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6 Common Cancer Causing Items That You Need to Rid Your Home Of Immediately

by August 24, 2016

As you may know, there are many different things that have been linked with cancer. Did you know a good many of these things are lurking around inside your home?

The world we live in is very toxic and is overran with chemicals. These things are in the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and even the air we breathe. We are not safe, not even in our own homes. We are oftentimes unknowingly being exposed to dangerous influences.

Below I will reveal the six most toxic household items that you should eliminate from your home if you want to preserve the health of your loved ones.

  • Artificial Sweeteners- As it turns out artificial sweeteners are worse on us than sugar itself. Many of them can lead to things like tumors, skin cancer, bladder cancer, and many other illnesses.
  • Non-Stick Cookware- We all generally tend to choose non-stick cookware over all others because it is convenient but it has been discovered that when the coating in these pots and pans gets heated it begins to decompose releasing many toxic particles into our food. Ceramic is the way to go.
  • Plastic Containers And Bottles- These things are loaded down with toxic chemicals that leach into the food we store in them and water we put into them. One of the most harmful chemicals being bisphenol A.
  • Air Fresheners- Yes, air fresheners are hazardous for our health. They are known to release fumes that can have a worse effect on your health than smoking cigarettes even. This can lead to respiratory issues and hormonal imbalances.
  • Commercial Cleaning Products- These cleaners can cause cancer as well as many other health issues. These cleaners contain dangerous ingredients things like; BPA, triclosan, and parabens.
  • Plastic Shower Curtains- Yes, plastic shower curtains. They release toxic chemicals into your shower and environment. They emit dangerous substances called volatile organic chemicals.

Doing your best to eliminate these things from your home could do you some good. Make the change to be healthier for yourself and your family. I know I will!

Govt. Reports Flu Shots Are This Year’s Most Dangerous Vaccine Based On Injuries And Deaths

by August 24, 2016

As some of you may already be aware the Department of Justice issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission On Childhood Vaccines. There were 211 injuries and/or deaths reported from 5/16/2015 to 8/15/2015 alone.

Due to timing and such only 86 of these were listed. Three of those happened to be deaths that were legitimately linked to vaccines. One death linked to HPV shot and the other two linked to the Flu shot. 65 of the reports listed were for injuries related to the flu shot.

Most people aren’t aware that there is a vaccine court. 

The vaccine court has been around for quite some time now. Lots of citizens aren’t aware of it or the NVICP National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. You see if you or someone you know suffers some kind of harm or death due to a vaccine, you cannot actually sue the company/manufacturer of the vaccine. You have to sue the federal government and attempt to obtain compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund. This Trust fund is paid for by taxes that are put on vaccines themselves.

This is possible because congress has given the pharmaceutical companies immunity against lawsuits for injuries or deaths resulting in vaccines. They did this back in 1986. You see before this happened there were very large amounts of lawsuits out against pharmaceutical companies and these companies pretty much blackmailed the congress into granting them immunity. They stated that if they were not granted legal immunity they would stop producing the vaccines.

Are flu shots safe?

Flu shots are made by several different manufacturers.

  • Flucelvax
  • Fluvirin
  • Flublok
  • FluLaval
  • Fluzone

On each of these products, it is stated: “Safety and effectiveness has not been established pregnant women or nursing mothers.” As well as “….Has not been evaluated for carcinogenetic or mutagenic potential.” This doesn’t sound very good to me. Have you noticed what they say about the safety of children?

  • Flubok“Safety and effectiveness in children 3 years to less than 18 years of age have not been established.”
  • Flucelvax- “Safety and effectiveness have not been established in children less than 18 years of age.”
  • Afluria “Not approved for use in children less than 5 years of age.”

And the list goes on down every manufacturer, but what does this mean? It has not been proven to be effective or safe at all for anyone under the age of 18. It seems flu vaccines are a fraud altogether. Please watch Dr. Mark Geier’s video below for more information on this issue.

