are not aware of the fake rice issue. One undercover journalist even said that they found out that in order to make the fake rice real rice is mixed into the plastic pieces and replicating fragrance is sprayed over the whole batch then shipped out.

It seems this company is making about nine million tons of fake rice. How can this go unnoticed? Eating three bowls of this rice is the equivalent to consuming a whole plastic bag! This can cause severe digestive issues and even death! Please watch the video below. It does not hurt to be informed!

The One Vitamin That Can Stop Cancer Cell Growth

by July 27, 2016

Cancer has this way of blindsiding unknowing people, but know that if you get cancer that does not mean it is a death sentence. There are so many things that you can do that will help you have a long and healthy life!

Vitamin K is a group name for a small group of related compounds. Each of these compounds serve a very important purpose in preventing cancer.

Research has shown that vitamin K1 and K2 can target cancer at multiple stages of it’s development. K2 has been shown to stop the proliferation of cancer cells. Vitamin K has been under investigation since way back in 1947 but has only recently been discovered as something able to stop the creation of cancer.

You see vitamin K modifies the growth factors and receptor molecules which makes tumors and cancer cells less able to stimulate growth. This freezes the cell cycle and the process is unable to create more cells. This promotes programmed cell death.

Tumors seem to rapidly outgrow their blood supplies since they use up all the available oxygen as rapidly as possible. This makes them especially vulnerable  to oxidant stress. Vitamin K targets the tumor cells and stimulates oxidative stress, all without the toxicity thus preventing further health issues.

Where is vitamin K available to buy?

Well vitamin K exists in two separate forms. vitamin k1 and vitamin k2. K1 is found in things like fresh veggies. Things like:

  • broccoli
  • lettuce
  • cabbage
  • collard greens
  • okra
  • prunes
  • avocado

Hopefully, after reading this you will be motivated to eat healthier. Preventing cancer seems to be very important these days.

5 Simple Yoga Moves that Will Strengthen and Tone Arm Flab in No Time!

by July 27, 2016

Nobody likes flabby arms but sadly the loose skin on the upper arms is a cosmetic issue that can affect both men and women. Upper arm flab can be caused by many things, age playing a key role for many people.

Don’t worry, losing the upper arm sag will be as easy as getting it. Do these easy, light exercises and you will notice the fat begin to melt off in as little as 4 weeks!

  1. Vinyasa



Vinyasa in yoga is defined as a flow of various poses that strategically benefit you due to the fluid movements from one pose to another. The classic series we are referring to here is where you flow from Plank, down to Chaturanga, into Upward Facing Dog, and then push yourself into Downward Facing Dog.  These moves will access every arm muscle you have and strengthen and tone them in the process.


  1. Chaturanga Dandasan



This pose, also known as the half push-up can help build muscle in your arms, shoulders, and back.  Use your palms to and toes to hold your body in a push-up type stance and hold your glance directly in front of you.


  1. Downward Facing Dog


Not only will this pose help you get beautiful and tone arms, but it will also help strengthen the bones in your upper extremities, according to expert, Elizabeth Manejias. MD.  Stretch your torso into a “V” by using your palms to push your buttocks into the air, while using the bottoms of your feet as your support.

  1. Yogi Push-ups


This particular pose can oftentimes produce groans out of even the most sophisticated yoga practitioner, however, the benefits are indisputable! Start in a plank pose. Next, push your elbows into your ribs. Now, move back to plank. You can feel the results of your muscle work immediately. However, to really feel the effects, it is best to do 5-10 of these.

  1. Plank



If you properly and consistently engage in this pose, and use it to enhance your yoga arm routine you will experience stronger arms, wrists, as well as a stronger core. By elongating and lengthening your body, as well as putting those triceps, biceps and shoulders to work you will be able to complete your arms routine with a beautiful yet fluid ending! Start in downward facing dog, then press your shoulders forward and make sure your shoulders are above your wrists. Your wrists should be under your shoulders at a 90 degree angle.

Use these five moves together consistently to experience the best results. These poses are designed to work together to provide you with amazing results. Grab your yoga mat, water bottle, and comfy pants and get started today!

The 12 Worst Cancer Causing Products in Your Home

by July 27, 2016

In a fast paced and quickly evolving society such as ours it is easy to purchase seemingly innocent household goods that can potentially destroy your health and well-being, or even worse put you at risk for deadly variations of cancer. Take a glance at the following list that we have compiled for your convenience to find out which items in your household could actually be harming you rather than helping you.

  1. Ajax


Crystalline Silica which has known links to lung cancer.


  1. Baby Powder


-Contains TALC, a Carcinogenic and known risk for ovarian cancer.


  1. Cover Girl Replenishing Natural Finish Make Up


-BHA, known Carcinogenic

-Talc, Carcinogenic, Lung Irritant, as well as known links to ovarian cancer.

