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This Is The Most Affordable Way to Remove Fluoride from Tap Water

by July 19, 2017

For unknown reasons, we are exposed to dangerous chemicals like fluoride on an everyday basis. Our public water is full of toxic chemicals and you have to know how to remove them!

Fluoride is terrible for our health. It is a classified neurotoxin that causes massive amounts of side effects. The FDA has even made it mandatory for all toothpastes that contain fluoride to be labeled with a poison warning sign. There are tens of millions of toothpaste brands that use fluoride, in fact, it’s one of the primary ingredients. There are many known and proven health effects of this dangerous chemical, but some are yet to discovered or proven. For example, fluoride has already been proven to weaken the skeletal system.

Skeletal fluorosis is a condition that results from fluoride consumption. Because the liver is unable to process fluoride, it is passed through the bloodstream where it combines with calcium from the skeletal system. It leaves you with weak bones and brittle bones. Fluoride has also been linked to calcifying the pineal gland, an essential part of your brain. Many people refer to the pineal gland as the third eye, third eye chakra, or the seat of the soul. Scientifically, it is a major part of the brain, and needless to say, you don’t want to damage it.

There are a ton of reasons why you do not want to consume or even be in contact with fluoride, but that’s not today’s topic. It is crucial to our overall health to avoid toxic chemicals like fluoride in tap water, but fluoride filtration systems can be extremely expensive and hard to use. Thankfully, there is the Tulsi plant.

The Tulsi plant has been utilized for medicine for thousands of years. It’s an ancient natural remedy, and it can effectively remove fluoride from your water! This sacred herb of India has oleanolic acid, eugenol, ursolic acid, linalool, carvacrol, Rosmarinus, and compounds that are fantastic for your health.

Researchers from Rajasthan University found that the Tulsi plant can effectively remove fluoride from our waters. It is an all natural remedy that is cost efficient too! The researchers soaked 75 Mg of holy basil leaves in 100 ml of water that had about 7.4 ppm of fluoride. After the leaves soaked in the water for eight hours, the fluoride levels dropped to 1.1 ppm.

The WHO reports that the safe level of fluoride contamination is about 0.5 to 1 ppm. That is significantly less than 7.4, nonetheless! It’s easy, cheap, and most importantly effective!

Neuroscience Reveals What Fasting Does To The Brain (And Why Big Pharma and the Food Industry Won’t Study It)

by July 18, 2017

Fasting is something practiced by many different groups, cultures, people, and religions. There are many different reasons why someone might fast, but there are even more benefits to doing it!

Fasting is typically defined as abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance. It is a common practice for millions of people, especially during the month of Ramadan for Muslims. It is also practiced by Hindus, Christians, and Jews. Some people abstain from all food and drinks, including water. One TedX talk given by Mark Mattson, the current chief of Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute of Aging.

Mark Mattson outlined the benefits of fasting and what it can do to positively affect your body. Not only that, but he also talked about why the Big Pharma and Food Industries refuse to study it. Here is a transcript of a section of Mark Mattson’s talk which hints at these questions.

“Why is it that the normal diet is three meals a day plus snacks? It isn’t that it’s the healthiest eating pattern, now that’s my opinion but I think there is a lot of evidence to support that. There are a lot of pressures to have that eating pattern, there’s a lot of money involved. The food industry — are they going to make money from skipping breakfast like I did today? No, they’re going to lose money. If people fast, the food industry loses money. What about the pharmaceutical industries? What if people do some intermittent fasting, exercise periodically and are very healthy, is the pharmaceutical industry going to make any money on healthy people?”

“Intermittent fasting has now become my way of life. It feels damn good and I find myself being clear and focused. My energy levels have skyrocketed. I used to always get that afternoon slump when I felt tired at about 3 PM, but I don’t experience this anymore.

Eating has also come to be an experience that’s enjoyed, rather than just food to scoff down as fast as I can. This has made it easy to keep intermittent fasting going.

Also, after a couple weeks, I decided to try exercising (running and weights) as soon as I woke up on an empty stomach. I thought I would feel light headed and faint from working out on an empty stomach, but the truth is, I had more grit and energy.

Research has found that there are major perks to doing this: apparently it’s meant to supercharge your body’s fat-burning potential.”

Your Cough Syrup May Be Getting You Pregnant

by July 18, 2017

There are many different reasons why a woman might not be able to conceive a child. Infertility is fairly common, but this trick might save the day!

