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3 Reasons You Should NEVER Eat Another Goldfish Cracker

by July 16, 2017

Cheese goldfish crackers are an extremely popular choice when it comes to buying snacks for your kids. However, you might want to rethink your supermarket decision in getting these for your kids and sending them off to school with them.

Goldfish crackers are extremely popular among kids these days. Kids love them and parents love the cheap price. They are even labeled as a healthy food for your kids when they are quite the opposite. Cheese goldfish crackers are actually full of toxic ingredients and they are especially terrible for your kids! Kids are always in a high growth state that makes them extremely susceptible to the chronic diseases the toxic GMO and preservatives have been linked to.

Goldfish cheese crackers are full of toxic ingredients, especially for children. If your kids go to a public school or preschool it is basically unavoidable to keep them from ingesting snacks like these. It can be extremely frustrating for a health conscious parent because they are basically everywhere and even recommended ‘healthy’ snacks. They are full of ingredients that have been linked to major health complications like vegetable oils and unbleached enriched wheat flour.

Ingredients in Goldfish Cheese Crackers

  • Unbleached Enriched Wheat Flour [Flour, Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamin
  • Mononitrate (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Folic Acid],
  • Vegetable Oils (Canola, Sunflower and/or Soybean),
  • Nonfat Milk
  • Salt,
  • Contains 2 Percent or Less of:
  • Yeast,
  • Leavening (Ammonium Bicarbonate, Baking Soda, Monocalcium Phosphate),
  • Sugar,
  • Spices and
  • Onion Powder
  • And the RAINBOW version of GoldFish contains artificial dyes:
  • Blue 2,
  • Red 40,
  • Red 3, and
  • Blue 1

They are produced using genetically modified organisms like Canola and Soybean Oil. GMO foods like soy have been tied to an increase in allergies, asthma, and a propensity to get antibiotic resistance. A recent study in the UK Telegraph reported that GMO soy is so toxic that direct contact often results in severe illness and sometimes death.

According to the Center for Science of the Public Interest, all of these dyes contain potentially cancer-causing chemicals and most of them can cause severe allergic reactions in children. One study published by Southampton University, food dye negatively affects all children, whether they have food color sensitivity or not. Conventional dairy and milk products are also bad for your health because of added sweeteners. One cup of 2-percent milk contains 12.3 grams of sugar.

32 Long-Forgotten Native American Medicinal Cures

by July 16, 2017

With all of the ‘modern day medical advances’ we have today, you would think that disease and health problems wouldn’t really be an issue – but they’re a big one. That’s because we have only made advances in the field of money making, not health inducing.

Drugs these days cause way more problems than they fix. They deteriorate our organs, make us dependent and addicted to them, and cost a fortune. They’re simply a waste of time, money, and health. Instead of falling for the ridiculously false claims by the big pharma, you should instead be treating yourself naturally, consuming whole ingredients, and staying active. These things might be viewed as difficult today, but they’re actually quite easy. We get a lot of our most beneficial natural remedies from the Native Americans. They didn’t have the big pharma to rely on and they made it just fine.

The Native Americans believed that in order to be healthy, you must also have a sense of purpose and follow a righteous and harmonious path in life. They believed illnesses were a life lesson that a person needed to learn, and they even believed you shouldn’t interfere in some cases. Many of the useful medications we have today are based on a more natural and potent remedy from the Native American culture. You can revolutionize your health by adding some of these most versatile plants in your daily regimen. Native Americans used these plants every day, and you should too!

Yarrow is an extremely popular natural plant among Native American cultures. It has a powerful fragrance, and it has been used in Ancient Greece for thousands of years to stop bleeding! Pioneers would apply this plant on open wounds and cuts as a poultice made from the leaves of the Yarrow plant to help clot the blood. They also used fresh Yarrow juice to treat an upset stomach and intestinal disorders.

Sumac is a very commonly known natural Indian remedy. One of the most proclaimed uses for this plant is for treating eye problems. There is not many plants that can be used to treat your optical issues, but Sumac can. Other cultures used a decoction from sumac to relieve sore throats and treat diarrhea. The leaves and berries are additionally known to cure a fever and soothe poison ivy!

