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Cupping Therapy To Reduce Pain, Boost Immunity and Improve Digestion

by August 16, 2016

Cupping has gained steadfast popularity in the modern world recently due to the Rio Olympics, however, this practice has actually been around since about 1000 B.C, and has been a popular Chinese Medicine practice for quite some time. It is an alternative therapy, akin to acupuncture, that provides many great health benefits without the harmful side effects that mainstream medicine and pharmaceuticals pose to your body.

What is Cupping?

Cupping is a type of therapy that is performed by applying heated cups to the skin which creates suction as a way to stimulate blood flow, as well as the flow of energy in the body. Most commonly, glass and bamboo cups are applied along the meridian of the body.

Numerous health benefits come with this simple process. Various herbs make up a substance that most doctors set on fire and then place the cup. Once the flame has gone out, the cup is placed upside down onto the skin creating a vacuum inside the cup which slowly pulls the skin upward and into the cup. After the skin has fully risen inside of each cup, the therapist will leave in place for around three minutes.

What Does Cupping Actually Do?

Cupping by creating a vacuum, and pulling skin upwards causes the reddening and expanding of body cells. This works to treat a variety of conditions because the blood cells aid in the stimulation of blood flow to aid in recovery.

Benefits of Cupping

Cupping has been used for a wide variety of conditions. The British Cupping Society lists several conditions they use cupping for:
• Arthritis
• Fibromyalgia
• Migraines and headaches
• Anemia and hemophilia
• Inflammation
• Varicose veins
• Cellulite
• High blood pressure
• Sore muscles
• Muscles aches and cramps
• Anxiety
• Acne and eczema

Five Main Reasons People Use Cupping:


Athletes have used cupping to reduce pain and fatigue. As cupping stimulates the flow of blood it reduces recovery time. Recently, Michael Phelps used the therapy as a way to decrease the amount of time it took him to regain energy and to help him bounce back before starting his next even at the Olympics.

Cupping is also effective for lower back and joint pain, due to how it works similar to a deep tissue massage which relaxes muscles that are associated with these types of pain. Cupping has the ability to target soft tissue because it applies pressure to specific points and areas of swelling. With the blood vessels expanded, the tissue can now receive extra nutrients and oxygen that the newly expanded blood vessels create.


Since cupping is similar to a massage, it also provides a very calming and relaxing atmosphere, that can easy tension and anxiety tremendously. As the cups target tension from the deepest parts of the body, it then aids in releasing this tension which helps to lower stress responses. This means that overall anxiety and depression can both be treated with cupping.


Stress is one of the major triggers for an unhealthy digestive system. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is highly associated with stress, and due to this, cupping has been used to relieve stomach pain, diarrhea, gastritis, along with various other digestive issues. The energy that begins to flow in the process of cupping releases tension in and around the digestive tract, while also providing the abdomen with more nutrients and oxygen.

Skin Issues

Acne, skin inflammation and even herpes have been treated with cupping. By expanding the capillaries, additional blood flow helps tone the skin while as well as detoxing the area which helps rid the skin of acne. Wet cupping is another form of cupping that is truly beneficial for skin problems. A small cut is made in the cup before application of the cup performed. This incision in the cup aids in extraction of toxins from the body.

Varicose veins and cellulite also can be treated in this same manner. Increased blood flow tightens the skin, which treats cellulite and varicose veins.


By moving fluid throughout the body, cupping increases the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid through your system. Both of these aid in helping the body defend itself from illness and toxins. Cupping also provides the extraction and removal of phlegm and congestion from the body.

Cupping enhances circulation, which alleviates pain, and removes heat, while it works as a type of detox that removes lingering toxins deep within the tissues of our body. It is not a very well-known practice similar to other forms of Eastern medicine, like acupuncture, however, it is gaining popularity due to the attention recently gained in the midst of the Olympics. Cupping can be quite effective, and as a natural treatment, it helps to treat many health conditions while improving the overall health and function of the body.

How Big Pharma Gets Away With Selling Crystal Meth to Children By Renaming it Adderall

by August 15, 2016

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a commonly referred to psychiatric disorder that causes attention deficits, hyperactivity, or impulsiveness which is not behaviorally appropriate. However, most people do not realize that ADD and ADHD are not actual medical conditions? There are no brain scans, blood tests that identify or diagnose either of these “conditions” but doctors still use this excuse to prescribe schedule I or II drugs that have been scientifically determined as the equivalent of crystal methamphetamine.

Important Information You Must Know Before Giving Your Child ADHD Medication

According to Dr. Tasneem Bahtia:
“ADD and ADHD are the results of neurotransmitter and neuroendocrine imbalances. The four main imbalances include high norepinephrine and cortisol, dopamine dysfunction, serotonin deficiency, and insulin irregularity. Each of these imbalances is rooted in nutritional deficiencies that with correction, improve symptoms of hyperactivity and inattention. Food allergies and intolerances also contribute to malabsorption of nutrients.”

