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Why You Need to Ignore the Latest Flawed Study Demonizing Coconut Oil

by July 23, 2017

There are many different natural ingredients that can treat our health issues a million times better than pharmaceuticals. However, big pharma refuses to let them get in the way of their money; thus, they released a study demonizing an amazing natural remedy.

The big pharma companies and the food industry work together to keep us unhealthy and make themselves rich off our health issues. Many people are becoming aware of the amazing benefits of coconut oil. More and more people are taking advantage of this amazing ingredient in their beauty regimen, diet, and medicine. However, a recent study released by the American Heart Association demonized the ingredient saying that it’s not as good for you as we thought. However, they failed to mention that the study was funded by a canola oil company and the California Walnut Commission. A little fishy right?

Ever since the study was released the media has gone wild with blacklisting coconut oil and its benefits. There have been many studies performed on this powerful natural ingredient. It was bad, good, then bad again. Many people believe they are just using it as a scapegoat.

The newly released study was titled Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease: a Presidential Advisory from the American Heart Association. The study was funded by pharmaceutical company Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Amgen, and more pharma companies were listed as financially supporting the study. Coincidentally, these companies manufacture drugs that are supposed to manage cholesterol like statins and Repatha. `You might wonder why they would want to even know if coconut oil is good or bad for patients. They would for sure like to market their drugs to the people who have changed their diet to the ‘latest research’.

They study was mainly funded by the Canola Oil Council and the California Walnut Commission. They showed that canola oil and other mono and polyunsaturated fats lower LDL. It obviously isn’t important to mention that canola oil is heavily genetically modified and high in erucic acid – a very long chain fatty acid that disrupts cell membranes and causes heart disease – but nevermind that, right?

The primary focus of the study was to show the effects of fats on LDL cholesterol. The premise is that LDL cholesterol predicts heart disease. Thus, a high level of LDL means you have a higher chance of getting heart disease. However, this isn’t true. Clinical studies have repeatedly shown that 50% of patients who have died from a sudden heart attack had normal LDL levels. Also, lowering LDL cholesterol only reduces the risk of heart disease by 25%.

While eating coconut oil by the spoonful probably isn’t the best idea, it certainly isn’t the biggest threat to your health. Coconut oil has been shown to have tons of different powerful medicinal compounds like lauric acid that increase health. It was reported that the American Heart Association recommends not taking coconut oil. However, the study clearly stated that “clinical trials that compared direct effects on CVD of coconut oil and other dietary oils have not been reported.”

How to Stop A Heart Attack in One Minute

by July 23, 2017

Heart attacks are one of the scariest health complications to experience. They are extremely deadly and dangerous, and time is everything when one occurs. I bet you didn’t know that there is a natural remedy to stop a heart attack within minutes!

If you ever find yourself in a situation where a heart attack occurs it can be terrifying. Whether it’s you or a friend suffering from it, it can be difficult not to panic because it’s really scary! However, there is only one ingredient that you need to save your life from a heart attack – and it’s cayenne pepper.

Healers and natural herbalists claim that they have never lost a patient with a heart attack since they always have cayenne pepper in their pockets. The secret antidote for heart attacks is known by many natural healing and holistic health experts can reverse it in minutes. All you have to do is take one tablespoon of cayenne pepper and pour it over hot water. The patient must drink the remedy immediately. If the person is unconscious you can put a couple drops of cayenne extract under their tongue.

The treatment increases the heart rate and balances the circulation. Cayenne pepper is an amazing catalyst, meaning it can be mixed with many different herbs to double its effect. Cayenne pepper speeds up circulation, stimulates the body, can treat a multitude of issues. People have used cayenne pepper for thousands of years to treat many different health issues including heart issues, female complaints, ulcers, fevers, arthritis, and thyroid problems.

Cayenne pepper contains over 26 different nutrients that increase your overall health. It contains vitamin A and C, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, and Zinc. Cayenne pepper has over 90,000 Scoville units which make it a powerful heart attack treatment. The best way to treat a heart attack using cayenne pepper is in the form of a tincture. Making a cayenne pepper tincture is a simple process that brings about many benefits. It can be made from dried cayenne peppers or cayenne pepper powder.