Scientists Discover THIS Common Food Doesn’t Just Feed Cancer Cells, It Creates Them!

by August 23, 2016

We all know and understand that massive amounts can be disastrous for our health and well-being, but just exactly how disastrous could it possibly be? In a recent study published by the Journal of Clinical Investigation sugar was found to be not only a fueling source for cancerous cells but quite possibly a primary trigger for oncogenesis- or the creation of cancerous characteristics within previously healthy cells.

Hold On Just a Minute…..

Let us throw it in reverse for a moment, and explain just exactly what sugar is and does. As a generic term which describes simple carbohydrates, sugar includes fructose. Glucose, galactose, maltose and sucrose. Existing primarily of empty calories, sugar contains no protein, essential fat, vitamins, or minerals. In lamens terms, sugar contains no necessary nutrients. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to a variety of health problems, including insulin resistance, liver disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity  , heart disease and even cancer.

Due to the fact that sugar causes harm to the metabolism while elevating insulin levels, it has been linked to cancer. Various studies show that excess consumption of sugar puts you at a much higher risk for cancer, which is where the commonly used phrase “sugar feeds cancer” is derived.

One four-year study done at the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection in the Netherlands compared a study group consisting of cancer patients and control patients. What they discovered was that risks associated with sugar intake more than doubled for the cancer group in their study. Another study that took place in 21 countries further revealed that sugar consumption was a major risk factor that contributes to higher rates of breast cancer.

Why is this New Research So Important?

This new research would take sugars contribution to cancer a skip, jump, and leap further. The recent study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation took a closer look at the relationship between sugar and cancer: more specifically, the theory that “increased glycolysis (sugar based metabolism) is frequently viewed as a consequence of oncogenic events that drive malignant cell growth and survival.”

They found “evidence that increased glycolytic activation itself can be an oncogenic event.” Basically, the activation of a sugar-based metabolism in a cell plays a key role in the initiation of cancer.

What Does this Mean?

This study has confirmed that not only does sugar fuel cancerous cells, it also probably creates them, meaning that sugar is a primary contributing factor in the development of cancer. To shake the tree a bit further, the study also confirmed that removing sugar from your daily diet could help to prevent or reverse the growth of cancer cells.

Here is What Can Be Done

Sugar is already a known contributing factor to almost any ailment in the human body. Decreasing the amount of sugar, we consume on a daily basis in quite possibly one of the most important health policies we could abide by. Do not add extra sugar to food or beverages, and avoid sweets along with processed junk food altogether. Urge friends and family to begin decreasing the amounts they take in as well. Cutting back on sugar intake is not the easiest thing to do, as sugar is an addictive substance, however, it is clear that your health depends on it.

Amazing 1930s Pharmacist Map of Herbal Cures

by August 23, 2016

This amazing map, which dates back to 1932, is a map consisting entirely of herbal cures and medicinal plants that were of common use among pharmacists and the general public during that time. Containing a treasure trove of natural healing information, this map is a must-have for anyone who seeks knowledge about true healing.


Dr. Marcia Angell once said, “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.” A physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal, she is not the only physician holding a prominent position in mainstream medicine that has expressed that very fact.

The fact that pharmaceutical companies distort the truth in medicinal and medical science to continue their ability to push their products en masse. Dr. Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of The Lancet, who stated that “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.”

Arnold Seymour Relman, Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal, has also made statements concerning corruption in medicine, “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”

Even the map itself states ‘The Service of Pharmacy’:

“It is important that the public does not lose sight of the fact that the professions of Pharmacy, Medicine, and Dentistry, each give an essential service, which must not be impaired or destroyed by commercial trends.
The public and the professions will suffer equally if these services are allowed to deteriorate. In pharmacy, the public should understand something of the breadth of knowledge required of the pharmacist. Few people realize the extent to which plants and minerals enter into the practice of pharmacy, and how vital they are to the maintenance of the public health. It has been stated that upwards of 70 percent of all medicines employed are plant products.”