Blackberries are extremely tasty and most people are familiar with them. They are very popular ingredients in the modern day smoothie world, but they are also ancient medications. The Cherokee Indians used blackberries to treat an upset stomach, diarrhea, sore throats, bleeding gums, and more. It is also an amazing natural ingredient for strengthening your immune system to prevent health issues from the beginning.

Rosemary is one of my favorite spices to use in my cooking. Native Americans loved it too, but not just for the flavor! It’s actually a sacred plant that can be used as an analgesic, or pain reliever. It can alleviate sore joints and relieve muscle spasms and pain. It improves the circulatory and nervous systems too! Native Americans loved to use Rosemary because it could prevent disease as well as treat them! It improves your overall immune health and treats indigestion too.

Mint is another extremely popular cooking ingredient. There are loads of different foods and drinks that are mint flavored, but we’re talking about the real deal here. Mint was used by the Cherokee to soothe digestion problems and an upset stomach. They would make a salve out of the plant to relieve itches and rashes too!

Red Clover is fantastic at treating inflammation and respiratory problems. Studies show that red clover helps prevent heart disease and lowers LDL cholesterol!

Black Gum Bark was used by the Cherokee to make a mild tea to relieve chest pains. It can be used to treat common upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, or even pneumonia.

Cattail is a famous survival plant that the indigenous population used for food and preventative medicine. It is extremely easy to digest and it helps to recover from an illness. Many people refer to it as the supermarket as the swamp. Due to its culinary versatility!

Greenbriar was a common plant used by the Native American to make a root tea. The root tea of Greenbriar relieves joint pain and purifies your blood. Other people have been known to make a salve from leaves and bark mixed with hog lard to treat minor sores, scalds, and burns.

Hummingbird Blossom is also known as the buck brush. Native Americans used it to treat mouth and throat conditions, cysts, fibroid tumors, and inflammation. It can also be made into a poultice to burns and sores. Some Physicians claim that it is a strong diuretic that can stimulate the kidneys and increase their overall function. Other studies show that it can be used in treating high blood pressure and lymphatic blockages.

Wild Rose can be used as a preventative and a cure for the common cold. It stimulates the bladder and kidneys because it is a mild diuretic. They also used a petal infusion for sore throats.

Saw Palmetto is more than a beautiful flower garden plant, it can also be used for abdominal pain, digestion, inflammation, and stimulating an appetite.
Many people use Sage in their cooking, I know I do! It’s great for you and it tastes great. It has also been referred to as a sacred plant by many Native Americans because indigenous tribes said it has the ability to purify energies and to cleanse the body of negative energy. It could also be used to treat cramps, spasms, cuts, bruises, colds, and the flu.

Wild Ginger is excellent for a swimmer. It can cure an earache and ear infections in a snap. Native Americans would also make a mild tea from the rootstock to stimulate the digestive system and relieve bloating. It helps with bronchial infections and nausea too!

Aloe has been used for thousands of years. The leaves can be squeezed to extrude a sap that can treat burns, cuts, insect wounds, and scalds.

Prickly Pear Cactus is an antiseptic and can treat wounds. It can also treat Urinary Tract Infections and increase immune health. New research shows that prickly pear cactus helps lower cactus and prevent diabetes and diet related cardiovascular disease.
Honeysuckles are a favorite childhood memory for those of us who grew up in the south. They are also great medicine, according to native American cultures. They used it to treat asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, mumps, and hepatitis!

Ashwagandha is an important plant to many healers. It treats bone weaknesses, tension, weak teeth, memory loss, and rheumatism! It also has a crazy rejuvenating effect on your skin. It improves vitality and overall health.

Mullein is ironically a tobacco like plant used to treat respiratory disorders. The Native Americans made concoctions from the roots to reduce swelling in the joints, feet, and hands.

Licorice Root is a popular flavor among candies, but the actual thing is great for your body. It has been used for centuries to treat stomach problems, bronchitis, food poisoning, and chronic fatigue.

Uva Ursi has a funny name, but because bears like them so much, many people refer to it as Bearberry. It can be used to treat bladder and urinary tract infections.

Devils Claw doesn’t sound like a very friendly natural ingredient, but it can actually be used to treat many health issues. Native Americans used it for treating arthritis, improving digestion, and soothing skin issues. It can also reduce the effect of diabetes and reduce swelling with joint diseases.

White Pine can be infused in a tea to treat respiratory distress and chest congestion.

