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Dementia Now Striking People in Their 40s as Mercury From Vaccines Causes Slow, Degenerative Brain Damage

by December 1, 2016

There have always been rumors of toxic chemicals being in vaccines, but did you know that mercury was one of them? According to a recent study, Dementia and other neurological disorders are claiming much younger victims due to mercury in the vaccines.

Dementia and other neurological diseases are striking people that are younger and younger, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Bournemouth University in England and published in the journal Surgical Neurology International. These diseases have reached levels that are “almost epidemic,” the researchers said, and they reached them so quickly that environmental factors must be largely to blame.

A statistic that is extremely alarming, is that death rates have doubled from neurological diseases. Researchers compared the rates of brain diseases in 21 western countries from 1989 to 2010. The deaths of people ages 75 and up increased, while the deaths of people under 75, nearly doubled… More elderly U.S women are dying from brain diseases than cancer for the first time in recorded history.

In a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease in 2010, researchers reviewed 100 prior experimental and clinical studies looking at the effects of mercury on cells, animals, and humans. They found that long-term mercury exposure produced many of the same changes seen in Alzheimer’s disease, including confusion and impairments to memory and cognitive function. Either way, it is most certainly chilling.

8 Great Ways You Can Increase Dopamine Levels In The Brain Without Anti-Depressants

by December 1, 2016

As you may know, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps with controlling the brain’s pleasure centers. Your dopamine levels can affect your mood in a number of ways.

Your dopamine levels could be lower than they need to be based on your perception. There are, however, many ways to increase your dopamine levels and get you feeling better quickly. Eight ways to increase your dopamine levels:

  1. Don’t become addicted to anything- When we get overly addicted to things we kick the ‘reward’ concept in our minds into overdrive meaning we get small quick hits of dopamine rather than the real things. Addiction is also something that can result from low dopamine levels. In a sense meaning that becoming addicted to something is an attempt to fix a problem that you are already dealing with. Work towards higher rewarding activities.
  2. Create things- When in creative mode people tend to reach a state of flow. By doing something that truly inspires you and achieving the end goal you will be able to increase your dopamine levels. You will be rewarded by the completion of your own creations.
  3. Exercise- Exercise reduces stress and makes us more productive. By exercising you are also increasing some of the neurotransmitters in your mind. This can be done by even the simplest of workout for instance walking or jogging.
  4. Make checklists even for small tasks- By writing things down and checking them off one by one you are able to satisfy your dopamine levels in a sense. You will feel accomplished for completing your list.
  5. Keep a streak going- Even if it is something as small as buying a calendar and marking off things as you do them. Say you exercise once or twice a week write those things in on the calendar and mark them off as you do them. The longer you keep the streak going the more dopamine you will have. This could apply to anything from taking your birth control at the same time every day to buying groceries each week with a schedule.
  6. Build up your tyrosine- Tyrosine is one of the chemicals that works to make up dopamine. It is important that you get plenty of protein in order to keep you tyrosine built up. Foods good for increasing tyrosine are bananas, eggs, almonds  and watermelon.
  7. Listen to music- Almost all people love music. Listening to music makes us happy. Listening to music increases dopamine levels the same way that eating our favorite foods or watching our favorite television show does. When you’re feeling sad the best option is actually to grab your favorite snacks, throw on your favorite jam and relax.
  8. Meditate- Overthinking is something that can have a negative effect on us n many ways. Meditating is very important when it comes to having a healthy mind. If done properly meditating can increase dopamine levels strongly. Meditation works to clear all the clutter from your mind which makes you feel much happier in the long run.

So you see, boosting your dopamine levels is not as hard as it seems. By doing the things listed above you will be improving your quality of life, being happy is very important. We  are here to live happily not to simply exist. If you’re feeling down I highly suggest trying some of the things above.

Meet Todd Rider, the Man Who Probably Cured Most of the Viruses on Earth

by December 1, 2016

Todd Rider is an MIT-trained bio-engineer. Four years ago, He developed a radical idea for killing viruses. Initial test results showed that his therapy could kill every virus thrown at it. It killed 15 viruses in human cells and 2 in mice.

He called his therapy DRACO. Along the next four years, things didn’t go as planned. His discovery might have been one of the biggest in medicinal history since the discovery of antibiotics. Rider moved from lab to lab saying he couldn’t raise enough money to continue testing DRACO. After working on his project for 16 years, he has found himself in what he calls, “the funding valley of death”.

Because this might be a world changing discovery, Rider has turned to the internet for help. He launched an Indiegogo campaign on October 13 to raise $100,000. He says this is what he needs to restart his work, though it is actually only a fraction of what he needs. After two months, he was halfway there. The campaign was extended. There is no way to know if early stage DRACO can do what Rider hopes, but we also may never get to see.

Fukushima Has Destroyed the Pacific Coast and Will Take 16 Million Years for the Contamination to Dissipate

by December 1, 2016

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster seems to have been swept underneath the rug. It is more than likely one of the worst environmental disasters we have ever witnessed, and it is all due to the negligence of one company.

