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Turmeric Ice Cream: The Ice Cream With A Cult Following

by August 8, 2016

Golden milk has recently taken the natural healing world by storm and became a new staple in many health-conscious eaters’ diets. Celebrated for its wide variety of health benefits, it has replaced chocolate milk, and other unhealthy comfort drinks for many people. With a decadent, creamy, and rich taste, well who could blame them? And then, we saw that they had taken that sultry health drink and made it into ice cream, and we couldn’t wait to share this delicious super-food with you!

First, let us explain that the wide-range of benefits that are provided by turmeric alone make this dessert something you can indulge in with no guilt. So eating that second bowl will be nothing to be ashamed of. Turmeric has long been touted as an anti-inflammatory, cancer preventative, pain reliever, brain function booster, immunity booster, and anti-depressant. This is just a tap on the head of the nail when it comes to describing the benefits that turmeric is known to be effective for!!

turmeric pretty icecream
So, how do you make these tasty, and benefit loaded treat? Simple! Just follow the recipe below, and stand back in awe of your new favorite desert. Your welcome.


• 2 14-ounce (414 ml) cans full-fat coconut milk
• 4 quarter-size slices fresh ginger
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) maple syrup (sub up to half with organic cane sugar), plus more to taste
• Pinch sea salt
• 2 teaspoons ground turmeric
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1/8th teaspoon black pepper
• optional: 1/8th teaspoon cardamom
• 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
• optional: 2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil
• optional: 1/4 cup chopped candied ginger

1. The day or night before, place your ice cream churning bowl in the freezer to properly chill.
2. Add coconut milk, fresh ginger, maple syrup, sea salt, turmeric, cinnamon, pepper, and cardamom (optional) to a large saucepan and heat over medium heat.
3. Bring to a simmer (not a boil), whisking to thoroughly combine ingredients. Then, remove from heat and add vanilla extract. Whisk once more to combine.
4. Taste and adjust flavor as needed, adding in more turmeric for intense turmeric flavor, cinnamon for warmth, maple syrup for sweetness, or salt to balance the flavors.
5. Transfer mixture (including the whole ginger slices) to a mixing bowl and let cool to room temperature. Then cover and chill in refrigerator overnight, or for at least 4-6 hours.
6. The following day, use a spoon (or strainer) to remove the ginger. At this time you can also add olive oil for extra creaminess by whisking in thoroughly to combine (optional).
7. Add to ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions – about 20-30 minutes. It should look like soft serve.
8. While it’s churning, chop up your candied ginger (optional). In the last few minutes of churning, add in the ginger to incorporate.
9. Once churned, transfer the ice cream to a large freezer-safe container (such as a parchment-lined loaf pan) and use a spoon to smooth the top.
10. Cover securely and freeze for at least 4-6 hours or until firm. Set out for 10 minutes before serving to soften, and use a hot ice cream scoop (warmed in hot water) to ease scooping.
11. ENJOY!

*If you don’t have the patience to make this into an ice cream, you can make Golden Milk by following the video recipe below!

One Of The Most Important Scientists In The World: “Most Cancer Research Is Largely A Fraud”

by August 7, 2016

Did you know that most cancer research is a fraud? According to Linus Pauling, it is.

Linus Pauling was a two-time Nobel prize winner in chemistry and is considered one of the most important scientists in history. This genius is one of the founders of quantum chemistry and molecular biology. This man has pretty much done and seen everything possible in his lifetime. If you want to know more about him all you have to do is put his name in google and endless pages of his works will astound you for as long as you’re willing to sit and read.

As it turns out there are many other doctors who believe that cancer research as well as many other types, are frauds. People like Marcia Angell, John Bailer, Dean Burk, and John P.A. Joannidis. Dr. John Bailer even spent over twenty years on the staff working for the National Cancer Institute. John stated himself that:

“My overall assessment is that the national cancer program must be judged a qualified failure. Our whole cancer research in the past 20 years has been a total failure.”

Did you know that most of the money donated to cancer research is spent on animal research? This animal research has been deemed useless by most and is a waste of time and money. John also has mentioned that cancer treatment in general, has been a complete failure as well. If that doesn’t get you thinking I don’t know what will.