Valerian is a popular ingredient in teas that has a calming effect. It can also relieve joint pain and muscle aches.

Rosehip is notorious for having medicinal benefits. It’s an orange berry full of wild roses. It is a massive source of vitamins C and can be used to treat coughs, colds, intestinal damage, and as an anti-inflammatory.

Passion Flower can be used to treat anxiety and muscle pains. A poultice of the plant can be used for burns, insect bites, and mild cuts.

Hops tea can be used to treat coughs, colds, sore throats, and chewing on it relieves toothaches.

Goldenrod was used by Native Americans to treat headaches sore throats and as an antiseptic. It is considered an all in one medicine by many Native American cultures. Topical salves can relieve chest congestion and flu symptoms too!

Feverwort is a great fever remedy. It can also treat general pain, itching, and joint problems. Crush it, make it a salve, chew on it, or eat it. Anyway works!

Ginseng is a herb that was used a food additive, a tea, and a poultice to treat fatigue and boost energy by the Native Americans.

Fennel has a licorice like flavor and can be used to get rid of that pesky cough you’ve had for months. It can also relieve diarrhea, asthma, and headaches.

Eucalyptus oil from the leaves and roots can be infused in a tea to treat coughs, colds, and fevers. It is still an ingredient today in cough drops.

Purple Coneflower is a classic Native American Medicine that is used to strengthen the immune system.

Chamomile is a very popular tea because it has soothing and relaxing effects. It can also treat nausea and intestinal problems!

Some E-Cig Flavors Can Cause These Horrific Conditions

by July 16, 2017

Smoking has had a tremendous effect on the health of the public, but thankfully most people have put down the cigarettes by now. However, many have just swapped to electronic cigarettes.

Cigarettes are horrible for your health, we all know this by now. They significantly raise your risk for heart disease and cancer. E-cigarettes and vaporizers are thought to be significantly better for you than smoking, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you. They have been quite the trend recently, but according to a new study, they might have the same dangerous results are traditional tobacco cigarettes.

There are some extremely dangerous ingredients in e-cigarette liquid. According to the new study published in Thorax suggests that people who vape need to be extremely wary of the vape juice they choose. Some of them contain high levels of Benzaldehydes. This chemical is used in many processed foods, and can be toxic when inhaled and a strong irritant to the respiratory system. “As e-cigarette popularity increases, respiratory clinicians need to be aware of potential risks that may result from use,” the researchers write in the study. “Although e-cigarettes may be a promising harm reduction tool for smokers, findings indicate that using these products could result in repeated inhalation of benzaldehyde, with long-term users risking regular exposure to the substance.”

The researchers conducted safety testing on 145 different e cigarette liquids of various flavors, including tropical berry, tobacco, alcohol, chocolate and candy, coffee and tea, menthol, and cherry. However, there are over 7,000 different kinds of vape juices out there today. Researchers found that some of the most dangerous flavors out there are cotton candy, fruit squirts, Cupcake, Alien Blood, and Unicorn Puke. They found that these flavors can cause a horrible condition called popcorn lung. Scientifically known as bronchiolitis Obliterans, it is a condition first discovered back in 2001 by workers in factories that inhaled the artificial butter flavor of microwavable popcorn.

Some of the symptoms of popcorn lung include dry coughing, shortness of breath that worsens with physical activity, wheezing, fatigue, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Popcorn lung is often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are so similar to other lung disorders like asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, and emphysema. X-rays and chest CT scans can detect popcorn lung but is not 100% definitive. The most accurate reading and diagnosis for popcorn lung are with a biopsy.

The researchers found extremely high levels of benzaldehydes in 74% of the samples. That’s 108 out of the 145 e-cigarette juices. Some had a much higher level than others. They found that cherry flavored products have an even higher level of the chemical than actual cigarettes. E-cigarettes are not FDA regulated, and kids can buy them in many different states. These states include Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Many people believe that this is the best way to kick cigarettes and stop smoking, but it only transfers your addiction to something, not any healthier. It is also a gateway to smoking for kids. The rate of smoking (E-cigs included) has increased by 3 times in high school and middle schools in just one year!

E-cigarettes are just another way for tobacco companies to make money. They poison our health to benefit themselves financially. The point of the matter is, e-cigarettes are not a healthy alternative to cigarettes, and they can cause additional damage to your body.