Infertility is a condition that affects approximately 1 out of every 6 couples. Infertility diagnosis is given to a couple that has been unsuccessful in efforts to conceive a child for over a year. When the cause is directly related to the woman it is called female infertility. Female infertility contributes to about 50% of all cases.

Most of the infertility problems include problems with ovulation, damage to fallopian tubes, uterus, or cervix. Age can also contribute to infertility as women become menopausal, but that is more natural.

Ovulation problems may be caused by one or more of the following:

  • A hormone imbalance
  • A tumor or cyst
  • Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Thyroid gland problems
  • Excess weight
  • Stress
  • Intense exercise that causes a significant loss of body fat
  • Extremely brief menstrual cycles

There are many different natural remedies that are known to increase fertility. However, women have discovered a very interesting way to increase their fertility. Many couples have gone to great lengths to reproduce, both medical and holistic. There are operations and procedures that can be performed, but none of them guarantee results. However, the medication you’re taking for a cough might actually increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Not all cough medications are good for pregnancy. Specifically, medicines that contain pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine can be harmful to a fetus. These chemicals have been shown to affect blood flow to the placenta. It is a new theory, but over the past few years, some women have found they are able to get pregnant after treating a mild cough.

A common drug that has a similar effect on women’s fertility as cough medicine is Guaifenesin. Guaifenesin is said to have the potential to aid pregnancy because it thins down cervical mucus. It also helps the body produce cervical mucus, which aids a sperm cell in reaching the egg. If the body produces wet and thin cervical mucus during ovulation the male’s sperm is more likely to make it through the cervix and reaching the egg.

It is recommended to take two teaspoons of guaifenesin three times per day during expected ovulation. There are many ways to keep track of your ovulation cycle. You can purchase ovulation testing kits, track menstruation with an app, or try a home remedy for detecting it. Once you begin dosing it is important to do it for the correct amount of time. You don’t want your cervical mucus to get too thin.

You should also refrain from taking cough medications that contain antihistamines. Antihistamines have the opposite of the desired effect because it dries up mucus, rather than producing it.

Get Your Body Alkaline By Avoiding These 5 Foods

by July 18, 2017

There are tons of different diets out there, especially these days. Most people diet to lose weight, but this diet will starve out disease and revolutionize your health.

Disease is on the rise these days, and modern day treatment only makes it worse. You can’t trust modern day pharmaceuticals or medications because all doctors and the big pharma care about is money. The best true way to eliminate disease from your body is to have an alkaline diet.

Research shows that diets that consisting of highly alkaline foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, and unprocessed plant based sources of protein. It results in a more alkaline urine pH level that helps reduce morbidity and mortality from numerous chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, vitamin D deficiency, and low bone density.

An alkaline diet is one that helps balance the pH level of the fluids in your body, like blood and urine. Your pH is determined by the mineral density of the foods you eat. All living organisms and life forms on earth depend on maintaining appropriate pH levels. Many doctors say that it can be impossible for disease to take root in your body with a balanced pH level. An alkaline diet protects your bone density and muscle mass. It plays a huge role in bone and muscle sustenance. Research shows that the more alkalizing fruits and vegetables someone eats, the more protection they have against decreased bone strength and muscle mass.

Alkaline diets also lower your risk for hypertension and stroke! It has anti aging effects that decrease inflammation and causes an increase in growth hormone production. Studies have shown that alkaline diets improve cardiovascular health and also offers protection against high cholesterol, hypertension, kidney stones, stroke, and even memory loss. Studies have also a connection between an alkaline diet and reduced levels of pain. Chronic acidosis has been found to contribute to chronic back pain, headaches, muscle spasms, menstrual symptoms, inflammation, and joint pain!

There are many foods that we consume today that is terrible for our health and destroys our overall pH level. They cause tons of different health issues like high cholesterol, arthritis, and hypertension. This can make your body more acidic and reduce alkalinity. However, if you avoid these 5 foods it won’t be a problem, according to Naturopath Ann Boroch.

Why Your Grandparents Didn’t Need To Diet

by July 18, 2017

As time goes on we are only seeing the people are getting sicker and sicker. If we are as medically advanced as we say we are, why do we suffer from so much disease?

