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8 Common Habits That Keep Your Body From Turning Fat Into Energy

by December 11, 2016

We are gaining weight not due to our calorie intake, but due to the fact that we are harboring terribly bad habits. Calories are important when trying to lose weight reducing calorie intake does not work!

In order to lose weight, we need to focus on changing and eliminating our bad habits rather than the things that we want to pass off as issues. Successful weight loss boils down to being able to outsmart your fat cells in a sense. If you change these eight things in your life you will be able to lose weight effectively.

8 Habits You May Need To Change

  • If you’re constantly dieting, STOP!
    • Dieting only causes unnecessary frustration and oftentimes cause weight gain.
  • Stop Overeating
    • Too much of anything will make you gain weight.
  • High PUFA intake
    • A high intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids can cause more damage to your metabolism than you’d think. Avoid oils like canola, soybean, sunflower, and peanut.
  • Skipping Meals
    • Skipping meals is something you should never do as it will lead to consistent fat gain. You cannot starve fat cells.
  • Low Carb Intake
    • Avoiding carbs completely never got anyone anywhere. Doing this makes you sluggish and in the end, creates an almost impossible situation to lose weight in.
  • Inactivity
    • Do not be inactive. You’re going to need to keep your fat cells moving in order to reduce them. Exercise is key when it comes to weight loss.
  • Over Exercising
    • As I have stated before too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Some forms of workout can actually increase your cortisol levels blocking one of your main fat burning hormones.
  • Perfectionism
    • No one is perfect. You can strive to be healthy and strive to look better but do not strive to be perfect. Do not set yourself up to be ashamed of yourself. You are better than that.

If you decide to change these things in your life and get a routine going that will work for you, fat will be melting off of your body quickly. Everything takes work and there is no easy way or a quick fix. Having the body you want is going to take some time. Don’t let the trial and errors of the past put a damper on your future.

10 Good Reasons Why You Should Drink A Beer! Number Four Is Very Important!

by December 11, 2016

Beer is something that can actually play an important role in some of our metabolic processes. Did you know beer is full of minerals and antioxidants?

There are quite a few reasons as to why you should drink beer. The consumption of beer itself is actually known to even lower a person’s risk of having kidney stones by at least forty percent. Why should you drink beer?

  • Beer has a high level of fiber this lowers bad cholesterol levels.
  • Beer is full of vitamins. People who drink beer have shown much higher levels of vitamin B6 compared to people who do not drink beer.
  • Beer is ideal for curing insomnia because it is full of nicotinic and lactoflavin.
  • The consumption of beer can promote stronger bones
  • Drinking beer decreases some people’s risk of having a heart attack.
  • Drinking beer can prevent blood clot formation.
  • People who drink this beverage are not quite as likely to suffer from things like Alzheimer’s as it boosts your memory among other things.
  • People who drink this are less likely to suffer from dementia.
  • Drinking beer can sometimes positively affect the pigmentation of your skin making you appear more youthful.

Now, while I have said beer is good for you, nothing is good in excess. Drinking the right amount of beer and the right kind of beer is the key. You would want to try to drink a minimal amount from time to time and only drink organic brands or even homemade beers.

Making your own beer at home is actually not as hard as it may seem. If done correctly it can turn out pretty fantastic. To learn a little bit about home brewing please watch the videos below.

How To Make Homemade Beer:

Now while home brewing might not be for everyone the list of organic beers below are quite fantastic and I’m sure you may have even heard of some of them. Which kind of organic beers have you had? See below for a list of organic beers.

Organic Beers:

  • Chocolate Stout
  • Organic Best Ale
  • Cru D’Or
  • Elliot Bay
  • Jade
  • Fish Tale Amber Ale
  • Lauelwood Free Range Red Ale
  • Mothership Wit
  • Mud Puddle PNW Red Ale
  • Naughty Nellie’s Golden Ale
  • Oceanic Organic Saison
  • Organic Barley Wine
  • Stone Mill
  • Wild Hop
  • Woody Organic IPA
  • Organic ESB
  • Squatters Organic Amber Ale

Here Is How to Use Tennis Ball to Relieve Your Sciatic Nerve Pain and Back Pain

by December 10, 2016

Tennis balls have a rubbery elasticity that can soothe and relax pain in several different body parts. Would you use a tennis ball to reduce your pain?