Studies Suggest Coconut Oil Can Alleviate Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

by July 15, 2017

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) reveals that Crohn’s Disease affects half a million Americans. Symptoms of the disease most often surface among adults in their 20s, although it can occur at nearly any age.

Despite a considerable amount of research, experts are unable to pin point an exact cause however as they continue their quest they are getting closer to discovering this valuable information.

Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Anemia
  • Blood or mucus in your bowel movements
  • Cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Fever or high temperature
  • Intestinal swelling
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Nausea
  • Painful, swollen joints
  • Sore, red eyes
  • Swollen, painful skin areas of your body
  • Unintended weight loss

While there is currently no cure, doctors do rely on a number of medications in order to manage the symptoms, allowing sufferers to live happier, more normal lives. In their efforts to discover a more natural alternative to the accepted medicinal options, researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine conducted a study investigating the connection between high-fat diets and the inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease.

Study Author Dr. Alexander Rodriguez-Palacios, DVM, DVSc, Ph.D., and his colleagues wrote:

“A high-fat diet may lead to specific changes in gut bacteria that could fight harmful inflammation – a major discovery for patients suffering from Crohn’s disease, research indicates. Crohn’s disease, a type of inflammatory bowel syndrome, causes debilitating intestinal swelling, cramping, and diarrhea.”

The study found that plant-derived ‘good’ fats helped to reduce several different kinds of gut bacteria in mice. Throughout their research, two different groups of mice were assessed – one group that was consuming a diet of ‘good’ fats including coconut oil and cocoa butter, and a group maintaining a ‘normal’ diet. The study states:

“Mice fed beneficial fatty diets had up to [30] percent fewer kinds of gut bacteria as those fed a normal diet, collectively resulting in a very different gut microbial composition… Mice fed even low concentrations of coconut oil or cocoa butter also had less severe small intestine inflammation.”

 Even those mice that were fed a lower amount concentration of the ‘good’ fats continued to show positive results, with less inflammation reported in their small intestine. Rodriguez-Palacios advised that:

“The finding is remarkable because it means that a Crohn’s patient could also have a beneficial effect on their gut bacteria and inflammation by only switching the type of fat in their diet. Patients would only need to replace a ‘bad’ fat with a ‘good’ fat, and eat normal amounts.”

The first study to establish the connection between plant-based fats and the changes in gut bacteria associated with Crohn’s Disease, this will open the door for other experts to dig further in their search for a cure to the disease. The information collected raises questions in regards to the use of probiotics in the treatment of inflammatory bowel syndromes.

Rodriguez-Palacios added:

“Ongoing studies are now helping us to understand which component of the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fats make the difference I the gut microbes and make mice healthier. Ultimately, we aim to identify the ‘good’ fat-loving microbes for testing as probiotics. Not all ‘good’ fats might be good in all patients. Mice indicate that each person could respond differently. But diet is something we are very hopeful could help at least some patients without the side-effects and risks carried by drugs. The trick now is to really discover what makes a fat ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for Crohn’s disease.”

10 Natural Tricks for Stainless And White Clothes

by July 15, 2017

It is a well-known fact that it takes a great deal of effort to keep our whites looking clean and sharp. On top of the potential mud and grass stains, or stains from clothing or drinks, even our own personal sweat and oils are enough to stain white clothing, causing them to lose their fresh, sharp glow.

Often, we reach for the best-known solution, bleach, however, have you been educated on the many risks that are associated with using bleach? Often relied upon not only for keeping your clothes looking their whitest white but also for removing mold and mildew from showers and tubs, as well as for its disinfectant abilities.

However, all it takes is a few minutes reading the label of any bleach bottle to realize that it may not be the safest choice. Highly corrosive, it is cited as being an irritant for the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Inhalation of bleach fumes has been connected with the deterioration of the lungs as well as the lining of the esophagus. While these reactions will not likely be seen on your first use, these effects come to be with repeated exposure to the chemical.

We all want what’s best for our families, protecting them from unnecessary harm and chemical exposure within our own homes. For this reason, here are 10 natural alternatives for your next laundry day:

  1. Pass on the Detergent

With each load that you wash your favorite detergents and dryer sheets add residue to your clothing. This residue will add a yellowish tint to your white clothes, causing them to lose their brightness. Good Housekeeping recommends that every few loads you run a cycle free of detergent, adding only a small amount of ammonia to the load. This will clean your clothes of the residue build up.