  • Pack a 1-quart jar tightly with cayenne peppers. Use rubber gloves to keep the capsaicin in the peppers off your fingers. If using cayenne pepper powder, fill the jar half-full.
  • Fill the jar with vodka to within a half-inch of the jar’s top. Use apple cider vinegar or glycerin if you don’t want to use alcohol.
  • Place the lid on the jar and tighten.
  • Store in a cool, dark place for six weeks to two months.
  • Drain the tincture through cheesecloth to remove the peppers from the liquid.
  • Pour the strained tincture into smaller, colored bottles and cap. Be sure to label the bottles. The tincture will keep indefinitely in a cool area.

18 Home Remedies to Banish Pimples in Just Days

by July 22, 2017

The American Academy of Dermatology reports that up to 50 million Americans are affected by acne annually! While many Americans may first experience this skin condition during puberty, it can rear its ugly head at any age or stage of life!

With an estimated $3 billion spent on acne treatments, it is no wonder that many of us are left frustrated, emptying our bank accounts in an effort to win the battle. We have good news! Expensive commercial treatments aren’t your only option!

There are a number of tried, tested and true alternatives using ingredients found in your own home.

Unclog your pores and clean up your skin with these 18 home remedies

1. Garlic

Containing allicin which has strong antibacterial properties, garlic will help to clear your acne quickly and effectively. Crush a single garlic clove, mixing it with water to create a paste. Apply the paste to your acne and allow it to sit for 5 minutes, rinsing it off afterward.

 2. Cucumber

Cucumber does a great job of removing the irritation that you will feel from the appearance of acne. Place a slice of cucumber onto your skin in order to cool and hydrate the area, lower swelling and reduce any discomfort that you may be feeling.

 3. Papaya

An ingredient in many natural beauty products, papaya will work to remove dead skin cells and excess oils, reduce inflammation and prevent future pimples from forming.  Mash up a single papaya into a paste like consistency and apply it to the affected areas, allowing it to sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it from your skin with warm water.

 4. Tea Tree Oil

Both working as an anti-inflammatory and an antiseptic, tea tree oil will help to clean out your pores while also eliminating redness. Dab the oil directly onto your acne and allow it to sit for a couple hours. For best results, use it at night.

 5. Egg Whites

Separating any yolks (you don’t want to use these, only the whites), apply the whites of the egg to the affected areas and allow it to sit for approximately 10 minutes, washing it off when the time has passed. They will work both to reduce inflammation in the area and unclog the pores.

 6. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera can help with your acne in a number of ways – working as an anti-inflammatory, decreasing redness and swelling, and possessing antibacterial properties to clear up your skin. Simply apply the gel directly to the affected area, rubbing it into your skin completely.

 7. Banana

Next time you are enjoying a fresh banana take the peel and rub it onto the spots that have been affected by your acne, massaging gently for approximately 5-10 minutes. Afterward washing your face to remove any residue.

 8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix 1 part apple with 3 parts water to create your own DIY toner. Apply in the same way that you would a commercial toner, soaking a cotton ball and applying it to your face. This will work to rid your face of the bacteria causing the acne.

9. Raw White Potatoes

While potatoes contain a compound called niacin which has been found to work on the appearance of acne marks. Shred a single, raw potato and massage it into your face for 2 minutes.

 10. Honey

Organic honey has been found to carry tremendous antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties! This is why you see so many honey face masks – they can work wonders! Don’t have a honey face mask available? Just place a little bit of honey directly on the pimple and allow it to go to work.

11. Strawberries

Strawberries contain salicylic acid, an ingredient found in many commercial acne treatments. This will work to open clogged pores and neutralize the bacteria responsible for your acne. For best results, mash 3 strawberries, then add a couple teaspoons of honey to the mixture. Apply this to your face and wait 20 minutes before rinsing it off. Repeat this process twice a week for at least a month.

