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USDA Gives Green Light to Ship Chicken From USA to China For Processing, Then Back to US…

by August 2, 2016

The term “Chinese Chicken” has all new meaning. Why? Because the United States Department of Agriculture recently permitted four chicken processing plants in China to import poultry raised and slaughtered in the United States for further processing.

Does anyone else not see the logic in this? In case you have not heard about this, here is the rundown:

Back in 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture gave four companies from China the go-ahead to ship chicken products into the United States.

I find this extremely odd, because as per USDA law, the only chickens these Chinese companies will be able to export to America will first have to pass USDA standards, which only apply to three countries: America, Canada, and Chile.

So, behind this law, chickens would have to be exported to China, go through processing, and then be shipped back to the United States.

“Economically, it does not make much sense,” stated Tom Super, spokesman for the National Chicken Council, in a current interview with the Houston Chronicle. “Think about it: A Chinese Company would need to purchase frozen chicken in the United States, pay to ship it 7,000 miles, unload it, transfer it to a processing plant, unload it, sufficed up, process/cook it, freeze it, repack it, transport it back to a port, and then deliver it another 7,000 miles. I do not know how anyone could earn a profit doing that.”

If you go look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website you will see that American poultry processors are paid approximately $11 per hour. In China, reports have flowed that the country’s chicken workers can make significantly less, $1 to $2 per hour, which calls into question Super’s economic feasibility evaluation.

A similar procedure is being utilized for U.S. Seafood. According to the Seattle Times, locally caught Pacific salmon and Dungeness crab are presently being processed in China and delivered back to the U.S., all due to the fact that it cuts down costs:

“… fish processors in the Northwest, including Seattle-based Trident Seafoods, are sending out part of their catch of Alaskan salmon or Dungeness crab to China to be filleted or de-shelled prior to going back to U.S. tables.

“There are 36 pin bones in a salmon and the best way to get rid of them is by hand,” states Charles Bundrant, creator of Trident, which ships about 30 million pounds of its 1.2 billion-pound annual harvest to China for processing. “Something that would cost us $1 per pound labor here, they get it provided for 20 cents in China.”

To some people, this may not seem like such a big deal, but China has an infamous track record as one of the world’s worst food safety offenders.

Personally, I would not eat anything that has been bounced around from country to country like that. No thank you, I will buy local.

Check out this video report for more information:

70+ Uses of Everyday Products That Will Save Money and Keep You Healthy

by August 2, 2016

Because we live in a consumeristic society many of buy a lot of products that we really do not need. The truth is, there are a lot of things in your home that will do the job 10 times better than the expensive store bought products!

Lemon Juice is an extremely effective detox product, it also helps improve digestion and the immune system, treats a sore throat, prevents wrinkles, whitens clothes, cleans glass, reduces skin pores, disinfects and highlights hair.

Baking Soda can be used as toothpaste, deodorant, helps improve diaper rash, treats heartburn, puts out fires, and can be used as a toilet cleaner.

Apple Cider Vinegar helps prevent colds, treats yeast infections, regulated blood pressure, soothes sunburn, detoxifies the body, repels fleas, deodorizes laundry and can be used as shampoo.

Coconut oil helps to reduce migraines, prevents wrinkles, improves the function of the thyroid, aids in weight loss, and you can use it as lip gloss, deodorant, wd-40, and as a wood polish.

These are just a few of the many things that you have lying around your house. Save the infographic on your computer so that you will have it whenever you have a problem!


Blood Clots: The Common Killer You Might Be Ignoring

by August 1, 2016

Did you know that blood clots kill one in four people worldwide, how surprising is that? Most people are completely unaware just how serious and common blood clots really are.

You see most people are overly informed on things like high blood pressure, cancer, and aids that somehow blood clots oftentimes gets overlooked. Very few actually know the major risks involved with blood clots or (VTE). Blood clots can cause people to be hospitalized, have surgery, cause cancer, and even cause things like a heart attack or a stroke.

VTE Venous Thromboembolism is a condition in which the blood clots form in the deep veins of the leg and can end up traveling through the circulatory system and get lodged in the lungs of its victim. VTE is very common even though most people have never even heard of it. One to three of every one thousand people have VTE.

VTE survivors are left with long-term disabilities. Blood clots that end up in the lungs you see, can cause chronic pulmonary hypertension this oftentimes means the person has to have surgery. The post-thrombotic syndrome can result in severe pain in and even swelling of one’s leg. This can eventually cause skin ulcers and limit the activity of the patient. Not to mention healthcare costs a fortune.

