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Lemon Peel Trick To Get Rid Of Inflammation And Chronic Pain

by August 4, 2016

Did you know that lemons are overflowing with vitamins and minerals? Lemons can actually help you fight off many different diseases and conditions.

Lemon can be used for tons of different things. Things like reducing hyperactivity in the stomach, reducing fever, improving your immune system, relax blood vessels and prevent and reduce joint and nerve pain. This makes lemon a very important fruit. It is best known for its ability to reduce chronic pain and inflammation.

The recipe below is easy and works well. You will only need a few ingredients most of which you probably already have laying around your home. Follow this recipe closely.


  • lemon peel (grated yellow layer only not the white)
  • olive oil
  • gauze


Okay, here’s where it gets a little difficult. There are two different methods you can use both are equally effective.

  • Rub the peel directly on the affected body part and wrap with a bandage. Keep on for several hours.
  • Put the rind of several whole lemons in a jar grated or not and fill the jar with olive oil. Leave this out sitting for at least two weeks and then use it to rub onto the affected area. Wrap with gauze or bandage and keep covered for anywhere from several hours to all night.

Be sure to use organic lemons!

He Burns Coffee Grounds In His Backyard. The Reason Why Is Genius!

by August 4, 2016

It seems like we are all plagued by mosquitoes. This can be fixed in a very simple way though, wanna know how?

While you could use expensive bug repellents in an attempt to keep mosquitoes at bay, you might be better off going with a less chemical alternative. Did you know coffee grounds could keep mosquitoes away? It’s true. Burning coffee grounds not only is natural but it smells great and keeps mosquitoes, wasps, and bees far away.

Watch the videos below to see this method in action, see how well it works?!

10 Signs Cancer Might Be Growing In Your Body!

by August 4, 2016

It can be said without a doubt that cancer is by far one of the deadliest diseases around today. Although a healthy diet can cut down your risk of developing certain types of cancer, many other factors such as genes can play a larger role. Unfortunately, once the cancer has spread, it can often be difficult to treat. Knowing the early symptoms and signs can help you find early treatment to better your chances of remission.

Don’t Ignore These 10 Warning Sign

1. A Lump Beneath the Skin

Various cancers can be felt through the skin. Usually, breast, testicle, lymph nodes, as well as the soft tissues of the body will develop lumps if cancer has developed in those areas. This lump, or thickening can be an early or late sign, and should immediately be reported to a doctor. You can perform self-exams to recognize when something is different, and a problem is occurring. That way, if you do find anything, it will be an early sign rather than a late one.

2. Loss of Blood/Fever

Fever is the body’s typical response infection, illness, or disease. People who have cancer will often have a fever as a symptom, or sign that the cancer has spread to a new area, or that it could possibly be affecting the auto immune system. Although it is rarely a sign of many types of cancer, it could be if a person has a blood cancer, such as cancer can cause unusual bleeding. Bloody stools can be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. Report any such symptoms to a doctor immediately.

3. Itchy Skin

Since our gastrin-releasing peptide receptors are responsible for itching, and these receptors are activated in numerous types of cancer, including gastrointestinal, breast, lung, pancreas, and prostate cancers, often times itching can be a sign of these types of cancer. Studies show that it increases tumor cell proliferation. Various studies also show that it is a major tool cancer cells use to regenerate their growth.

4. Changes in Bowel Movement

Common stomach ailments or changes in bowel movements are occurrences and while they don’t always mean that you are seriously ill, they should not be ignored. Colon cancer causes change in bowel habits, appearance of the stool, bleeding from the rectum, blood in the stool, dark or black stool, as well as cramping pain in the lower stomach.

5. Loss of Appetite or Trouble Swallowing

Specific types of cancer, including ovarian, pancreatic, and stomach cancers- often cause a loss of appetite. Usually this is caused by the effect on the metabolism.

6. Bumps on the Mouth or Tongue

Persistent mouth sores, pain in the mouth, and bumps can sometimes indicate mouth cancer. If you are experiencing mouth pain that has recently occurred or is not typical have a doctor check out the areas to provide a checkup, which will allow the doctor to access whether cancer testing is necessary or not

7. Coughing

Cancer that is growing in the lungs, throat or esophagus can cause coughing. Visit your doctor if it is not the result of other illness.

8. Urination Changes

Color changes, painful urination, as well as bloody urine can be an indication of bladder cancer. Visit a urologist if you experience any of these symptoms.

9. Wounds that Don’t Heal

If you have cuts or other skin injuries that are taking a long time to heal, this could be a sign of a weakened immune system caused by cancer. When you have cancer in the body the immune system uses all it has to fight and destroy cancer. This leaves your immune system weak to fight against or heal minor issues.

10. Changes in Your Voice

Voice changes can mean a variety of things, however, if you have a change in pitch that lasts longer than a few weeks, you could be symptomatic of a serious problem. These changes can literally make the difference between life and death in a throat cancer patient.

