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The Right Sleeping Posture To Reduce Back Pain

by July 18, 2017

We all have to sleep at some point. Not that any of us are complaining about going to bed anymore. As a kid we hated it, but as an adult, we literally can’t get enough sleep.

Sleep is crucial to good health, both physical and mental. Without sleep, our body has no period of time to restore its damage and refresh itself. When we enter rapid eye movement sleep our body repairs itself. Without it, our health can decrease rapidly. It can be easy to stay up in today’s world because we basically have no time to do what we want to do. We’re always at work and if we’re not we are tending to our other responsibilities. Sometimes it can feel like nighttime is the only you time you can get.

Not only do we have to sleep, it also matters how you are sleeping. Thousands, if not millions, of Americans, suffer from immense back pain. Our sleep postures aren’t so great anymore because we work such long work days. During an eight hour shift, you are most likely stationary for the entire time. Our workdays are having an extremely negative effect on our postures. Many people are resorting to pain medications and drugs to cope with the everyday pain, but this only causes more problems. The correct way to treat any health issue is naturally. Thus, to relieve back pain all you have to do is sleep in this position.

The best position to sleep for back pain is always to lie on your back. However, to eliminate back pain you’re going to need to know how to align yourself properly. As long as you have the correct pillow and mattress, this position puts no stress on your body. If you feel some tension all you have to do is place a small cushion under the back of your knees. It supports the body’s natural form and makes you feel comfier. When you sleep on your stomach it twists the neck muscles and makes them super sore the next morning.

Make sure you have a good quality mattress and some good quality pillows. Sleep is super important, and if you’re not getting enough sleep it very well might be the root of your issues. If you experience back pain all you have to do is sleep on your back with a cushion under your knees. Voila, no more back pain and you didn’t even have to get addicted to drugs!

Check Yourself for Parasites and Cancer by Looking at Your Neck

by July 17, 2017

Parasites are literally a nightmare; not only are they terrifying, but they cause massive health conditions too. Thankfully, there is an easier way to determine whether or not you might have parasites.

Parasites aren’t the only thing we have to worry about today either. In fact, cancer is often referred to as a parasitic disease because of how fast it spreads. Cancer has stricken terror in the lives of millions, and cancer treatment is even worse than the disease itself. Many researchers and physicians claim that it is chemotherapy that is killing people, not cancer. Many people have even been misdiagnosed with cancer and died in the treatment of a disease they never had in the first place.

You seriously just can’t trust the modern day medical industry. Pharmaceutical companies are only trying to make money when they treat us. The more disease the more money they get, so by no means are they trying to prevent disease. They actually run and produced by the same people who put dangerous chemicals in our food that cause disease.

They’re poisoning us and causing disease, then we are turning around and asking the same people to get rid of it. It’s simply a rigged business that thrives on the nightmarish diseases we see today. I mean, wouldn’t you think disease should be a minimal issue with all the ‘health advancements’ we have made today.

If you are worried about cancer or parasites do not fret. You don’t have to risk going to the doctor and getting misdiagnosed and mistreated. Doctors methods of detecting cancer even cause cancer, take mammograms for example. Women everywhere are urged to go get them every year after the age of 50, but they actually increase your risk of acquiring cancer. Instead of taking all of those unnecessary risks, you can do this easy and at home test to determine whether or not you might be affected/infected.

Our lymph nodes are basically the control center of our immune system. We can use them to determine when our health might be in jeopardy because they swell when they are put to work. They produce the white blood cells we need to fight infections. You can determine whether or not you are infected with parasites or cancer by examining your lymph nodes. When something is wrong they become inflamed and swollen. You can also feel a pain from them when you are sick.

A bump on your neck, behind your ear, or elsewhere might indicate a swollen lymph node. It’s important to have it checked out because it could be cancer, parasites, or simply the common cold!

Common Causes of Swollen Lymph Nodes

  • The common cold, measles, chickenpox, mono, and other common viruses as well as more serious conditions, such as herpes and HIV

  • Strep, staph, cat scratch disease, tuberculosis, and other bacterial diseases as well as s@xually transmitted conditions, such as syphilis and chlamydia

  • Histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis, and other fungal diseases

  • Toxoplasmosis and other parasitic infestations

  • Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and a number of other inflammatory conditions

  • Lung cancer, lymphomas, leukemia, and other cancers related to the lymphatic system

The OTC Medication That Can Kill You: New Warning Admits Popular Painkiller Causes Liver Damage and Death

by July 17, 2017

Today we suffer from so many different diseases and illnesses. You would think that disease wouldn’t be an issue with all the ‘medical advancements’ of today, but that’s not the case at all.

Because of all the health issues we suffer from today we are faced with one solution; take over the counter drugs. One of the most popular over the counter painkillers isTylenol. Tylenol has been a common pain reliever for over 50 years! However, new studies are showing that Tylenol is terrible for your health. There have been a string of personal injury lawsuits against them, and it’s changing the family trusted name of Tylenol.

According to the Associated Press, so many Tylenol users are suffering from major liver damage or even overdosing. So much so that Tylenol has decided to place a big red lettered warning on the informing people of the risks.

