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How to Build a Root Cellar and How It Can Benefit You

by September 1, 2017

We have been blessed with an abundance of modern day conveniences, technology, and advancements that make your lives considerably easier each day. The presence of telephones, microwaves, computers, and televisions have forever changed the way that we live our lives. While many of us couldn’t imagine life without these modern-day conveniences, there is one group of people who have decided to explore the freedom of living life off the grid and self-sustained.

These individuals are calling all their modern-day conveniences into question, exploring their options and discovering ways to return to a more ‘minimalistic’ way of living. For some, this means giving up some of the frills and conveniences, such as living life without a television or skipping the microwave in favor of cooking all their food in an actual oven. For others, this is a challenge to cut back on even bigger conveniences in our lives, including exploring the idea of life without freezers or refrigerators.

Before refrigeration was standard in all homes, our ancestors were able to store a number of different vegetables throughout the winter months, allowing them to maintain a healthy and well-rounded standard of living through the use of a root cellar.

If you are growing your own food and interested in a storage alternative without having to put the work into canning your entire harvest, a root cellar may be a great option for consideration!

The Farmer’s Almanac published an article discussing how to create a number of different root cellars, each with their own pros and cons. In order for any of them to work, they must be able to hold a temperature of 32 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and a humidity level of 85 to 95%. This may be more conducive to some areas than others, so it is important to take your climate into consideration.

How to Build a Garbage Can Root Cellar

You Will Need:

a metal garbage can or barrel capable of keeping water out


  1. Dig a hole that is slightly larger than the diameter of the garbage can or barrel that you have chosen, and deep enough that it will sit with the lid approximately 4 inches above the level of the soil.
  2. Pile the displaced dirt back into the hole around the garbage can or barrel, packing it in firmly.
  3. Add straw your root cellar with the crops as you are putting them in.
  4. When you close the root cellar, cover the lid with straw or mulch to insulate it, and then place a sheet of plastic over top to keep everything dry.

This style of root cellar has been found effective to store a variety of root vegetables throughout even the coldest winter weather. In order to ensure that your root cellar is working correctly, including a thermometer and a hygrometer to measure both the temperature and humidity.


Vegetables that will Store Well in This Style of Root Cellar Include:

  • Beets
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Dry Beans (in dry containers with tight lids)
  • Leeks
  • Parsnips
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Turnips

15 Earliest Warning Signs of Cancer in the Body

by September 1, 2017

The National Cancer Institute reports that an approximately 1,685,210 Americans were diagnosed with cancer in 2016. It has been said that with the reaches of cancer within our country, everyone will be impacted in some way, whether they face the diagnosis of a friend, family member or are diagnosed personally. In fact, they report that 39.6% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime.

Cancer doesn’t discriminate, with Americans of all ages, races, and geographic locations. While we can’t pin point exactly what causes every type of cancer in order to effectively, we can arm ourselves with an in depth understanding of the most common signs and symptoms. This, coupled with knowing and listening to our bodies will empower us to recognize and identify cancer early, increasing our chances of stopping the disease in its tracks.

If you are experiencing any number of these symptoms simultaneously, or have any other reason to believe that you are at risk for cancer, it is recommended that you seek medical attention as soon as possible.

15 Common Early Warning Signs of Cancer Include:


  1. Diarrhea and Loose Stool

Experts say that as many as 1 in 10 cancer patients experience diarrhea, making it a relatively common symptom of a number of different forms of this disease. You should seek medical advice if you find that you are experiencing loose and/or watery stools or abdominal pain for an extended period of time.


  1. Difficulty Swallowing

Difficulty in your ability to swallow should always be taken seriously. Short-term this may indicate damage to your esophagus or some form of infection. If this continues for weeks, it may indicate esophageal cancer.


  1. Feeling Full or Decreased Ability to Eat

If you notice significant changes in your eating habits, it is important to stop and consider what may be causing it. If you find that you are experiencing a significant decrease in your appetite, feeling full quicker than usual or a decreased ability to eat this may be a sign of ovarian cancer.


  1. Blood in Your Stool or Urine

If you notice blood in either your stool or your urine, you should speak with a medical professional to ensure that you aren’t dealing with anything serious. This may be a sign of bladder cancer, prostate cancer, bowel cancer or tumors. This may also indicate that you have anemia, a reduction in the number of red blood cells, which is an indicator of bowel cancer.


  1. Lasting Sores or Ulcers

When we develop sores or ulcers, the human body is designed to recognize and trigger the healing process. If this healing doesn’t occur and the open sore or ulcer lasts longer than 2 weeks, then this is an indication that something is not operating correctly within the body. Signs of oozing or bleeding easily are also important warning signs to pay attention to.


