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Coconut Oil Can Help You Look 10 Years Younger If You Use It For 2 Weeks In This Way

by August 3, 2016

When discussing the subject of health and beauty, coconut oil is definitely something worth having in your cabinet. Many people are completely unaware of this, and do not understand how to use coconut oil in a way that would benefit them greatly.

Skin Care Before Bedtime

Apply coconut oil directly on your face before going to bed. This all natural ingredient will soften, clean, and energize your skin while you sleep. This oil is so powerful that it can enter the deepest layers of your skin which in turn will not only moisturize but will also help to prevent wrinkles while purifying your skin in the process.

Coconut Oil to Prevent, and Correct Dark Under Eye Circles

Containing vitamin E, as well as antioxidants, coconut oil heals and repairs damaged skin cells. It also is anti-inflammatory, meaning that it reduces redness and swelling. It also moisturizes the skin around your eyes which prevents dryness and wrinkling. These combined benefits make coconut oil a must have for treating dark under eye circles. Using coconut oil for your dark under eye circles is easy too! Just apply to your under eye area after cleansing, around the time you are going to go to bed. Massage gently in counter clockwise motions for a few minutes. Leave on throughout the night. When you wake up rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry. Repeat nightly for a week to notice the effectiveness.

Using Coconut Oil for Luscious Lashes

After removing your makeup for the day, gently rub coconut oil into your lashes. This method repairs the damage caused by commercial makeup products, and also helps your lashes to grow full and long!

Chemical Free Shaving Cream

Coconut oil actually thins as it breaks down by the warmth of your hands, and in this process you use a very small amount because a little goes a long way. On top of that, the moisture that it provides doesn’t gunk up on the blades of your razor, so you don’t have to continue to cleanse your razor of chemical globs. You end up with a closer shave that leaves you moisturized. Your skin will feel so soft you will have to wonder to yourself how you could have such soft skin after shaving. To top it off, since coconut oil is chemical free it leaves your skin irritation free….feeling better than before you shaved rather than covered in razor bumps and redness.

Cuticle Softening

You can massage coconut oil into your cuticles and the result is softer cuticles that are easier to manage!

Varicose Veins

Coconut oil has the ability to heal capillaries and restore normal skin color as it penetrates deeply. All you have to do is warm the oil and then massage it into the areas of your spider veins. Focus the strokes toward the direction of your heart for improved blood circulation. Use twice daily until the spider veins are gone.

Cellulite Cure

Using coconut oil for cellulite is effective because it stimulates blood and lymphatic flow which will reduce the appearance of cellulite on various areas of your body. To get started you will need to drink 8 ounces of water or even two to rid your body of toxins. Follow this with a hot shower to open your pores. Pat your body dry, and grab a dry brush. Take the brush and add organic coconut oil to the affected areas. Massage in a vigorous circular motion towards the heart. This increases the circulation under your skin while removing the dead cells that may prevent the oil from absorbing. Get back in the shower after administering the oil to the area for ten minutes. As a recommendation, spraying olive oil to the treated area will also soften your skin.

Doctor Explains How to Calm Screaming Babies with a Simple and Genius Hold

by August 3, 2016

Robert Hamilton, a 30-year pediatrician, has led a career that has caused him to be exposed to many crying babies that are experiencing their first shot, or receiving some other type of discomfort. Along the way, he has come to understand exactly how to cradle a child so that they immediately calm down. Kindly, he has passed this knowledge along, and we have provided this information to help you in your efforts to be the very best parent you can be.

Here are the basic steps:

1. Begin by crossing the baby’s arms snugly across his (or her) chest, one arm at a time. Be gentle.
2. Secure the child’s arms with your hand once folded, while supporting the infant’s chin.
3. Support the child’s bottom with the biggest part of your hand.
4. At a 45-degree angle, begin rocking the child back and forth, at a 45-degree angle.

Watch this video, where Dr. Hamilton shows us step by step exactly how it is done.

Although this particular hold doesn’t work on all babies it is very effective for babies 2-3 months old. Beyond that, they become too heavy to be held in the position seen in the video. If this technique doesn’t work, it could be due to hunger or sickness.

This technique is simple, and the results are quick and wonderful as Dr. Hamilton has plenty of experience in the art of calming babies. Try it it today to ease your newborn’s discomfort, giving yourself a new piece of mind.

Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientist Throw At It

by August 3, 2016

While most of us are already aware that unprocessed honey is good for us. One specific type of honey has been found to be able to kill many different bacteria!

This honey is known as manuka honey and it can kill MRSA as well as many other bacteria and superbugs. This is amazing considering most of our antibiotics are having trouble fighting these guys off. This honey has became increasingly popular since this finding and can be used topically or ingested.

This honey also has been successful in preventing the superbugs from building up a resistance to it. This could be a real breakthrough in the medical world. Please watch the video below for more information on this amazing honey and what it can do for you.

