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What Can You Learn About Your Body From Your Farts?

by December 9, 2016

No matter how old you get, flatulence is always the stuff of comedy. Farts can be funny or unpleasant, but did you know that you can learn about your body via fart? You can, and you can actually diagnose possible health issues through them too.

First off, what exactly is a fart? A fart is basically trapped air being released from the body. You can get this air from swallowing it from chewing, or it can be gas going into our intestines from the blood, and some gas is produced by chemical reactions in our gut. You can also have excessive gas from bacteria living in the stomach. Typically, a fart contains 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, and 4% oxygen. Sulfur has a low percentage of about 1% and that is what causes farts to smell foul.

Now that we know the anatomy of a fart, what can we learn about our bodies through our farts? Farts come in many different forms. They can be loud, quiet, stinky, not stinky, etc. Extra stinky farts are usually an indicator of excess hydrogen sulfide. This is caused by the digestion of foods with sulfur in them.

Farts that are super stinky, and occur right after the ingestion of dairy, indicate you might be lactose intolerant! They can also be a sign of different bowel conditions such as IBS (irritable Bowel Syndrome). An indication of a healthy fart is when they are mostly quiet, and do not stink! 99% of farts are usually odorless gasses. All farts, in general, are a sign of good health, unless it is followed by discomfort, bloating, or pain. These symptoms can be key to discovering a food allergy.

How To Alleviate Stress Stored In The Physical Body

by December 9, 2016

In the modern world, it is impossible to avoid stress. We are stressed about education, our health, debt, bills, and personal business. Stress can have a real toll on your body. It can even cause you to have a heart attack, have hair loss, constipation, and several more. These are the most discussed side effects of stress, but one effect that is commonly ignored is that you can store stress in your physical body.

Too much stress can cause you to develop allergies, sensitivities to certain foods, environmental agents, and chemical agents. People suffering from too much stress can suffer from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, PMS symptoms, and headaches. It is important to address the amount of stress you are dealing with to prevent worse health issues it can cause in the future.

Stress is most often stored in the largest muscles of the body, the iliopsoas. This is a combination of two muscles called psoas muscles. The muscle stretches from your back to the front of the hips where it meets the other muscle that stretches from the top of the thighs to your sides. The muscle is often referred to as the “Muscle of The Soul”. Stress and trauma are stored in the muscle causing negative effects on the body. Containing too much stress can affect your ability to think clearly.

Release The Stress!

Cranial Sacral therapy is a form of therapy that is a gentle way of bodywork that addresses the bones of the head, spinal column, and sacrum. It causes a release of compression in those areas which alleviate stress and pain. The point of the therapy is to move the bones back into their original position. According to the National Headache Foundation, approximately 28 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Often, migraines are triggered or exacerbated by stress and poor sleep. In a study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, researchers found that participants who received bodywork like Cranial Sacral Therapy had better quality sleep and fewer migraines than participants who didn’t. Effects even lasted up to three weeks after therapy ended.

Another useful way to relieve stored stress is through yoga. Yoga practices the stretches of the muscles to release tension and increase flexibility and durability. No matter how you look at it, stress is a plaque onto the body. Be sure to take time every day to assess the amount of stress you are holding onto, and learn ways to alleviate it! It can be a key to a happier, more successful life.

15 Amazing Ways You Can Use Himalayan Salt You’ve Never Heard Before (And No, It’s Not A Salt Lamp!)

by December 9, 2016

This salt contains around eighty-four minerals and elements that can be found in the human body. These minerals found in Himalayan salts are also small enough for us to absorb with ease.

In one study done back in 2001, it was shown that Himalayan Salt caused positive changes in many areas. Areas such as blood circulation, respiration, and organ function. People who took part in the testing saw a noticeable increase in hair growth as well as a better quality of sleep. You can buy Himalayan Salt in many forms. So, no matter which form you choose you can still get these great benefits.

There are Himalayan bath salts, ground salt, salt inhalers, blocks, lamps, bowls, scrubs, massage rollers, and so many other options. The variety appears to be almost endless. This salt will work quickly once it enters your blood stream in order to help your body relax and ensure you get a good nights sleep. Upon doing so this salt will also raise your oxytocin levels which reduces stress. You cannot lose when working with Himalayan Salt.

15 Uses/health benefits of true Himalayan Salt:

  • Aiding vascular health
  • Aiding in reducing the signs on aging
  • Circulatory support
  • Encourage blood sugar health
  • Control water levels within the body and regulate them
  • Lower sinus issues
  • Promote better sleep
  • Balance pH
  • Increase bone strength
  • Promote cellular hydroelectric energy creation
  • Promote absorption of food
  • Promote kidney health
  • Reduce cramps
  • Support healthy libido
  • Promote gallbladder health

With that list of benefits why not try it? Please take the time to watch the video below. It will not disappoint. I will be using Himalayan Salt from now on!

