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How to Clear Seriously Blocked Sinuses Naturally in Under A Minute

by December 5, 2016

It’s that time of the year again, and you’re probably wondering how to get rid of a sore throat. What if I told you there was away to clear blocked sinuses in just under a minute of your time?

Clogged sinuses are no fun! You can get clogged sinuses in a number of ways. Most people get it from allergies, but, you can experience congestion from spicy food, air particles smoking or dust. A clogged sinus is actually caused by inflammation of blood vessels in the nasal passage. The irritated vessels are what is triggered by dust or allergens, etc.

Thankfully, there is a way to clear your sinuses without having to take any medication. The relief of having your sinuses cleared is extraordinary. Follow these steps and watch the video below, and you can guarantee results.

1. While sitting with your head and body at about a 45-degree angle, turn your head sideways and rub your sternocleidomastoid muscle downwards 4 or 5 times. You can find the muscle right beneath your ear running down your neck to your collarbone. Do this on both sides of your neck to help relax your neck.

2. Take your index fingers, locate the hard bony part of the upper sides of your nose, and move downwards towards the soft part on the side of your nose where the bone ends. Begin massaging this area in a circular motion with as much pressure as you can for about 20 seconds. Once completed, rub the muscles from the side of your nose.

3. Take your index fingers and run them under the inside orbital bone above your eyes until you find a notch in the bone called the supraorbital notch. It is usually just above the center of the eye. Massage that notch in a circular motion with as much pressure as you can handle for about 20 seconds. Once done, massage your forward with both hands starting in the center of your forehead and pulling outwards towards your temples.down and towards your cheekbones to relax them.

Having clogged sinuses is not only uncomfortable and annoying, but it can be painful. It also can make you have bad breath. You can prevent clogged sinuses by quitting smoking, eat a well-balanced diet, or get regular exercise. A machine doctors recommend is a humidifier. A humidifier is used to dampen the air in a dry room. Warm or hot showers help in the same way.

LEAKED Footage: Here’s What Monstrous Things They Do For The Sake Of The Meat Industry (Video)

by December 5, 2016

Animal Equality investigators have gone into hatcheries undercover in order to show the people just how real the torture these animals go through truly is. These are the things the industry does not want you to see.

Hatcheries are places that the chickens we eat are born. These chickens are mass produced thousands upon thousands at a time. These animals are shown no compassion and are forced to spend their lives in a nightmare from their very first day in this world. This video has been viewed well over thirty million times and still, that is not enough.

Part of the footage you will see below was filmed in secret by the Association for the Protection of Animals: Animal Equality. Please watch the whole video, it is short but looking away only leaves you uninformed on these terrible things. In order to get something done information like this must be spread.

These animals are not parts, they are not toys, they are living creatures. Creatures that feel pain and have the ability to love. Why are we allowing these companies to force them to live their lives out in a nightmare! Their short time in this world should be better than this! They deserve better than this!

The Homemade Toothpaste That Whitens Teeth And Heals Cavities And Gum Disease

by December 5, 2016

Maintaining healthy clean teeth is something we strive for. We think of our teeth as a very important part of our image and do what we can to prevent things like tooth decay and gum disease.

However, did you know that by using commercial toothpaste you’re probably not doing what is best for your teeth? Commercial toothpastes are full of chemicals and can be expensive. Natural ‘homemade’ toothpaste can be more beneficial to your dental health than commercial products if done correctly.

If you want to try out natural toothpaste for yourself follow the recipe below. It does not call for many ingredients and will prove to be cost efficient. It is one of the best natural toothpaste recipes I have found and will have your teeth looking good in no time.

Natural Toothpaste:


  • 6 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of neem powder
  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of xylitol


  • Mix these ingredients together until they become a paste
  • Make sure it is room temperature (to keep the coconut oil from hardening)
  • Store in a small glass jar for easy use
  • Use once or twice a day when you brush your teeth

Yes, it is that easy! This toothpaste will have you smiling brighter in just days! Nothing is better than a natural product, if you take the time to try this one out you won’t be disappointed!

Which Causes Cancer More Quickly: Cigarettes, Diet Soda, Or GMOs?

by December 5, 2016

People tend to think that smoking cigarettes which are filled with about seven thousand chemicals is the quickest way to get cancer, but is it? Could something as simple as diet soda be giving you cancer at a faster rate?

Could artificial sweeteners be causing breast and prostate cancer faster than any other consumable chemical-laced product on the market or could it be the GMOs? GMOs are genetically modified organisms that contain pesticides, pesticides that can kill just about any living thing. Not to mention there is no measurement on just how many GMOs are really in our food, drinks, and other things. Most foods labeled “diet” or “light” are toxic to us yet for some reason they are marketed as healthy and better for us. These products are generally carcinogenic and can cause cancer. Did you know that over fifty percent of people who get cancer die from it?

Most foods labeled “diet” or “light” are toxic to us yet for some reason they are marketed as healthy and better for us. These products are generally carcinogenic and can cause cancer. Did you know that over fifty percent of people who get cancer die from it?