  1. Heartburn and Indigestion

Both heartburn and indigestions are relatively common problems, particularly after eating a large meal, or something that is overly fatty in nature. These symptoms become a point of concern when they occur continuously for days on end.


  1. Changes in Urinary Habits

Anytime that you are experiencing a change in your regular urinary habits, this indicates that something within your body has changed. This includes frequent urination, low or slow urine flow, or feelings of sudden urgency. This may be a sign of either prostate or bladder cancer.


  1. Croaky or Raspy Voice

Experiencing a hoarse voice is likely nothing new, a common occurrence with a number of cold type bugs and infections, however, if you notice that it is continuing for weeks and your usual go to solutions aren’t working,  this may be a sign of Laryngeal cancer.


  1. Night Sweats

If you are experiencing sweating during the night this may be due to a reaction to specific medications or as a result of some form of infection within the body. If, however, your sweating becomes severe, to the point of drenching your sheets and clothing, this may indicate lymphoma.


  1. Feelings of Weakness and Fatigue

While fatigue is a symptom that can be associated with a number of different diseases and illnesses, when it is associated with cancer it is extreme and is generally combined with a number of the other listed symptoms.


  1. Unexplained Weight Loss

An incredibly common symptom of a number of cancers, including esophagus, pancreas, lung and stomach cancers, if you experience the loss of 10 lbs or more without any change in your lifestyle or eating habits you should speak with a medical professional.


  1. Breathlessness

When you are physically exerting yourself, it is not uncommon to find yourself feeling breathless, however, if you notice that this is coming on more often or with less activity than usual it may be a sign of something bigger. Experts say that approximately 50-70% of all cancer patients report this symptom.


  1. Bloating

Bloating that comes and goes may simply be due to a diet trigger, however, if you experience bloating that remains for a period of 3 or more weeks this may be a warning sign of stomach or ovarian cancer.


  1. Prolonged Pain

When cancer is developing within the body it begins to destroy the healthy tissues. As it continues to grow, tumor and cancerous growths can put pressure on various parts of the body such as the bones, organs, and nerves causing ongoing pain and discomfort.


  1. Vaginal Bleeding Between Periods

If you are experiencing any bleeding between periods, post-menopause or after having sex, this indicates that something is wrong and should be looked at by a medical professional. This could indicate uterine cancer.

Are You Eating Avocados Wrong? Here’s What the Experts Have to Say

by September 1, 2017

The Internet has opened up the doors of communication, allowing us to access information from around the world in a matter of seconds with the click of a button. While, on one hand, this has provided us with a powerful tool to stay updated on the latest information, research, and developments, there is one significant draw back to the Internet – the fact it is almost too easy to put information out there.

When someone wants to put information out on the internet, there is no fact checking process and no one is ensuring that their information is true, complete and accurate before making it readily available. For this reason, it is imperative that we take the time to thoroughly research the information that we come across to ensure that it is complete and accurate.

One recent trend sweeping the world of healthy living is the nutritional benefits of avocado in our diets. Viewed as one of the world’s available ‘super foods,’ health conscious individuals are enjoying avocado on their toast, in smoothies and as part of their dessert choices. Packed with nutritional value, the avocado has been associated with promoting heart health, preventing high cholesterol and protecting our vision.

A number of websites are now pointing to preliminary studies regarding the consumption of the pit, claiming that the seed ‘makes up to 70% of the nutritional benefits’ of the avocado. While the information isn’t ‘inaccurate,’ these sites are missing a number of important facts for consideration.

The studies being shared at this point are largely preliminary. This doesn’t mean that the information is invalid, however, further research is needed before it should be considered to be the word of authority on a given subject. Another point to consider is that there are no studies that we were able to locate that had been tested on humans at this point. It is also important to note that the studies focus on the use of avocado seed extract, and so the method of preparing/consuming the seed should be taken into consideration.

While some groups have previously used avocado seeds, or their extracts, for medicinal purposes throughout their history, such as parts of South America or Africa, there are also studies questioning the safety of long-term consumption. A 2013 study published in ‘Scientific World Journal’ focusing on the effects of consumption on mice found that higher doses of avocado seed extract were actually toxic to the animals!

In an effort to clear up the information circulating the Internet, the California Avocado Commission published a blog on the topic. In this post, they wrote:

“While this is presently a very popular topic and there is a body of evidence looking at extracts of the avocado seed, the fact is there is not enough research to support consuming an avocado seed. The purported health benefits and risks of avocado seed intake are poorly characterized.

As stated in a 2013 research study by Pennsylvania State University, ‘although the currently available data is promising, for most indications, it remains very preliminary and further studies are needed’ and ‘In addition, the safety of the various extracts of the avocado seeds must be assessed in order to more fully estimate the usefulness of this resource.’”