During the last decade, there have been thousands of people who died just by accidentally taking too much Acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is responsible for over 100,000 calls to the Poison Control Center. It might even be the most dangerous drug out there. Acetaminophen is responsible for over 56,000 emergency room visits per year, 2,600 hospitalizations, and an estimated 458 deaths from acute liver failure.  

According to the data from the Acute Liver Failure Study Group registry, acetaminophen poisoning is responsible for nearly half of all acute liver failure cases in America. They stated this in a paper published in the Journal Hepatology an entire decade ago.

“[Acetaminophen] is heavily marketed for its safety compared to nonsteroidal analgesics.

By enabling self-diagnosis and treatment of minor aches and pains, its benefits are said by the Food and Drug Administration to outweigh its risks. It still must be asked: Is this amount of injury and death really acceptable for an over-the-counter pain reliever?”

The FDA admits that too much acetaminophen can cause liver damage. This year they issued a statement urging doctors and other health professionals that discontinue containing more than 325 milligrams of acetaminophen per tablet. Acetaminophen has also been linked to severe skin reactions. It is rare, but it happens. The FDA found that 107 cases of serious skin reactions linked to acetaminophen products between 1969 and 2012. Sixty-seven of them were hospitalized and 12 died in the fight.

We all suffer from aches and pains from time to time, but treating yourself naturally is always the better idea. Medications on the market today are only designed to make the big pharma more money, and they are terrible for your health. You should avoid taking Tylenol at all costs!

9 Solid Reasons to Become a Yardfarmer

by July 17, 2017

There are many reasons why we should be careful about what we are eating. You are what you eat, and in this case, we must all be carcinogenic chemicals and additives. It’s probably why we all feel so bad all the time.

We are exhausted, sick, stressed, depressed, and ridden with anxiety in the modern day society. Not like these problems are new, they aren’t. But, we are seeing a steady increase in cases of basically every health issue today. This is because we are fed so much processed food. Processed food is food that isn’t even remotely food, yet it is sold as natural and healthy ingredients, per say the labels. This is exactly why you should look into yard farming.

Yard Farmers is a new tv series that is expected to hit the air by spring of 2017. It follows a diverse set of six young Americans as they move back home with their parents to become yard farmers. While the production crew is still looking for crew members to effectively fill these roles, they are quite simple. The concept is to make a livelihood out of growing food in parents and neighbors yards, random street flower boxes, churchyards, school yards, vacant lots, and cemeteries.

The point is to raise awareness about some of the important issues we face today when it comes to the food we eat. Yard Farmers is about converting unsustainable suburban developments, urban food deserts, or other neglected and more sustainable. Not everyone can become a TV series star, but anyone can become a yard farmer. In fact, Here are 9 solid reasons to become one.

Lawns are Outdated

Lawns originate in the 1600’s in the cool and mild climate of Europe. It was essential to growing lush green grasses and lawns. They had practical applications and were used in and around medieval castles. They used them to provide guards and watchmen an unobstructed view of enemies, but that’s not really something we have to deal with today.

Lawns Account for Significant Water Usage

The upkeep and sustenance of lawns account for a great portion of water usage. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, sustaining lawns and landscaping accounts for over 30% of all water used in the United States. This amount of water could be greatly utilized to grow food instead of flashy lawns and flower gardens.

Yard Farming Can Improve Overall Health

Aside from the fact that you will now be consuming whole, natural, and safe ingredients that you grew yourself you will experience an increase in overall health. This is because you are consuming whole ingredients, staying outdoors, exerting physical activity, and getting your vitamin D.

Food Security

When you grow your own food you don’t have to worry about it being contaminated with toxic chemicals or being genetically modified. When you grow your own food you get an entirely new palette of nutrients that we miss out on mass produced and distributed foods. You also save a tremendous amount of money! Ron Finley says, “growing your own food is like printing your own money.”

Lawns are Wasted Resources

It is estimated that there are 40 million acres of unused land that is unsustained lawns. In 2015 the fifth largest crop in the United States was the turf grass lawns. These lawns using valuable resources like water, fertilizers, energy, and fossil fuels. Each week across North America millions of gallons of water are used in weekly lawn substance. What a waste of water.

It Builds Communities

Supermarkets haven’t exactly been around for that long. Many western societies have little resources that are based on a car dependent society, but before all of this most people grew their own food instead of getting it at a market. These significantly helped communities grow because people would sell and trade their own produced meat, dairy, and vegetables.

It Increases Local Food Production

Mass produced food is a recipe for disaster. Yard Farming increases the amount of locally grown whole foods on the market. Mass produced and industrialized food companies poison us using additives and other ingredients to preserve food way past expiration dates. This causes massive health issues, and we’ll never be able to stand up to them if we can’t grow our own food.

You Know Where Your Food Comes From

Nothing beats eating the food that you grew yourself. You worked and put in hours of effort to grow your own food and it gives you a new appreciation of it. When you know where your food comes from it goes down much easier. You additionally gain many benefits from the actual food rather than the processed versions you buy from the supermarket.