12. Baking Soda

Often used in various skincare treatments, baking soda is a great option for creating an anti-pimple mask that will work wonders! Combine 1 part water and 3 parts baking soda, mixing to create a paste and then apply your mask to your face, massaging it in as you apply it. In order to allow time for the mask to work its magic leave it in place for approximately 5 minutes before washing it off.

13. Toothpaste (Original White Paste)

Don’t try this with the blue gels or other newer, fancier types of toothpaste, this will only work with the original white paste. Apply it to the pimple and allow it to sit for a few hours, washing it off afterward. Do not repeat this too often as it can cause a rash.

14. Lemon Juice

Lemons have a number of great health benefits, two of which will help you in your battle against acne: it is a natural antioxidant and astringent! Apply the juice to your face using a cotton ball and then leave it for the night to give it time to work.

15. Aspirin

If you read up on the ingredients in aspirin you will find that it, like strawberries, contains salicylic acid. Create a paste by crushing an aspirin tablet and adding a bit of water to the resulting powder. Apply this paste to your acne and allow it to sit for 10 minutes, washing it off with warm water when you are finished.

16. Orange Peel

Packed with vitamin C, and possessing a high level of antioxidant properties, don’t dispose of your peel the next time you are enjoying an orange! Instead, grind it up and mix it with a little bit of water, creating a paste. Apply this paste to your face, massaging it into the skin and allow it to sit for 10 minutes before washing it off.

17. Eye Drops

We all know that eye drops can work to reduce the redness in your eyes, but that ability will also carry over to your skin! Soak a cotton ball in the eye drop liquid and then place it in the freezer. If you notice a pimple appearing, grab the cotton ball from your freezer and use it to massage the affected area.

18. Ice

Part of the problem that makes pimples so glaringly obvious is the swelling that occurs when your pores become clogged. Reduce the inflammation by wrapping an ice cube in a clean wash cloth or hand down and applying it to the pimple for approximately 1 minute.

Popular Drugs Linked To Dementia Even At Low Dosage

by July 22, 2017

As a population, we have learned to trust the availability of prescription and over the counter medications for a number of basic ailments, such as allergy, cough and cold medications. A new study out of the University of Washington raises some concerns about many of these popular medications!

Acetylcholine and Mental Function

Acetylcholine is a necessary chemical for brain function. It is required for a number of functions including proper memory, cognitive function, and transmission of nerve impulses. Studies have found that low levels of acetylcholine have been connected with an increased risk of Dementia including Alzheimer’s disease, and overall poor brain function.

In an effort to discover the cause for lowered acetylcholine levels, a number of studies have been conducted looking for a common pattern between those who struggle with dementia with age, and those who do not. One connection that has now come to light is the association between the drug diphenhydramine and reduced acetylcholine activity.

Drugs that contain diphenhydramine include:

  • Benadryl
  • Nytol Sominex
  • Theraflu
  • Triaminic Allergy

Connections have also been drawn to drugs that include tolterodine (Detrol), chlorpheniramine (Aller-Chlor), oxybutynin (Ditropan) and tricyclic antidepressants (such as doxepin and amitriptyline).

Researchers in the 2003 study wrote,

“As the cohort aged, prescription sedative-hypnotic use remained relatively stable, whereas over-the-counter sedative use, principally diphenhydramine, increased substantially. The association of this drug with cognitive impairment in persons without dementia highlights its potential for causing adverse reactions in older adults.”

 A 2006 study titled ‘Non-Degenerative Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly People and Use of Anticholinergic Drugs: Longitudinal Cohort Study’ assessed the potential connection between the use of anticholinergic drugs and the increase in cognitive impairment in an elderly study group.

The study followed a group of 372 people over the age of 60 without signs of dementia from 63 randomly selected practices in the Montpellier region of southern France. The results of the study found that “9.2% of subjects continuously used anticholinergic drugs during the year before cognitive assessment. Compared with non-users, they had poorer performance on reaction time, attention, delayed non-verbal memory, narrative recall, visuospatial construction, and language tasks but not on tasks of reasoning, immediate and delayed recall of word lists, and implicit memory.”