While there may come a time that avocado seed extract is found to be the miracle solution to a number of our health and nutrition concerns, at this time it would be premature to state that is an incredible health find that these sites are claiming it to be. It is recommended that we wait on further research before running to add avocado seed to our daily diets!

This is How Headaches Reveal What is Wrong With Your Health (And How To Cure It Naturally)

by August 31, 2017

Headaches are an awful thing to have in general! However, they get especially bad when they are recurring and varying intensities. But did you know that your headaches could be an indicator of something else wrong with your body?

There are all kinds of different types of headaches, and each one has a different cause, effect, and symptoms. Headaches are extremely common these days, and people continue to temporarily treat them using over the counter pain relievers or NSAIDS. NSAIDS, better known as ibuprofen, poses intense threats for your liver and other vital organs you don’t want to be messing around with. I know headaches are extremely painful, and you’ll do just about anything to get rid of it, but medication will only make things worse. You need to address the root of your headache.

As explained by Dr. Sakib Qureshi MD, a world class neurologist, headaches can be very often manifested by ‘red light’ warning signals. He says that you need to learn how to separate between common headaches and a headache that might be a sign of a much larger health condition. The four most common headaches we see today are actually indicators for something else wrong in the body. You have to address that if you ever want real relief.

Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches are a result of sinus inflammation. This can cause severe pain and can be brought along by infection or a cold. It leads to a pressure that can be felt on the cheeks and forehead. You may also suffer from a fever. To treat this you need to consume as many liquids as you can. Consume foods high in vitamin C like oranges and green tea.

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, and most likely the most annoying. They come in forms of constant pressure or pain around the head, back of the head, neck, and temples. You can treat this by combining peppermint oil and ginger tea to reduce the pain. Apply it to the base of the neck and hairline.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are recurring headaches in cycles or intervals. They are indicated by pressure above one eye in common cases. It can also suddenly lead to severe pain in one side of your head. The cause is not specified, but capsaicin cream works well for treating them. They are based from cayenne pepper, with nerve calming compounds.


Migraines might be the worst kind of headache to suffer from. They include numerous different neurological symptoms, commonly known by nausea, dizziness, vomiting, visual disturbances, light, sound, and smell sensitivity, and radiating pain. It has been shown that many migraine patients benefit from the use of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 (riboflavin), and magnesium.

Stores Are Pulling Nutella After Report Links It To Cancer

by August 28, 2017

Many people are obsessed with Nutella hazelnut spread, but this study will change your mind. While it is tasty, it might also be causing cancer.


Nutella is a popular hazelnut spread that goes well on top of waffles, toast, or between two slices of regular white bread. Many people obsess over it because of its creamy, chocolatey taste. However, Nutella is being removed from store shelves because of a report that states it could be causing cancer. According to the report, its key ingredient Palm Oil has been linked to cancer.

Coop is one of Italy’s largest grocery chains and they have stopped selling the creamy spread. The European Food Safety Authority released a report in May 2016 saying that palm oil in spreads such as Nutella was more likely to have carcinogenic components than other vegetable oils. The list includes glycidyl fatty acid.

The report found that palm oil becomes more carcinogenic when heated above 392 F, or 200 degrees C. Consumers don’t consume the spread heated, however, the companies cook palm oil at high temperatures to burn off the red coloring it has naturally. Ferrero, the maker of Nutella told Reuters their process does not reach that high temperature. While there does still need to be further research conducted to know its affect on humans, it’s probably safest to not consume it.

Nutella isn’t the only food that contains palm oil either. This dangerous ingredient can be found in baking mixes for cakes and cookies, ice cream. It is even in Ben and Jerry’s and Clover branded ice cream. However, Nutella seems to be taking one for the so well hidden team.

How to Boost Brain Performance and Prevent Dementia Using No- or Low-Cost Strategies

by August 28, 2017

The human brain is powerful and capable of many things. There are many ways to strengthen your brain performance too. Whether you do it by supplementation, training, exercising, or playing a game!

Brain games are a puzzle like games that are organized to enhance your cognitive performance. They work by challenging you in an intellectual way. There are many different ways to increase the health of your thinker, and many reasons you’d want to do so. Alzheimer’s and Dementia cases are rising and you don’t want to take part in them. Alzheimer’s already affects 5.4 million Americans.

One of the most crucial things you have to do to keep your brain healthy is by eating healthily. A healthy diet Just asks Dr. David Perlmutter, a board-certified neurologist. In the interview below he shares his findings on his own core strategies in protecting his brain, boosting brain performance and dramatically reducing the risk of getting Alzheimer’s Disease. He is also an award winning author of a New York Times bestseller, The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan: Boost Brain Performance, Lose Weight, and Achieve Optimal Health.  

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