You’re Helping Put Dirty Industries Out of Business

Food and meat producers have destroyed our health by using toxic ingredients. They use additives, colorants, texturants, fragrances, dyes, and preservatives. None of these things are food. Many poultry farmers are even guilty of mixing in cardboard, carcinogenic chemicals, and potatoes in with the rotten meat to make it look fresh. If we are able to yard farm we can get our food from somewhere else and put them out of business for good. Of course, that would take quite some time and a lot of yard farmers, you are certainly contributing to the downfall of the cruel food processing industries – and that feels pretty good.

Surgeons Admit that Mammography is Outdated and Harmful to Women

by July 17, 2017

Breast cancer is a serious disease, all cancer is and always will be. But modern day treatment tends to be more for money rather than treating and preventing these lethal diseases.

You would think that the primary goal of our doctors, pharmacists, and physicians is to keep us healthy. They certainly claim to be doing so. For example, millions of women get mammograms every year because they are trying to prevent the onset of breast cancer. But they’re actually not doing themselves any favors, and neither are the doctors performing them. Mammograms are probably one of the most outdated medical techniques we have.

A mammogram process is when a woman’s breasts are pressed between two metal platforms to scope out for tumors. However, surgeons everywhere are questioning the accuracy of this procedure. There are multiple studies showing that these procedures aren’t even an effective screening tool, and it’s harmful to women’s bodies!

Girls are told at a young age that the only way to catch breast cancer in its early stages is by mammograms. However, a review of eight scientific trials evaluating the procedure found that it is not effective, or safe.

Scientists looked at data on more than 600,000 different women between the ages of 39 and 74 who underwent the procedure on a routine basis. The researchers found that many women are misdiagnosed! Can you imagine being diagnosed and treated for breast cancer when you didn’t even have it in the first place? What will it take for people to finally realize that doctors aren’t trying to keep us healthy! Drugs and modern day treatment only makes us more susceptible to these terrible diseases.

A review published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews reported that mammograms are causing more harm than they are helping people. Woman are ending up misdiagnosed and mistreated for diseases they never had in the first place. Mammograms are an outdated scourge that belongs in the history books of failed medicine.

“If we assume that screening reduces breast cancer mortality by 15% and that overdiagnosis and overtreatment is at 30%, it means that for every 2000 women invited for screening throughout 10 years, one will avoid dying of breast cancer and 10 healthy women, who would not have been diagnosed if there had not been screening, will be treated unnecessarily,” the authors concluded.

Another study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine regarding the effectiveness of mammograms. They found similar findings after a team of medical professionals reviewed mammograms. The medical team consisted of a medical ethicist, clinical epidemiologist, a pharmacologist, an oncologist surgeon, a nurse scientist, a lawyer, and a health economist. They concluded that the medical industry’s claims about mammograms are completely false.

They found that for every 1,000 women screened in the US over a 10 year period beginning at the age of 50, one breast cancer death would be prevented. This leaves a shocking 490 to 670 women had a false positive. They said that 70 out of 100 women would undergo an unnecessary biopsy. They also found that between 3 and 14 of these women would be misdiagnosed for a nonmalignant form of cancer that never would have become clinically apparent.

Got Meat? Due to USDA, it Might be Rotten

by July 17, 2017

Food and medicine are two of the most corrupt businesses and industries there are. The USDA and FDA are being sued by ranchers who are taking an action alert on rotten meat.

The ranchers suing the USDA are doing so in hopes that they can reinstate labeling what country our meat came from. The USDA repealed this labeling for meat last year. Companies have since been sending meat to China for processing, and then receiving it back in the United States for sale. Many people are even finding rotten meat on the market because the USDA has repealed the COOL (Country of Origin Labelling).

The lawsuit alleges that the USDA’s regulations are in violation of the meat inspection act. The meat inspection act requires slaughtered meat from other countries to be clearly marked. Plaintiffs alleged that current USDA rules allow meat from other countries to be sold with a false label, “Product of USA” when it is indeed not. Congress has actually already caved when the World Trade Organization ruled that the law discriminated against meat from Canada and Mexico. The logic was that COOL interfered with international trade obligations, entitling those countries to take retaliatory measures against the US exports that amounted to billions of dollars.

Because of the repeal of COOL, multinational meat companies can import meat and present it as domestic, rather than paying domestic producers for their products. This is causing actual domestic farmers and ranchers to lower their price, which is putting many of them out of business.

This has actually caused massive trouble in Brazil already. Some of the largest meat producers have been selling rotten meat and poultry for years. They reported that acid and carcinogenic chemicals were used to make meat look fresh, while cardboard, potato, and water were mixed in with poultry products. Why? Well, you make more money if you can sell your garbage too. That’s exactly what they’re doing. Because of this, the United States has put a hold on all meat imported from Brazil. However, without the country of origin labeling, rotten meat and poultry might very well be lying in our own supermarket aisles.

All consumers are entitled to access information about where the food they’re eating comes from. Producers additionally shouldn’t be allowed to lie to the public about where their products come from, because like we are already seeing, greedy industries are literally selling us rotten meat to make extra money.

Please write a message to congress and tell representatives to reinstate COOL for meat. This is an action alert, and we have to do something now.

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