  1. Add a Little Vinegar

White vinegar has been found to have many benefits for your laundry. Adding vinegar to your laundry load will work to brighten your clothing and soften the fabric.


  1. Dishwasher Soap Can Do Double Duty

Your favorite dishwasher detergent may also serve another use in your home – helping to whiten your whites! Blend a small amount into your laundry detergent and wash your whites like normal. Note: Only use eco-friendly dishwasher detergents for this purpose.


  1. Pick Up Some Borax

Borax has long been relied upon for its magic in the laundry room. Adding a bit of Borax to your laundry load will work to remove residue from any staining, restore color and brightness, and soften the water.


  1. Harness the Power of Citrus

The use of citrus has long been acknowledged for its cleaning properties, often added to everything from household cleaners to floor polishes. Martha Stewart suggests that you boil your whites with lemons, allowing them to soak in boiling water for approximately an hour will keep your whites looking clean and fresh. Adding lemon juice to your regular wash cycle will also help provide a little boost.


  1. Create a Soak out of Baking Soda

Combine 4L of water with 1 cup of baking soda to create a homemade baking soda soak. Allow our clothes to soak prior to cleaning in order to remove stains and restore your whites to nearly new condition.


  1. Trust in the Sun

Rather than dropping your clothing into the dryer, hang your freshly washed whites out to dry. The Keeper of the Home states that the sun will naturally whiten your clothes by bleaching them, without the smell and build up of conventional chemicals.


  1. Whiter Whites with Hydrogen Peroxide

According to PopSugar, hydrogen peroxide works as an oxidizer, bringing your whites back to life. Adding a little to your laundry load will dissolve residue and brighten your whites with the effectiveness of a store-bought whitening agent.


  1. A little Aspirin Can Clear Your Laundry Headaches

Does laundry give you a headache? Aspirin can bust that headache in more ways than one! Dissolve 5 white aspirin into a tub of water (colored aspirin may stain your clothes), then add your clothes and allow them to soak. The aspirin will work to break down the dirt and grime that causes the yellowing of your whites. After a good soak, toss them into your washer and wash like normal.


  1. Always Separate Your Loads

Always ensure when doing your laundry to separate your whites from the rest of your clothing. Washing your whites with other clothes, even light colors, will cause the color to transfer giving your whites a grayish appearance.

3 Delicious Summer Recipes For This Powerful Flower

by July 15, 2017

Often viewed as nothing more than a pest, taking over our yards each year, dandelions have come to be seen as the definition of a backyard weed. Children love them, braiding dandelion crowns and making wishes as they blow the seeds throughout the yard, but most adults would be more than happy to do away with them! However, many natural health conscious individuals are now starting to discover that there is more than meets the eye with this little yellow flower!

A member of the Sunflower family, dandelions have actually been used for medicinal purposes throughout history. The first references that have been found date back to the 10th and 11th centuries when Middle Eastern physicians wrote about using dandelions as a form of medicine. This understanding and use of dandelions for medicinal purposes has continued throughout history and is even making headlines again today.

In February 2015, the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada announced that they would be starting a clinical study focused on assessing the potential of dandelion extract to kill cancer cells. The whole project began in 2009, and initial research leading up to the clinical trial found that creating a dandelion tea from the dandelion extract created a substance that was effective in killing cancer cells in a lab.

Additional health benefits associated with dandelions include:

Constipation: High in dietary fiber, dandelions work to stimulate healthy and regular bowel movements, add bulk to stool and reduce chances of both constipation and diarrhea.

 Diabetes: Dandelion juice has been found to help stimulate the production of insulin within the body, effectively lowering the blood sugar level. They also possess diuretic properties which help to remove excess sugar from the body via an increased rate of urination.

High Blood Pressure: Many modern blood pressure medications work by increasing urination which in turn lowers blood pressure. The diuretic properties of dandelion juice allow it to work in a similar manner. It’s high fiber content also allows it to reduce cholesterol levels contributing to healthy blood pressure.