Controversies surrounding ADHD have existed since the 1970s. Many experts have posed questions about the existence of ADHD, as well as the treatments commonly used alongside a diagnoses for the disorder.

Other concerns have arisen including the possible overdiagnosis, misdiagnoses of ADHD leading to undertreatment of other possible psychiatric disorders. The American Journal of Psychiatry has stated concerns of the increased severity of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in those who have a history of stimulant use for ADHD in childhood. Furthermore, stimulant drugs have not been approved for children 2-6 years of age. Despite these concerns, .51%-1.23% of children in this age range are currently being treated with these stimulant drugs in the US.

Shockingly enough the National Institute of Mental Health has stated that “under medical supervision, stimulant medications are considered safe”, and based on this, they recommend stimulant treatment for ADHD. In February 2006, the FDA recommended warning labels acknowledging cardiovascular risks associated with stimulant medications prescribed to treat ADHD. Currently, stimulants are classified as a Schedule II controlled substance in the US.

Drug abuse and addiction expert Carl Hart recently stated on MSNBC that “There isn’t much difference between the demonized street drug methamphetamine (known as crystal meth) and the prescription drug Adderall.”

Stimulants for Treatment of ADHD

Typically prescribed stimulant drugs include Ritalin (methylphenidate), and Adderall (a mixture of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine). These treatments are quite dangerous and come with detrimental side effects to the mind.
• According to scientific research funded by the FDA and the National Institute of Mental Health, drugs such as Ritalin increase the risk of sudden death by five hundred percent among children and teens.
• Ritalin treatment has many side effects: Abdominal Upset, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and weight loss. Emotional and Behavioral Side Effects, nervousness, excitability, emotional ups and downs, insomnia and dizziness, headaches, irritability, crankiness, crying, emotional sensitivity, muscle tics or twitches, and nervous habits.

The cake topper? Ritalin is known to be addictive in many patients. Withdrawal symptoms include fatigue, depression, disturbed sleep patterns, malnutrition, and cardiovascular complication leading to stroke or death.

Adderall prescription has increased from 1.3 million in 1996 to nearly 6 million in 1999. Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine can be habit-forming.

Typical Side Effects Include:

Nervousness, restlessness, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body, headache, changes in sex drive or ability, dry mouth, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss.

NIH recommends anyone who experiences any of these symptoms should call their doctor immediately:

Fast or pounding heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, excessive tiredness, slow or difficult speech, dizziness or faintness, weakness or numbness of an arm or leg, seizures, motor tics or verbal tics, believing things that are not true, feeling unusually suspicious of others, hallucinating (seeing things or hearing voices that do not exist), mania (frenzied or abnormally excited mood), aggressive or hostile behavior, changes in vision or blurred, vision, fever, blistering or peeling skin, rash, hives, itching, swelling of the eyes, face, tongue, or throat, difficulty breathing or swallowing, and hoarseness.

Sadly, most people have no idea of the similarities that exist between stimulant ADHD treatments and the street drug referred to as meth. Both substances are considered as high risk controlled substances, and both substances are composed of the same chemical breakdown. Furthermore, the side effects on the mind, body, and soul are detrimental for both drugs as well. We must maintain our education and awareness of what we put in the bodies of our children…..especially when the drug pushers are profiting immensely with no repercussion.

Watch What Happens When Cannabis Is Injected Into Cancer Cells

by August 15, 2016

Studies have revealed that cannabis has anti-tumor impacts ever since 1974. There have been tons of different studies done on this and all of them have pretty much come to the same conclusion.

Cannabis can reduce and destroy tumors quite easily. Back in 2002, a study showed that it had actually even destroyed an incurable brain cancer tumor when injected into rats. In 2007 it was found that some compounds found in marijuana can even cut lung cancer development down.

But you don’t have to sit here and read my babbling on and on watch the video below and see for yourself what Cannabis oil can do. This is a true miracle working oil. If the cure for cancer is so close by why is it that the government isn’t allowing us to use it?

Homemade Gluten-Free Healthy Soy Sauce Alternative

by August 14, 2016

Many different types of sauces require a few common ingredients. These things can range from fresh veggies to red wine and even soy sauce.

If you’re someone who likes to cook you may use soy sauce as an ingredient in various recipes. Sadly most brands of soy sauce on the market are made from genetically modified soy beans. Sure, it is possible to buy organic soy sauce it is generally not easy to find. In order to avoid the genetically modified versions here are some of the best soy sauce alternatives.

A Dirty Little Secret: Your “Organic” Strawberries Aren’t Really Organic

by August 14, 2016

While organic strawberries are much more expensive than non-organic ones it turns out they’re not actually organic. They are fumigated with toxic chemicals including methyl bromide in the early stages of their lives.