A Dr. Irwin Bross has said that:

“The uselessness of most of the animal model studies is less well known. For example, the discovery of chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of human cancer is widely-heralded as a triumph due to use of animal model systems. However, here again, these exaggerated claims are coming from or are endorsed by the same people who get the federal dollars for animal research. There is little, if any, factual evidence that would support these claims. Practically all of the chemotherapeutic agents which are of value in the treatment of human cancer were found in a clinical context rather than in animal studies.”

This meaning there is no point in testing on animals for these sort of things. It seems overall most of the research done on cancer is simply to act as if something is being done about this terrible disease yet nothing is actually being done. Please take the time to watch the video below.

2 Household Ingredients That Can Get Rid of Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

by August 7, 2016

During the aging process, a lot of signs begin showing that can tell our true age, such as sagging skin and wrinkles. Thankfully, we have found two simple ingredients that can easily help you to reduce these signs, and achieve tight, young, rejuvenated skin.

With age, skin loses its tightness and elasticity. These effects can be bothersome in so many ways, however, these two simple ingredients can fight against these very signs. The first ingredient, egg whites, actually work to tighten the skin, and shrink pores. Not only do egg whites provide tighter skin, but they also help in lifting the skin which really helps with areas like the cheeks and eyes. Furthermore, egg whites contain the ability to control oil, which in turn will fight off acne, remove blackheads, and prevent those unsightly scars that come with acne.

The second ingredient is cucumber with its ability to naturally regenerate the skin. Loaded with antioxidants such as vitamin k, and c that has the ability to destroy free radicals; the cause of looseness of the skin and wrinkles. Cucumbers also contain silica an ingredient that supports the growth of supportive tissues, and also help to prevent wrinkles.

Preparing the Mixture:

  • 1 egg white
  • 1 cucumber

Peel the cucumber, and cut it in two halves. Dice into pieces, and blend. Blend on medium until you have a puree. Next, strain the juice. Using a spoon, smoosh the mixture to extract the juice. Add the egg white, and mix well.

  • To Use:
    Apply to the skin in areas where you need more tightness. Leave this on for 15 minutes, and wash off with cold water.
  • Use this mask 1-2 times each week.

Goodbye Dental Implants, Grow Your Own Teeth In Just 9 Weeks

by August 6, 2016

Everyone knows that there are dental implants that were invented to benefit our lives in many ways, they are extremely useful and a great solution to fill the gap. But, trust me, once you read this you will be amazed.

A group of experts in the dental field has made some amazing discoveries and there has been a really incredible development in the technology of dental implants that goes far beyond the classic implant or denture. They say that these discoveries will give us the chance to grow new and genuine teeth in the oral cavity.

The famous Dr. Jeremy Mao of Columbia University was the lead investigator of this research and what he found was absolutely incredible. Dr. Mao built a scaffold for teeth, containing stem cells in the body. Using DNA, he succeeded in regenerating new teeth. This discovery of the modern technology promises a bright future when it comes to dental care.

So, you would not have to go through the horrible and painful process of extracting teeth. This technology would give you the opportunity to grow your teeth back in only nine weeks.

“Your missing tooth is being replaced with stem cells, from your own body. And the tooth merges with the surrounding tissue. Yes, it’s simple as that! This will increase the regeneration process and it will result in fast recovery.”

This is news is excellent, promising and provides new hope especially for those who are missing a tooth.

The procedure itself is still being studied and it is not yet available to the masses, however as the story develops we will update the article.

People Who Think Brown Rice is Better Than White Rice Need to Read This

by August 5, 2016

When thinking about unhealthy and refined foods we often have one color come to mind: white. Oftentimes, these unhealthy, white foods have a healthy brown counterpart. For example, white sugar and brown sugar, white flour and whole flour, etc. While it may hold true for most foods that white is healthier than brown, rice seems to be one of the only exceptions.

The reason that many people believe that white rice is unhealthy, is because they associate white rice with other white carbohydrate foods, such as white bread that have a high glycemic index, and increase blood sugar levels. In regards to rice, though, this is simply not true. Both white and brown basmati rice have an incredibly low glycemic index.