15 Year-Old Puts Cancer Industry To Shame; Develops 100% Accurate Cancer Test

by August 3, 2016

A young boy named Jack Andraka from Crownsville, Maryland has found a one hundred percent accurate test for pancreatic cancer. How can this be?

Jack watched a family friend die of this type of cancer and decided to try his best to do something to help others. He did some research and noticed that a very big issue was the lack of tests that could detect these cancers early on. This led Jack to begin attempting to create a test of his own. Somehow though this young boy was actually able to succeed.

Jack was able to develop a test that worked even better than any currently existing one. One that is less expensive, more sensitive, and faster. How amazing is that? Good job Jack!

One Exercise, 4 Minutes, 28 Days, New Body!

by August 2, 2016

This amazing exercise has helped tons of people get the body they wanted all around the world. You can have the body you have always wanted if you follow these steps!

Have you heard of the plank challenge? It takes four weeks to complete but it will help you make your body better easily! the goal is to start by holding the plank position for only twenty seconds without pausing increasing each day until you can do it for four minutes straight without pause. This will increase your muscle mass and your body will be ready or even bigger challenges. ‘Planking’ or ‘plank’ as some call it is a very easy way to lose that extra tummy pudge you might have. It can strengthen your leg muscles, buttocks, and arms. Doing this exercise can melt away

This will increase your muscle mass and your body will be ready or even bigger challenges. ‘Planking’ or ‘plank’ as some call it is a very easy way to lose that extra tummy pudge you might have. It can strengthen your leg muscles, buttocks, and arms. Doing this exercise can melt away a large amount of fat deposits even quicker than sit-ups!

How does one ‘plank’?

The act of planking is simply remaining in a pushup position for a period of time. This strengthens many muscles and allows them to become more durable. This is done in a flat position with your elbows lifted while leaning on your toes. Be sure to hold your body in a straight line as it is important. You will need to learn how to control your body in order to be able to maintain this position. Breathe deeply and hold your neck and head in the same line as your back. Be sure to distribute your weight between your elbows and your feet.

28 Day plank challenge

  • Day 1 = plank for 20 seconds
  • Day 2 = plank for 20 seconds
  • Day 3= plank for 30 seconds
  • Day 4 = plank for 30 seconds
  • Day 5 = plank for 40 seconds
  • Day 6 = rest
  • Day 7 = plank for 45 seconds
  • Day 8 = plank for 45 seconds
  • Day 9 = plank for 60 seconds
  • Day 10 = plank for 60 seconds
  • Day 11 = plank for 60 seconds
  • Day 12 = plank for 90 seconds
  • Day 13 = rest
  • Day 14 = plank for 90 seconds
  • Day 15 = plank for 90 seconds
  • Day 16 = plank for 120 seconds
  • Day 17 = plank for 120 seconds
  • Day 18 = plank for 150 seconds
  • Day 19 = rest
  • Day 20 = plank for 150 seconds
  • Day 21 = plank for 150 seconds
  • Day 22 = plank for 180 seconds
  • Day 23 = plank for 180 seconds
  • Day 24 = plank for 210 seconds
  • Day 25 = rest
  • Day 26 = plank for 210 seconds
  • Day 27 = plank for 240 seconds
  • Day 28 = plank for as long as you physically can

This exercise is very demanding and will take effect within the first few days. You will love the results you get by the time you get to day twenty-eight. Can you handle the 28 day plank challenge? Try it and let us know how you do!

Remove Toxins From Your Fat Cells that are Making You Fat and Sick

by August 2, 2016

Our bodies are designed to remove toxins naturally but sadly the world we live in has become so overly toxic that our bodies cannot get rid of toxins fast enough on their own. You see there are two kinds of toxins water-soluble and fat-soluble both are very different in how we handle them.

The fat-soluble toxins things like heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, pollutants, additives, plastic, and chemicals have to become water-soluble in order to pass through our bodies. This is mostly done with the use of our liver but when our digestive process isn’t functioning properly this doesn’t happen. Leaving the toxins to make their way out of the liver and into important places like your brain, blood, and fat cells. They can be stored in these places for years causing serious health issues further down the road.

In order to avoid having this issue or resolving it if you already do you will need to balance your stress levels, detox pathways, and digestive system together. Doing this properly can help you to avoid storing dangerous chemicals in your body. The video below will explain a little more in depth.

Getting rid of toxins is all focused around elimination. there are several different factors that can irritate the intestinal villi and make your digestive system go off balance. Your diet and stress levels are the first things you should take a look at in figuring out where to start. Toxins can overwhelm your liver as well and this is definitely not a good thing. Your liver can become congested with thick toxins and bile pushing these toxins into the blood stream and causing them to end up stored in your body for years. In order to burn these toxins off you will also need to burn fat.

Yes, burn fat to burn toxins. Flushing out these toxic fat cells is the most effective way to remove toxins. Once you get your nervous system functioning without stress your body will begin naturally burning this fat on its own. Nasal breathing techniques encourage fat burning as well. Please take the time to watch the videos below to find out how to get yourself detoxed and healthy.

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