Parabens, which are associated with breast cancer. 

  1. Crest Tartar Control Toothpaste


FD&C Blue #1, Carcinogenic

Saccharin, Carcinogenic

  1. Alberto VO5 Conditioner (Essence of Neutral Henna)


Formaldehyde, Carcinogenic, neurotoxic, with direct links to leukemia and two other forms of cancer.

Polysorbate 80, Typically contaminated with carcinogen 1,4-dioxane.

FD&C Red #4, Carcinogenic

  1. Clairol Nice’n Easy


Quaternium-15, formaldehyde-releaser, carcinogenic, neurotoxic.

Diethanolamine (DEA), Carcinogenic, interacts with nitrites to produce carcinogenic nitrosamine.

Phenylene-Diamines, carcinogenic

  1. Beef Franks Made by Oscar Mayer Foods


Hormones, carcinogenic and feminizing.

Antibiotics, carcinogenic

DDT, carcinogenic, xenoestrogen

Nitrate, which can created nitrosamines that are known to cause cancer in children.

  1. Lysol


Orthophenylphenol (OPP), carcinogenic; irritant.

  1. Ortho Weed-B-Gon Weed Killer


Sodium 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate (2,4 D), carcinogenic, neurotoxic, and reproductive toxin. Links have been made to lymphoma, soft tissue sarcoma, among other cancers.


  1. Whole Milk


DDT, carcinogenic; xenoestrogen

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone and IGF-1- Risks for breast, colon and prostate cancer.

Dieldrin, Carcinogenic

  1. Zud Heavy Duty Cleanser


Crystalline Silica, carcinogenic, known links to lung cancer.

  1. Zodiac Dog and Cat Flea Collar


Propoxur, Carcinogenic, neurotoxic.

Ditch Toxic Aspirin: 3 Drops of This Essential Oil Equals One Aspirin

by July 26, 2016

If you have been following our page for a while, then you already know that pharmaceuticals are bad for you. Ditch the aspirin, and use this instead!

Wintergreen oil is derived from the evergreen plant also known as Gaultheria procumbens. When distilled, the leaves of this plant produce an oil composed of 99% methyl salicylate, the same chemical compound that aspirin products are made from. The wintergreen and birch plants are the only plants in the entire world that contain this compound naturally. The pain relieving benefits provided by this oil are well known and documented. Native Americans used the plant to treat respiratory tract infections, treatment for toothaches and also as a rub to relieve rheumatism.

Unlike many treatments for pain, therapeutic grade Wintergreen oil has a cortisone-like effect which relieves pain quickly.

So how do you use this delightful oil correctly to reap the many benefits it has to offer?

One 15 ml bottle of Wintergreen oil= about 85 aspirin tablets, and about three drops is equal to one aspirin.

How to use:

  • Massaging 1-3 drops of Wintergreen Essential Oil onto swollen joints helps relieve swollen joints for those suffering from Arthritis.
  • Dilute 2 drops of Wintergreen with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil and apply the mixture to skin with acne before bed.
  • Diffusing wintergreen oil in your home improves mental alertness. It also doubles as a natural antidepressant or treatment for stress.
  • To relieve muscle pain and fatigue you can mix 20-30 drops with 100 ml of a carrier oil that you use to massage onto tired and achy muscles.
  • Massaging wintergreen oil onto your muscles along with exorcise has been shown to promote muscle growth.
  • As a treatment for stomach issues you can massage a few drops of Wintergreen oil on your tummy to relieve pain, reduce bloating and treat flatulence.
  • Apply a few drops to your temples for migraine relief.
  • Use to relieve painful menstrual cramps by rubbing a few drops on the area you feel the most pain.

This multi-purpose oil can be used for various medicinal and therapeutic purposes and has a long standing history of effective use. When using essential oils please use as directed only, and never ingest.

Doctors Are Amazed! This Recipe Strengthens and Restores Bones, Knees, and Joints

by July 26, 2016

Correcting improper posture is one of the most important things when it comes to helping reduce or remove pain in the legs, joints, and back. Doing this will prevent further complications.

Are you tired of being in pain? This one hundred percent natural recipe will get rid of your aches and pains in no time! Look below for the recipe.

Things Needed:

  • 3 ounces of wheat grain
  • 3 ounces of sunflower seed
  • 6 tablespoons of raisins
  • 6 tablespoons of ground sesame
  • 3 ounces of pumpkin seed
  • 20 tablespoons of linseed
  • 3 ounces of wildflower honey


Put all of these ingredients into a large bowl together and mix them well. Store this in a glass jar.


Consume 2 tablespoons of this concoction before you have your breakfast and before you have your lunch. This amazing mixture will work quickly to restore the elasticity of the tendons you’ve been having issues with and reduce your pain. Give it a go, you have nothing to lose but unnecessary pain.

Here is another great natural remedy:

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