The disaster has left the entire pacific ocean contaminated, an entire region of japan unlivable, and experts say it could take over 16 million years for the contamination to dissipate. What exactly happened though? Following a major earthquake, a 15-meter tsunami disabled the power and cooling of three nuclear reactors. All three cores largely melted in the first three days. The accident was rated a 7 on the INES scale, due to high radioactive releases over days 4 to 6.

There have been no deaths or cases of radiation sickness from the nuclear accident, but over 100,000 people were evacuated from their homes to ensure this. Government nervousness delays the return of many. Official figures show that there have been well over 1000 deaths from maintaining the evacuation, in contrast to little risk from radiation if the early return had been allowed.

It has been five years now, and you can not help but wonder about the progress of the cleanup. Although it is estimated to take 16 million years for the contaminants to dissipate, Fukushima has taken some action in the direction of a clean up.

Here is a description of the cleanup plan from Fukushima:

The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS has resulted in significant challenges for accident cleanup and waste management. These issues include processing the large volume of contaminated water, debris, soil, secondary wastes, potentially damaged spent fuel within the reactor SFPs and damaged fuel and fuel debris within the reactors and primary containment structures.

Progress has been made in cooling of the reactors, and all the units have reached ambient pressure and temperature conditions, i.e., cold shutdown. Mid-term to long-term waste management issues will continue to be the major technical issues that must be overcome as recovery actions continue toward an acceptable end state. TEPCO  has established a road map that describes elements of the site cleanup and water management, and it is currently developing more detailed mid-range to long-range plans. There are also waste management challenges associated with

  • treatment of contaminated water and the resulting filter and equipment wastes
  • storage and disposal of secondary wastes, contaminated soils, vegetation, and debris
  • decontamination to allow reinforcement of the weakened structures and installation of cooling and gas management systems
  • installation of new secondary containment structures and material-handling equipment

Resolving these challenges will be required to allow continued progress for removal of the spent fuel stored within the SFPs and ultimately the retrieval and processing of the damaged fuel within and outside of the RPVs.

New Toothpaste is Leaving Dentists Without Work

by December 1, 2016

There is a new dentist in town, and actually, it isn’t a dentist at all. It is a new toothpaste created by Kazue Yamagishi, a researcher from Japan. This new toothpaste could likely put dentists out of work!

The new toothpaste can work to fill in cracks and cavities in your teeth. It uses a tested substance that is nearly identical to natural tooth enamel. The enamel-like substance is just as sturdy, if not more sturdy than metal or amalgam counterparts. It allows for more efficient filling. You can fill in cracks and cavities without having to remove parts of the healthy tooth. It reduces the spread of decay, without all the drilling. The paste bonds with the tooth, saving the tooth owners time and pain.

Sadly,kamagishi-toothpaste-600x455 the paste will have to be applied by a professional. It contains a high level of acidity, and the high concentration of peroxide could cause aggravation of the gums. Other materials with similarly aggravating potential are already used on patients, they note. How soon can we expect to see this product, though? They say the product will be available next year. It can be purchased by dentists from Dr. Yamagishi’s website. If your dentist decides to use the product, you could have a cavity filled and done in less than 20 minutes!

Since we still have to wait a year for the release of the product, here are some tips to prevent tooth decay:

  • Clean between your teeth daily with dental floss or interdental cleaners, such as the Oral-B Interdental Brush, Reach Stim-U-Dent, or Sulcabrush.
  • Rinse daily with mouthwash. Some rinses also have antiseptic ingredients to help kill bacteria that cause plaque.
  • Eat nutritiously and balanced meals and limit snacks. Avoid carbohydrates such as candy, pretzels, and chips, which can remain on the tooth surface. If sticky foods are eaten, brush your teeth soon afterward.
  • Ask your dentist about dental sealants (a plastic protective coating) applied to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth (molars) to protect them from decay.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and oral exam.

Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientists Throw At It

by November 30, 2016

Honey is well known for its extensive health benefits, but scientists have recently discovered a new type of honey. This obscure type of honey is found in Australia. Scientists have come to the conclusion that it kills off almost everything they can throw at it, including some of the worst bacteria known to man.

The honey is referred to as Manuka Honey. It is created by bees foraging on the nectar of Leptospermum Scoparium, the New Zealand Manuka Bush, as well as tea trees native only to Australia and New Zealand. Australian researchers reported that it killed every type of bacteria and pathogen they tested it on.

The honey can be applied topically to help fight against infections of the skin, cuts, and insect bites, or taken internally. Susan M. Meschwitz, Ph.D., explains that it uses an osmosis effect to fight bacteria. It fights bacteria on different levels which make it harder for the bacteria to fight back. The osmosis effect is due to the high concentration of sugar content. It works by drawing water from the bacteria cell causing it to dehydrate and die. One of the most exciting discoveries of the honey is that no matter how many times one bacteria was tested, it never grew an immunity. This is one of the leading issues with today’s antibiotics.

You can find the Manuka honey in local health stores, and online. Supply levels have fluctuated in recent years and fake honey scams have been documented. When looking for Manuka Honey it is best to look for one that is UMF certified. UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor, which is the phytochemical property derived from the manuka bushes. A handful of UMF certified honey can be found on

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