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Doctor Confirmed: Say Goodbye to Arthritis With The Help of This Ultimate Remedy

by September 20, 2016

Arthritis is something a very large number of people suffer from. While it is very common it is not usually well understood.

There are over one hundred different types of arthritis and conditions related to it. It is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Over 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some type of arthritis. It is more common in women than men and occurs more often as people age. The common symptoms are things like swelling, joint pain, and decreased range of motion.

These things can be anywhere from mild to severe and come and go as they please. They tend to get worse as time goes by, severe arthritis can result in chronic pain and generally make someone unable to do their daily activities. Sometimes being so terrible as to prevent someone from being able to walk. There is however, a natural solution to this health issue. The remedies I am going to list below have been found very effective in treating arthritis.

  • Parsley Drink- Prepare a mixture of 2 liters of boiling water let it simmer for at least 20 minutes and drink this before each time you eat.
  • Cucumber Juice- Squeeze cucumber juice then mix it into a glass of water and add in some turmeric powder. Drink this once a day in order to benefit from it.
  • Turmeric- In something like a glass of milk add some turmeric (a spoonful will do) Mix and drink. Doing this three times a week will reduce your symptoms.

Nothing wrong with trying things the natural way and these approaches really do work. I have found that the turmeric one is the quickest working remedy for arthritis by far. For more remedies for arthritis watch the video below.

Scientists Find Fluoride Causes Hypothyroidism Leading To Depression, Weight Gain, and Worse…

by September 20, 2016

As some of you may already know our perception on water fluoridation has been changing lately. Many adverse effects have been found to be caused by this chemical.

Researchers from the University of Kent, United Kingdom were able to conduct a groundbreaking study on the health effects potentially caused by adding fluoride to the public’s water. After intensely studying data they obtained from just about every single medical practice in England these scientists were able to find that fluoride might be increasing the risk of hypothyroidism. A condition in which a persons thyroid gland is not producing enough hormones resulting in fatigue, obesity, and even depression.

This study has included the largest population ever studied in regards to these adverse effects of elevated fluoride exposure. They collected data from ninety-nine percent of England’s over eight thousand medical practices. This concludes that there could be up to 15,000 people out there suffering from depression, weight gain, and aching muscles all because their is fluoride in the water.

Women are literally, 15 times more likely to develop under active thyroid. Something that can lead to long term health issues. Something really needs to be done about the fluoride they are adding into our drinking water. Hypothyroidism is something that women are particularly concerned with and fluoride inhibits the thyroid’s ability to use iodine which is essential for a healthy thyroid.

How To: Chocolate Cake With Avocado Instead Of Eggs And Butter

by September 20, 2016

Who doesn’t enjoy chocolate cake? I was honestly on edge about this recipe from the beginning but it actually turned out delicious!

The thought of an egg-free and butter-free chocolate cake sounds pretty terrible but to my surprise it is actually fantastic! The baking with avocado trend is definitely something I have come to enjoy. You will love this cake.

Cake Recipe


  • 6 cups of all purpose flower
  • 10 tablespoons of dark chocolate cocoa powder
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 4 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup of coconut or avocado oil
  • 2 ripe avocados (mashed up)
  • 4 cups of water
  • 4 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons of vanilla extract
  • 4 cups of raw cane or coconut sugar
  • Frosting Ingredients:
  • 4 ripe avocados (mashed up)
  • 4 cups of confectioner’s sugar
  • 10 tablespoons of dark chocolate cocoa powder


  • Preheat your oven to 350F.
  • Grease and flower two large round cake pans at least ten inches.
  • In a bowl whisk the first five ingredients together.
  • In a separate bowl whisk the rest together and combine then add the sugar.
  • Pour the wet avocado mixture into the flower mixture and mix until it becomes smooth.
  • Divide the batter evenly between your cake pans.
  • Bake the cake and of course check it every thirty minutes.
  • Allow the cakes to cool in the pans.
  • After fifteen minutes turn them out and add the first layer of frosting.
  • Then the second layer and so forth.

This will result in a very delicious mouthwatering chocolate cake. My recipe was for making a very large cake fit for a large party but if you want to make one a little bit smaller follow the steps and measures in the video below. You will love this cake!

Take 4 Tablespoons of This Drink Each Morning: Say Goodbye to Clogged Arteries, High Blood Pressure, And Bad Cholesterol!

by September 19, 2016

If you add this mixture to your diet and drink it everyday you will be able to unblock your arteries and help yourself become more healthy day by day. There are lots of people affected by high cholesterol levels and you do not have to be one of them!