Just who has more of a risk of getting cancer, diet soda drinkers, GMO eaters, or smokers? Cigarettes have been known for containing a large number of toxic chemicals. Containing things like ammonia, bleach, and pesticides does not sound appealing at all honestly.

There are many hazards when it comes to consuming ‘diet’ products. Aspartame, sucralose, and sorbitol are highly dangerous. Fake sugars are found in diet sodas across the nation and what these sweeteners do is fool your body into thinking it is real sugar. They trick your body and your body ingests them and tries to use them in the manner it would sugar. This is how your cells mutate and cancer comes about. By cutting all artificial sweeteners out of your life for just one whole week you will see a drastic improvement in your overall quality of life.

Aspartame itself counts for almost eighty percent of all complaints to the FDA about food toxin related side effects. So why do we keep allowing companies to use it? Because they have enough money to make our government do whatever they want.

As for GMOs did you know that many factory farm animals are fed things like GM corn their whole lives and ingesting pesticides the whole time since pesticides are overly used? The most common pesticide used RoundUp can cause increased tumors, premature death, and organ damage all the while being wrote off as safe.

It is safe to say when it comes to our health we should do our best to stay away from all three of these things. What is all boils down to is that they will all kill you and you should avoid them all. Why put something in your body that is going to give you a disease like cancer? Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.

Cleanse Your Kidneys Almost Instantly With This Natural Drink

by December 5, 2016

Kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body that filter the blood, making sure that toxins and waste products are removed from the body. Living an unhealthy lifestyle leads to toxin build-up in your body, which makes it harder for your kidneys to accomplish their job.

The major function of our kidneys is to rid our bodies of toxins and remove waste products. Your waste products and the toxins are removed from the body through the urine. This process is necessary to maintain a stable balance of body chemicals. Aside from the kidneys major function, they do a couple other things too. They remove drugs from the body, release hormones into the body, and control the production of red blood cells.

The cleansing of your kidneys can be crucial to your health. Flushing out your kidneys keeps them functioning at their peak! There are numerous ways to keep your kidneys cleansed. You can use different kinds of cleansing teas or you can also use fruit and vegetables. One of the most known methods of kidney cleansing is using parsley. The herb contains vitamin K,C,A, iron, folic acid, furanocoumarins, and terpenoid compounds. It is antimicrobial, anticoagulant, anti-anemic, and helps regulate blood pressure. Parsley can cleanse your kidneys by increasing the urine and urine flow production, preventing the absorption of salt into the kidneys.

Try this parsley tea recipe to help cleanse your kidneys:


  • One bunch of fresh organic chopped parsley leaves (or dried)
  • 8 cups of filtered water
  • 2 tablespoons of raw, organic honey
  • A juice made from a half lemon, freshly squeezed (at the moment)

How it’s made:

  1. Wash and chop the leaves (if they are fresh), and leave them in large pieces.
  2. Place them in a bowl and pour them with water.
  3. Let the water boil and let it soak for about 10 minutes.
  4. Put them in a large saucepan with a lid and let it cool.
  5. Add lemon and honey (the amount is by your choice).
  6. Drink of this tea 1 to 2 cups a day
  7. Store it in glass containers in the fridge for up to a week.


Although parsley has no side effect, some researchers suggest that can induce menstruation and abortion in pregnant women so they should avoid drinking it. Also, if you are taking medications for lowering the blood pressure consult your doctor before consuming it.

The Secret to Staying Healthy: the Lymphatic System

by December 5, 2016

In every situation you need a cleansing system to make things work, like a sewer or a garbage system. Let’s take a moment to talk about the sewage system of our bodies, the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body.

The Lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels, similar to the circulatory systems veins and capillaries. The vessels are connected to the lymph nodes, where tonsils, adenoids, spleen, and thymus are all part of the Lymphatic System. There are hundreds of lymph nodes all over the body! There are deep inside of the body, such as around the lungs, heart, or closer to the surface, like under the arm or groin. 

When you have a sore throat and swollen glands, you have swollen lymph nodes. This is why doctors always feel your throat when getting checked out. Swollen lymph nodes is a sign that your body is preparing to fight infection. Lymphatic health is crucial to the overall health of the body. You may wonder what you can do to help improve your lymphatic function. Well, exercise can be a great way to improve your lymph health. It created vigorous motion to help stimulate water disposal and the flow of lymphatic fluid.

Another way to keep your lymphatic system up and running properly is to breathe efficiently. You should breathe using your diaphragm. Other than circulating more oxygen to your tissues, deep, diaphragmatic breathing helps in the circulation of lymph fluid. When you breathe efficiently using your diaphragm, you are actually massaging your abdominal organs and lymphatic vessels so that the lymph fluid can flow generously.

Surprisingly, coming home from work and kicking your feet up on the coffee table has more benefits than just comfort! Putting your feet up after a long day is for a reason! You are draining the lymph, which has collected there as a result of spending so much time on your feet. Spending some time during the day with your feet up is a good idea so that you don’t get the build-up at the end of the day. Drinking water is the go-to solution for many issues. Filtered water keeps your body optimally hydrated and keeps your kidneys flushed of toxins.

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