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Sleep Trick: Spray This DIY 3 Ingredient Essential Oil on Your Feet 10 Minutes Before Bedtime

by August 18, 2016

Essential oils can provide even the most sleep deprived with a good night’s rest. By bringing our bodies back into balance and supporting our systems, essential oils can provide us with many benefits, especially if used correctly. This sleep rub contains specifically chosen oils that will aid in calming and relaxing your mind and body, which in turn will improve the quality of your sleep.

Using this rub directly on the soles of your feet will cause the oils to be delivered to your system even quicker. The pores on the bottom of the foot are larger, and our legs act as straws sucking up the compounds in an expedited manner directly to the bloodstream. Within 20 minutes the oil will be detected in every cell contained in your body if the oil combination is applied in this way.

DIY Sleepy Time Foot Spray

Vetiver Essential Oil-  Provides as relaxing feeling for the body and mind, which promotes sleep. The soothing qualities it contains will leave you feeling more tranquil, and also lower stress which can cause insomnia.

Magnesium Oil- The body requires magnesium for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. This includes the creation of energy for our cells and the control of critical neurotransmitters. Magnesium controls the reduction of cortisol, aka the stress hormone, which keeps many up at night.

Lavender Essential Oil-  Scientific research has shown the aromatherapy with lavender can slow the activity in the nervous system, improve sleep quality, promote relaxation, and lift mood for people suffering from sleep disorders. Sniffing lavender before bedtime increases the amount of deep sleep or slow-wave sleep.

Here is how to make an ah-mazing foot spray that can be used on the feet before bed to ensure a good night’s sleep:

1. Mix magnesium oil with 15 drops of lavender essential oil and 8 drops of vetiver essential oil in a glass spray bottle.
2. Shake the spray mixture well.
3. This mixture will have enough for 25-45 applications.
4. Spray on the soles of your feet and let dry for about a minute.

Using just the right combination of natural essential oils can cause a wonderful calming effect on the body, which in turn will provide you with natural calming sensations that promote sleep. If this combination is good for sleep, with little research and shopping, you could create effective sprays for anything and use in the same manner. Natural remedies like this are not only safer for you, but also much more effective in treating your ailments. Start using this wonderful aromatherapy sleep spray tonight, you can thank us in the morning!

Your Garlic is Being Imported From China, Made With Bleach And Chemicals

by August 18, 2016

Garlic, one of the healthiest, and most popular foods on the planet. There is no denying the wonderful health benefits that garlic holds, it is a traditional remedy for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even the common cold.

But there is something about garlic that you probably do not know, over 80% of the garlic sold worldwide comes from China. In fact, last year the U.S. alone imported 138 million pounds. Although most consumers assume that their garlic was grown in California, the “Garlic Capital of the World,” in reality, it was shipped from China. Even “organic” garlic is often imported from China, where organic certification cannot be trusted.

Chinese garlic is bleached. According to Henry Bell of the Australian Garlic Industry Association, garlic from China is sprayed with chemicals to stop sprouting, to whited garlic, and to kill insects and plant matter. He also reports that garlic is grown in untreated sewage, “Bell also calls into questions some growing practices in China.

“I know for a fact that some garlic growers over there use raw human sewage to fertilize their crops, and I don’t believe the Australian quarantine regulations are strict enough in terms of bacteria testing on imported produce,” he says. “I also challenge the effectiveness of the Chinese methyl bromide fumigation processes.”

Chinese garlic is heavily sprayed with methyl bromide to get rid of any bugs. Methyl bromide is a very toxic chemical. Exposure to high concentrations can cause damage to the respiratory and central nervous system, even death. According to the UN, it is 60 times more damaging that chlorine and is the base of CFCS.

Garlic from China is also sprayed with lead, sulfates, and other unsafe compounds.

So the next time you are in the grocery store you might want to think about this article. Thankfully, Chinese garlic is easily spotted.

California garlic has some of its roots left on the bottom and it is heavier than imported garlic.

She Refused Chemo and Chose To Receive Injections Of This Plant (Hint: It’s NOT Cannabis!)

by August 17, 2016

Ivelisse Page developed colon cancer at the age of 37. As it turns out it is something that runs in her family and while she lived a healthy life was something she was unable to avoid.