When the cholesterol levels become higher than 60 to 6,20 mmol/L serious issues can be caused and this is something easily avoidable. High cholesterol is usually the result of stress and or fast paced ways of life. We really need to start paying more attention to our health. The mixture I am going to add the recipe for below will reduce blood pressure and leave you much healthier.

Things Needed:

  • 1/2 kg lemon
  • 1/2 bags of baking soda
  • 3 bunches of parsley
  • 6 cups of water


  • Wash the lemons well with cold water. Using a pot full of warm water add in the baking soda and lemons let them sit for one hour.
  • Cut the parsley up and add it into the mixture as well. Cook this mixture for three hours on a low heat.
  • Once this is done store it in a glass container and refrigerate it.
  • Drink 4 table spoons of this mixture every single morning on an empty stomach. Do this for twenty days at a time.

Blue Lotus Flowers: The Sacred Way Egyptians Got High

by September 19, 2016

Are you aware that there is a mysterious image that keeps appearing in thousands of pieces of Ancient Egyptian art? It is the blue lotus flower.

For many decades the meaning of this flower was a mystery no one knew why it was appearing on so many things but now as it turns out we have the answer. While these blue lotus flowers are technically water lilies they were extremely important throughout Ancient Egypt. These flowers were associated with the gods. It was thought they were where the sun god Ra would go during the night before reappearing each day.

This was thought because as you may know these flowers are closed during the night and open again every morning and with that they bring the sun with them. The flower itself also symbolizes the god of perfume, Nefertem and as the story goes Nefertem was said to have brought the flowers to the Sun God Ra in order to ease the suffering of his aging body. This flower was prized above all other plants in Ancient Egyptian culture.

The people holding these flowers in art depictions were often holding these flowers close to their mouths or noses and in some spiritual scenes these flowers were wrapped around bottles of wine. That was the main thing that gave researchers their biggest clue as to why this blue lotus flower was so important to the Egyptians. The flower must have had some sort of effect on the minds of the Ancient Egyptians. Apparently they were using it to get high. Yes, you read that correctly, they were using this blue lotus flower to get high. These flowers seem to lull people into relaxed states and some even to sleep. It seems to have had a similar effect but much weaker of course to that of ecstasy.

Thus leading its users to be more talkative and comfortable in general as well as promoting a state of relaxation. Modern studies on this plant have revealed that there are some sort of apomorphine in the bulb of the flowers. It has been revealed that this chemical can be used to treat things like erectile dysfunction and other issues. If steeped in wine it is also known to produce very heavy intoxication which explains the flower wrapped wine bottles. You can buy flowers like these online yourself and steep them in wine if you want to experience just what these Egyptians did. Many people have done this and seem to think maybe the Egyptians were a little faint of heart but to each their own. When looking through Egyptian art keep an eye out for the blue lotus flower, see just how many you find.

Unusual Signs Of Prostate Cancer Most Men Don’t Know

by September 19, 2016

In case you haven’t noticed while breast cancer is something with a large number of awareness programs other types of cancers sometimes end up forgotten behind all of the pink. One of the most commonly overlooked cancers is prostate cancer.

This may come as a shock considering prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that affect men. Most doctors do a prostate check every year (during a man’s annual physical check) lots of men do not even know that they should be watching for signs of this cancer themselves at home.  At home checks and looking for signs are especially important considering many people are known to skip their check ups every year. Knowing the signs of prostate cancer and being in touch with your body could quite possibly save your life.

Why is prostate cancer dangerous?

Prostate cancer Is a slow growing cancer that can take months and sometimes even years to become established in the body. This disease is very sneaky. Your symptoms build gradually and often you wont even notice them unless you’re paying close attention. Prostate cancer is quite common in older men they are put at a eighty percent occurring in men ages 65 or older. People may need to begin getting checked at earlier ages though depending on their diets and family history. The early stages of prostate cancer are often asymptomatic. This is because the tumors generally take quite awhile to grow. Detecting these early signs might save you or a loved one in the long run.

Early prostate cancer signs:

  • Difficulty emptying bladder
  • Issues urinating
  • Sexual issues or dysfunction of some sort
  • inability to control bowel or bladder
  • Back pain
  • Spine pain
  • Hip pain
  • Chest pain
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Numbness in feet or legs

Now that you are aware of the early signs you can help to protect yourself and loved ones from this cancer. Protecting yourself from prostate cancer is one of the best things you can do for your health.

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