Every year we are seeing a rise in major health issues and diseases. In America, heart disease is the number one cause of death. It is one of the most common health ailments today, and the worst part about it is that it is completely preventable in most cases. Cancer, another extremely lethal disease, has destroyed the lives of millions. Some startling UK statistics show that 1 in 2 people in the United Kingdom will get cancer… Scary right? Well, you might notice that overall health is weakened every generation that is born. There’s a reason for this. It’s exactly why our grandparents didn’t have to diet.

Today we are surrounded by toxic chemicals, ingredients, and basic components of life. Greedy and money hungry CEOs have taken upon substituting natural ingredients for fake ones because it’s cheaper, and it helps them sell. They use artificial colorings, textures, and flavors to make the food taste and look good, but it is essentially garbage. Back in the day, our grandparents weren’t exposed to these toxic and dangerous foods, and if they did happen to encounter some it was rare. Today, processed food is literally all around us. There are even brands and companies that claim to be 100% organic, but it is all a lie!

Processed food has an immense amount of calories in it. Scientists say that calorie restriction can increase your lifespan. Best Selling Author, Michael Pollan said in an interview with the New York Times magazine:

“The scientific case for eating a lot less than we currently do is compelling. ‘Calorie restriction’ has repeatedly been shown to slow aging in animals, and many researchers (including Walter Willett, the Harvard epidemiologist) believe it offers the single strongest link between diet and cancer prevention,” he continues, “Once one of the longest-lived people on earth, the Okinawans practices a principle they called ‘Hara Hachi Bu’: eat until you are 80 percent full.”

According to Pollan, we shouldn’t be consuming anything that our great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. “Imagine how baffled your ancestors would be in a modern supermarket (most items) aren’t foods – quite – they’re food products,” he said.

“History suggests you might want to wait a few decades or so before adding such novelties to your diet, the substitution of margarine for butter is the classic case in point.

Their promise was that margarine would prevent disease. People around the globe questioned this advice, especially those who have valued butter for its life-sustaining properties for millennia. Today we know that butter is light years healthier than margarine ever could be.

“My mother used to predict ‘they’ would eventually discover that butter was better for you. She was right: the trans-fatty margarine is killing us. Eat food, not food products.”

Green Tea Polyphenol Helps Kill Oral Cancer Cells By Destroying Mitochondria

by July 18, 2017

Cancer is a malicious disease that has stricken terror into the lives of millions. Even worse, the way we treat cancer has been said to be even more lethal than the disease itself.

Cancer is a horrible disease that demands to be taken seriously. There are millions of people who struggle with this horrific disease, and it’s not just them that suffers. It affects the lives of loved ones and friends drastically. It is sad that many doctors and physicians are having to report that not only is cancer most likely a result from greedy CEO’s, the big pharma, and the food industry, but the way we treat it might even be more dangerous than the disease itself.

Chemotherapy is horrible for your body. Instead of getting rid of harmful and cancerous cells, it attacks healthy ones. It completely depleted your body of nutrition and health. It even has been found to metabolize cancer cells so that they can form back in a certain period of time. It is always a better choice to heal yourself naturally and holistically, but it is especially important when it comes to treating cancer. One of the newest discoveries about natural cancer treatments is the amazing effects of polyphenols in green tea!

“You don’t see these sorts of side effects with green tea consumption,” said Joshua Lambert, associate professor of food science at Penn State, in a press release. Lambert performed his study alongside his colleagues by examining cell cultures, which they had injected with the same amount of EGCG a person would normally have in their mouth after chewing green tea flavored gum. The results were promising.

“It looks like EGCG causes the formation of reactive oxygen species in cancer cells, which damages the mitochondria, and the mitochondria responds by making more reactive oxygen species,” Lambert explained. The mitochondria of cancer cells lose even more of its defense with a breakdown in the expression of antioxidant genes. The cancer cells eventually succumb to EGCG and die.

In May of last year, scientists and researchers from the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute discovered the compounds ability to slow the growth of pancreatic cancer, one of the most lethal forms of cancer out there. They found that one of the key enzymes in pancreatic cancer known as LDHA can effectively be eliminated by an enzyme inhibitor oxamate.

Cancer is only on the rise and the way modern day pharmaceutical companies treat cancer is outdated, cruel, and ineffective. It is always a better choice to treat yourself naturally because of the amazing benefits and effectiveness of natural ingredients. Never trust a filthy rich pharma rep. They’re only in it for the money.

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