Specifically looking at the connection between the drug use and cognitive impairment, the study went on to explain, “80% of the continuous users were classified as having mild cognitive impairment compared with 35% of non-users, and anticholinergic drug use was a strong predictor of mild cognitive impairment.”

With this data emerging it is more important than ever that we, as a population, educate ourselves on the risks associated with all medications that we are taking. It is also recommended users of these drugs consider the potential risk of long-term exposure.

A Diet Checklist for Each Blood Type to Improve Your Heart Health

by July 22, 2017

The CDC reports that approximately 610,000 Americans die of heart disease every year. With rates this high, it is important to educate ourselves on the risk factors and what we can do to protect ourselves. One development that has been gaining in popularity is the use of the blood type diet in order to promote optimal heart health.

The blood type diet was first popularized by Peter D’Adamo, a naturopathic physician. Having spent his career studying medical history, genetics and anthropology. His theory stated that the antigens responsible for determining our blood type also impact the way in which our bodies digest a specific food protein called lectins.

He argued that the foods that are best for each specific blood type were determined based on when that blood type evolved during the course of human history, specifically looking at what foods early man was eating at that specific point in time.  Knowing what this meant for you individually would empower you to eat the ‘right’ foods, promoting optimal health, or fall into the habit of eating the ‘wrong’ foods which would lead to both weight gain and a list of potential health problems.

Find your blood type below and learn what foods are recommended for you!


Blood Type A

If your blood type is A, you would benefit from consuming soy foods and plant sources in order to ensure that you are getting your recommended protein intake. While you shouldn’t rely too heavily on it, including a cold-water fish in your diet each week will also carry a number of benefits. When choosing your fruits and vegetables, stick with those that are high in antioxidants and fiber.

Limit your grain consumption, and eliminate wheat entirely if you currently have a heart condition, diabetes or are overweight. Red meats are hard for you to digest and should also be eliminated from your diet. While cultured dairy foods are beneficial, limit the number of fresh milk products.


Blood Type B

­When selecting your meat products, choose only high quality, lean, organic meats several times a week, substituting a cold-water fish regularly. This will allow you to increase strength and energy, promote good digestive health, improve cardiac health and lower your cholesterol. Eat plenty of beneficial fruits and vegetables as well as nuts and dried fruits.

If you are not used to eating dairy products it is important that you don’t jump into them too quickly. Gradually introduce them into your diet beginning with cultured dairy foods such as yogurt and kefir.

There are a number of foods that have been found to be detrimental for those with blood type B including chicken, corn, buckwheat, peanuts, lentils, wheat and wheat-based products and potatoes.


Blood Type AB

For your primary protein sources stick with soy foods and seafood, breaking it up with cold-water fish each week. Include beneficial fruits and vegetables with every meal, especially those that are high in fiber and antioxidants.

Limit your consumption of fresh milk products as they will cause you to experience excess mucus. You should also avoid red meat as it is incredibly difficult for you to digest. While you can enjoy grains occasionally, avoid wheat products if you currently have heart disease.


Blood Type O

Stick to small to moderate portions of meat several times each week in order to increase strength, energy and your overall digestive health. For best results, prepare your meat medium to rare. Fish is also a great form of protein, providing your body with oils which have been found to lower cholesterol, improve cardiac health and support thyroid function. Alongside your protein sources, be sure to consume a lot of beneficial fruits and vegetables!

There are several foods that those with Blood Type O do not digest properly, ultimately increasing your risk of a number of health conditions including metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. Limit your consumption of wheat and wheat based products, dairy products and beans.

Gynecologist Gives 10 Reasons Women Should Quit Taking Birth Control Pills

by July 22, 2017

With 4 out of every 5 sexually experienced American women having used the pill at some point in their lives, it is one of the widest reaching health discussions in today’s society. Having been viewed as one of the safest and most reliable options available to women for a long time, experts are now beginning to question how much women actually know about the pills that they are including in their daily routine!