Methyl bromide is used to sterilize the soil right before the strawberries are planted while it is not sprayed directly on the fruit it is a soil fumigant that is known for killing just about everything that it touched. The seeds used have been hybridized in order to be able to grow only in sterile soil. Soil is generally full of life with tons of organisms living in it but in modern agriculture, it is used as a medium rather than a habitat. Soil in the minds of some is something simply used to transfer synthetic nutrients from factories to crops.

Right before the fruit bearing stage all strawberries  are treated with toxic chemical fumigants and other pesticides regardless if they are going to be conventional berries or organic. California is responsible for almost eighty percent of the fresh and processed strawberries exported literally about ninety percent of the United States grown fresh strawberries come from California. There is not one single organic nursery there.

Back in 2010 as part of the U.S. agreement to the Montreal Protocol Methyl bromide commercial use was banned but somehow California is exempt from this ban. This chemical has also been associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer in farm workers. Literally over nine million pounds of pesticides are used annually in order to keep strawberries pest free.

The only way to really get organic strawberries is to buy locally sometimes you can find growers who sell during specific seasons. Ask if they use organic heirloom seeds and if they did you should be good to go, or you could always grow your own. for more information on methyl bromine please watch the video below.

This Ancient Remedy “Cures All Diseases” HIV, AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke, STDs, Arthritis & More …

by August 14, 2016

“Black seed” oil, or Nigella Sativa, has made its mark in the medicinal world recently and has become one of the best things you could ever incorporate into your system. This miracle oil stimulates your immune system to fight against almost any disease you could encounter.

Black cumin seeds were discovered in the Tomb of Tutankhamun. They have been mentioned in the Bible, as well as spoken of by the Prophet Mohammed, however, they were not thoroughly researched until about forty years ago. More than 200 studies have since taken place by various scientists and universities.

The famous Greek physician Dioscorides used black cumin for the treatment of headaches and toothaches. Mohammed said that black cumin could cure every disease but death itself. What provides black cumin with this ability? Inside these tiny little seeds is contained a highly complex chemical structure that includes over one hundred different chemical constituents such as abundant sources of essential fatty acids. Typically, the oil is used for medicinal purposes, and the spicy little seeds are used in cooking: curries, pastries, and Mediterranean cheeses.

Amazingly enough, these humble seeds have been found to be superior compared to almost any other natural remedy when used for autoimmune disorders, which cause great suffering to the patient due to the fact that these disorders caused their internal systems to fight itself. When combined with garlic, black seeds have been touted as a harmonizer of the imbalance which causes immune cells to attack and destroy healthy cells. Considering that these little seeds are packed with so many healing constituents, and with such a long history as a cure-all, it comes as no surprise that many people throughout Asia and the Mediterranean believe that black cumin can combat anything that ails us.

7 Benefits of Black Seed Oil:

  • Cancer Fighting

Thymoquinone, found in black cumin, is an effective cancer fighter against cancer of the blood, lungs, kidneys, liver, prostate, breast, cervix and skin. As an antioxidant, it improves the body’s defense system and induces apoptosis, which eliminates unneeded cells, and unhealthy cancer cells.

  • Liver Function and Health

Poor liver function caused by various medicinal side effects, alcohol consumption, or disease can be greatly helped with black seed oil. This wonder oil helps the liver to function better, as well as preventing damage and disease.

  • Diabetes

Black seed oil has been found to cause gradual regeneration of pancreatic beta-cells, which increase the lowered insulin concentrations and decreased elevated glucose. This makes black seed oil one of the only available substances on planet earth that are said to truly prevent both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

  • Weight Loss

As an anti-inflammatory, black seed oil is touted to aid in weight loss the same way that it helps prevent and treat diabetes. Since it decreases weight gain triggers, black seed oil has assisted millions of people with weight loss.

  • Hair Growth

This magnificent oil has the ability to restore hair loss. Unfortunately, it is not entirely understood what causes this wonderful side effect, but the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties probably have a lot to do with it. By strengthening the hair follicles, it promotes strengthened and healthy hair roots.

  • Skin

Since it inhibits melanin production, black seed oil is wonderfully beneficial to the cells that promote healthier skin.

  • Superbug Infections (MRSA)

Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a highly deadly and damaging disease that can be associated with major surgery, intravenous tubing, and implants of artificial joints. Fortunately, black seed oil is known for its ability to slow down or stop MRSA from spreading too far out of control.

With all of the healing benefits contained in black seed oil, we don’t even have to speculate as to why the natural healing community has become so smitten. In consideration of its ability to cure pretty much anything, there is no reason as to why every single human being on planet earth shouldn’t have this in their medicine cabinets!

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