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Say Goodbye To Back Pain Forever: This Exercise Will Take Up Only 2 Minutes Of Your Time But Will Give You A Lifetime Of Comfort

by December 16, 2016

Are you aware of just how important your spinal column is? You should be doing everything you can to keep it in shape, remember the spine is your lifeline!

Many things can lead to back damage; this is something all too common in our current day and age. Long periods of sitting can lead to pain and damage to the spine among other things. Preventing further damage and complications is imperative.

Exercise is one of the best ways to treat back pain, while it sounds like it would make you uncomfortable it really can help! The video below is going to show you just what yoga exercises are best for back pain.

This is an exercise that will take no more than two minutes of your precious time each day and should always be done. If you take the time to try this out you will begin feeling much better when it comes to your back. Give it a try and see how long it takes for your back pain to go away for good.

Never Buy Laundry Detergent Again by Switching to This Natural 2-Ingredient Mixture

by December 16, 2016

Commercial laundry detergent is something we use all the time without taking the effects it could have on us into consideration. That is until we have some sort of reaction.

Skin irritation and rashes are actually quite common when it comes to side effects from laundry detergent. One study done by the University of Washington found that most high-profit laundry products are riddled with toxic compounds. Throughout their research, the professors found that there are about 100 volatile organic compounds being emitted from the six products they tested as well as carcinogens.

This study alone is enough to make you want to try a more natural ‘detergent’ on your clothes, right? Luckily there is a product out there that can be used to clean clothes without the dangers of toxicity. That product is known as white vinegar. You may have some in your pantry right now!

Here’s How to Use it:

White vinegar is highly acidic which makes it great for things like this. Add white vinegar directly on stains before washing.

Things needed:

  • Salt
  • White vinegar


  • Add one cup of white vinegar to a normal sized load of laundry in place of detergent.
  • Then add 4 teaspoons of salt and start your washer.
  • That’s it!

White vinegar will do everything detergent will except for irritate your skin. It works effectively to fight off odor as well as removing stains. Switching from detergent to white vinegar could easily be one of the healthiest things you can do. Why not give it a try?

Magic Ice: the Ancient Chinese Technique That Can Help With Almost Any Disease

by December 16, 2016

Of course, the common cold and headaches are not a new addition to the list of diseases we know today; people have dealt with these issues for centuries. For hundreds of years, ancient Chinese medicine has described a way to solve your headache and common cold problems in minutes! All you need is ice!

There is a multitude of pressure points and tender spots on your body. Each one of these points can be manipulated for different health benefits. Whether it is to relieve muscle pain, ease stress, or in this case, relieve a headache, they can be used for all kinds of things. The ancient Chinese describe a point on the back of your neck called the Feng Fu Point.

The point is found on the back of your neck. It is in between the two neck muscles right beneath to bottom of your skull. This point is also known as the Wind Mansion. Acupuncturists believe that stimulating this point promotes overall well-being. All you need to begin is an ice cube! To find your Feng Fu Point, place your fingers on the base of your hairline. Tilt your neck back to expose the two muscles on the back of the neck. Once you discover these muscles, place your fingers in the indention between the two. This is the Feng Fu Point.

Put one ice cube on the point. You will want to release it immediately, as it is cold, but hold it there for about 20 minutes. Secure it there with a bandage or a scarf. The cold will, of course, feel unpleasant at first, but after 30-60 seconds you should be able to feel the influx of heat to that point on your neck. repeat this method in the morning and before bed to stimulate the release of endorphin’s into the bloodstream and create energy. According to Chinese medicine, this practice can restore and maintain physiological balance, while rejuvenating, strengthening and energizing the body.

No One Ever Told You Onions Could Do These Miraculous Things

by December 15, 2016

If you can get passed the tears and the smell, onions can help you with a variety of things! You probably knew onions were good for you, but did you know they can soothe a sting? It can! Onions turn out to have some odd, yet helpful, benefits!

Yes, it is true. Onions can help soothe the hurt from a bee sting! The onion has properties in it to numb the sting while also reducing swelling. Simply apply a freshly cut onion to the affected area to reduce pain! A study on this was done by Dr. Eric Block of the state university of New York at Albany.

Studies have been done all over the globe to prove that onions can lower bad cholesterol. Really, anything from the Allium family can. Although all onions are productive in this case, red onions seem to be the best choice for solving your cholesterol issues. You can also try shallots, chives, and garlic for this issue. All have been proven to show positive results. Onions specifically were studied at the Hong Kong University in China.

Onions have also been shown to give your immune system quite the boost! They contain high levels of phytochemicals. Phytochemicals in any produce help give the immune system a boost. These components can also help improve the effects of vitamin C on your body! Vitamin C alone has been shown to be an immune system booster! Eat an onion a day and keep the doctor away! Who knew?

