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Each Time You Smoke, Here’s What You’re Consuming!

by September 9, 2016

Literally over three thousand Americans under the age of eighteen smoke their first cigarette every day, these teenagers are oftentimes unaware of the dangers and risk they are putting themselves in. New smokers do not realize that their new habit can lead to things like heart disease, cancer, strokes, and many other health issues.

Did you know that the average cigarette contains over six hundred ingredients. Cigarettes are loaded with dangerous chemicals. Many tobacco companies will try to argue these ingredients as being ‘not so bad’ because they have been approved by the FDA but these chemicals are things like arsenic (Rat poison) among other things we wouldn’t think about putting into our bodies.

If you take the time to look at the FDA’s established list of harmful and potentially harmful constituents in tobacco products and tobacco smoke. Arsenic dangers listed include: cardiovascular toxicant, reproductive toxicant, developmental toxicant, and carcinogen. This sounds pretty bad right? It only gets worse. There are many other harmful ingredients in cigarettes and cigarette smoke as well, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and cadmium.  About seventy of the chemical ingredients found in cigarettes are considered carcinogenic, this meaning they potentially could cause cancer.

Cigarette smoke is known to account for around thirty if not more percent of all cancer related deaths in the United States! If we do not begin taking the steps needed to prevent smoking it is estimated that around five million people under the age of eighteen will die prematurely due to a smoking related illness. Is that what you want for your family and for yourself?



Wisdom Teeth Dental Scam & Why You Need Your Wisdom Teeth

by September 8, 2016

While most of us have had our wisdom teeth removed and they are long gone some of us have not. Usually, we do whatever our dentist says as well as our doctors, have you ever taken the time to research something like wisdom teeth and the removal of them?

According to dentists wisdom teeth are unneeded and that they inconveniently crowd our mouths, this is not true. Wisdom teeth are also known as the third molars. They are the teeth furthest back in our mouths. Generally, they grow in when we are in our late teen years or early twenties. Out of the ten million wisdom teeth extractions done here in America, each year only twenty of them are shown to be required. This procedure is a very big money maker for the dental industry. Wisdom teeth are not causing all of the health issues they want you to think they are.

Why do we have wisdom teeth?

Well, as people our teeth are very important in general. Wisdom teeth themselves are connected according to the acupuncture meridians to our small intestine and the front of our pituitary gland. At least forty-six percent of our motor and sensory nerves in our brain’s cortex are linked to our mouths and faces. So, when any tooth is removed we are breaking the meridian that streams through that tooth. Wisdom teeth extractions themselves can actually be quite dangerous as well.

Close to 175,000 individuals have had permanent numbness due to nerve damage caused during this procedure. While this is a common surgery it is something we should try to avoid. Wisdom tooth extraction can even include major damages as drastic as sudden death. I do not recommend getting your wisdom teeth removed unless it is something that absolutely has to happen without a doubt.

For more information on the dangers of this procedure please take the time to watch the video below.

This Hawaiian Mushroom Makes Women Orgasm Just By Smelling It!

by September 8, 2016

Do you think the smell of this Hawaiian mushroom could make you orgasm? Apparently, it has been doing just that to lots of women!

This orange mushroom in Hawaii is said to have very potent properties. Researchers have found that the ‘fetid odour’ of the fungi triggers orgasms! Almost half of the women in the experiment experienced orgasm from the scent. One reporter who tracked this fungus down said that it smells like ‘diseased, fetid semen’. This mushroom grows on the volcanic slopes of Hawaii, it is said to smell terrible while it seems to trigger orgasms it has been compared to the scent of a rotting manatee carcass.

These mushrooms have been around for quite some time now and date back 10,000 years. They are believed to belong in the genus Dictyophera, this being a family of mushrooms that bear distinctive heads. What do you think, orgasm causing mushrooms or some sort of coincidence ? How could such a terrible smell cause so much pleasure?

Baking Soda Shampoo: It Will Make Your Hair Grow Faster Than Ever!

by September 8, 2016

Baking soda is known for its many different uses, cleaning, cooking, and treating lots of different medical conditions. It seems like we learn new ways to use it each and every day.