Here we are 80 years later, and our medical system is reliant almost entirely on chemical based medicines that are used to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. Medicines that come with more side effects that further attack our overall health than they do to actually aid in the treatment of anything that ails us. It is important that we share information such as this, and continue to search out natural and organic health remedies, because slowly but surely, big pharma is pushing anything truly real from our medical world and replacing it with science-fiction drugs of the future that could never truly do us any actual good.

Click here to see the large, poster-size version of the map.

Spider Makes A Cast For Its broken Leg Out Of Its Own Silk (Video)

by August 22, 2016

While trapping a spider to take it outside one of these people accidentally crushed its leg. What the spider does next is amazing!

Right after having its leg squished this spider went to work making a cast! How interesting is that? This spider used its two pedipalps, appendages on the front of its body in a way similar to hands. This is truly amazing. Spiders make webs all the time so it should come to no surprise that they can make other things as well. To see this spectacular occurrence watch the video below.

If Your Kidney Is In Danger, The Body Will Give You These 8 Signs!

by August 22, 2016

Our kidneys are the essence of our livelihood, filtering 10-150 quarts of blood each day. With that being said, these organs are the central detoxification organs in our body, therefore, it is highly important to be able to decipher between the signs of damage or failure.

Located beneath the rib cage, our kidneys remove excessive waste and fluids from the body while also regulating our electrolyte levels. In turn, our blood pressure, as well as the production of red blood cells are also maintained correctly, and our bones kept strong and healthy.

These are the signs of damage or failure that are important to look out for:

Urination Changes

Although urination changes can be common as the amount of liquid we take in changes daily, it is important to look for these particular signs so that you can be proactive in noticing kidney damage.

-Trouble Urinating
-Pale urine, or frequent urges to urinate, and in larger amounts
-Foamy Urination
-Frequent Night Urges for Urination
-Pressure During Urination


If the function of our kidneys is decreased or destroyed, it impedes the body’s ability to eliminate excess fluids, which leads to swelling, or bloating of the face, limbs, and joints.

Metallic Taste In the Mouth

Since the kidneys eliminate waste from the body and blood, if the loss of proper function occurs it can cause a metallic taste in the mouth which will affect how food tastes, as well as the scent in our breath. This can also cause weight loss due to loss of appetite.

Feeling Tired and Fatigued

Healthy kidneys produce EPO (erythropoietin), a hormone that produces red blood cells needed for oxygen in the body. If this count is lowered, you will feel tired, and experience brain/muscle damage. This can also be a symptom if anemia.


Experiencing pain in the area directly beneath the rib cage in the upper back region where the kidneys are located can be a sign of kidney infection, inflammation, stones or damage.

Shortness of Breath

As kidney damage causes an oxygen deficiency in the body due to lowered amounts of red blood cells, it can cause shortness of breath. Kidney damage can also cause extra fluid to build up in the lungs, as it loses its ability to eliminate the excess, which can contribute to breathing issues.

Loss of Concentration and Dizziness

Deficiencies of oxygen in the brain due to loss of red blood cells needed for oxygen production will, in turn, cause a decrease in cognitive function. Feeling dizzy, light-headed, or having poor concentration or memory loss are all signs of kidney damage or failure.

Skin Rashes

As waste accumulates in the blood, you will notice an unhealthy appearance of the skin. The skin will become irritated and dry. Itchiness and rashes are signs of this particular issue that can be experienced with kidney damage/failure. Various creams and lotions can help to alleviate this, however, the true issue is an internal one and that should be the main focus of treatment.

In conclusion, our kidneys are truly vital organs for proper health and overall body function. By making sure that we consume well-balanced anti-oxidant packed diets, supplements, and plenty of water, you can stay proactive in protecting the function of these organs that we depend on so much. If you experience any of these issues, it is of the utmost importance that you speak with your trusted family physician and work towards healthier kidney function immediately.

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