If you suffer from diabetes and are looking for natural cures, look no further than the onion. Chromium is an active ingredient in onions and it this element is helpful to those afflicted by diabetes. Chromium helps regulate your blood sugar, making for fewer insulin shots! Onions can minimize or help you avoid problems that can arise from diabetes.

A single piece of onion can replace your common prescription anti-inflammatory. One piece of onion is packed full of vitamins and minerals that make the body resist infection! Low infection equals low inflammation! People who suffer from allergies will benefit from eating onion because of reduces inflammation of the nasal passages.

Our trusty pal, the onion, can also help soothe an aggravated or a sore throat. You can soothe a sore throat with an onion by making an onion tea. On the stove, boil water with onion peels in it. Use about 1 cup of water for every half of an onion peel. Sip this tea, and your sore throat should disappear.

Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but onions can be used to get out a stubborn splinter. How? Tape the onion to the top of the splinter using tape or an adhesive bandage. Hold the onion on top of the splinter for about forty-five minutes to one hour before removing. The onion should bring the splinter to the surface making it easy to simply pull out!

If you recently painted a bedroom in your home, then you might be suffering from headaches from that malevolent paint smell! If you want to get rid of the smell of paint, crush one onion and mix it with water. Leave the solution in the freshly painted room to get rid of that unsettling and unhealthy odor.

When it comes to the benefits of onions, the list is almost endless. If you find yourself dealing with some sort of unfixable issue, onions might be your answer. If you can get past the tear-jerking smell, you can pretty much use them to do anything. Always remember that onions are a great way to combat common health issues, without ingesting laboratory conceived medications…

22 Home Remedies to Get Instant Relief from Knee Pain & More Tips to Ease The Pain

by December 15, 2016

Knee pain is a lot more common than you’d think. This is something we often times cannot avoid.

Knee pain can victimize anyone and some experience less pain than others. Alternative medicine is the best treatment for this issue. Knee pain is caused by quite a few different things. It can be caused by aging, arthritis, osteoporosis, or knee injuries.

