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18 Signs Your Lymphatic System is Clogged and 10 Ways to Get it Moving Again

by July 25, 2017

Do you feel like you have been dealing with one health complication after the other? We often start feeling a little muggy, but it should never last for longer than a couple weeks, if that.

If you have felt rather crappy for an extensive amount of time you aren’t alone. Many people these days are unaware of the negative effects of the food and medications we consume. There are ingredients all around us that are toxic for our health, yet we are forced to consume them anyways. If you have felt rather crappy for more than a month there is a huge chance that your lymphatic system is clogged.

The lymphatic systems runs parallel to the circulatory system. It contain hundreds of lymphatic vessels and bean shaped nodes located throughout the body. The system carries clear fluid known as lymph all throughout the body. Lymphatic fluid helps deliver vital white blood cells throughout the body to help fight disease. Lymph fluid is also where toxins are deposited from the bod to be filtered through the lymph nodes. Sometimes, our lymphatic system can become clogged with these toxin deposits and cause a world of health issues. When your lymphatic system is clogged it can make it impossible to feel better even on your best days!

Symptoms of A Clogged Lymphatic System:

  • Bloating
  • Swelling in your fingers/rings fitting more tightly
  • Brain fog
  • Digestive issues
  • Parasites
  • Depression
  • Sinus infections
  • Skin problems/dry and or itchy skin
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Feeling sore or stiff when you wake up in the morning
  • Unexplained injuries
  • Excess weight
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Constipation
  • Worsened allergies
  • Food sensitivities
  • Increased colds and flu

There are many natural ways that you can increase the performance of your lymphatic system, and no, it’s not with a pharmaceutical detox pill. Simply following these 11 instructions can completely change your lymphatic system and make you feel like a brand new person.


Exercising is good for basically everything, we know this. However, this is the best way to approach a toxic lymphatic system. The movement of bouncing up and down on a trampoline is ideal for stimulating lymph flow.

Hot and Cold Showers

A good steamy shower never hurt anyone, in fact, it’s my go-to stress reliever. Hot water dilates your blood vessels and cold water contracts them. The alterations between hot and cold showers are great for stimulating lymph flow. It creates a pumping action forcing any stagnant fluid out of the system.

Dry Brushing

You can use a dry bristle brush to rub dry skin in a circular motion before taking a bath. Starting with your feet, brush your entire body before taking a shower. Be sure to get your armpits and crevices where lymph nodes like to hide. Dry brushing stimulates enhances lymphatic performance.

Drink Enough Water

Water is crucial in all of our bodily processes. It is essential to good health and a healthy lymphatic system. You can actively clear toxins out of your system by consuming enough clean water. You don’t want all that fluoridated stuff.

Avoid Restrictive Clothing

Restrictive clothing can get in the way of proper lymph flow. Tight clothing can cause occurrences of blockages and build ups of toxins in different areas of your body. Women who wear tight bras might have problems around their axillary lymph node area. Tight fitting underwear could result in future problems in the inguinal lymph node area.

Take Deep Breaths

Deep breaths are good for everything including stress relief, heart rate, blood pressure, and in this case, increasing lymph function. Deep breaths help your pump your lymph properly.

Eat Lymph Enhancing Foods

Some lymph enhancing foods are ground flaxseed, algae, brazil nuts, walnuts, seaweed, and almonds.

Avoid Everything That Causes Lymph Stagnation

It is hard for your lymphatic system to stay functioning properly when we constantly pollute our bodies with toxins. We consume so many toxic ingredients these days it is unreal and unrealistic to even expect our lymphatic systems to be healthy. You’ll need to avoid:

• Conventionally raised meat
• Conventional dairy
• Refined grains
• Baked foods
• Soy
• Sugar
• Table salt
• Artificial sweeteners
• Preservatives and additives
• Processed foods

Consume Lymph Stimulating Herbs

There are several different herbs that can be used to increase your lymphatic flow. They are:

• Parsley
• Astragalus
• Pokeroot
• Echinacea
• Wild indigo root
• Cilantro
• Red clover

Sugar Is As Addictive As Cocaine—And The Withdrawal Is Just As Real. A Doctor Explains Exactly How To Deal With It

by July 25, 2017

Today there is sugar hidden in literally everything. It surrounds us from almost every single direction, junk food or not.

We should all be well aware that sugar is really bad for us. It causes a world of health issues for us and it is awful for basically every part of our body. However, new studies show that it is extremely addictive too; just as much as cocaine to be specific. Dr. Nicole Avena of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai tells the Huffington post that pizza is the most addictive food by far because of the hidden sugar you’ll find in just a single slice.