How To Make Natural Sleeping Pills That Work Better Than Big Pharma Prescriptions

by August 1, 2016

If you’ve ever had to deal with insomnia you know how frustrating it truly can be. Lucky for you this homemade medicine will help you out a whole lot better than anything you can buy in a store or from a doctors office.

This herbal sleep aid will work even better than prescription strength sleep aids and it’s actually good for you. You see sedative herbs work together to help you fall asleep faster, sleep well, relieve stress, and calm your mind. This will also help you to wake up feeling refreshed rather than like you need to go back to sleep once again. Follow the recipe below and you’ll be sleeping well in no time.

Things needed:

  • 4 parts valerian root (powdered)
  • 4 parts skullcap (powdered)
  • 2 parts lemon balm (powdered)
  • 2 parts oatstraw (powdered)
  • 2 parts passion flower (powdered)
  • 1 part Rhodiola root (powdered)
  • 1/2 part hop flowers (powdered)

How to:

In a bowl mix all of these herbal powders together, make sure they are mixed well.

Using a capsule machine fill as many capsules as you can with the mixture. This amount from above should last you almost a 12 month period. It is possible to do this without the capsule machine by scooping the mixture up by hand and loading the capsules but a capsule machine will definitely save time.


Take two to three caps of this roughly thirty minutes before bedtime and you will be sleeping like a baby.

Experts Warn: This Popular Ketchup is Linked to Liver, Pancreas, Immune System, and Brain Issues

by August 1, 2016

If you know anything about how ingredients are labeled you know that companies list the ingredients in order from what is most in the item to what is least in the item. This can be very confusing.

There are so many reasons to stay away from Heinz ketchup for the sake of your health. But here are the most prominent.

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High Fructose Corn Syrup

Heinz ketchup is filled with high fructose corn syrup. I wonder if that would be the primary active ingredient in the ketchup if they did not play the “list the component twice under two name” game. High fructose corn syrup is exceptionally undesirable and harmful. High Fructose corn syrup acts like a sugar in the body when it is metabolized. Because it originates from genetically modified corn it is a lot more harmful. Over time it increases your blood sugar levels and will harm the liver. It can also result in weight problems, heart disease, diabetes, and weakened immune system.

Another thing to remember is that Heinz decided to list high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup as separate components so that they can have a greater level of corn syrup in the catsup.

Distilled Vinegar and Sugar

So not only do they have high fructose corn syrup in the mix but for a little extra sweetness, they add in sugar as well. 4 extra grams of sugar per tablespoon.

Then for another genetically modified corn ingredient they add in Distilled vinegar.

So just in these 3 ingredients alone we have GMO, GMO, and GMO. Mixed with sugar and chemicals, leaving you with a product that has no fiber, no protein, no nutritional value whatsoever!

This means that the main ingredients in ketchup are tomato concentrate, distilled vinegar, and high fructose syrup. Does that sound healthy to you? The label goes on to list things like salt and onion powder, meaning that there is hardly any salt and onion powder but an abundance of unnatural ingredients. This means that Heinz ketchup has no nutritional value. It contains no fiber. Making your own ketchup is definitely the way to go. Watch the video below for a recipe on how to.

Why This Mineral Deficiency Causes Anxiety and How to Cure It

by July 30, 2016

Magnesium often referred to as the “chill pill”, calms down the nervous system and regulates cortisol. When our cortisol levels become unregulated extreme anxiety, depression, weight gain, weakened immune system, and increased blood pressure can occur. So how do you correct this deficiency and protect yourself against public health enemy number one? 

What is Magnesium?
Magnesium is a mineral that takes the spotlight for composing the structure of our bones, however, in recent years’ research has found that magnesium is also linked to our brain health. It is also important to the correct functioning of the heart, muscles, and kidneys. Due to the fact that this mineral has been depleted from modern soils and filtered out of our drinking water, magnesium deficiency is becoming more prevalent in our modern world.

Along with the ability to regulate cortisol, magnesium also acts as a blood/brain barrier preventing the entrance of stress hormones into the brain. Magnesium also decreased the responsiveness of our adrenals, in turn lowering the amount of adrenaline pumping through our body in stressful situations. A study in France of 264 patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, found that a significant amount of men and women reported improvements once placed on a magnesium regimen. Further studies have found that magnesium is just as effective for treating depression as antidepressants. A study published in 2012 that was published in the January edition of the Neuropharmacology Journal found that a diet deficient in magnesium cause enhanced anxiety-related behaviors in mice.