The tennis ball works to release the tension in our muscles. Some people use yoga balls, but it appears in some cases a tennis ball can be just as if not more effective. Here’s a list of areas this tennis ball trick can relieve pain in:

  • Thighs
    • If you have tender thighs you can use this to reduce tension in your outer muscles.
  • Feet
    • We often suffer from sore feet because of prolonged standing or uncomfortable shoes. This can be a very serious issue. By placing the ball under your feet and standing on it. You are working to stretch them.
  • Knees
    • Doing this trick on your knees works to stretch the articular capsule of the knee and relax the muscles found in between your kneecaps.
  • Hips
    • Hip pain is no joke. In order to release the tension here, you will simply need to place a ball between the hip and the floor, lean on it and make 15 slow circles.
  • Back
    • Back pain can also be the result of bad choice in shoes or even sleeping position. By putting two tennis balls below your back and moving your pelvis on both sides you will be able to reduce stiffness and pressure to the spine.

Who knew that feeling better could be so simple? Massaging yourself at home with a tennis ball actually works! Isn’t that amazing? For a little more information please watch the video below.

Garlic In Milk- Cures Asthma, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Cardiac Problems, Insomnia, Arthritis, Cough And Many Other Diseases!

by December 10, 2016

Garlic and milk have an abundance of healing powers alone. Garlic can help get rid of a sinus cold, while milk can stop the aches and pains in your legs.

It seems as we continue to run through time, disease after a disease is being discovered. While searching around the world for cures, natural medicine, and natural cures has really grown in popularity. Recently, researchers have discovered the amazing health benefits of mixing garlic and milk. It is said that it can cure diseases like asthma, TB, Pneumonia, and even cardiac problems!

Garlic alone contains many health benefiting ingredients. The primary ingredient in garlic is Allicin, allicin has potent medicinal properties. For thousands of years garlic has been known for its curing abilities. It was well documented by the Greeks, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Romans.

Milk has curing abilities too! Milk really increases bone health, it contains loads of Calcium, which induces healthy bone growth. It also contains other bone growing properties like vitamin K, strontium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Containing potassium, milk can also help with cardiac problems. Potassium has shown to reduce blood pressure, and it can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Mixing garlic and milk will obviously pack some disease fighting heat. It actually doesn’t even taste foul either!

Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • 10 garlic cloves
  • 500 ml of milk
  • 2-3 teaspoons sugar
  • 250 ml water


You should pour the milk and water in a pot, and add the minced garlic. Then, place it over medium heat and heat until it boils. Stir occasionally, strain, and in the end, add the sugar.

This drink can treat arthritis, cough, asthma, regulates cholesterol level, and prevent cardiac issues while preventing insomnia!

How To Make Kombucha At Home

by December 10, 2016

Kombucha is a beverage produced by fermenting sweet tea with a culture of yeast and bacteria. The drink seems to be heavily growing in popularity. You can buy Kombucha, but the prices can be pretty hefty. If you’re looking to try out the drink, here is a recipe so you can enjoy while avoiding breaking the budget.

Kombucha is a fermented beverage of black tea that can increase your health in a matter of days. The powerful drink can help detox your body, increase digestion, give you a boost of energy, and stimulate weight loss! The drink can often be referred to as the “Immortal Health Elixir”. It originated in China around 2,000 years ago. The drink contains vinegar, B vitamins, enzymes, probiotics, and a high concentration of acid.

However, the recipe is simple to make, it does require some equipment. To make Kombucha, you will need a dehydrated kombucha tea starter culture. You can get one here. If you already have one, you will then need:

  • Quart sized jar
  • Stirring utensil
  • Paper Coffee Filter
  • Rubber band or canning jar ring

You can always buy a kit to start off, keep in mind. The ingredients you will need are purified water, White Sugar, Tea bags, Starter tea or distilled white vinegar. You will also need a Kombucha Scoby. It is very important to use distilled, white vinegar to ensure appropriate acidic environment. I got this recipe from Here are the ratio of ingredients you will need.