Dr. Avena found that sugar in Oreo’s, pizza, chips, and other cookies is just as addictive as cocaine. She found that behaviors and attitudes toward some foods closely mirror addiction patterns. The most addictive foods are the ones that are high on the glycemic index. “Several studies really do suggest that highly-palatable, highly-processed foods can produce behaviors and changes in the brain that one would use to diagnose an addiction, like drugs and alcohol,” Avena says.

Cardiologist Dr. James O’Keefe says sugar contributes to cardiovascular disease, as well as liver disease, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease.

“When we eat wheat flour and sugar in processed foods, spikes our sugar, then insulin. Those are the hormonal disturbances that make you store belly fat, and then you are hungry for more sweets and starchy junk food,” O’Keefe told KCTV. According to him, it can take six weeks to kick a sugar addiction and you can experience strong cravings almost like a drug withdrawal.

According to O’Keefe, we should be eating as many fruits and vegetables as possible. He recommends a back to basics diet, “Lots of vegetables, lots of fruits and nuts, berries and fish, chicken breast and water and sparkling water,” O’Keefe said. “I’ll tell you they are not happy. Had to get rid of cereal, Pop Tarts, and crackers.”

One of the most effective ways to deal with sugar withdrawals is using almond butter and coconut oil to keep your blood sugar stable. You can keep packets of almond butter with you in your bag or wallet. Feed yourself a spoonful of almond butter every few hours while you’re awake. Take some before bed, and if you wake up with sugar cravings, take some more!

You Probably Didn’t Know This: You Should Never Eat Cucumbers and Tomatoes in the Same Salad!

by July 25, 2017

All natural fruits and vegetables are good for you, but you might not be aware that you’re not supposed to mix certain ones! Take cucumbers and tomatoes for example.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are awesome for our body. They are both packed full of water, antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins. However, you’re not supposed to mix them at the same time! This is because one of them has a fast digestion rate, and the other one has a slow digestion rate! When we consume foods with such a difference in digestion rates it causes a lot of side effects. The lighter ingredient will end up passing in the intestine as the first one is completely digested.  The results in the fermentation of the food in your stomach, making it potentially poisonous to you!

Experts warn that cucumbers and tomatoes are not compatible and should never be consumed together. This is a shock because these two ingredients are very popular in American salads. According to the experts, when these 2 ingredients reach the stomach a fermentation process begins. This releases acid into the abdominal cavity for digestion and can cause numerous digestive issues.

They also say that eating fruits after vegetables is not a good idea. This is because fruits need a lot of time to be digested and should never remain in your digestive system for too long. Eating them after a meal can result in fermented wine in your stomach that can lead to acid reflux and other digestive issues.

Another thing we Americans do quite often that we shouldn’t do at all is mixing meats and cheese. Mixing meats and cheese is terrible for your digestive system. They say you should choose only one protein per meal. You should also never mix bread and noodles with orange juice. This is because the acid content can destroy the enzyme responsible for starch digestion.

So, there you have it – you should never make your salads with cucumbers and tomatoes again. Who knew that two very nutritious foods could have such a negative effect on your digestive system. A prime example of why we should all stay informed on the latest health news.

So, What’s So Unique About Type O Blood?

by July 25, 2017

You might have heard before that people with type O blood are extremely rare and unique. Well, if you have an O type blood this why you stand out from the rest of the world!

Physically speaking, people with type O blood are at more risk for certain health issues. Type O people are more prone to ulcers, thyroid conditions, low hormone levels, and iodine deficiency. It’s easier for type O people to become obese and acquire water retention and tumors. However, they play an extraordinarily important role in society today – They have immense leadership energy.

People with type O blood have an extraordinary leadership energy that can be beneficial in any environment. They tend to stay focused and have some of the best personality traits. When they are stressed out they can easily become angry, frustrated, impulsive, and hyperactive. They are some of the most responsible and committed people out there. They are very organized and focused people, many people even believe them to be more logical. Legend has it that people with type O blood have ancestors that were hunters.

People with type O blood do not have A or B antigen proteins in their blood. Individuals having type o blood are Rh positive. Type O blood is a great resource to have in time of emergency though. O blood transfusions are accepted by people with O positive or O negative blood, A positive or negative, B positive and negative, AB positive or negative. However, O negative blood can only be transfused with other O negatives.

People having type O blood naturally produce a greater amount of stomach acid. The recommended diet for O blood is consuming plenty of lean meats, fish, and poultry along with fruits and vegetables. A diet high in protein is best for those who have ) type blood.

Japanese cultures and other Asian countries believe there is a direct correlation between blood type and personality. The claim involves the presence and quantities of certain hormones that vary in blood types. Adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones signal the sympathetic system to go into a fight or flight mode.