Are You Magnesium Deficient?
Various health conditions including kidney disease, gastrointestinal problems, diabetes as well as consuming too much caffeine, sodas or alcohol, heavy periods, too much sodium, and prolonged stress, can all interfere with the ability to obtain the right amount of magnesium from your diet. If you meet any of these criteria, you should consider having your magnesium levels checked.

Symptoms of deficiency vary from fatigue, anxiety, infertility, body odor, poor concentration, loss of appetite, insomnia, personality shifts, and thyroid issues. If you are over 19 years old, you should probably have around 350mg of magnesium each day, which can typically be found in your diet.

Add These Magnesium Rich Staples to Your Diet TODAY!
Load up on these magnesium-laden staples to ensure that your diet includes enough magnesium to prevent a deficiency.
• Almonds
• Spinach
• Cashews
• Peanuts
• Soy milk
• Black beans
• Whole wheat bread
• Avocado
• Brown rice
• Oatmeal
• Kidney beans
• Salmon
• Halibut
• Raisins
• Beef
• Broccoli
• Apple
• Carrots

Try these healthy and magnesium rich recipes to add magnesium back to your diet in a way you will love!

1. Black Bean Spinach Salad
The spinach (48 mg) and black beans (147 mg) in this salad combine to not only satisfy your taste buds but also to provide an ample 195 mg of magnesium to your diet.


½ cup cooked black beans
2-3 cups organic baby spinach
2 cups fresh corn
1 cup grape tomatoes, cut into halves
1 shallot chopped
1 yellow pepper, chopped
1 Tbsp. pomegranate molasses
Juice of ¼ orange
1 Tbsp. avocado oil
½ tsp. garlic
Salt to taste

-Throw everything into a bowl, and mix thoroughly

2. Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal
Oatmeal is an ample source of magnesium as it contains 61 mg per one cup serving. Combine with soy milk which has 61 mg and you are already at 122 mg of this must have mineral, and that is just breakfast!


(Serves 4)
2 crisp organic apples, like Honey Crisp
3 cups filtered water
1 cup steel-cut oats
1 cup organic soy milk
3 Tbsp. packed brown sugar
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
¼ tsp. salt
½ cup plain Greek yogurt

-Shred apples with a box grater. Heat a sauce pan up to medium heat and add in apples.
– Add oats, soy milk, and water. Turn the heat down and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
– After 10 minutes, add in brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Cook for another 15 to 20 minutes.
– Divide into four bowls and top with a dollop of yogurt.

3. Raw, Vegan Cashew Cream
Just one ounce of cashews contains 83 mg of magnesium and this is raw and vegan. Cashew cream has many uses for a raw or vegan diet. It can be used as a non-dairy alternative to heavy cream in soups, desserts, or even sour cream!


1 cup raw cashews, soaked for 2 hours
1/4-1/2 cup filtered water depending on desired thickness
2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup (for sweet recipe uses)
1/2 tsp. natural vanilla extract, plus more to taste

-Throw everything in the blender and blast on high until thick and creamy.
It’s a good idea to start with 1/4 cup of water, and then gradually thin it out in order to achieve the desired thickness.

DIY Lavender Magnesium Pillow Spray
Epsom salt soaks are a common and relaxing way to get more magnesium into your system, but this relaxation inducing lavender linen spray is too! It’s simple to make and you only need to spray it on your linens before bed.

Epsoak Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) is GMO-free and is just one ingredient. It is around $30.00 per huge bag, and is very helpful to not only assist in counteracting magnesium deficiency, but also can help relax muscles, improve skin, relieve pain, and ease the stress!


5-6 drops lavender essential oil
¼ tsp. Epsom salts
½ cup filtered water
Small spray bottle

Add the salt to spray bottle, and then add essential oil. Fill the rest of the way with water. Shake before use. Spray onto your pillow before bed for sound sleep.

Magnesium deficiency has been linked in various studies to anxiety, depression, poor concentration, along with many physical ailments as well. Your diet and current health conditions can prevent you from getting the right amount of this miracle mineral, thus causing a deficiency that can be detrimental to your health in so many ways! Make sure you stay in control of your health, and your well-being by ensuring you keep your magnesium levels balanced and level.

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