48 Foods to Balance Your Hormones, Boost Your Metabolism, and Lose Weight

by August 4, 2016

I think it is safe to say that we all want a rocking reproductive system, balanced hormones, and glowing skin. Health should be the number one most important thing to a person!

Eating certain nutrient dense foods will put anyone on this path. Whether we like it or not, hormones control our mood, digestion, energy, libido, metabolism, and our skin.

If we do not treat our bodies right and eat the nutrients we need, our body loses the ability to produce hormones correctly or maintain hormonal balance because it does not have the building blocks to do so. The balance of all micronutrients, fat, protein, and carbohydrates is of high importance to health!

Fat is vital for the hormonal imbalance, even though many people tell us to avoid all fats. In actuality, healthy fats support the production and balance of hormones.

Hormone balancing meals should involve herbs, antioxidants, protein, and healthy fats.

Healthy Fats

  • Avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Grass Fed Butter
  • Coconut Oil
  • Omega 3’s

Healing Herbs and Spices

  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Cumin
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne

Anti-oxidant Rich Veggies

  • Dark Leafy greens (Spinach, Collards, Broccoli, Kale)
  • Brightly colored Vegetable (Onions, Carrots, Tomatoes, cabbage, and peppers)
  • Starchy Vegetables (Potatoes, Turnips, Sweet potatoes, Yucca, artichokes, beets, and squash)


  • Seeds
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Lentils
  • Quinoa
  • Wild Fish

If you begin to start balancing your diet out with these foods then you will be well on the road to recovery in no time, and if you don’t have a problem then you never will!

Mother Heals Varicose Veins With This Simple Recipe from Granny, The Results Are Almost Immediate!

by August 4, 2016

Although there are various factors that increase our risk of developing varicose veins, the biggest risk factor is genetics. So, if your mother had them, then chances are that you too will end up having them.

Typically, varicose veins make their appearance in your late twenties, and the condition can be worsened if not treated correctly. Other factors can also aggravate this condition and cause it to become much worse. Women run a higher risk than men, although men can also suffer from them as well.

On top of genetics, there are other common risk factors for developing varicose veins:

  • Obesity
  • Age
  • Circulation Issues
  • Standing or sitting for long periods of time
  • Hormonal problems

If left untreated, or unmanaged, there are rare complications associated with varicose veins that can cause you pain and discomfort: ulcers, blood clots, and bleeding are the most common. Not to mention that varicose veins also are cosmetically unappealing.

Thankfully, you can use the following all natural and very effective solution which will help prevent and alleviate the discomfort associated with varicose veins.

  • Prepare the following:
  • ½ cup of Aloe Vera pulp
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • ½ cup of carrots

Chop the carrots finely, and then place in a blender. Next, add the Aloe Vera pulp and blend until it becomes a smooth, and homogeneous mixture. Then, add apple cider vinegar until it becomes a creamy mass.
Store in an easy to use container.

To Use:
Apply the mixture to the affected areas of your legs, and relax them, preferably while elevated, for around half an hour. Wash the mixture off with cold water once you are done. You will be surprised at how quick and visible the results are for this treatment. If continued, this treatment will completely resolve the issue over time.

If you use this treatment to massage your legs, rather than applying directly to the veins, starting at your feet and slowly moving towards the hip area. Press gently, and elevate your legs at a 45-degree angle while massaging the mixture into your legs. Add essential oil, such as juniper, which works as an excellent local stimulant, or cypress oil that reduces fluid retention while helping circulation.

Natural Remedy for Sagging Eyelids – You Will See Results in 2 Minutes!

by August 3, 2016

Your eyelids are part of a ring of muscle which encircles your eye. This muscle allows you to open and close your eyes.

But over time the muscle begins to weaken and your eyelids begin to droop and sag due to various factors which include; aging, long-term lifestyle habits and heredity. The weight from a drooping eyelid may tire the muscles of the eye and cause fatigue and even make it harder for you to apply make-up.

Not to mention the fact that when you do put on make-up, the eyeliner or eyeshadow is not visible under the excess skin. All of this become irritating, and can be discouraging at times.

However, don’t worry, there is a natural organic remedy for drooping eyelids and hooded eyes that does not involve a scalpel. All you need is an egg!

Egg naturally whitens, tightens and firms your skin. The results are visible in a few minutes and they last for a few days.


  • 1 egg
  • 1 cotton ball


  • Clean your eyelids well and dry it.
  • Crack open an egg and remove the yolk, all you will need is the egg white.
  • Run the cotton ball across the crease of the eyelid; make sure that it does not drip, you will not need much.
  • Hold your eyelid in place and wait for the egg white to dry. You could also sit in front of a fan to speed up the process.

That’s it, you are done! Remember practice makes perfect.

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