One-Quart Batch:

  • 1½ teaspoon loose tea OR 2 tea bags
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 2-3 cups water
  • ½ cup starter tea or vinegar

Half-Gallon Batch:

  • 1 tablespoon loose tea OR 4 tea bags
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 6-7 cups water
  • 1 cup starter tea or vinegar

Gallon Batch:

  • 2 tablespoons loose tea OR 8 tea bags
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 13-14 cups water
  • 2 cups starter tea or vinegar


  • Combine hot water and sugar in a glass jar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. The water should be hot enough to steep the tea but does not have to be boiling.   
  • Place the tea or tea bags in the sugar water to steep.
  • Cool the mixture to 68-85ºF. The tea may be left in the liquid as it cools or removed after the first 10-15 minutes. The longer the tea is left in the liquid, the stronger the tea will be.
  • Remove the tea bags or completely strain the loose tea leaves from the liquid.
  • Add starter tea from a previous batch to the liquid. If you do not have starter tea, distilled white vinegar may be substituted.
  • Add an active kombucha SCOBY.
  • Cover the jar with a tight-weave towel or coffee filter and secure with a rubber band.
  • Allow the mixture to sit undisturbed at 68-85°F, out of direct sunlight, for 7-30 days, or to taste. The longer the kombucha ferments, the less sweet and more vinegary it will taste.
  • Pour kombucha off the top of the jar for consuming. Retain the SCOBY and enough liquid from the bottom of the jar to use as starter tea for the next batch.
  • The finished kombucha can be flavored and bottled, if desired, or enjoyed plain.

15 Surprising Uses of Coconut Oil for Personal Hygiene

by December 10, 2016

Coconut oil has always been a go-to for people in search of natural cures. Coconut oil has a tremendous amount of health benefits! It can be used for so many things including, moisturizer, to burn fat, to lower cholesterol! If you’re looking to boost your health without consuming any medicine, try out the magical coconut oil!

Try out these 15 uses of coconut oil 

1.) Burns – apply the oil to the burn site is healed. It will speed up healing and keep it clean!

2.) Varicose Veins – Massage the oil on the area around 3 to 6 times daily until you get desired results.

3.) Energy booster – Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides which when partnered with chia seeds, it can powerfully boost your energy level! Mix 1 tablespoon coconut oil with ½ tablespoon of chia seeds, and enjoy from the spoon, or spread on sprouted grain bread.

4.) Preventing Wrinkles – Coconut oil strengthens and tightens the skin on the face. Use it as a night time moisturizer.

5.) Throat Lozenge – swallow ½ to 1 teaspoon of coconut oil up to 3 times per day to ease cough and soothe a sore throat.

6.) Makeup Remover – a dab of coconut oil quickly liquefies eye makeup making it super easy to just wipe off.

7.) Toothpaste – Mix equal parts of coconut oil and baking soda then add a few drops of peppermint essential oil for homemade toothpaste.

8.) Lip Balm – commercial lip balms contain harsh chemicals, so try this instead. Combine two tablespoons of coconut oil with the same amount of beeswax, and a tablespoon of Shea butter in a nonstick pan. Warm slowly until melted. Allow to set for 6 hours.

9.) Mouthwash – Mix equal parts of coconut oil and baking soda with a few drops of peppermint essential oil. Use daily to fight bad breath, help whitens teeth, and improve gum health.

10.) Deodorant – It has natural antibacterial properties to help keep body odor at a minimum. Combine with baking soda and essential oils.

11.) Face-wash – Coconut oil can be used in natural face wash recipe to cleanse an moisturize. Mix with lavender oil, tea tree oil, and raw honey for best results.

12.) Shaving Cream – If razor burns, ingrown hairs, or other skin irritation is a problem after shaving, start using pure coconut oil as your shaving “cream”. Warm a dab in the palm of your hands and rub on your face, underarms, on the legs, or the bikini area and then shave. Rinse well, and pat dry.

13.) Sunscreen – Coconut oil is an all natural sunscreen and sunburn remedy. It is even SPF-4.  If you get a sunburn, gently rub the oil over the affected areas.

14.) Insect Repellent – Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a couple of drops of peppermint, rosemary, and tea tree oil to repel flies, mosquitoes, gnats, and bees.

15.) Anti-Fungal cream – Due to its antibiotic capabilities, coconut oil can be used to treat athlete’s foot and skin fungus. Simply apply it to the affected area several times a day.

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