One study, which was published by the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition discovered that brown basmati rice actually raised the blood glucose levels more than white basmati rice. As a part of the study, researchers provided 14 healthy people with 11 different forms of rice, among those were white and brown basmati rice. 6 Researchers then took measurements of each participant’s blood glucose levels to determine which type of rice belonged to the low glycemic index category (which would mean they didn’t raise blood sugar) or medium-high glycemic category (meaning they did raise blood sugar). They found that white basmati rice actually belonged in the low glycemic index category while brown basmati rice fell into the medium-high glycemic index category, proving that the color of rice does not necessarily determine how it will affect your blood sugar.

Not only does white rice not increase your blood sugar, it also contains fewer phytates than brown rice. Phytates, or phytic acid, is known as an “anti-nutrient”, as it prevents the body from absorbing necessary minerals like calcium, zinc, and iron. Although phytates will not seriously threaten your life, it has been found that that a diet high in phytates can lead to mineral deficiency.

Numerous people claim that brown rice is healthier than white rice due to brown rice containing more nutrients, however, if it prevents the absorption of various mineral and nutrients than brown rice is actually less healthy than white rice.

In conclusion, make sure that you determine what is best for you by researching the facts, and understanding what is and isn’t healthy by yourself. Oftentimes, we assume that myth based health dialect is true and miss out on truly healthy options that will benefit our overall well-being.

97% Of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure

by August 5, 2016

Do you suffer from chronic degenerative disease? Are you aware that this issue’s root cause is most likely in your mouth?

There happens to be one dental procedure that all dentists consider safe which is actually nowhere near safe. Scientists have been warning people about this procedure for over one hundred years even! Yet, somehow every single day in the United States alone forty-one thousand of these dangerous procedures are done. These patients think that are permanently and safely solving their problems but as it turns out they are not. Which procedure am I talking about you ask? The root canal.

These patients think that are permanently and safely solving their problems but as it turns out they are not. Which procedure am I talking about you ask? The root canal. Over twenty-five million root canals are done in this country every single year. You see, teeth that have been root canaled are dead teeth that become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria. Bacteria that can in some conditions and cases make its way to your blood stream and cause many different serious medical conditions years down the road.

Over twenty-five million root canals are done in this country every single year. You see, teeth that have been root canaled are dead teeth that become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria. Bacteria that can in some conditions and cases make its way to your blood stream and cause many different serious medical conditions years down the road. As it turns out the majority of dentists performing this dangerous procedure are completely unaware of the risk being taken and the health issues they could be causing further down the road for their client.

The American Dental Association claims that this procedure is safe but have literally no evidence, published data, or research to prove their claim. A Dr. Weston A. Price did several studies on root canaled teeth as he had noticed something seemed to be going on and came to the conclusion that the root canaled teeth remain infectious even after they have been treated. He extracted a root canaled tooth from an elderly woman who was wheelchair bound and put the tooth inside a rabbit. While this sounds strange the rabbit just so happened to come down with the same crippling arthritis that caused the lady to be unable to walk. As it turns out the woman who no longer was being plagued by her toxic root canaled tooth was able to walk again. She didn’t even have to use a cane!

Dr. Price went on to do many more studies and research leading to the discovery and conclusion that root canaled teeth can cause many different types of chronic degenerative diseases. Another Doctor by the name of Dr. Meinig spent many months looking into Dr. Price’s research and  even went on to publish a book called root canal cover up, A book that is one of the most comprehensive references on the topic of root canals today.

How do root canals cause these diseases?

You see when these organisms that were once friendly become stressed for oxygen and deprived of nutrients they become mutated and turn into anaerobes that produce many different types of potent toxins. These can then get into your bloodstream and  turn things even worse.Once in your blood stream they pretty much take a transit ride through your body and set up camp wherever they’d like. This can cause you to have bone disease, kidney disease, heart disease, brain disease, lupus, ALS, MS, rheumatic disease, and arthritis.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is basically making a DEAD tooth look like it is still alive, and keeping it as a part of your body even though it is rotted and no longer living. This is the only procedure that allows us to keep a dead organism in our body. They remove the dead infected nerve and clean out the inside of the tooth. They then seal the tooth and it remains inside your mouth.

How can I avoid having a root canal done?

  • get partial dentures
  • get a bridge
  • get an implant

Do not get a root canal.

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