Dr. Sara Gottfried is a Harvard-trained MD with over 20 years of experience as a practicing gynecologist, and the award-winning author of ‘The Hormone Cure’ and ‘The Hormone Reset Diet.’ After working in the field and experiencing the impact of birth control on women first hand she began to dig further into what these pills may be doing to our bodies, and the results were shocking. She has now made it her mission to share this information and educate women on the lies that the pharmaceutical industry has been hiding.

Gottfried points at the concern of hormonal imbalances, and how these pills disturb the natural hormonal balance in the body. When asked about her concerns regarding the use of birth controls, she said:

“I wish more women were forewarned and received full informed consent before picking up their monthly packets at the pharmacy. I would even call oral contraceptives the biggest hormone problem for women, and yet it’s iatrogenic – prescribed by clinicians and considered by most to be relatively risk-free, at least that’s what the pharmaceutical companies would like you to believe. They say BCPs are safer than being pregnant, but that’s not the right comparison when it comes to a woman’s quality of life, mood, confidence, agency, libido, and lubrication.”

An industry once focused on the development and scientific innovations of contraceptives for women has now shifted its focus, as described in a study by Elizabeth Siegel, Ph.D. Her analysis, published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2012, revealed that the industry is now allowing marketing decisions to become the key decision maker for how contraceptive products are being positioned in our society. She wrote,

“Although birth control has been pitched in the United States as an individual solution, rather than a public health strategy, the purpose of oral contraceptives was understood by manufacturers, physicians, and consumers to be the prevention of pregnancy, a basic health care need for women. Since 1990, the content of that message has changed, reflecting a shift in the drug industry’s view of the contraception business.”

Knowing that the pharmaceutical industry is viewing contraceptives through their marketing glasses, focusing on the dollars and cents of the industry instead of the science and medicine itself, it is no wonder that they are not forthright with the many concerns that these pills carry.

Here are 12 facts that all women should know about hormonal birth control:

  • Each contraceptive pill carries its own balance of hormones; however, most birth control pills work by overwhelming the natural estrogen levels in a woman’s body with testosterone. Even more concerning than the imbalance while taking the pill is that many experts are now saying your hormone levels may take decades before returning to normal!
  • Birth control pills have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and cervical cancers.
  • A number of birth controls containing drospirenone, a synthetic version of progestin, have been found to significantly worsen PMS symptoms.
  • Many brands of birth control pill use lactose as an inactive filler. With the high presence of lactose intolerance in the American population, this will have a negative impact on a large portion of the female population.
  • While experts aren’t clear on how exactly BCP’s impact the body’s ability to absorb vitamins, it has been found to lower the absorption rate of vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 (folate), B12, C and E as well as copper, magnesium, selenium, and zinc.
  • Birth controls have been connected with an increased risk of osteoporosis, thinning the bones of those who take them.
  • High hormone levels in birth control pills increase the activity of Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG) in the body which lowers the levels of thyroid hormones available for use in the body.
  • Birth control pills have been found to increase fluid retention in the body, leaving you feeling bloated and heavier than you were prior to taking the pill.
  • Many hormonal birth controls will significantly increase the testosterone levels in the body. High testosterone levels have been connected with lowered sex drives, painful intercourse, and vaginal dryness. Studies have found that this problem may be impacting as many as 40% of women, however, it is a discussion that has been considered taboo, causing many to face these symptoms in silence.
  • A number of birth control pill variations have been found to increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis and blood clots.
  • Due to the long-term impact on the body’s hormone levels, birth control pills have been found to carry a risk for a woman’s ability to conceive long after they stop taking the pills.
  • Despite the fact this is rarely made known to those who rely on birth control pills, it has been long known in the scientific community that both ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease have been found to be more common among women who are currently using oral contraceptives.

For more information about hormonal imbalances, and how to take care of your hormonal health watch this video of Dr. Sara Gottfried at the Women’s Wellness Conference:

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