If you have type O blood you probably suffer from a health disorder, but you never let it get in the way of your daily living. People with Type O blood are strong individuals who look to lead anyone they can in the correct direction. Sound familiar? Maybe you’re an O blood!

6 Active Ways to Build Mental Strength

by July 25, 2017

In today’s world, it has become too easy to get caught up in materialistic ideas and standards. Today we are not only declining in physical health, but many of us are suffering from decreased mental health.

Today’s world can be extremely stressful. We are always so busy with our 9-5 schedules, and fulfilling our responsibilities at home, that we often forget to take time out for ourselves. I mean, it’s hard to do. We’re the busiest generation ever. If you’ve been feeling down and maybe a little depressed lately, it’s okay. There are many things you can do to naturally increase your mental health. You don’t have to go to a doctor and get prescribed a mood stabilizer and an antidepressant to be happy, no matter what all the commercials say. That’s all a money scheme. All you have to do is follow these easy and natural tips.

Walk to Reduce Depression

Scientists have shown us in many different studies that physical activity can have an astounding effect on your mental health. Just fifteen minutes of hiking per day can literally change your brain. Many psychiatrists and physicians say that walking every day is one of the easiest things to do to reduce depression. Studies show that 200 minutes of walking per week, (30 Minutes a day), can reduce depression and improve your overall quality of life.


I know what you’re thinking, I sound just like a mom. However, smiling through the pain really has amazing benefits. Of course, you should never ignore your hurt and bottle it up. But it is extremely good for you to remain optimistic even through the hard times. Studies show that smiling influences your physical state heavily. It can decrease your heart rate during a stressful time. You might even go as far as making a joke during a bad time to lighten things up. It has a bigger impact than you think.

Practice Breathing

Mindful breathing has tons of different benefits. It can increase your physical health as well as your mental health. Simply allowing things to flow and focus on your breathing can change everything. Deep breaths have been shown to significantly improve your mental state by research. Studies also show that people who multitask have trouble taking tests and performing concentrated activities. Taking deep breaths can provide an immediate boost in focus and help you improve your performance.

Do Yoga

Yoga has amazing benefits for the body, mind, and soul. It can even be utilized to deal with symptoms of PTSD. Yoga increases the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that can counteract anxiety and other psychiatric emotions such as PTSD triggers.

Lift Weights

Lifting weights increase your physical health by building muscle and improving circulation. But it can also help you mentally because of the small goals consisted in the practice. When we do 15 reps instead of 10 it can make us feel a lot better about ourselves. Studies show that setting small goals throughout the day can make you much happier and more self-fulfilled.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

It is totally normal to have sad and down days. We all have them, and in today’s world, we too often try to be perfect. One constant state of happiness does not exist – so stop trying for it. It’s always okay to not be okay. But it’s more important to be able to pick yourself up and move on. That’s what really matters.

Change Your Thoughts and Transform Your Health By Using The Power of Consciousness to Heal

by July 24, 2017

No matter what health issue you suffer from in today’s world, a doctor will always prescribe you a pill to cure you of whatever symptoms you may have. 

Big pharma has ideally created a drug that will solve any medical issue that we suffer from. However, for some reason, a number of health issues such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are only rising. This isn’t a coincidence either. However, you never needed their pills in the first place. People survived for thousands of years off of just the ingredients mother nature supplied them with – and today we have the technology to know which ingredients to use for what, and we have more access than anyone ever did. However, many people cured themselves of disease using an innate wisdom from their true selves.

It sounds a lot more complicated than it is. It works like this: if you believe you’re going to feel better, you will. Same for vice versa: if you think you’re going to feel worse, you probably will. Sometimes in today’s society, it is easy to get caught up in a victim mentality. When we get in this mentality we wait around and expect someone to fix us. Of course, this fixer never comes about so we live our entire lives thinking that we are plagued with an unfixable silent we never asked for.

Thinking positively empowers us to let the universe flow freely through us. It makes us accountable for our own lives and allows us to create healthy lifestyle choices. Being healthy requires self-appreciation, and if we are constantly thinking about what’s wrong with us and how it is impossible to fix it.

In today’s society, we are constantly exposing ourselves to our stress hormones. Positive thinking has been scientifically proven to decrease levels of stress hormones in the body. The meaning we give to treatment will affect us through the placebo effect. There is no wrong or right way to feel or think.

Life is not completely controlled by external forces. We do have control over our own lives and the way we feel, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. We have the power to give ourselves more credit than we do, so take advantage of that! We have the power to create disease and promote health in our life. Which will you choose?

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