Symptoms of ‘knee pain’ can range from something as small as a dull pinching pain to something as severe as difficulty walking and swelling. By using the remedies listed below you will be able to reduce or eliminate your knee pain without breaking the bank.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar with Hot Water
    • Ingredients:
      • 4 cups of apple cider vinegar
      • hot water (bath)
    • Instructions:
      • Add the ACV into a tub filled with hot water
      • Stir the water and ACV well with your hands
      • Soak your knees in the water for at least a half hour
      • Do this once a day for a week in order to reduce knee pain
  • Apple Cider Vinegar with Olive Oil
    • Ingredients:
      • 2 tbsp of ACV
      • 2 tbsp of olive oil
    • Instructions:
      • Mix these two ingredients well
      • Apply the mixture to the front and back of your knees
      • Let it sit for an hour and then wash your knees
  • Turmeric and Ginger
    • Ingredients:
      • 2 and a half tbsp of chopped ginger
      • 2 and a half tbsp of turmeric
      • 4 drops of honey
      • 2 cups of water
    • Instructions:
      • Add all of these ingredients together in the water
      • Boil them over a medium heat for at least 15 minutes
      • Let it cool for 15 more minutes
      • Strain and drink immediately
      • Do this three times a day
  • ACV with Cold Water
    • Ingredients:
      • 4 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
      • 2 cups of water
    • Instructions:
      • Add the two together
      • Stir well and drink once a day
  • Turmeric with Milk
    • Ingredients:
      • 2 tbsp of turmeric
      • 2 glasses of milk
      • 4 drops of honey
    • Instructions:
      • Add the turmeric into the milk and then the honey
      • Boil this for seven minutes and then let it cool for the same amount of time
      • Drink this once a day
  • Olive Oil with Cayenne Pepper
    • The Capsaicin in peppers like the cayenne relieve knee swelling.
    • Ingredients:
      • 4 tbsp of cayenne pepper
      • 2 and a half cups of olive oil
    • Instructions:
      • Mix these ingredients together in order to make a paste
      • Apply it to the areas in pain
      • Do this two times a day for a week and a half
  • ACV with Cayenne Pepper
    • Ingredients:
      • 2 and a half tbsp of cayenne pepper
      • 2 cups of apple cider vinegar
    • Instructions:
      • Mix these things together well
      • Pour the mixture into your bath water and soak your knees in it
      • Do this for thirty minutes at a time every single day
  • Water with Fenugreek Seeds
    • Ingredients:
      • 10 tbsp of fenugreek seeds
      • 1 cup of water
    • Instructions:
      • Roast the seeds and then allow them time to cool
      • Powder them
      • Add the powdered seeds to the water and make a smooth paste
      • Rub this paste on your knees
      • Leave this on for about an hour and then wash it off with warm water
  • Water with Fenugreek Seeds Method #2
    • Ingredients:
      • 4 tbsp of fenugreek seeds
      • 2 cups of water
    • Instructions:
      • Soak the seeds in a cup of water overnight
      • Strain them the next morning and eat them
      • This should be done every day
  • Lemon
    • Ingredients:
      • 2 lemons
      • 1 cup of sesame oil
      • 2 cheese cloths
    • Instructions:
      • Cut the lemon into small pieces and put them into the cheese cloths
      • Tie it and dip it into the oil for a few minutes
      • Place this on the affected knee area
  • Ginger Oil
    • Ingredients:
      • 8 tbsp of ginger oil
    • Instructions:
      • Apply this oil onto the knee directly
      • Use your fingers to rub it in and rinse it off after an hour
  • Ginger Tea
    • Ingredients:
      • 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger
      • 2 cups of water
      • 4 cups of honey
      • 4 cups of lemon juice
    • Instructions:
      • Mix these things together and boil them for 10 minutes
      • Stir and drink this tea while it is warm
      • Do this as much as you can
  • Juniper Berry Tea
    • Ingredients:
      • 2 tbsp of dried juniper berries
      • 2 cups of water
      • 6 drops of honey
    • Instructions:
      • Boil the water and add in the berries
      • Then add the honey
      • Let this sit for about 20 minutes and consume while hot
  • Grape Juice
    • Ingredients:
      • 6 cups of grape juice
      • one whole tbsp of pectin
    • Instructions:
      • Mix well
      • Drink twice a day for two whole weeks
  • Coconut Oil
    • Ingredients:
      • 1 cup of coconut oil
    • Instructions:
      • Boil the coconut oil over a medium heat for 5 minutes
      • Use your finger to apply this to your painful areas
  • White Willow Tea
    • Ingredients:
      • 4 tbsp of powdered white willow bark
      • 2 cups of water
      • 8 drops of honey
    • Instructions:
      • Boil the water on your stove
      • Add in the powdered willow bark and allow it to soak fo 15 minutes
      • Allow the bark time to sit after being removed from the heat
      • Drink this twice a week
  • Mustard Oil
    • Ingredients:
      • 4 tbsp of mustard oil
      • 5 garlic cloves
      • hot water
      • towel
    • Instructions:
      • Heat the water on your stove and add in the garlic cloves
      • Add the rest of the ingredients as well
  • Epsom Salt
    • Ingredients:
      • 2 cups of Epsom salt
      • hot water (bath)
    • Instructions:
      • Pour the Epson salt into your bath
      • Soak your knees
  • Cold Compress
    • Ingredients:
      • 10 ice cubes
      • towel
    • Instructions:
      • Wrap the ice cubes in the towel and use it as an ice pack
  • Eucalyptus Oil
    • Ingredients:
      • 10 drops of eucalyptus oil
      • 10 drops of peppermint oil
      • 4 drops of olive oil
      • a medium size glass bottle
    • Instructions:
      • Put these things in a bottle together and blend them together
      • Keep the bottle away from sunlight
      • Apply this to your knees whenever you are in pain
  • Olive Oil
    • Ingredients:
      • 6 drops of olive oil
    • Instructions:
      • Apply a few drops of this to the knee in pain
  • Dandelion Leaves
    • Ingredients:
      • 6 tbsp of powdered dandelion leaves
      • 2 cups of water
      • 8 drops of honey
    • Instructions:
      • Boil the leaves in a cup of water and add in the honey
      • Strain the liquid
      • Then drink

Now along with these remedies, there are things we should and shouldn’t do in order to prevent knee pain. We should avoid any activities in which a knee is strained as well as high heeled shoes. Eating things high in magnesium is a given as it will promote joint health. If you have thick legs losing a few pounds will help as well. Simple things that can make a huge difference!

Tips for Knee Pain Prevention:

  • Walk for at least 20 minutes a day.
  • Exercise (target knee joints)
  • Stay hydrated!
  • Wear comfy shoes!
  • Get plenty of massages.
  • Avoid smoking as it worsens inflammation.
  • Use heat pads when needed.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.

These are things we should generally do without thinking but sometimes forget. Taking care of our bodies is extremely important. How are you going to get anywhere without your knees? Save them now before it is too late.

Cancer Will Disappear if You Drink This Water Every Day!

by December 15, 2016

Cancers thrive in an acidic environment. If your body is more acidic that increases your risk of developing some sort of cancer.

The key to avoiding cancer is maintaining an alkaline body. This can be achieved through the things we eat and drink. By following the recipe below you will be able to neutralize the acid in your body.

Things Needed:

  • 2 organic lemons
  • 4 liters of purified water
  • 2 tablespoons of Himalayan salt


  • Slice the lemon and add the slices into a glass jar
  • Pour in the purified water
  • Add the salt and close the jar
  • Leave this overnight at room temperature
  • Drink three glasses of this when you wake up each morning on an empty stomach

Doing this will eliminate the chances of cancer from your life and improve your day dramatically. Nothing says good morning like a cancer-ridding drink instead of coffee. Enjoy!

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