Using this in your hair is something that will eliminate the residue from shampoos and conditions giving your hair a very long lasting irresistible shine. You can use it instead of normal shampoo in order to benefit from the greatness. If you’re someone who loves do it yourself remedies you won’t want to pass this one up.

This will allow you to avoid all of the harsh chemicals found in commercial products as well. Commercial products are overflowing with chemicals. Preparing your own natural shampoo will  benefit your hair greatly. While in the beginning, you may think this shampoo is a little odd once you see what it can do you will be amazed.

Homemade Shampoo Recipe

How To:

  • In a small squeeze bottle mix together baking soda and water in a one to three ratio. If you happen to have long hair I would suggest using four tablespoons of baking soda and ten tablespoons of water.
  • Apply this on your hair whether you prefer to do it dry or wet does not matter. Leave this on for three to five minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
  • Rinse your hair once more after using apple cider vinegar. Make sure to use a mixture of one part vinegar to four parts water. If the smell bothers you add in your favorite essential oils.
  • Rinse the ACV out with water and then you’re done for the night.
  • You will notice a difference even after one time. After a few more times you will notice a dramatic difference. Your hair will be shiny, healthy, and strong!

If You See A Man With One Painted Fingernail, THIS Is What It Means…

by September 6, 2016

In the past, various acts of activism have been displayed in creative ways, and this new trend is no exception. Elliot Costello started this just recently, and it involves men painting just one of their fingernails.

While in Cambodia, Costello found a young girl named Thea that lived in an impoverished area. Thea and Costello spent quite a bit of time together playing games and painting each other’s nails. After bonding enough to where Thea felt comfortable disclosing her personal life, she confided in him that she was being constantly abused sexually.

Elliot was utterly shocked, and saddened by the news. He promised then and there to keep one nail painted to remember her, and what she had endured. Additionally, he further promised to do whatever he could to raise awareness about her and other children who had encountered the same struggle in their lives.

Staying true to his word, Elliot then founded the Polished Man Project which works to raise awareness for the many children worldwide who are sexually abused.

What Separates this Type of Activism from the Rest

It is quite unusual to see a man with painted fingernails, especially only one, and most would think it to be odd. However, once they discover the truth behind the painted fingernail and the cause, they might then go on to raise further awareness. A quick internet search would bring you to Elliot’s project’s website, and on there you have the ability to donate to sexual abuse recovery and prevention.


Approximately 1 in 5 children are or have been sexually abused. Raising awareness to this very fact is the only way that we can help to prevent it. Sharing information such as this, and participating in activism such as this, or even in other forms, can produce amazing results that could change the world. Share this article as a way to link others to this information, and provide them with a means to participate in something truly life changing.

5 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than The Flu Itself

by September 6, 2016

Many medical experts believe it is important to protect your families and yourselves from the flu vaccine itself. Getting the flu shot most likely will do much more harm than good.

As I am sure you may have noticed the main stream media and pharmaceutical industry push us each and every year in an effort to get everyone to conform by getting this vaccine. We are not informed of the adverse reactions or the toxins being injected into our bodies directly.

Reasons Why Flu Shots Are Dangerous:

  • The flu shot itself can make you sick- The vaccine introduces our bodies to the flu virus. This meaning rather than immunizing we are sensitizing. This is what makes people often children get sick after being vaccinated.
  • The shot itself can cause Alzheimer’s disease- Yes, evidence now suggests that the flu vaccine can actually cause Alzheimer’s. People who get vaccinated frequently are at a higher risk of developing this.
  • Flu vaccines contain many dangerous ingredients- Dangerous ingredients like mercury. Mercury toxicity can cause many things like cardiovascular disease, ADD, and respiratory issues among other things.
  • There is lack of evidence that young people benefit from it at all.
  • The people pushing this on us are making tons of money off of it.

The list really just keeps going on, there is no need for this vaccine. The flu vaccine does much more harm than good each and every year. For more information on flu shots and the dangerous ingredients found in them watch the videos below.

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