Acne: Dandelion juice functions as a diuretic, detoxifier, and stimulant, regulating the secretion of hormones from the body. It increases sweating and widens pores, reducing the incidence of acne. When used it externally it can also speed up healing and inhibit microbial growth.

Liver Health: The antioxidants, vitamin C, and luteolin in the liver help to encourage optimal function. It also contains additional compounds that work to treat hemorrhaging, maintain the flow of bile and promote proper digestion.

Gall Bladder Disorders: Similar to its effects on liver health, dandelions work to improve the function of the gall bladder while protecting it from the potential effects of oxidants and infections. It also works to regular secretions from the organs.

Jaundice: Dandelions work to reduce and eliminate jaundice in a number of ways. It’s effects on liver health help to regular bile production and flow and its diuretic properties work to eliminate excess bile through increased urination. At the same time, its antioxidant and disinfectant properties help to fight any viral infections present in the body.

Skin Care: Due to the disinfectant properties of dandelions, as well as the fact it possesses germicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties, it is often used in the treatment of skin diseases which are caused by either microbial or fungal infections. Some common uses include itches, eczema, and ringworm.

Bone Health: Rich both in calcium and antioxidants, dandelions help to promote the growth of strong, healthy bones. They also contain vitamin C and Luteolin which have been found to protect bones from age-related damage.

Urinary Disorders: The diuretic properties of dandelions work to eliminate toxins in the kidneys and the urinary tract. The disinfectant properties help to inhibit the growth of any microbes along the urinary system.

Anemia: With high levels of iron, vitamins, and protein, dandelions work to help anemic people keep their condition balanced and in check.

Weight Loss: The diuretic properties of dandelions help to eliminate the ‘water weight’ without adverse side effects. They are also low in calories and often used as an artificial sweetener as they do not contain unhealthy sugars or chemicals alternatives.

Try These Fun Summer Recipes:

Summer Dandelion Salad

Makes 4 Servings

You Will Need:

  • 1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard
  • 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 4 Tablespoons Dried Dulse
  • 2 Tablespoons Minced Red Onion
  • 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 1 Bunch of Dandelion Greens
  • 2 Tablespoons Raw Pumpkin Seed
  • 1 Ounce of Parmesan Cheese (if vegan, substitute with nutritional yeast)
  • Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper



  1. Mix the mustard, vinegar, and dulse in a blender. Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Pour the blended dressing into a small bowl and whisk in the oil using a slow, steady stream.
  3. Rinse and dry the dandelion greens. Toss them in a large salad bowl with your newly made dressing.
  4. Top the salad with the parmesan (or nutritional yeast).

Garlic Mushroom Dandelion Greens

Serves 4 to 6 People

You Will Need:

  • 2 Bunches of Dandelion Greens, Lightly Chopped
  • 5 Cloves Garlic, Minced
  • 1 Red Onion, Chopped
  • 3 Ounces Shitake Mushrooms, Sliced
  • ½ Cup Red Cooking Wine
  • 4 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste


  1. Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a large skillet.
  2. Add the garlic and onions to the skillet and sauté for 5 minutes, or until the onions appear translucent and lightly browned.
  3. Add the shitake mushrooms. Cook for an additional 5 minutes, or until the mushrooms have reduced and softened.
  4. Add the dandelion greens, red wine, salt, and pepper, and cover the skillet. Cook for approximately 7 minutes, or until the greens have softened.

Dandelion Pesto with Pine Nuts

Serves 6 People

You Will Need:

  • 1 Large Clove of Garlic
  • 1 Large Bunch of Italian Flat Leaf Parsley
  • 2 Cups of Chopped Dandelion Greens
  • ½ Cup of Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • ½ Cup of Pine Nuts
  • 3 Tablespoons Parmesan Cheese (if vegan, substitute with nutritional yeast)
  • ½ Cup of Olive Oil
  • Sea Salt to Taste


  1. Using a medium-sized sauce pan, fill it with water and bring it to boil.
  2. Blanch the greens by placing both the parsley and dandelion greens in a pot, making sure that everything has been submerged. Only cook them in this way for 1 minute.
  3. Strain the water from the saucepan. Fill the pan with cold water, halting the cooking process.
  4. Strain the pan again, this time transferring the blanched greens into either a blender or a food processor.
  5. Add the pine nuts, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and a pinch of sea salt to the mixture. Blend the mixture until you reach the consistency desired.

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