5 Tiny Tweaks That Will Shift Your Body From ‘Fat-Storing’ To ‘Fat-Burning’ Mode

by December 9, 2016

If you are trying to lose weight without taking your metabolism into consideration you’re already making a huge mistake. Getting rid of fat is not easily done.

Learning the five metabolic factors that are responsible for your fat burning ability will help you to build the foundation for weight loss without all the lies from companies trying to make a quick buck off of your low self-esteem. Nothing feels worse than trying all the diet tricks you can find and actually gaining weight in the end. Please watch the video below if you want to burn fat.

So in short, your liver detoxifies and is responsible for hundreds of metabolic functions. If you overburden your liver it will not be able to function properly causing fat storage. Your adrenal glands secrete hormones and regulate them if regulated properly you could shift things to be in favor of a high metabolism.

Your food choices, how you exercise, and your lifestyle all play into how your adrenal glands work. Food choices, how you exercise, and your lifestyle all play into how your adrenal glands work. The improper functioning of your adrenal glands can cause a multitude of issues. Things like emotional stress, food sensitivity, and even infections. Your muscles also come into play when trying to burn fat. Lean muscles are important for your overall metabolic health.

Now, your thyroid is in charge of your metabolism and as you may know, thyroid hormones can act on almost every kind of cell in your body in order to increase your metabolism or slow it down. If these hormone levels are too high or too low your body is stuck dealing with the consequences. If you look into how your metabolism works and functions for your body you will know whether you are a fat-storing or a fat-burning body. If upon examination you realize you are a fat storing body then something needs to be done. You need to make changes to your life in order to support a metabolism that will help you burn fat.

You can see the differences in the two types here. If your metabolism is not what you feel it needs to be then it is up to you to work towards change. You can be the person you want to be.


Beetroot Has An Unbelievable Power: It Can Cure These 12 Diseases

by December 9, 2016

People have been using beetroot for health issues for quite some time now. Beetroot is high in many different nutrients and has hypoallergenic properties.

Due to being overly nutrient dense this veggie is able to treat illnesses and conditions like diabetes, sleeping issues, HPB, anemia, immune system issues, and many others. Aside from the red urine beetroot is fantastic!

Beetroot can help people with all kinds of issues:

  • Liver detoxification
  • Beetroot has no issue detoxing your liver because it is high in betaine.
  • Possibly treat cancer
  • The juice of this veggie has shown to have a potential anti-tumor effect.
  • Treat menstrual pains and menopause symptoms
  • This is because beetroot is high in iron.
  • Treat inflammation
  • being high in antioxidants beetroot is able to fight off inflammation.
  • Reduce blood pressure issues
  • The large amount of nitrates in beetroot reduce the blood pressure.
  • Treat constipation
  • Beetroot works to treat digestive issues and can cure constipation.
  • Treat iron deficiency as well as anemia
  • Being high in iron beetroot aids in the regeneration of red blood cells.
  • Improve skin health
  • Because of the high folate content, this veggie is able to help fight off wrinkles and other skin issues.
  • Improve muscles health
  • Beetroot can boost the muscle strength and power if consumed regularly.
  • Improve mental state
  • Drinking beetroot juice can relax the mind and work to treat depression.
  • Preventing birth defects
  • Beetroot is able to effectively reduce your chances of having birth defects if pregnant. It is actually recommended to drink beetroot juice while pregnant.

For more information on beetroot and the benefits you can gain from drinking or eating it please take the time to watch the videos below. Being healthy could be as simple as drinking a glass of beetroot juice once a day. Would you give it a try?

Smartphone’s Light Affects The Brain And Body (Infographic)

by December 9, 2016

As you might have noticed, our smartphones are designed to have a light come off of them in order to keep us able to see the screen throughout our average day. This is something that can confuse our brains.

This happens because the light imitates the sun, in doing so our brain might believe that it is day time when it is night time. This reduces the bodies melatonin production, and causes sleeping issues. Studies have shown that teens are much more prone to these issues than adults.

In order to help yourself you need to do a few things:

  • Reduce the usage of electronics right before bedtime.
  • Use apps like flux that changes the phone’s display settings at night and during the day.

Doing just these two things will make you feel and sleep much better. Just because we grow up around technology does not mean we have to be controlled by it. Our heath is at risk and it shouldn’t be. Take a look at the infographic below.


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