After Ivelisse was diagnosed she had about fifteen inches of her colon removed and then later another twenty percent removed as well. After researching her disease and the treatment options she decided to completely refuse chemotherapy.

Ivelisse turned to homeopathic remedies and supplements as well as something that might sound a bit strange; mistletoe injections. This is a popular cancer treatment alternative in Europe. Just seven short years later she is completely cancer free and is very proud to say that she defeated stage IV colon cancer. Something that only eleven percent of diagnosed patients survive.

Mistletoe Injections

Some European countries cover this on their health insurances. The extract is not approved by the FDA but Ivelisse and her doctor are working to bring it into mainstream oncology in the United States. It seems mistletoe can be used for much more than hanging from the door frame to entice kissing. There are only fifty doctors in the United States that can prescribe these treatments. If you want to hear more about Ivelisse and her story please watch the video below.

Doing This Exercise 3 Times A Week Will Improve Your Posture In No Time!

by August 17, 2016

This exercise is known as back extension. It is a widely used exercise.

This exercise is used in sports training and as a medicine of sorts. If practiced regularly this exercise will help you get rid of round back discomfort in the spine and give you perfect posture. If you tend to sit a lot this is the exercise for you!

How to:

  • Lie down on your stomach and put your forehead on a yoga mat.
  • Put your arms parallel to your body and press your palms tight against your thighs.
  • Put your legs together be sure your toes are slightly drawn.
  • Exhale deeply, lift your head, chest, and the top part of your stomach while keeping your arms and legs in place.
  • Inhale then slowly go back to the original position.
  • Repeat this exercise at least ten times.

Do this exercise three times a week in order to feel tremendous improvement in your glutes, back, and stomach muscles.


6-Ingredient Smoothie To Strengthen Up Knee Tendons And Ligaments

by August 16, 2016

Our knees are very important, they allow us to do things like jump, run, walk, and stand. We can damage our knees very easily and should take care of them.

There are many ways we can cause damage to our knees, for example strenuous exercise can cause over exertion of the joint in your knees and this can cause severe pain. Things like this can come from minor or major things even something as small as bad footwear. If you damage your knee and it happens to reduce the amount of fluid in your joint there it can result in some excruciating pain. Causing the thigh bone and knee bone to touch.

High heels are known for applying large amounts of pressure to your leg joints including the knees and ankles. This can be a minor issue but turn into a major one if prolonged. Knee  damage is no joke.

Luckily there is a natural remedy for this that will help to strengthen the ligaments and knee joints in a safe way. The ingredients in this smoothie are high in inflammatory properties which help to relieve the swelling and pain of damaged knees.

6-Ingredient Smoothie

Things needed:

  • 2 cups of organic orange juice
  • 8gr of cinnamon
  • 4 cups of oatmeal
  • 80gr of almonds
  • 4 cups of sliced pineapple
  • 80gr of raw honey
  • 2 cups of clean water


  • Add the oatmeal into a pot with the water and cook it on the stove.
  • Add some pineapple juice into the pot and in your blender mix the honey, orange, almonds, and cinnamon.
  • Add the oatmeal mixture to the blender and blend this until it is to the state you like best.
  • Enjoy!

This will work wonders on your leg pain and be a delicious snack!

The Magical Item That Removes Plaque, Tartar and Bad Bacteria in the Mouth

by August 16, 2016

As I’m sure you already know it is very important to take care of your mouth. While you may do your best to keep your mouth clean you still have lots of bacteria that naturally exist in your mouth.

If the bacteria in your mouth get mixed with food particles they form things like plaque and tartar on your teeth. Plaque can cause serious issues and can damage the enamel on your teeth as well as leading to cavities! Lucky for us there are natural ways we can treat tartar and plaque build-up.

While you can use things like:

  • Aloe Vera (The gel from the plant itself)
  • Cheese (Swiss or cheddar)
  • Strawberries (Rub on your teeth)
  • Tomatoes (Rub on your teeth)
  • Figs
  •  Vinegar

The most common and best method to use is Baking Soda. Simply put a small amount of baking soda mixed with lemon juice on your toothbrush and brush them really well. This works as a natural scrub and removes tartar and plaque build-up from your teeth. This results in whiter teeth as well. So in doing this you will have a healthier and more beautiful mouth. Watch the video below for a demonstration.

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